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// Copyright 2010 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
// Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
// University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The Module object: Our interface to the outside world. We import
// and export values on it. There are various ways Module can be used:
// 1. Not defined. We create it here
// 2. A function parameter, function(Module) { ..generated code.. }
// 3. pre-run appended it, var Module = {}; ..generated code..
// 4. External script tag defines var Module.
// We need to check if Module already exists (e.g. case 3 above).
// Substitution will be replaced with actual code on later stage of the build,
// this way Closure Compiler will not mangle it (e.g. case 4. above).
// Note that if you want to run closure, and also to use Module
// after the generated code, you will need to define var Module = {};
// before the code. Then that object will be used in the code, and you
// can continue to use Module afterwards as well.
var Module = typeof Module !== 'undefined' ? Module : {};
// --pre-jses are emitted after the Module integration code, so that they can
// refer to Module (if they choose; they can also define Module)
// {{PRE_JSES}}
// Sometimes an existing Module object exists with properties
// meant to overwrite the default module functionality. Here
// we collect those properties and reapply _after_ we configure
// the current environment's defaults to avoid having to be so
// defensive during initialization.
var moduleOverrides = {};
var key;
for (key in Module) {
if (Module.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
moduleOverrides[key] = Module[key];
var arguments_ = [];
var thisProgram = './this.program';
var quit_ = function(status, toThrow) {
throw toThrow;
// Determine the runtime environment we are in. You can customize this by
// setting the ENVIRONMENT setting at compile time (see settings.js).
ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window === 'object';
ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts === 'function';
// A web environment like Electron.js can have Node enabled, so we must
// distinguish between Node-enabled environments and Node environments per se.
// This will allow the former to do things like mount NODEFS.
// Extended check using process.versions fixes issue #8816.
// (Also makes redundant the original check that 'require' is a function.)
ENVIRONMENT_HAS_NODE = typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.versions === 'object' && typeof process.versions.node === 'string';
if (Module['ENVIRONMENT']) {
throw new Error('Module.ENVIRONMENT has been deprecated. To force the environment, use the ENVIRONMENT compile-time option (for example, -s ENVIRONMENT=web or -s ENVIRONMENT=node)');
// Three configurations we can be running in:
// 1) We could be the application main() thread running in the main JS UI thread. (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER == false and ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD == false)
// 2) We could be the application main() thread proxied to worker. (with Emscripten -s PROXY_TO_WORKER=1) (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER == true, ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD == false)
// 3) We could be an application pthread running in a worker. (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER == true and ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD == true)
// ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD=true will have been preset in worker.js. Make it false in the main runtime thread.
// Grab imports from the pthread to local scope.
buffer = Module['buffer'];
tempDoublePtr = Module['tempDoublePtr'];
// Note that not all runtime fields are imported above. Values for STACK_BASE, STACKTOP and STACK_MAX are not yet known at worker.js load time.
// These will be filled in at pthread startup time (the 'run' message for a pthread - pthread start establishes the stack frame)
// In MODULARIZE mode _scriptDir needs to be captured already at the very top of the page immediately when the page is parsed, so it is generated there
// before the page load. In non-MODULARIZE modes generate it here.
var _scriptDir = (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.currentScript) ? document.currentScript.src : undefined;
_scriptDir = __filename;
// `/` should be present at the end if `scriptDirectory` is not empty
var scriptDirectory = '';
function locateFile(path) {
if (Module['locateFile']) {
return Module['locateFile'](path, scriptDirectory);
return scriptDirectory + path;
// Hooks that are implemented differently in different runtime environments.
var read_,
var nodeFS;
var nodePath;
scriptDirectory = __dirname + '/';
read_ = function shell_read(filename, binary) {
if (!nodeFS) nodeFS = require('fs');
if (!nodePath) nodePath = require('path');
filename = nodePath['normalize'](filename);
return nodeFS['readFileSync'](filename, binary ? null : 'utf8');
readBinary = function readBinary(filename) {
var ret = read_(filename, true);
if (!ret.buffer) {
ret = new Uint8Array(ret);
return ret;
if (process['argv'].length > 1) {
thisProgram = process['argv'][1].replace(/\\/g, '/');
arguments_ = process['argv'].slice(2);
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
module['exports'] = Module;
process['on']('uncaughtException', function(ex) {
// suppress ExitStatus exceptions from showing an error
if (!(ex instanceof ExitStatus)) {
throw ex;
process['on']('unhandledRejection', abort);
quit_ = function(status) {
Module['inspect'] = function () { return '[Emscripten Module object]'; };
var nodeWorkerThreads;
try {
nodeWorkerThreads = require('worker_threads');
} catch (e) {
console.error('The "worker_threads" module is not supported in this node.js build - perhaps a newer version is needed?');
throw e;
Worker = nodeWorkerThreads.Worker;
} else
if (typeof read != 'undefined') {
read_ = function shell_read(f) {
return read(f);
readBinary = function readBinary(f) {
var data;
if (typeof readbuffer === 'function') {
return new Uint8Array(readbuffer(f));
data = read(f, 'binary');
assert(typeof data === 'object');
return data;
if (typeof scriptArgs != 'undefined') {
arguments_ = scriptArgs;
} else if (typeof arguments != 'undefined') {
arguments_ = arguments;
if (typeof quit === 'function') {
quit_ = function(status) {
if (typeof print !== 'undefined') {
// Prefer to use print/printErr where they exist, as they usually work better.
if (typeof console === 'undefined') console = {};
console.log = print;
console.warn = console.error = typeof printErr !== 'undefined' ? printErr : print;
} else
// Note that this includes Node.js workers when relevant (pthreads is enabled).
// Node.js workers are detected as a combination of ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER and
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { // Check worker, not web, since window could be polyfilled
scriptDirectory = self.location.href;
} else if (document.currentScript) { // web
scriptDirectory = document.currentScript.src;
// blob urls look like blob: and we cannot infer anything from them.
// otherwise, slice off the final part of the url to find the script directory.
// if scriptDirectory does not contain a slash, lastIndexOf will return -1,
// and scriptDirectory will correctly be replaced with an empty string.
if (scriptDirectory.indexOf('blob:') !== 0) {
scriptDirectory = scriptDirectory.substr(0, scriptDirectory.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
} else {
scriptDirectory = '';
// Differentiate the Web Worker from the Node Worker case, as reading must
// be done differently.
read_ = function shell_read(filename, binary) {
if (!nodeFS) nodeFS = require('fs');
if (!nodePath) nodePath = require('path');
filename = nodePath['normalize'](filename);
return nodeFS['readFileSync'](filename, binary ? null : 'utf8');
readBinary = function readBinary(filename) {
var ret = read_(filename, true);
if (!ret.buffer) {
ret = new Uint8Array(ret);
return ret;
} else
read_ = function shell_read(url) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false);
return xhr.responseText;
readBinary = function readBinary(url) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
return new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
readAsync = function readAsync(url, onload, onerror) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.onload = function xhr_onload() {
if (xhr.status == 200 || (xhr.status == 0 && xhr.response)) { // file URLs can return 0
xhr.onerror = onerror;
setWindowTitle = function(title) { document.title = title };
} else
throw new Error('environment detection error');
// Polyfill the performance object, which emscripten pthreads support
// depends on for good timing.
if (typeof performance === 'undefined') {
performance = require('perf_hooks').performance;
// Set up the out() and err() hooks, which are how we can print to stdout or
// stderr, respectively.
var out = Module['print'] || console.log.bind(console);
var err = Module['printErr'] || console.warn.bind(console);
// Merge back in the overrides
for (key in moduleOverrides) {
if (moduleOverrides.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Module[key] = moduleOverrides[key];
// Free the object hierarchy contained in the overrides, this lets the GC
// reclaim data used e.g. in memoryInitializerRequest, which is a large typed array.
moduleOverrides = null;
// Emit code to handle expected values on the Module object. This applies Module.x
// to the proper local x. This has two benefits: first, we only emit it if it is
// expected to arrive, and second, by using a local everywhere else that can be
// minified.
