], function ($, Config, ApiConfig, UIElements, UI, Hash, Util, Feedback, h,
MessengerUI, Messages) {
var Common;
var Bar = {
constants: {},
// Toolbar parts
var TOOLBAR_CLS = Bar.constants.toolbar = 'cp-toolbar';
var TOP_CLS = Bar.constants.top = 'cp-toolbar-top';
var LEFTSIDE_CLS = Bar.constants.leftside = 'cp-toolbar-leftside';
var RIGHTSIDE_CLS = Bar.constants.rightside = 'cp-toolbar-rightside';
var DRAWER_CLS = Bar.constants.drawer = 'cp-toolbar-drawer-content';
var HISTORY_CLS = Bar.constants.history = 'cp-toolbar-history';
// Userlist
var USERLIST_CLS = Bar.constants.userlist = "cp-toolbar-users";
// Top parts
var USER_CLS = Bar.constants.userAdmin = "cp-toolbar-user";
var SPINNER_CLS = Bar.constants.spinner = 'cp-toolbar-spinner';
var LIMIT_CLS = Bar.constants.limit = 'cp-toolbar-limit';
var TITLE_CLS = Bar.constants.title = "cp-toolbar-title";
var NEWPAD_CLS = Bar.constants.newpad = "cp-toolbar-new";
var LINK_CLS = Bar.constants.link = "cp-toolbar-link";
var NOTIFICATIONS_CLS = Bar.constants.user = 'cp-toolbar-notifications';
// User admin menu
var USERADMIN_CLS = Bar.constants.user = 'cp-toolbar-user-dropdown';
var USERNAME_CLS = Bar.constants.username = 'cp-toolbar-user-name';
/*var READONLY_CLS = */Bar.constants.readonly = 'cp-toolbar-readonly';
var USERBUTTON_CLS = Bar.constants.changeUsername = "cp-toolbar-user-rename";
// Create the toolbar element
var uid = function () {
return 'cp-toolbar-uid-' + String(Math.random()).substring(2);
var createRealtimeToolbar = function (config) {
if (!config.$container) { return; }
var $container = config.$container;
var isEmbed = Bar.isEmbed = config.metadataMgr.getPrivateData().isEmbed;
if (isEmbed) {
var $toolbar = $('<div>', {
'class': TOOLBAR_CLS,
id: uid(),
var $topContainer = $('<div>', {'class': TOP_CLS});
$('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-top-filler'}).appendTo($topContainer);
var $userContainer = $('<span>', {
'class': USER_CLS
$('<span>', {'class': LIMIT_CLS}).hide().appendTo($userContainer);
$('<span>', {'class': NOTIFICATIONS_CLS + ' cp-dropdown-container'}).hide().appendTo($userContainer);
$('<span>', {'class': NEWPAD_CLS + ' cp-dropdown-container'}).hide().appendTo($userContainer);
$('<span>', {'class': USERADMIN_CLS + ' cp-dropdown-container'}).hide().appendTo($userContainer);
.append($('<div>', {'class': LEFTSIDE_CLS}))
.append($('<div>', {'class': RIGHTSIDE_CLS}))
.append($('<div>', {'class': HISTORY_CLS}));
var $rightside = $toolbar.find('.'+RIGHTSIDE_CLS);
if (!config.hideDrawer) {
var $drawerContent = $('<div>', {
'class': DRAWER_CLS,
'tabindex': 1
var $drawer = Common.createButton('more', true).appendTo($rightside);
$drawer.click(function () {
if ($drawerContent.is(':visible')) {
var onBlur = function (e) {
if (e.relatedTarget) {
if ($(e.relatedTarget).is('.cp-toolbar-drawer-button')) { return; }
if ($(e.relatedTarget).parents('.'+DRAWER_CLS).length) {
// The 'notitle' class removes the line added for the title with a small screen
if (!config.title || typeof config.title !== "object") {
$container.on('drop dragover', function (e) {
return $toolbar;
// Userlist elements
var getOtherUsers = function(config) {
//var userList = config.userList.getUserlist();
var userData = config.metadataMgr.getMetadata().users;
var i = 0; // duplicates counter
var list = [];
// Display only one time each user (if he is connected in multiple tabs)
var uids = [];
Object.keys(userData).forEach(function(user) {
//if (user !== userNetfluxId) {
var data = userData[user] || {};
var userId = data.uid;
if (!userId) { return; }
//data.netfluxId = user;
if (uids.indexOf(userId) === -1) {// && (!myUid || userId !== myUid)) {
} else { i++; }
return {
list: list,
duplicates: i
var editingUserName = {
state: false
var setDisplayName = function (newName) {
Common.setDisplayName(newName, function (err) {
if (err) {
console.log("Couldn't set username");
var showColors = false;
var updateUserList = function (toolbar, config) {
if (!config.displayed || config.displayed.indexOf('userlist') === -1) { return; }
// Make sure the elements are displayed
var $userButtons = toolbar.userlist;
var $userlistContent = toolbar.userlistContent;
var metadataMgr = config.metadataMgr;
var online = metadataMgr.isConnected();
var userData = metadataMgr.getMetadata().users;
var viewers = metadataMgr.getViewers();
var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
var origin = priv.origin;
var friends = priv.friends;
var user = metadataMgr.getUserData();
// If we are using old pads (readonly unavailable), only editing users are in userList.