if (Module['arguments']) arguments_ = Module['arguments'];if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, 'arguments')) Object.defineProperty(Module, 'arguments', { configurable: true, get: function() { abort('Module.arguments has been replaced with plain arguments_') } });
if (Module['thisProgram']) thisProgram = Module['thisProgram'];if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, 'thisProgram')) Object.defineProperty(Module, 'thisProgram', { configurable: true, get: function() { abort('Module.thisProgram has been replaced with plain thisProgram') } });
if (Module['quit']) quit_ = Module['quit'];if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, 'quit')) Object.defineProperty(Module, 'quit', { configurable: true, get: function() { abort('Module.quit has been replaced with plain quit_') } });
// perform assertions in shell.js after we set up out() and err(), as otherwise if an assertion fails it cannot print the message
// Assertions on removed incoming Module JS APIs.
assert(typeof Module['memoryInitializerPrefixURL'] === 'undefined', 'Module.memoryInitializerPrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead');
assert(typeof Module['pthreadMainPrefixURL'] === 'undefined', 'Module.pthreadMainPrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead');
assert(typeof Module['cdInitializerPrefixURL'] === 'undefined', 'Module.cdInitializerPrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead');
assert(typeof Module['filePackagePrefixURL'] === 'undefined', 'Module.filePackagePrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead');
assert(typeof Module['read'] === 'undefined', ' option was removed (modify read_ in JS)');
assert(typeof Module['readAsync'] === 'undefined', 'Module.readAsync option was removed (modify readAsync in JS)');
assert(typeof Module['readBinary'] === 'undefined', 'Module.readBinary option was removed (modify readBinary in JS)');
assert(typeof Module['setWindowTitle'] === 'undefined', 'Module.setWindowTitle option was removed (modify setWindowTitle in JS)');
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, 'read')) Object.defineProperty(Module, 'read', { configurable: true, get: function() { abort(' has been replaced with plain read_') } });
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, 'readAsync')) Object.defineProperty(Module, 'readAsync', { configurable: true, get: function() { abort('Module.readAsync has been replaced with plain readAsync') } });
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, 'readBinary')) Object.defineProperty(Module, 'readBinary', { configurable: true, get: function() { abort('Module.readBinary has been replaced with plain readBinary') } });
// TODO: add when SDL2 is fixed if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, 'setWindowTitle')) Object.defineProperty(Module, 'setWindowTitle', { configurable: true, get: function() { abort('Module.setWindowTitle has been replaced with plain setWindowTitle') } });
var IDBFS = 'IDBFS is no longer included by default; build with -lidbfs.js';
var PROXYFS = 'PROXYFS is no longer included by default; build with -lproxyfs.js';
var WORKERFS = 'WORKERFS is no longer included by default; build with -lworkerfs.js';
assert(ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER || ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE, 'Pthreads do not work in this environment yet (need Web Workers, or an alternative to them)');
// TODO remove when SDL2 is fixed (also see above)
// Copyright 2017 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
// Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
// University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var STACK_ALIGN = 16;
// stack management, and other functionality that is provided by the compiled code,
// should not be used before it is ready
stackSave = stackRestore = stackAlloc = function() {
abort('cannot use the stack before compiled code is ready to run, and has provided stack access');
function staticAlloc(size) {
abort('staticAlloc is no longer available at runtime; instead, perform static allocations at compile time (using makeStaticAlloc)');
function dynamicAlloc(size) {
assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD); // this function is not thread-safe
var ret = HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2];
var end = (ret + size + 15) & -16;
if (end > _emscripten_get_heap_size()) {
abort('failure to dynamicAlloc - memory growth etc. is not supported there, call malloc/sbrk directly');
return ret;
function alignMemory(size, factor) {
if (!factor) factor = STACK_ALIGN; // stack alignment (16-byte) by default
return Math.ceil(size / factor) * factor;
function getNativeTypeSize(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'i1': case 'i8': return 1;
case 'i16': return 2;
case 'i32': return 4;
case 'i64': return 8;
case 'float': return 4;
case 'double': return 8;
default: {
if (type[type.length-1] === '*') {
return 4; // A pointer
} else if (type[0] === 'i') {
var bits = parseInt(type.substr(1));
assert(bits % 8 === 0, 'getNativeTypeSize invalid bits ' + bits + ', type ' + type);
return bits / 8;
} else {
return 0;
function warnOnce(text) {
if (!warnOnce.shown) warnOnce.shown = {};
if (!warnOnce.shown[text]) {
warnOnce.shown[text] = 1;
var asm2wasmImports = { // special asm2wasm imports
"f64-rem": function(x, y) {
return x % y;
"debugger": function() {
// Wraps a JS function as a wasm function with a given signature.
function convertJsFunctionToWasm(func, sig) {
// If the type reflection proposal is available, use the new
// "WebAssembly.Function" constructor.
// Otherwise, construct a minimal wasm module importing the JS function and
// re-exporting it.
if (typeof WebAssembly.Function === "function") {
var typeNames = {
'i': 'i32',
'j': 'i64',
'f': 'f32',
'd': 'f64'
var type = {
parameters: [],
results: sig[0] == 'v' ? [] : [typeNames[sig[0]]]
for (var i = 1; i < sig.length; ++i) {
return new WebAssembly.Function(type, func);
// The module is static, with the exception of the type section, which is
// generated based on the signature passed in.
var typeSection = [
0x01, // id: section,
0x00, // length: 0 (placeholder)
0x01, // count: 1
0x60, // form: func
var sigRet = sig.slice(0, 1);
var sigParam = sig.slice(1);
var typeCodes = {
'i': 0x7f, // i32
'j': 0x7e, // i64
'f': 0x7d, // f32
'd': 0x7c, // f64
// Parameters, length + signatures
for (var i = 0; i < sigParam.length; ++i) {
// Return values, length + signatures
// With no multi-return in MVP, either 0 (void) or 1 (anything else)
if (sigRet == 'v') {
} else {
typeSection = typeSection.concat([0x01, typeCodes[sigRet]]);
// Write the overall length of the type section back into the section header
// (excepting the 2 bytes for the section id and length)
typeSection[1] = typeSection.length - 2;
// Rest of the module is static
var bytes = new Uint8Array([
0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, // magic ("\0asm")
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // version: 1
].concat(typeSection, [
0x02, 0x07, // import section
// (import "e" "f" (func 0 (type 0)))
0x01, 0x01, 0x65, 0x01, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00,
0x07, 0x05, // export section
// (export "f" (func 0 (type 0)))
0x01, 0x01, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00,
// We can compile this wasm module synchronously because it is very small.
// This accepts an import (at "e.f"), that it reroutes to an export (at "f")
var module = new WebAssembly.Module(bytes);
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {
'e': {
'f': func
var wrappedFunc = instance.exports['f'];
return wrappedFunc;
// Add a wasm function to the table.
function addFunctionWasm(func, sig) {
var table = wasmTable;
var ret = table.length;
// Grow the table
try {
} catch (err) {
if (!err instanceof RangeError) {
throw err;
throw 'Unable to grow wasm table. Use a higher value for RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS or set ALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH.';
// Insert new element
try {
// Attempting to call this with JS function will cause of table.set() to fail
table.set(ret, func);
} catch (err) {
if (!err instanceof TypeError) {
throw err;
assert(typeof sig !== 'undefined', 'Missing signature argument to addFunction');
var wrapped = convertJsFunctionToWasm(func, sig);
table.set(ret, wrapped);
return ret;
function removeFunctionWasm(index) {
// TODO(sbc): Look into implementing this to allow re-using of table slots
// 'sig' parameter is required for the llvm backend but only when func is not
// already a WebAssembly function.
function addFunction(func, sig) {
assert(typeof func !== 'undefined');
return addFunctionWasm(func, sig);
function removeFunction(index) {
var funcWrappers = {};
function getFuncWrapper(func, sig) {
if (!func) return; // on null pointer, return undefined
if (!funcWrappers[sig]) {
funcWrappers[sig] = {};
var sigCache = funcWrappers[sig];
if (!sigCache[func]) {
// optimize away arguments usage in common cases
if (sig.length === 1) {
sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper() {
return dynCall(sig, func);
} else if (sig.length === 2) {
sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper(arg) {
return dynCall(sig, func, [arg]);
} else {
// general case
sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper() {
return dynCall(sig, func,;
return sigCache[func];
function makeBigInt(low, high, unsigned) {
return unsigned ? ((+((low>>>0)))+((+((high>>>0)))*4294967296.0)) : ((+((low>>>0)))+((+((high|0)))*4294967296.0));
function dynCall(sig, ptr, args) {
if (args && args.length) {
assert(args.length == sig.length-1);
assert(('dynCall_' + sig) in Module, 'bad function pointer type - no table for sig \'' + sig + '\'');
return Module['dynCall_' + sig].apply(null, [ptr].concat(args));
} else {
assert(sig.length == 1);
assert(('dynCall_' + sig) in Module, 'bad function pointer type - no table for sig \'' + sig + '\'');
return Module['dynCall_' + sig].call(null, ptr);
var tempRet0 = 0;
var setTempRet0 = function(value) {
tempRet0 = value;
var getTempRet0 = function() {
return tempRet0;
function getCompilerSetting(name) {
throw 'You must build with -s RETAIN_COMPILER_SETTINGS=1 for getCompilerSetting or emscripten_get_compiler_setting to work';
var Runtime = {
// helpful errors
getTempRet0: function() { abort('getTempRet0() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."') },
staticAlloc: function() { abort('staticAlloc() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."') },
stackAlloc: function() { abort('stackAlloc() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."') },
// The address globals begin at. Very low in memory, for code size and optimization opportunities.
// Above 0 is static memory, starting with globals.
// Then the stack.
// Then 'dynamic' memory for sbrk.
var GLOBAL_BASE = 1024;
// The wasm backend path does not have a way to set the stack max, so we can
// just implement this function in a trivial way
function establishStackSpace(base, max) {
// JS library code refers to Atomics in the manner used from asm.js, provide
// the same API here.
var Atomics_load = Atomics.load;
var Atomics_store =;
var Atomics_compareExchange = Atomics.compareExchange;
// === Preamble library stuff ===
// Documentation for the public APIs defined in this file must be updated in:
// site/source/docs/api_reference/preamble.js.rst
// A prebuilt local version of the documentation is available at:
// site/build/text/docs/api_reference/preamble.js.txt
// You can also build docs locally as HTML or other formats in site/
// An online HTML version (which may be of a different version of Emscripten)
// is up at
var wasmBinary;if (Module['wasmBinary']) wasmBinary = Module['wasmBinary'];if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, 'wasmBinary')) Object.defineProperty(Module, 'wasmBinary', { configurable: true, get: function() { abort('Module.wasmBinary has been replaced with plain wasmBinary') } });
var noExitRuntime;if (Module['noExitRuntime']) noExitRuntime = Module['noExitRuntime'];if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, 'noExitRuntime')) Object.defineProperty(Module, 'noExitRuntime', { configurable: true, get: function() { abort('Module.noExitRuntime has been replaced with plain noExitRuntime') } });
if (typeof WebAssembly !== 'object') {
abort('No WebAssembly support found. Build with -s WASM=0 to target JavaScript instead.');
// In MINIMAL_RUNTIME, setValue() and getValue() are only available when building with safe heap enabled, for heap safety checking.
// In traditional runtime, setValue() and getValue() are always available (although their use is highly discouraged due to perf penalties)
/** @type {function(number, number, string, boolean=)} */
function setValue(ptr, value, type, noSafe) {
type = type || 'i8';
if (type.charAt(type.length-1) === '*') type = 'i32'; // pointers are 32-bit
switch(type) {
case 'i1': HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)]=value; break;
case 'i8': HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)]=value; break;
case 'i16': HEAP16[((ptr)>>1)]=value; break;
case 'i32': HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)]=value; break;
case 'i64': (tempI64 = [value>>>0,(tempDouble=value,(+(Math_abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math_min((+(Math_floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((ptr)+(4))>>2)]=tempI64[1]); break;
case 'float': HEAPF32[((ptr)>>2)]=value; break;
case 'double': HEAPF64[((ptr)>>3)]=value; break;
default: abort('invalid type for setValue: ' + type);
/** @type {function(number, string, boolean=)} */
function getValue(ptr, type, noSafe) {
type = type || 'i8';
if (type.charAt(type.length-1) === '*') type = 'i32'; // pointers are 32-bit
switch(type) {
case 'i1': return HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)];
case 'i8': return HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)];
case 'i16': return HEAP16[((ptr)>>1)];
case 'i32': return HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)];
case 'i64': return HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)];
case 'float': return HEAPF32[((ptr)>>2)];
case 'double': return HEAPF64[((ptr)>>3)];
default: abort('invalid type for getValue: ' + type);
return null;
// Wasm globals
var wasmMemory;
// In fastcomp asm.js, we don't need a wasm Table at all.
// In the wasm backend, we polyfill the WebAssembly object,
// so this creates a (non-native-wasm) table for us.
var wasmTable = new WebAssembly.Table({
'initial': 63857,
'maximum': 63857 + 0,
'element': 'anyfunc'
// For sending to workers.
var wasmModule;
// Only workers actually use these field, but we refer to them from
// library_pthread (which exists on all threads) so this definition is useful
// to avoid accessing the global scope.
var threadInfoStruct = 0;
var selfThreadId = 0;
var __performance_now_clock_drift = 0;
var tempDoublePtr = 0;
// Runtime essentials
// whether we are quitting the application. no code should run after this.
// set in exit() and abort()
var ABORT = false;
// set by exit() and abort(). Passed to 'onExit' handler.
// NOTE: This is also used as the process return code code in shell environments
// but only when noExitRuntime is false.
/** @type {function(*, string=)} */
function assert(condition, text) {
if (!condition) {
abort('Assertion failed: ' + text);
// Returns the C function with a specified identifier (for C++, you need to do manual name mangling)
function getCFunc(ident) {
var func = Module['_' + ident]; // closure exported function
assert(func, 'Cannot call unknown function ' + ident + ', make sure it is exported');
return func;
// C calling interface.
function ccall(ident, returnType, argTypes, args, opts) {
// For fast lookup of conversion functions
var toC = {
'string': function(str) {
var ret = 0;
if (str !== null && str !== undefined && str !== 0) { // null string
// at most 4 bytes per UTF-8 code point, +1 for the trailing '\0'
var len = (str.length << 2) + 1;
ret = stackAlloc(len);
stringToUTF8(str, ret, len);
return ret;
'array': function(arr) {
var ret = stackAlloc(arr.length);
writeArrayToMemory(arr, ret);
return ret;
function convertReturnValue(ret) {
if (returnType === 'string') return UTF8ToString(ret);
if (returnType === 'boolean') return Boolean(ret);
return ret;
var func = getCFunc(ident);
var cArgs = [];
var stack = 0;
assert(returnType !== 'array', 'Return type should not be "array".');
if (args) {
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var converter = toC[argTypes[i]];
if (converter) {
if (stack === 0) stack = stackSave();
cArgs[i] = converter(args[i]);
} else {
cArgs[i] = args[i];
var ret = func.apply(null, cArgs);
ret = convertReturnValue(ret);
if (stack !== 0) stackRestore(stack);
return ret;
function cwrap(ident, returnType, argTypes, opts) {
return function() {
return ccall(ident, returnType, argTypes, arguments, opts);
var ALLOC_NORMAL = 0; // Tries to use _malloc()
var ALLOC_STACK = 1; // Lives for the duration of the current function call
var ALLOC_DYNAMIC = 2; // Cannot be freed except through sbrk
var ALLOC_NONE = 3; // Do not allocate
// allocate(): This is for internal use. You can use it yourself as well, but the interface
// is a little tricky (see docs right below). The reason is that it is optimized
// for multiple syntaxes to save space in generated code. So you should
// normally not use allocate(), and instead allocate memory using _malloc(),
// initialize it with setValue(), and so forth.
// @slab: An array of data, or a number. If a number, then the size of the block to allocate,
// in *bytes* (note that this is sometimes confusing: the next parameter does not
// affect this!)