// With new pads, we also have readonly users in userList, so we have to intersect with
// the userData to have only the editing users. We can't use userData directly since it
// may contain data about users that have already left the channel.
//userList = config.readOnly === -1 ? userList : arrayIntersect(userList, Object.keys(userData));
// Names of editing users
var others = getOtherUsers(config);
var editUsersNames = others.list;
var duplicates = others.duplicates; // Number of duplicates
editUsersNames.sort(function (a, b) {
var na = a.name || Messages.anonymous;
var nb = b.name || Messages.anonymous;
return na.toLowerCase() > nb.toLowerCase();
var numberOfEditUsers = Object.keys(userData).length - duplicates;
var numberOfViewUsers = viewers;
// If the user was changing his username, do not reste the input, store the current value
// and cursor
if (editingUserName.state) {
var $input = $userlistContent.find('.cp-toolbar-userlist-name-input');
editingUserName.value = $input.val();
editingUserName.select = [$input[0].selectionStart, $input[0].selectionEnd];
// Update the userlist
var $editUsers = $userlistContent.find('.' + USERLIST_CLS).html('');
var $editUsersList = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-userlist-others'})
if (!online) {
numberOfEditUsers = '?';
numberOfViewUsers = '?';
// Update the buttons
var fa_editusers = '<span class="fa fa-users"></span>';
var fa_viewusers = '<span class="fa fa-eye"></span>';
var $spansmall = $('<span>').html(fa_editusers + ' ' + numberOfEditUsers + ' ' + fa_viewusers + ' ' + numberOfViewUsers);
if (!online) { return; }
// Display the userlist
// Editors
var pendingFriends = Common.getPendingFriends(); // Friend requests sent
var friendRequests = Common.getFriendRequests(); // Friend requests received
var friendTo = +new Date() - (2 * 24 * 3600 * 1000);
editUsersNames.forEach(function (data) {
var name = data.name || Messages.anonymous;
var $span = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-avatar'});
if (data.color && showColors) {
$span.css('border-color', data.color);
var $rightCol = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-userlist-rightcol'});
var $nameSpan = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-userlist-name'}).appendTo($rightCol);
var $nameValue = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-toolbar-userlist-name-value'
var isMe = data.uid === user.uid;
if (isMe && !priv.readOnly) {
if (!Config.disableProfile) {
var $button = $('<button>', {
'class': 'fa fa-pencil cp-toolbar-userlist-button',
title: Messages.user_rename
$button.hover(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); });
$button.mouseenter(function (e) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
var $nameInput = $('<input>', {
'class': 'cp-toolbar-userlist-name-input'
$button.click(function (e) {
editingUserName.state = true;
editingUserName.oldName = $nameInput.val();
$nameInput.click(function (e) {
$nameInput.on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.which === 13 || e.which === 27) {
editingUserName.state = false;
if (e.which === 13) {
var newName = $nameInput.val(); // TODO clean
if (e.which === 27) {
if (editingUserName.state) {
setTimeout(function () { $nameInput.focus(); });
} else if (Common.isLoggedIn() && data.curvePublic && !friends[data.curvePublic]
&& !priv.readOnly) {
if (pendingFriends[data.curvePublic] && pendingFriends[data.curvePublic] > friendTo) {
$('<button>', {
'class': 'fa fa-hourglass-half cp-toolbar-userlist-button',
'title': Messages.profile_friendRequestSent
} else if (friendRequests[data.curvePublic]) {
$('<button>', {
'class': 'fa fa-bell cp-toolbar-userlist-button',
'title': Messages._getKey('friendRequest_received', [name]),
}).appendTo($nameSpan).click(function (e) {
UIElements.displayFriendRequestModal(Common, friendRequests[data.curvePublic]);
} else {
$('<button>', {
'class': 'fa fa-user-plus cp-toolbar-userlist-button',
'title': Messages._getKey('userlist_addAsFriendTitle', [
}).appendTo($nameSpan).click(function (e) {
Common.sendFriendRequest(data, function (err, obj) {
if (err || (obj && obj.error)) { return void console.error(err || obj.error); }