// @types: Either an array of types, one for each byte (or 0 if no type at that position),
// or a single type which is used for the entire block. This only matters if there
// is initial data - if @slab is a number, then this does not matter at all and is
// ignored.
// @allocator: How to allocate memory, see ALLOC_*
/** @type {function((TypedArray|Array<number>|number), string, number, number=)} */
function allocate(slab, types, allocator, ptr) {
var zeroinit, size;
if (typeof slab === 'number') {
zeroinit = true;
size = slab;
} else {
zeroinit = false;
size = slab.length;
var singleType = typeof types === 'string' ? types : null;
var ret;
if (allocator == ALLOC_NONE) {
ret = ptr;
} else {
ret = [_malloc,
dynamicAlloc][allocator](Math.max(size, singleType ? 1 : types.length));
if (zeroinit) {
var stop;
ptr = ret;
assert((ret & 3) == 0);
stop = ret + (size & ~3);
for (; ptr < stop; ptr += 4) {
stop = ret + size;
while (ptr < stop) {
return ret;
if (singleType === 'i8') {
if (slab.subarray || slab.slice) {
HEAPU8.set(/** @type {!Uint8Array} */ (slab), ret);
} else {
HEAPU8.set(new Uint8Array(slab), ret);
return ret;
var i = 0, type, typeSize, previousType;
while (i < size) {
var curr = slab[i];
type = singleType || types[i];
if (type === 0) {
assert(type, 'Must know what type to store in allocate!');
if (type == 'i64') type = 'i32'; // special case: we have one i32 here, and one i32 later
setValue(ret+i, curr, type);
// no need to look up size unless type changes, so cache it
if (previousType !== type) {
typeSize = getNativeTypeSize(type);
previousType = type;
i += typeSize;
return ret;
// Allocate memory during any stage of startup - static memory early on, dynamic memory later, malloc when ready
function getMemory(size) {
if (!runtimeInitialized) return dynamicAlloc(size);
return _malloc(size);
/** @type {function(number, number=)} */
function Pointer_stringify(ptr, length) {
abort("this function has been removed - you should use UTF8ToString(ptr, maxBytesToRead) instead!");
// Given a pointer 'ptr' to a null-terminated ASCII-encoded string in the emscripten HEAP, returns
// a copy of that string as a Javascript String object.
function AsciiToString(ptr) {
var str = '';
while (1) {
var ch = HEAPU8[((ptr++)>>0)];
if (!ch) return str;
str += String.fromCharCode(ch);
// Copies the given Javascript String object 'str' to the emscripten HEAP at address 'outPtr',
// null-terminated and encoded in ASCII form. The copy will require at most str.length+1 bytes of space in the HEAP.
function stringToAscii(str, outPtr) {
return writeAsciiToMemory(str, outPtr, false);
// Given a pointer 'ptr' to a null-terminated UTF8-encoded string in the given array that contains uint8 values, returns
// a copy of that string as a Javascript String object.
* @param {number} idx
* @param {number=} maxBytesToRead
* @return {string}
function UTF8ArrayToString(u8Array, idx, maxBytesToRead) {
var endIdx = idx + maxBytesToRead;
var str = '';
while (!(idx >= endIdx)) {
// For UTF8 byte structure, see:
var u0 = u8Array[idx++];
// If not building with TextDecoder enabled, we don't know the string length, so scan for \0 byte.
// If building with TextDecoder, we know exactly at what byte index the string ends, so checking for nulls here would be redundant.
if (!u0) return str;
if (!(u0 & 0x80)) { str += String.fromCharCode(u0); continue; }
var u1 = u8Array[idx++] & 63;
if ((u0 & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { str += String.fromCharCode(((u0 & 31) << 6) | u1); continue; }
var u2 = u8Array[idx++] & 63;
if ((u0 & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
u0 = ((u0 & 15) << 12) | (u1 << 6) | u2;
} else {
if ((u0 & 0xF8) != 0xF0) warnOnce('Invalid UTF-8 leading byte 0x' + u0.toString(16) + ' encountered when deserializing a UTF-8 string on the asm.js/wasm heap to a JS string!');
u0 = ((u0 & 7) << 18) | (u1 << 12) | (u2 << 6) | (u8Array[idx++] & 63);
if (u0 < 0x10000) {
str += String.fromCharCode(u0);
} else {
var ch = u0 - 0x10000;
str += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 | (ch >> 10), 0xDC00 | (ch & 0x3FF));
return str;
// Given a pointer 'ptr' to a null-terminated UTF8-encoded string in the emscripten HEAP, returns a
// copy of that string as a Javascript String object.
// maxBytesToRead: an optional length that specifies the maximum number of bytes to read. You can omit
// this parameter to scan the string until the first \0 byte. If maxBytesToRead is
// passed, and the string at [ptr, ptr+maxBytesToReadr[ contains a null byte in the
// middle, then the string will cut short at that byte index (i.e. maxBytesToRead will
// not produce a string of exact length [ptr, ptr+maxBytesToRead[)
// N.B. mixing frequent uses of UTF8ToString() with and without maxBytesToRead may
// throw JS JIT optimizations off, so it is worth to consider consistently using one
// style or the other.
* @param {number} ptr
* @param {number=} maxBytesToRead
* @return {string}
function UTF8ToString(ptr, maxBytesToRead) {
return ptr ? UTF8ArrayToString(HEAPU8, ptr, maxBytesToRead) : '';
// Copies the given Javascript String object 'str' to the given byte array at address 'outIdx',
// encoded in UTF8 form and null-terminated. The copy will require at most str.length*4+1 bytes of space in the HEAP.
// Use the function lengthBytesUTF8 to compute the exact number of bytes (excluding null terminator) that this function will write.
// Parameters:
// str: the Javascript string to copy.
// outU8Array: the array to copy to. Each index in this array is assumed to be one 8-byte element.
// outIdx: The starting offset in the array to begin the copying.
// maxBytesToWrite: The maximum number of bytes this function can write to the array.
// This count should include the null terminator,
// i.e. if maxBytesToWrite=1, only the null terminator will be written and nothing else.
// maxBytesToWrite=0 does not write any bytes to the output, not even the null terminator.
// Returns the number of bytes written, EXCLUDING the null terminator.
function stringToUTF8Array(str, outU8Array, outIdx, maxBytesToWrite) {
if (!(maxBytesToWrite > 0)) // Parameter maxBytesToWrite is not optional. Negative values, 0, null, undefined and false each don't write out any bytes.
return 0;
var startIdx = outIdx;
var endIdx = outIdx + maxBytesToWrite - 1; // -1 for string null terminator.
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
// Gotcha: charCodeAt returns a 16-bit word that is a UTF-16 encoded code unit, not a Unicode code point of the character! So decode UTF16->UTF32->UTF8.
// See
// For UTF8 byte structure, see and and
var u = str.charCodeAt(i); // possibly a lead surrogate
if (u >= 0xD800 && u <= 0xDFFF) {
var u1 = str.charCodeAt(++i);
u = 0x10000 + ((u & 0x3FF) << 10) | (u1 & 0x3FF);
if (u <= 0x7F) {
if (outIdx >= endIdx) break;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = u;
} else if (u <= 0x7FF) {
if (outIdx + 1 >= endIdx) break;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0xC0 | (u >> 6);
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63);
} else if (u <= 0xFFFF) {
if (outIdx + 2 >= endIdx) break;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0xE0 | (u >> 12);
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 6) & 63);
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63);
} else {
if (outIdx + 3 >= endIdx) break;
if (u >= 0x200000) warnOnce('Invalid Unicode code point 0x' + u.toString(16) + ' encountered when serializing a JS string to an UTF-8 string on the asm.js/wasm heap! (Valid unicode code points should be in range 0-0x1FFFFF).');
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0xF0 | (u >> 18);
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 12) & 63);
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 6) & 63);
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63);
// Null-terminate the pointer to the buffer.
outU8Array[outIdx] = 0;
return outIdx - startIdx;
// Copies the given Javascript String object 'str' to the emscripten HEAP at address 'outPtr',
// null-terminated and encoded in UTF8 form. The copy will require at most str.length*4+1 bytes of space in the HEAP.