} else if (Common.isLoggedIn() && data.curvePublic && friends[data.curvePublic]) {
$('<button>', {
'class': 'fa fa-comments-o cp-toolbar-userlist-button',
'title': Messages.userlist_chat
}).appendTo($nameSpan).click(function (e) {
if (data.profile) {
$span.click(function () {
window.open(origin+'/profile/#' + data.profile);
if (data.avatar && UIElements.getAvatar(data.avatar)) {
} else {
Common.displayAvatar($span, data.avatar, name, function ($img) {
if (data.avatar && $img && $img.length) {
UIElements.setAvatar(data.avatar, $img[0].outerHTML);
$span.data('uid', data.uid);
// Viewers
if (numberOfViewUsers > 0) {
var viewText = '<div class="cp-toolbar-userlist-viewer">';
var viewerText = numberOfViewUsers !== 1 ? Messages.viewers : Messages.viewer;
viewText += numberOfViewUsers + ' ' + viewerText + '</div>';
var initUserList = function (toolbar, config) {
if (config.metadataMgr) {
var metadataMgr = config.metadataMgr;
metadataMgr.onChange(function () {
if (metadataMgr.isConnected()) {toolbar.connected = true;}
if (!toolbar.connected) { return; }
updateUserList(toolbar, config);
// Create sub-elements
var createUserList = function (toolbar, config) {
if (!config.metadataMgr) {
throw new Error("You must provide a `metadataMgr` to display the userlist");
var $content = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-userlist-drawer'});
$content.on('drop dragover', function (e) {
var $closeIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-window-close cp-toolbar-userlist-drawer-close"}).appendTo($content);
$('<p>', {'class': USERLIST_CLS}).appendTo($content);
toolbar.userlistContent = $content;
var $container = $('<span>', {id: 'cp-toolbar-userlist-drawer-open', title: Messages.userListButton});
var $button = $('<button>').appendTo($container);
$('<span>',{'class': 'cp-dropdown-button-title'}).appendTo($button);
if (config.$contentContainer) {
var hide = function () {
var show = function () {
if (Bar.isEmbed) { $content.hide(); return; }
$closeIcon.click(function () {
Common.setAttribute(['toolbar', 'userlist-drawer'], false);
$button.click(function () {
var visible = $content.is(':visible');
if (visible) { hide(); }
else { show(); }
visible = !visible;
Common.setAttribute(['toolbar', 'userlist-drawer'], visible);
Feedback.send(visible?'USERLIST_SHOW': 'USERLIST_HIDE');
Common.getAttribute(['toolbar', 'userlist-drawer'], function (err, val) {
if (val === false || window.innerWidth < 800) {
return void hide();
initUserList(toolbar, config);
return $container;
var initChat = function (toolbar) {
var $container = $('<div>', {
id: 'cp-app-contacts-container',
'class': 'cp-app-contacts-inapp'
MessengerUI.create($container, Common, toolbar);
var createChat = function (toolbar, config) {
if (!config.metadataMgr) {
throw new Error("You must provide a `metadataMgr` to display the chat");
if (Config.availablePadTypes.indexOf('contacts') === -1) { return; }
var $content = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-chat-drawer'});
$content.on('drop dragover', function (e) {
var $closeIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-window-close cp-toolbar-chat-drawer-close"}).appendTo($content);
//$('<p>', {'class': USERLIST_CLS}).appendTo($content);
toolbar.chatContent = $content;
var $container = $('<span>', {id: 'cp-toolbar-chat-drawer-open', title: Messages.chatButton});
var $button = $('<button>', {'class': 'fa fa-comments'}).appendTo($container);
$('<span>',{'class': 'cp-dropdown-button-title'}).appendTo($button);
if (config.$contentContainer) {
var hide = function (closed) {
if (!closed) {
// It means it's the initial state so we're going to make the icon blink
var show = function () {
if (Bar.isEmbed) { $content.hide(); return; }
// scroll down chat
var $messagebox = $content.find('.cp-app-contacts-messages');
if ($messagebox.length) {
$closeIcon.click(function () {
Common.setAttribute(['toolbar', 'chat-drawer'], false);
$button.click(function () {
var visible = $content.is(':visible');
if (visible) { hide(true); }
else { show(); }
visible = !visible;
Common.setAttribute(['toolbar', 'chat-drawer'], visible);
Common.getAttribute(['toolbar', 'chat-drawer'], function (err, val) {
if (!val || Util.isSmallScreen()) {
return void hide(val === false);
return $container;
var createShare = function (toolbar, config) {
if (!config.metadataMgr) {
throw new Error("You must provide a `metadataMgr` to display the userlist");
var $shareBlock = $('<button>', {
'class': 'fa fa-shhare-alt cp-toolbar-share-button',
title: Messages.shareButton
Common.getSframeChannel().event('EV_SHARE_OPEN', {
hidden: true
$shareBlock.click(function () {
var title = (config.title && config.title.getTitle && config.title.getTitle())
|| (config.title && config.title.defaultName)
|| "";
Common.getSframeChannel().event('EV_SHARE_OPEN', {
title: title
toolbar.share = $shareBlock;
return "Loading share button";
var createFileShare = function (toolbar, config) {
if (!config.metadataMgr) {
throw new Error("You must provide a `metadataMgr` to display the userlist");
var $shareBlock = $('<button>', {
'class': 'fa fa-shhare-alt cp-toolbar-share-button',
title: Messages.shareButton
Common.getSframeChannel().event('EV_SHARE_OPEN', {
hidden: true,
file: true
$shareBlock.click(function () {
var title = (config.title && config.title.getTitle && config.title.getTitle())
|| "";
Common.getSframeChannel().event('EV_SHARE_OPEN', {
title: title,
file: true
return $shareBlock;
var createRequest = function (toolbar, config) {
if (!config.metadataMgr) {
throw new Error("You must provide a `metadataMgr` to display the request access button");
// We can only requets more access if we're in read-only mode
if (config.readOnly !== 1) { return; }
var $requestBlock = $('<button>', {
'class': 'fa fa-lock cp-toolbar-share-button',
title: Messages.requestEdit_button
// If we have access to the owner's mailbox, display the button and enable it
// false => check if we can contact the owner
// true ==> send the request
Common.getSframeChannel().query('Q_REQUEST_ACCESS', false, function (err, obj) {
if (obj && obj.state) {
var locked = false;
$requestBlock.show().click(function () {
if (locked) { return; }
locked = true;
Common.getSframeChannel().query('Q_REQUEST_ACCESS', true, function (err, obj) {
if (obj && obj.state) {
} else {
locked = false;
toolbar.request = $requestBlock;
return $requestBlock;
createRequest = createRequest;
var createTitle = function (toolbar, config) {
var $titleContainer = $('<span>', {
'class': TITLE_CLS
var $hoverable = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-title-hoverable'}).appendTo($titleContainer);
if (typeof config.title !== "object") {
console.error("config.title", config);
throw new Error("config.title is not an object");
var updateTitle = config.title.updateTitle;
var placeholder = config.title.defaultName;
var suggestName = config.title.suggestName;
// Buttons
var $text = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-toolbar-title-value'
var $pencilIcon = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-toolbar-title-edit',
'title': Messages.clickToEdit
var $saveIcon = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-toolbar-title-save',
'title': Messages.saveTitle
if (config.readOnly === 1) {
$titleContainer.append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-title-readonly'})
return $titleContainer;
var $input = $('<input>', {
type: 'text',
placeholder: placeholder
if (config.readOnly !== 1) {
$text.attr("title", Messages.clickToEdit);
var $icon = $('<span>', {
'class': 'fa fa-pencil cp-toolbar-title-icon-readonly',
style: 'font-family: FontAwesome;'
var $icon2 = $('<span>', {
'class': 'fa fa-check cp-toolbar-title-icon-readonly',
style: 'font-family: FontAwesome;'
// Events
$input.on('mousedown', function (e) {
if (!$input.is(":focus")) {
return true;
var save = function () {
var name = $input.val().trim();
if (name === "") {
name = $input.attr('placeholder');
updateTitle(name, function (err/*, newtitle*/) {
if (err) { return console.error(err); }
$input.on('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.which === 13 && toolbar.connected === true) {
} else if (e.which === 27) {
//$pencilIcon.css('display', '');
} else if (e.which === 32) {
var displayInput = function () {
if (toolbar.connected === false) { return; }