// Use the function lengthBytesUTF8 to compute the exact number of bytes (excluding null terminator) that this function will write.
// Returns the number of bytes written, EXCLUDING the null terminator.
function stringToUTF8(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) {
assert(typeof maxBytesToWrite == 'number', 'stringToUTF8(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) is missing the third parameter that specifies the length of the output buffer!');
return stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAPU8,outPtr, maxBytesToWrite);
// Returns the number of bytes the given Javascript string takes if encoded as a UTF8 byte array, EXCLUDING the null terminator byte.
function lengthBytesUTF8(str) {
var len = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
// Gotcha: charCodeAt returns a 16-bit word that is a UTF-16 encoded code unit, not a Unicode code point of the character! So decode UTF16->UTF32->UTF8.
// See
var u = str.charCodeAt(i); // possibly a lead surrogate
if (u >= 0xD800 && u <= 0xDFFF) u = 0x10000 + ((u & 0x3FF) << 10) | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0x3FF);
if (u <= 0x7F) ++len;
else if (u <= 0x7FF) len += 2;
else if (u <= 0xFFFF) len += 3;
else len += 4;
return len;
// Given a pointer 'ptr' to a null-terminated UTF16LE-encoded string in the emscripten HEAP, returns
// a copy of that string as a Javascript String object.
function UTF16ToString(ptr) {
assert(ptr % 2 == 0, 'Pointer passed to UTF16ToString must be aligned to two bytes!');
var i = 0;
var str = '';
while (1) {
var codeUnit = HEAP16[(((ptr)+(i*2))>>1)];
if (codeUnit == 0) return str;
// fromCharCode constructs a character from a UTF-16 code unit, so we can pass the UTF16 string right through.
str += String.fromCharCode(codeUnit);
// Copies the given Javascript String object 'str' to the emscripten HEAP at address 'outPtr',
// null-terminated and encoded in UTF16 form. The copy will require at most str.length*4+2 bytes of space in the HEAP.
// Use the function lengthBytesUTF16() to compute the exact number of bytes (excluding null terminator) that this function will write.
// Parameters:
// str: the Javascript string to copy.
// outPtr: Byte address in Emscripten HEAP where to write the string to.
// maxBytesToWrite: The maximum number of bytes this function can write to the array. This count should include the null
// terminator, i.e. if maxBytesToWrite=2, only the null terminator will be written and nothing else.
// maxBytesToWrite<2 does not write any bytes to the output, not even the null terminator.
// Returns the number of bytes written, EXCLUDING the null terminator.
function stringToUTF16(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) {
assert(outPtr % 2 == 0, 'Pointer passed to stringToUTF16 must be aligned to two bytes!');
assert(typeof maxBytesToWrite == 'number', 'stringToUTF16(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) is missing the third parameter that specifies the length of the output buffer!');
// Backwards compatibility: if max bytes is not specified, assume unsafe unbounded write is allowed.
if (maxBytesToWrite === undefined) {
maxBytesToWrite = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (maxBytesToWrite < 2) return 0;
maxBytesToWrite -= 2; // Null terminator.
var startPtr = outPtr;
var numCharsToWrite = (maxBytesToWrite < str.length*2) ? (maxBytesToWrite / 2) : str.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numCharsToWrite; ++i) {
// charCodeAt returns a UTF-16 encoded code unit, so it can be directly written to the HEAP.
var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i); // possibly a lead surrogate
outPtr += 2;
// Null-terminate the pointer to the HEAP.
return outPtr - startPtr;
// Returns the number of bytes the given Javascript string takes if encoded as a UTF16 byte array, EXCLUDING the null terminator byte.
function lengthBytesUTF16(str) {
return str.length*2;
function UTF32ToString(ptr) {
assert(ptr % 4 == 0, 'Pointer passed to UTF32ToString must be aligned to four bytes!');
var i = 0;
var str = '';
while (1) {
var utf32 = HEAP32[(((ptr)+(i*4))>>2)];
if (utf32 == 0)
return str;
// Gotcha: fromCharCode constructs a character from a UTF-16 encoded code (pair), not from a Unicode code point! So encode the code point to UTF-16 for constructing.
// See
if (utf32 >= 0x10000) {
var ch = utf32 - 0x10000;
str += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 | (ch >> 10), 0xDC00 | (ch & 0x3FF));
} else {
str += String.fromCharCode(utf32);
// Copies the given Javascript String object 'str' to the emscripten HEAP at address 'outPtr',
// null-terminated and encoded in UTF32 form. The copy will require at most str.length*4+4 bytes of space in the HEAP.
// Use the function lengthBytesUTF32() to compute the exact number of bytes (excluding null terminator) that this function will write.
// Parameters:
// str: the Javascript string to copy.
// outPtr: Byte address in Emscripten HEAP where to write the string to.
// maxBytesToWrite: The maximum number of bytes this function can write to the array. This count should include the null
// terminator, i.e. if maxBytesToWrite=4, only the null terminator will be written and nothing else.
// maxBytesToWrite<4 does not write any bytes to the output, not even the null terminator.
// Returns the number of bytes written, EXCLUDING the null terminator.
function stringToUTF32(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) {
assert(outPtr % 4 == 0, 'Pointer passed to stringToUTF32 must be aligned to four bytes!');
assert(typeof maxBytesToWrite == 'number', 'stringToUTF32(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) is missing the third parameter that specifies the length of the output buffer!');
// Backwards compatibility: if max bytes is not specified, assume unsafe unbounded write is allowed.
if (maxBytesToWrite === undefined) {
maxBytesToWrite = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (maxBytesToWrite < 4) return 0;
var startPtr = outPtr;
var endPtr = startPtr + maxBytesToWrite - 4;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
// Gotcha: charCodeAt returns a 16-bit word that is a UTF-16 encoded code unit, not a Unicode code point of the character! We must decode the string to UTF-32 to the heap.
// See
var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i); // possibly a lead surrogate
if (codeUnit >= 0xD800 && codeUnit <= 0xDFFF) {
var trailSurrogate = str.charCodeAt(++i);
codeUnit = 0x10000 + ((codeUnit & 0x3FF) << 10) | (trailSurrogate & 0x3FF);
outPtr += 4;
if (outPtr + 4 > endPtr) break;
// Null-terminate the pointer to the HEAP.
return outPtr - startPtr;
// Returns the number of bytes the given Javascript string takes if encoded as a UTF16 byte array, EXCLUDING the null terminator byte.
function lengthBytesUTF32(str) {
var len = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
// Gotcha: charCodeAt returns a 16-bit word that is a UTF-16 encoded code unit, not a Unicode code point of the character! We must decode the string to UTF-32 to the heap.
// See
var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (codeUnit >= 0xD800 && codeUnit <= 0xDFFF) ++i; // possibly a lead surrogate, so skip over the tail surrogate.
len += 4;
return len;
// Allocate heap space for a JS string, and write it there.
// It is the responsibility of the caller to free() that memory.
function allocateUTF8(str) {
var size = lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1;
var ret = _malloc(size);
if (ret) stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAP8, ret, size);
return ret;
// Allocate stack space for a JS string, and write it there.
function allocateUTF8OnStack(str) {
var size = lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1;
var ret = stackAlloc(size);
stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAP8, ret, size);
return ret;
// Deprecated: This function should not be called because it is unsafe and does not provide
// a maximum length limit of how many bytes it is allowed to write. Prefer calling the
// function stringToUTF8Array() instead, which takes in a maximum length that can be used
// to be secure from out of bounds writes.