$input.width(Math.max($text.width(), 300)+'px');
//$pencilIcon.css('display', 'none');
var inputVal = suggestName() || "";
$text.on('click', displayInput);
$pencilIcon.on('click', displayInput);
return $titleContainer;
var createUnpinnedWarning0 = function (toolbar, config) {
//if (true) { return; } // stub this call since it won't make it into the next release
if (Common.isLoggedIn()) { return; }
var pd = config.metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
var o = pd.origin;
var cid = pd.channel;
Common.sendAnonRpcMsg('IS_CHANNEL_PINNED', cid, function (x) {
if (x.error || !Array.isArray(x.response)) { return void console.log(x); }
if (x.response[0] === true) {
if ($('.cp-pad-not-pinned').length) { return; }
var pnpTitle = Messages._getKey('padNotPinned', ['','','','']);
var pnpMsg = Messages._getKey('padNotPinned', [
'<a href="' + o + '/login" class="cp-pnp-login" target="blank" title>',
'<a href="' + o + '/register" class="cp-pnp-register" target="blank" title>',
var $msg = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-pad-not-pinned'
$('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-exclamation-triangle', 'title': pnpTitle}),
$('<span>', {'class': 'cp-pnp-msg'}).append(pnpMsg)
$msg.find('a.cp-pnp-login').click(function (ev) {
Common.setLoginRedirect(function () {
window.parent.location = o + '/login/';
$msg.find('a.cp-pnp-register').click(function (ev) {
Common.setLoginRedirect(function () {
window.parent.location = o + '/register/';
var createUnpinnedWarning = function (toolbar, config) {
config.metadataMgr.onChange(function () {
createUnpinnedWarning0(toolbar, config);
createUnpinnedWarning0(toolbar, config);
var createPageTitle = function (toolbar, config) {
if (!config.pageTitle) { return; }
var $titleContainer = $('<span>', {
'class': TITLE_CLS
var $hoverable = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-toolbar-title-hoverable'}).appendTo($titleContainer);
// Buttons
$('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-toolbar-title-value cp-toolbar-title-value-page'
var createLinkToMain = function (toolbar, config) {
var $linkContainer = $('<span>', {
'class': LINK_CLS
// We need to override the "a" tag action here because it is inside the iframe!
var inDrive = /^\/drive/;
var privateData = config.metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
var origin = privateData.origin;
var pathname = privateData.pathname;
var isAnonSF = privateData.newSharedFolder && !privateData.accountName;
var toMain = inDrive.test(pathname) && !isAnonSF;
var href = toMain ? origin+'/index.html' : origin+'/drive/';
var buttonTitle = toMain ? Messages.header_homeTitle : Messages.header_logoTitle;
var $aTag = $('<a>', {
href: href,
title: buttonTitle,
'class': "cp-toolbar-link-logo"
}).append($('<img>', {
src: '/customize/images/logo_white.png?' + ApiConfig.requireConf.urlArgs
var onClick = function (e) {
if (e.ctrlKey) {
window.parent.location = href;
var onContext = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); };
return $linkContainer;
var typing = -1;
var kickSpinner = function (toolbar, config/*, local*/) {
if (!toolbar.spinner) { return; }
if (toolbar.isErrorState) { return; }
var $spin = toolbar.spinner;
if (typing === -1) {
typing = 1;
$spin.interval = window.setInterval(function () {
if (toolbar.isErrorState) { return; }
var dots = Array(typing+1).join('.');
$spin.text(Messages.typing + dots);
if (typing > 3) { typing = 0; }
}, 500);
var onSynced = function () {
if ($spin.timeout) { clearTimeout($spin.timeout); }
$spin.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
if (toolbar.isErrorState) { return; }
typing = -1;
}, /*local ? 0 :*/ SPINNER_DISAPPEAR_TIME);
var ks = function (toolbar, config, local) {
return function () {
if (toolbar.connected) { kickSpinner(toolbar, config, local); }
var createSpinner = function (toolbar, config) {
var $spin = $('<span>', {'class': SPINNER_CLS}).appendTo(toolbar.$leftside);
if (config.realtime) {
config.realtime.onPatch(ks(toolbar, config));
config.realtime.onMessage(ks(toolbar, config, true));
// without this, users in read-only mode say 'synchronizing' until they
// receive a patch.
typing = 0;
config.sfCommon.whenRealtimeSyncs(function () {
kickSpinner(toolbar, config);
return $spin;
var createLimit = function (toolbar, config) {
var $limitIcon = $('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-exclamation-triangle'});
var $limit = toolbar.$userAdmin.find('.'+LIMIT_CLS).attr({
'title': Messages.pinLimitReached
var priv = config.metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
var origin = priv.origin;
var l = document.createElement("a");
l.href = origin;
var todo = function (e, overLimit) {
if (e) { return void console.error("Unable to get the pinned usage", e); }
if (overLimit) {
var key = 'pinLimitReachedAlert';
if (ApiConfig.noSubscriptionButton === true) {
key = 'pinLimitReachedAlertNoAccounts';
$limit.show().click(function () {
UI.alert(Messages._getKey(key, [encodeURIComponent(l.hostname)]), null, true);
return $limit;
var createNewPad = function (toolbar, config) {
var $newPad = toolbar.$top.find('.'+NEWPAD_CLS).show();
var origin = config.metadataMgr.getPrivateData().origin;
var pads_options = [];
Config.availablePadTypes.forEach(function (p) {
if (p === 'drive') { return; }
if (!Common.isLoggedIn() && Config.registeredOnlyTypes &&
Config.registeredOnlyTypes.indexOf(p) !== -1) { return; }
tag: 'a',
attributes: {
'target': '_blank',
'href': origin + '/' + p + '/',
content: $('<div>').append(UI.getIcon(p)).html() + Messages.type[p]
tag: 'a',
attributes: {
id: 'cp-app-toolbar-creation-advanced',
href: origin
content: '<span class="fa fa-plus-circle"></span> ' + Messages.creation_appMenuName
var dropdownConfig = {
text: '', // Button initial text
options: pads_options, // Entries displayed in the menu
container: $newPad,
left: true,
feedback: /drive/.test(window.location.pathname)?
common: Common
var $newPadBlock = UIElements.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
$newPadBlock.find('button').attr('title', Messages.newButtonTitle);
$newPadBlock.find('button').addClass('fa fa-th');
$newPadBlock.find('#cp-app-toolbar-creation-advanced').click(function (e) {
return $newPadBlock;
var createUserAdmin = function (toolbar, config) {
if (!config.metadataMgr) {
throw new Error("You must provide a `metadataMgr` to display the user menu");
var metadataMgr = config.metadataMgr;
var $userAdmin = toolbar.$userAdmin.find('.'+USERADMIN_CLS).show();
var userMenuCfg = {
$initBlock: $userAdmin,
if (!config.hideDisplayName) {
$.extend(true, userMenuCfg, {
displayNameCls: USERNAME_CLS,
changeNameButtonCls: USERBUTTON_CLS,
if (config.readOnly !== 1) {
userMenuCfg.displayName = 1;
userMenuCfg.displayChangeName = 1;
/*if (config.displayed.indexOf('userlist') !== -1) {
userMenuCfg.displayChangeName = 0;
$userAdmin.find('> button').attr('title', Messages.userAccountButton);
var $userButton = toolbar.$userNameButton = $userAdmin.find('a.' + USERBUTTON_CLS);
$userButton.click(function (e) {
var myData = metadataMgr.getUserData();
var lastName = myData.name;
UI.prompt(Messages.changeNamePrompt, lastName || '', function (newName) {
if (newName === null && typeof(lastName) === "string") { return; }
if (newName === null) { newName = ''; }
else { Feedback.send('NAME_CHANGED'); }
return $userAdmin;
var createNotifications = function (toolbar, config) {
var $notif = toolbar.$top.find('.'+NOTIFICATIONS_CLS).show();
var openNotifsApp = h('div.cp-notifications-gotoapp', h('p', Messages.openNotificationsApp || "Open notifications App"));
$(openNotifsApp).click(function () {
var div = h('div.cp-notifications-container', [
h('div.cp-notifications-empty', Messages.notifications_empty)
var pads_options = [div];
if (Common.isLoggedIn()) {
var dropdownConfig = {
text: '', // Button initial text
options: pads_options, // Entries displayed in the menu
container: $notif,
left: true,
common: Common
var $newPadBlock = UIElements.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