/** @deprecated */
function writeStringToMemory(string, buffer, dontAddNull) {
warnOnce('writeStringToMemory is deprecated and should not be called! Use stringToUTF8() instead!');
var /** @type {number} */ lastChar, /** @type {number} */ end;
if (dontAddNull) {
// stringToUTF8Array always appends null. If we don't want to do that, remember the
// character that existed at the location where the null will be placed, and restore
// that after the write (below).
end = buffer + lengthBytesUTF8(string);
lastChar = HEAP8[end];
stringToUTF8(string, buffer, Infinity);
if (dontAddNull) HEAP8[end] = lastChar; // Restore the value under the null character.
function writeArrayToMemory(array, buffer) {
assert(array.length >= 0, 'writeArrayToMemory array must have a length (should be an array or typed array)')
HEAP8.set(array, buffer);
function writeAsciiToMemory(str, buffer, dontAddNull) {
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
assert(str.charCodeAt(i) === str.charCodeAt(i)&0xff);
// Null-terminate the pointer to the HEAP.
if (!dontAddNull) HEAP8[((buffer)>>0)]=0;
// Memory management
var PAGE_SIZE = 16384;
var WASM_PAGE_SIZE = 65536;
var ASMJS_PAGE_SIZE = 16777216;
function alignUp(x, multiple) {
if (x % multiple > 0) {
x += multiple - (x % multiple);
return x;
var HEAP,
/** @type {ArrayBuffer} */
/** @type {Int8Array} */
/** @type {Uint8Array} */
/** @type {Int16Array} */
/** @type {Uint16Array} */
/** @type {Int32Array} */
/** @type {Uint32Array} */
/** @type {Float32Array} */
/** @type {Float64Array} */
function updateGlobalBufferAndViews(buf) {
buffer = buf;
Module['HEAP8'] = HEAP8 = new Int8Array(buf);
Module['HEAP16'] = HEAP16 = new Int16Array(buf);
Module['HEAP32'] = HEAP32 = new Int32Array(buf);
Module['HEAPU8'] = HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(buf);
Module['HEAPU16'] = HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(buf);
Module['HEAPU32'] = HEAPU32 = new Uint32Array(buf);
Module['HEAPF32'] = HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(buf);
Module['HEAPF64'] = HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(buf);
var STATIC_BASE = 1024,
STACK_BASE = 17838800,
STACK_MAX = 12595920,
DYNAMIC_BASE = 17838800,
DYNAMICTOP_PTR = 12594960;
assert(STACK_BASE % 16 === 0, 'stack must start aligned');
assert(DYNAMIC_BASE % 16 === 0, 'heap must start aligned');
// At the 'load' stage of Worker startup, we are just loading this script
// but not ready to run yet. At 'run' we receive proper values for the stack
// etc. and can launch a pthread. Set some fake values there meanwhile to
// catch bugs, then set the real values in applyStackValues later.
Module['applyStackValues'] = function(stackBase, stackTop, stackMax) {
STACK_BASE = stackBase;
STACKTOP = stackTop;
STACK_MAX = stackMax;
// TODO tempDoublePtr = Module['tempDoublePtr'];
var TOTAL_STACK = 5242880;
if (Module['TOTAL_STACK']) assert(TOTAL_STACK === Module['TOTAL_STACK'], 'the stack size can no longer be determined at runtime')
var INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY = Module['TOTAL_MEMORY'] || 149880832;if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, 'TOTAL_MEMORY')) Object.defineProperty(Module, 'TOTAL_MEMORY', { configurable: true, get: function() { abort('Module.TOTAL_MEMORY has been replaced with plain INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY') } });
// check for full engine support (use string 'subarray' to avoid closure compiler confusion)
assert(typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' && typeof Float64Array !== 'undefined' && Int32Array.prototype.subarray !== undefined && Int32Array.prototype.set !== undefined,
'JS engine does not provide full typed array support');
// In standalone mode, the wasm creates the memory, and the user can't provide it.
// In non-standalone/normal mode, we create the memory here.
// Create the main memory. (Note: this isn't used in STANDALONE_WASM mode since the wasm
// memory is created in the wasm, not in JS.)
wasmMemory = Module['wasmMemory'];
buffer = Module['buffer'];
} else {
if (Module['wasmMemory']) {
wasmMemory = Module['wasmMemory'];
} else
wasmMemory = new WebAssembly.Memory({
'shared': true
if (!(wasmMemory.buffer instanceof SharedArrayBuffer)) {
err('requested a shared WebAssembly.Memory but the returned buffer is not a SharedArrayBuffer, indicating that while the browser has SharedArrayBuffer it does not have WebAssembly threads support - you may need to set a flag');
console.log('(on node you may need: --experimental-wasm-threads --experimental-wasm-bulk-memory and also use a recent version)');
throw Error('bad memory');
if (wasmMemory) {
buffer = wasmMemory.buffer;
// If the user provides an incorrect length, just use that length instead rather than providing the user to
// specifically provide the memory length with Module['TOTAL_MEMORY'].
INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY = buffer.byteLength;
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { // Pthreads have already initialized these variables in src/worker.js, where they were passed to the thread worker at startup time
// Initializes the stack cookie. Called at the startup of main and at the startup of each thread in pthreads mode.
function writeStackCookie() {
assert((STACK_MAX & 3) == 0);
// The stack grows downwards
HEAPU32[(STACK_MAX >> 2)+1] = 0x02135467;
HEAPU32[(STACK_MAX >> 2)+2] = 0x89BACDFE;
// Also test the global address 0 for integrity.
// We don't do this with ASan because ASan does its own checks for this.
HEAP32[0] = 0x63736d65; /* 'emsc' */
function checkStackCookie() {
var cookie1 = HEAPU32[(STACK_MAX >> 2)+1];
var cookie2 = HEAPU32[(STACK_MAX >> 2)+2];
if (cookie1 != 0x02135467 || cookie2 != 0x89BACDFE) {
abort('Stack overflow! Stack cookie has been overwritten, expected hex dwords 0x89BACDFE and 0x02135467, but received 0x' + cookie2.toString(16) + ' ' + cookie1.toString(16));
// Also test the global address 0 for integrity.
// We don't do this with ASan because ASan does its own checks for this.
if (HEAP32[0] !== 0x63736d65 /* 'emsc' */) abort('Runtime error: The application has corrupted its heap memory area (address zero)!');
function abortStackOverflow(allocSize) {
abort('Stack overflow! Attempted to allocate ' + allocSize + ' bytes on the stack, but stack has only ' + (STACK_MAX - stackSave() + allocSize) + ' bytes available!');
// Endianness check (note: assumes compiler arch was little-endian)
(function() {
var h16 = new Int16Array(1);
var h8 = new Int8Array(h16.buffer);
h16[0] = 0x6373;
if (h8[0] !== 0x73 || h8[1] !== 0x63) throw 'Runtime error: expected the system to be little-endian!';
function abortFnPtrError(ptr, sig) {
abort("Invalid function pointer " + ptr + " called with signature '" + sig + "'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this). Build with ASSERTIONS=2 for more info.");
function callRuntimeCallbacks(callbacks) {
while(callbacks.length > 0) {
var callback = callbacks.shift();
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
var func = callback.func;
if (typeof func === 'number') {
if (callback.arg === undefined) {
} else {
Module['dynCall_vi'](func, callback.arg);
} else {
func(callback.arg === undefined ? null : callback.arg);
var __ATPRERUN__ = []; // functions called before the runtime is initialized
var __ATINIT__ = []; // functions called during startup
var __ATMAIN__ = []; // functions called when main() is to be run
var __ATEXIT__ = []; // functions called during shutdown
var __ATPOSTRUN__ = []; // functions called after the main() is called
var runtimeInitialized = false;
var runtimeExited = false;
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) runtimeInitialized = true; // The runtime is hosted in the main thread, and bits shared to pthreads via SharedArrayBuffer. No need to init again in pthread.
function preRun() {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return; // PThreads reuse the runtime from the main thread.
if (Module['preRun']) {
if (typeof Module['preRun'] == 'function') Module['preRun'] = [Module['preRun']];
while (Module['preRun'].length) {
function initRuntime() {
runtimeInitialized = true;
if (!Module["noFSInit"] && !FS.init.initialized) FS.init();
function preMain() {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return; // PThreads reuse the runtime from the main thread.