var $button = $newPadBlock.find('button');
$button.attr('title', Messages.notifications_empty);
$button.addClass('fa fa-bell-o');
var $n = $button.find('.cp-dropdown-button-title').hide();
var $empty = $(div).find('.cp-notifications-empty');
var refresh = function () {
updateUserList(toolbar, config);
var n = $(div).find('.cp-notification').length;
if (n === 0) {
$button.attr('title', Messages.notifications_empty);
return void $button.addClass('fa-bell-o');
if (n > 99) {
n = '99+';
$button.attr('title', Messages.notifications_title);
Common.mailbox.subscribe(['notifications'], {
onMessage: function (data, el) {
if (el) {
onViewed: function () {
return $newPadBlock;
// Events
var initClickEvents = function (toolbar) {
var removeDropdowns = function () {
window.setTimeout(function () {
var cancelEditTitle = function (e) {
// Now we want to apply the title even if we click somewhere else
if ($(e.target).parents('.' + TITLE_CLS).length || !toolbar.title) {
var $title = toolbar.title;
if (!$title.find('input').is(':visible')) { return; }
// Press enter
var ev = $.Event("keyup");
ev.which = 13;
// Click in the main window
var w = window;
$(w).on('click', removeDropdowns);
$(w).on('click', cancelEditTitle);
// Click in iframes
try {
if (w.$ && w.$('iframe').length) {
w.$('iframe').each(function (i, el) {
$(el.contentWindow).on('click', removeDropdowns);
$(el.contentWindow).on('click', cancelEditTitle);
} catch (e) {
// empty try catch in case this iframe is problematic
// Notifications
var initNotifications = function (toolbar, config) {
// Display notifications when users are joining/leaving the session
var oldUserData;
if (!config.metadataMgr) { return; }
var metadataMgr = config.metadataMgr;
var notify = function(type, name, oldname) {
// type : 1 (+1 user), 0 (rename existing user), -1 (-1 user)
if (typeof name === "undefined") { return; }
name = name || Messages.anonymous;
if (Config.disableUserlistNotifications) { return; }
switch(type) {
case 1:
UI.log(Messages._getKey("notifyJoined", [name]));
case 0:
oldname = (!oldname) ? Messages.anonymous : oldname;
UI.log(Messages._getKey("notifyRenamed", [oldname, name]));
case -1:
UI.log(Messages._getKey("notifyLeft", [name]));
console.log("Invalid type of notification");
var userPresent = function (id, user, data) {
if (!(user && user.uid)) {
console.log('no uid');
return 0;
if (!data) {
console.log('no data');
return 0;
var count = 0;
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (k) {
if (data[k] && data[k].uid === user.uid) { count++; }
return count;
var joined = false;
metadataMgr.onChange(function () {
var newdata = metadataMgr.getMetadata().users;
var netfluxIds = Object.keys(newdata);
var userNetfluxId = metadataMgr.getNetfluxId();
// Notify for disconnected users
if (typeof oldUserData !== "undefined") {
for (var u in oldUserData) {
// if a user's uid is still present after having left, don't notify
if (netfluxIds.indexOf(u) === -1) {
var temp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldUserData[u]));
delete oldUserData[u];
if (temp && newdata[userNetfluxId] && temp.uid === newdata[userNetfluxId].uid) { return; }
if (userPresent(u, temp, newdata || oldUserData) < 1) {
notify(-1, temp.name);
// Update the "oldUserData" object and notify for new users and names changed
if (typeof newdata === "undefined") { return; }
if (typeof oldUserData === "undefined") {
oldUserData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newdata));
if (config.readOnly === 0 && !oldUserData[userNetfluxId]) {
oldUserData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newdata));
for (var k in newdata) {
if (joined && k !== userNetfluxId && netfluxIds.indexOf(k) !== -1) {
if (typeof oldUserData[k] === "undefined") {
// if the same uid is already present in the userdata, don't notify
if (!userPresent(k, newdata[k], oldUserData)) {
notify(1, newdata[k].name);