FS.ignorePermissions = false;
function exitRuntime() {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return; // PThreads reuse the runtime from the main thread.
runtimeExited = true;
function postRun() {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return; // PThreads reuse the runtime from the main thread.
if (Module['postRun']) {
if (typeof Module['postRun'] == 'function') Module['postRun'] = [Module['postRun']];
while (Module['postRun'].length) {
function addOnPreRun(cb) {
function addOnInit(cb) {
function addOnPreMain(cb) {
function addOnExit(cb) {
function addOnPostRun(cb) {
function unSign(value, bits, ignore) {
if (value >= 0) {
return value;
return bits <= 32 ? 2*Math.abs(1 << (bits-1)) + value // Need some trickery, since if bits == 32, we are right at the limit of the bits JS uses in bitshifts
: Math.pow(2, bits) + value;
function reSign(value, bits, ignore) {
if (value <= 0) {
return value;
var half = bits <= 32 ? Math.abs(1 << (bits-1)) // abs is needed if bits == 32
: Math.pow(2, bits-1);
if (value >= half && (bits <= 32 || value > half)) { // for huge values, we can hit the precision limit and always get true here. so don't do that
// but, in general there is no perfect solution here. With 64-bit ints, we get rounding and errors
// TODO: In i64 mode 1, resign the two parts separately and safely
value = -2*half + value; // Cannot bitshift half, as it may be at the limit of the bits JS uses in bitshifts
return value;
assert(Math.imul, 'This browser does not support Math.imul(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill');
assert(Math.fround, 'This browser does not support Math.fround(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill');
assert(Math.clz32, 'This browser does not support Math.clz32(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill');
assert(Math.trunc, 'This browser does not support Math.trunc(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill');
var Math_abs = Math.abs;
var Math_cos = Math.cos;
var Math_sin = Math.sin;
var Math_tan = Math.tan;
var Math_acos = Math.acos;
var Math_asin = Math.asin;
var Math_atan = Math.atan;
var Math_atan2 = Math.atan2;
var Math_exp = Math.exp;
var Math_log = Math.log;
var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var Math_ceil = Math.ceil;
var Math_floor = Math.floor;
var Math_pow = Math.pow;
var Math_imul = Math.imul;
var Math_fround = Math.fround;
var Math_round = Math.round;
var Math_min = Math.min;
var Math_max = Math.max;
var Math_clz32 = Math.clz32;
var Math_trunc = Math.trunc;
// A counter of dependencies for calling run(). If we need to
// do asynchronous work before running, increment this and
// decrement it. Incrementing must happen in a place like
// Module.preRun (used by emcc to add file preloading).
// Note that you can add dependencies in preRun, even though
// it happens right before run - run will be postponed until
// the dependencies are met.
var runDependencies = 0;
var runDependencyWatcher = null;
var dependenciesFulfilled = null; // overridden to take different actions when all run dependencies are fulfilled
var runDependencyTracking = {};
function getUniqueRunDependency(id) {
var orig = id;
while (1) {
if (!runDependencyTracking[id]) return id;
id = orig + Math.random();
return id;
function addRunDependency(id) {
// We should never get here in pthreads (could no-op this out if called in pthreads, but that might indicate a bug in caller side,
// so good to be very explicit)
assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD, "addRunDependency cannot be used in a pthread worker");
if (Module['monitorRunDependencies']) {
if (id) {
runDependencyTracking[id] = 1;
if (runDependencyWatcher === null && typeof setInterval !== 'undefined') {
// Check for missing dependencies every few seconds
runDependencyWatcher = setInterval(function() {
if (ABORT) {
runDependencyWatcher = null;
var shown = false;
for (var dep in runDependencyTracking) {
if (!shown) {
shown = true;
err('still waiting on run dependencies:');
err('dependency: ' + dep);
if (shown) {
err('(end of list)');
}, 10000);
} else {
err('warning: run dependency added without ID');
function removeRunDependency(id) {
if (Module['monitorRunDependencies']) {
if (id) {
delete runDependencyTracking[id];
} else {
err('warning: run dependency removed without ID');
if (runDependencies == 0) {
if (runDependencyWatcher !== null) {
runDependencyWatcher = null;
if (dependenciesFulfilled) {
var callback = dependenciesFulfilled;
dependenciesFulfilled = null;
callback(); // can add another dependenciesFulfilled
Module["preloadedImages"] = {}; // maps url to image data
Module["preloadedAudios"] = {}; // maps url to audio data
function abort(what) {
if (Module['onAbort']) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) console.error('Pthread aborting at ' + new Error().stack);
what += '';
ABORT = true;
var output = 'abort(' + what + ') at ' + stackTrace();
what = output;
// Throw a wasm runtime error, because a JS error might be seen as a foreign
// exception, which means we'd run destructors on it. We need the error to
// simply make the program stop.
throw new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(what);
var memoryInitializer = null;
// Copyright 2017 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
// Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
// University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Prefix of data URIs emitted by SINGLE_FILE and related options.
var dataURIPrefix = 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,';
// Indicates whether filename is a base64 data URI.
function isDataURI(filename) {
return String.prototype.startsWith ?
filename.startsWith(dataURIPrefix) :
filename.indexOf(dataURIPrefix) === 0;
var wasmBinaryFile = 'x2t.wasm';
if (!isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile)) {
wasmBinaryFile = locateFile(wasmBinaryFile);
function getBinary() {
try {
if (wasmBinary) {
return new Uint8Array(wasmBinary);
if (readBinary) {
return readBinary(wasmBinaryFile);
} else {
throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed";
catch (err) {
function getBinaryPromise() {
// if we don't have the binary yet, and have the Fetch api, use that
// in some environments, like Electron's render process, Fetch api may be present, but have a different context than expected, let's only use it on the Web
if (!wasmBinary && (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) && typeof fetch === 'function') {
return fetch(wasmBinaryFile, { credentials: 'same-origin' }).then(function(response) {
if (!response['ok']) {
throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + wasmBinaryFile + "'";
return response['arrayBuffer']();
}).catch(function () {
return getBinary();
// Otherwise, getBinary should be able to get it synchronously
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Create the wasm instance.
// Receives the wasm imports, returns the exports.
function createWasm() {
// prepare imports
var info = {
'env': asmLibraryArg,
'wasi_unstable': asmLibraryArg
// Load the wasm module and create an instance of using native support in the JS engine.
// handle a generated wasm instance, receiving its exports and
// performing other necessary setup
function receiveInstance(instance, module) {
var exports = instance.exports;
Module['asm'] = exports;
// Keep a reference to the compiled module so we can post it to the workers.
wasmModule = module;
// Instantiation is synchronous in pthreads and we assert on run dependencies.
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) removeRunDependency('wasm-instantiate');
// we can't run yet (except in a pthread, where we have a custom sync instantiator)
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { addRunDependency('wasm-instantiate'); }
// Async compilation can be confusing when an error on the page overwrites Module
// (for example, if the order of elements is wrong, and the one defining Module is
// later), so we save Module and check it later.
var trueModule = Module;
function receiveInstantiatedSource(output) {
// 'output' is a WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource object which has both the module and instance.