} else if (oldUserData[k].name !== newdata[k].name) {
notify(0, newdata[k].name, oldUserData[k].name);
joined = true;
oldUserData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newdata));
// Main
Bar.create = function (cfg) {
var config = cfg || {};
Common = config.sfCommon;
config.readOnly = (typeof config.readOnly !== "undefined") ? (config.readOnly ? 1 : 0) : -1;
config.displayed = config.displayed || [];
var toolbar = {};
toolbar.connected = false;
toolbar.firstConnection = true;
var $toolbar = toolbar.$toolbar = createRealtimeToolbar(config);
toolbar.$leftside = $toolbar.find('.'+Bar.constants.leftside);
toolbar.$rightside = $toolbar.find('.'+Bar.constants.rightside);
toolbar.$drawer = $toolbar.find('.'+Bar.constants.drawer);
toolbar.$top = $toolbar.find('.'+Bar.constants.top);
toolbar.$history = $toolbar.find('.'+Bar.constants.history);
toolbar.$userAdmin = $toolbar.find('.'+Bar.constants.userAdmin);
// Create the subelements
var tb = {};
tb['userlist'] = createUserList;
tb['chat'] = createChat;
tb['share'] = createShare;
tb['fileshare'] = createFileShare;
tb['title'] = createTitle;
tb['pageTitle'] = createPageTitle;
tb['lag'] = $.noop;
tb['spinner'] = createSpinner;
tb['state'] = $.noop;
tb['limit'] = createLimit; // TODO
tb['upgrade'] = $.noop;
tb['newpad'] = createNewPad;
tb['useradmin'] = createUserAdmin;
tb['unpinnedWarning'] = createUnpinnedWarning;
tb['notifications'] = createNotifications;
var addElement = toolbar.addElement = function (arr, additionalCfg, init) {
if (typeof additionalCfg === "object") { $.extend(true, config, additionalCfg); }
arr.forEach(function (el) {
if (typeof el !== "string" || !el.trim()) { return; }
if (typeof tb[el] === "function") {
if (!init && config.displayed.indexOf(el) !== -1) { return; } // Already done
toolbar[el] = tb[el](toolbar, config);
if (!init) { config.displayed.push(el); }
addElement(config.displayed, {}, true);
toolbar['linkToMain'] = createLinkToMain(toolbar, config);
if (!config.realtime) { toolbar.connected = true; }
initClickEvents(toolbar, config);
initNotifications(toolbar, config);
var failed = toolbar.failed = function () {
toolbar.connected = false;
if (toolbar.spinner) {
//checkLag(toolbar, config);
toolbar.initializing = function (/*userId*/) {
toolbar.connected = false;
if (toolbar.spinner) {
toolbar.reconnecting = function (/*userId*/) {
toolbar.connected = false;
if (toolbar.spinner) {
var state = -1;
var interval = window.setInterval(function () {
if (toolbar.connected) { clearInterval(interval); }
var dots = Array(state+1).join('.');
toolbar.spinner.text(Messages.reconnecting + dots);
if (++state > 3) { state = 0; }
}, 500);
toolbar.errorState = function (state, error) {
toolbar.isErrorState = state;
if (state) { toolbar.connected = false; }
if (toolbar.spinner) {
if (!state) {
return void kickSpinner(toolbar, config);
var txt = Messages._getKey('errorState', [error]);
// When the pad is moved to the trash (forget button)
toolbar.forgotten = function (/*userId*/) {
toolbar.connected = false;
if (toolbar.spinner) {
// When the pad is deleted from the server
toolbar.deleted = function (/*userId*/) {
toolbar.isErrorState = true;
toolbar.connected = false;
updateUserList(toolbar, config);
if (toolbar.spinner) {
// Show user colors in the userlist only if the app is compatible and if the user
// wants to see the cursors
toolbar.showColors = function () {
if (!config.metadataMgr) { return; }
var privateData = config.metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
var show = Util.find(privateData, ['settings', 'general', 'cursor', 'show']);
if (show === false) { return; }
showColors = true;
// On log out, remove permanently the realtime elements of the toolbar
Common.onLogout(function () {
if (toolbar.useradmin) { toolbar.useradmin.hide(); }
if (toolbar.userlist) { toolbar.userlist.hide(); }
return toolbar;
return Bar;