// receiveInstance() will swap in the exports (to Module.asm) so they can be called
assert(Module === trueModule, 'the Module object should not be replaced during async compilation - perhaps the order of HTML elements is wrong?');
trueModule = null;
receiveInstance(output['instance'], output['module']);
function instantiateArrayBuffer(receiver) {
return getBinaryPromise().then(function(binary) {
return WebAssembly.instantiate(binary, info);
}).then(receiver, function(reason) {
err('failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: ' + reason);
// Prefer streaming instantiation if available.
function instantiateAsync() {
if (!wasmBinary &&
typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming === 'function' &&
!isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile) &&
typeof fetch === 'function') {
fetch(wasmBinaryFile, { credentials: 'same-origin' }).then(function (response) {
var result = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(response, info);
return result.then(receiveInstantiatedSource, function(reason) {
// We expect the most common failure cause to be a bad MIME type for the binary,
// in which case falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation should work.
err('wasm streaming compile failed: ' + reason);
err('falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation');
} else {
return instantiateArrayBuffer(receiveInstantiatedSource);
// User shell pages can write their own Module.instantiateWasm = function(imports, successCallback) callback
// to manually instantiate the Wasm module themselves. This allows pages to run the instantiation parallel
// to any other async startup actions they are performing.
if (Module['instantiateWasm']) {
try {
var exports = Module['instantiateWasm'](info, receiveInstance);
return exports;
} catch(e) {
err('Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: ' + e);
return false;
return {}; // no exports yet; we'll fill them in later
// Globals used by JS i64 conversions
var tempDouble;
var tempI64;
// === Body ===
var ASM_CONSTS = {
55680: function() {FS.mkdir('/working'); FS.mount(NODEFS, { root: '.' }, '/working');},
10774936: function() {throw 'Canceled!'},
10775075: function() {postMessage({cmd : 'processQueuedMainThreadWork'})},
10775126: function($0) {if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { if (!PThread.pthreads[$0] || !PThread.pthreads[$0].worker) { return 0; } PThread.pthreads[$0].worker.postMessage({cmd : 'processThreadQueue'}); } else { postMessage({targetThread : $0, cmd : 'processThreadQueue'}); } return 1;},
10775494: function() {return !!(Module['canvas'])},
10775530: function() {noExitRuntime = true}
// Avoid creating a new array
var _readAsmConstArgsArray = [];
function readAsmConstArgs(sigPtr, buf) {
var args = _readAsmConstArgsArray;
args.length = 0;
while (1) {
var ch = HEAPU8[sigPtr++];
if (!ch) return args;
if (ch === 'd'.charCodeAt(0) || ch === 'f'.charCodeAt(0)) {
buf = alignMemory(buf, 8);
args.push(HEAPF64[(buf >> 3)]);
buf += 8;
} else if (ch === 'i'.charCodeAt(0)) {
buf = alignMemory(buf, 4);
args.push(HEAP32[(buf >> 2)]);
buf += 4;
} else abort("unexpected char in asm const signature " + ch);
function _emscripten_asm_const_iii(code, sigPtr, argbuf) {
var args = readAsmConstArgs(sigPtr, argbuf);
return ASM_CONSTS[code].apply(null, args);
}function initPthreadsJS(){ PThread.initRuntime(); }
// STATICTOP = STATIC_BASE + 12594896;
/* global initializers */ if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) __ATINIT__.push({ func: function() { ___wasm_call_ctors() } });
/* no memory initializer */
function demangle(func) {
warnOnce('warning: build with -s DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1 to link in libcxxabi demangling');
return func;
Module["demangle"] = demangle;
function demangleAll(text) {
var regex =
return text.replace(regex,
function(x) {
var y = demangle(x);
return x === y ? x : (y + ' [' + x + ']');
Module["demangleAll"] = demangleAll;
function jsStackTrace() {
var err = new Error();
if (!err.stack) {
// IE10+ special cases: It does have callstack info, but it is only populated if an Error object is thrown,
// so try that as a special-case.
try {
throw new Error(0);
} catch(e) {
err = e;
if (!err.stack) {
return '(no stack trace available)';
return err.stack.toString();
Module["jsStackTrace"] = jsStackTrace;
function stackTrace() {
var js = jsStackTrace();
if (Module['extraStackTrace']) js += '\n' + Module['extraStackTrace']();
return demangleAll(js);
Module["stackTrace"] = stackTrace;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb;
function __ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb"] = __ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb;
function __ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev"] = __ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev;
function __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv"] = __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv;
function __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_"] = __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_;
function __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev"] = __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev;
function __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_"] = __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_;
function __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb"] = __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb;
function __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev"] = __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev;
function __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev"] = __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev;
function __ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb"] = __ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb;
function __ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE"] = __ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE;
function __ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE"] = __ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE;
function __ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_"] = __ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_;
function __ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_"] = __ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_;
function __ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_"] = __ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_;
function __ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev"] = __ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev;
function __ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev"] = __ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev;
function __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv"] = __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv;
function __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReaderC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE(
) {
err('missing function: _ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReaderC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE'); abort(-1);
Module["__ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReaderC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE"] = __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReaderC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE;
function ___assert_fail(condition, filename, line, func) {
abort('Assertion failed: ' + UTF8ToString(condition) + ', at: ' + [filename ? UTF8ToString(filename) : 'unknown filename', line, func ? UTF8ToString(func) : 'unknown function']);
Module["___assert_fail"] = ___assert_fail;
var PROCINFO={ppid:1,pid:42,sid:42,pgid:42};
var __pthread_ptr=0;
Module["__pthread_ptr"] = __pthread_ptr;
var __pthread_is_main_runtime_thread=0;
Module["__pthread_is_main_runtime_thread"] = __pthread_is_main_runtime_thread;
var __pthread_is_main_browser_thread=0;
Module["__pthread_is_main_browser_thread"] = __pthread_is_main_browser_thread;function __register_pthread_ptr(pthreadPtr, isMainBrowserThread, isMainRuntimeThread) {
pthreadPtr = pthreadPtr|0;
isMainBrowserThread = isMainBrowserThread|0;
isMainRuntimeThread = isMainRuntimeThread|0;
__pthread_ptr = pthreadPtr;
__pthread_is_main_browser_thread = isMainBrowserThread;
__pthread_is_main_runtime_thread = isMainRuntimeThread;
Module["__register_pthread_ptr"] = __register_pthread_ptr;
var __main_thread_futex_wait_address=12595904;
Module["__main_thread_futex_wait_address"] = __main_thread_futex_wait_address;function _emscripten_futex_wake(addr, count) {
if (addr <= 0 || addr > HEAP8.length || addr&3 != 0 || count < 0) return -28;
if (count == 0) return 0;
// Waking (at least) INT_MAX waiters is defined to mean wake all callers.
// For Atomics.notify() API Infinity is to be passed in that case.
if (count >= 2147483647) count = Infinity;
// dump('futex_wake addr:' + addr + ' by thread: ' + _pthread_self() + (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD?'(pthread)':'') + '\n');
// See if main thread is waiting on this address? If so, wake it up by resetting its wake location to zero.
// Note that this is not a fair procedure, since we always wake main thread first before any workers, so
// this scheme does not adhere to real queue-based waiting.
var mainThreadWaitAddress = Atomics.load(HEAP32, __main_thread_futex_wait_address >> 2);
var mainThreadWoken = 0;
if (mainThreadWaitAddress == addr) {
var loadedAddr = Atomics.compareExchange(HEAP32, __main_thread_futex_wait_address >> 2, mainThreadWaitAddress, 0);
if (loadedAddr == mainThreadWaitAddress) {
mainThreadWoken = 1;
if (count <= 0) return 1;
// Wake any workers waiting on this address.
var ret = Atomics.notify(HEAP32, addr >> 2, count);
if (ret >= 0) return ret + mainThreadWoken;
throw 'Atomics.notify returned an unexpected value ' + ret;
Module["_emscripten_futex_wake"] = _emscripten_futex_wake;
function __kill_thread(pthread_ptr) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw 'Internal Error! _kill_thread() can only ever be called from main application thread!';
if (!pthread_ptr) throw 'Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in _kill_thread!';
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr];
// The worker was completely nuked (not just the pthread execution it was hosting), so remove it from running workers
// but don't put it back to the pool.
PThread.runningWorkers.splice(PThread.runningWorkers.indexOf(pthread.worker), 1); // Not a running Worker anymore.
pthread.worker.pthread = undefined;
Module["__kill_thread"] = __kill_thread;
function __cancel_thread(pthread_ptr) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw 'Internal Error! _cancel_thread() can only ever be called from main application thread!';
if (!pthread_ptr) throw 'Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in _cancel_thread!';
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr];
pthread.worker.postMessage({ 'cmd': 'cancel' });
Module["__cancel_thread"] = __cancel_thread;
function __cleanup_thread(pthread_ptr) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw 'Internal Error! _cleanup_thread() can only ever be called from main application thread!';
if (!pthread_ptr) throw 'Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in _cleanup_thread!';
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr];
if (pthread) {
var worker = pthread.worker;
Module["__cleanup_thread"] = __cleanup_thread;var PThread={MAIN_THREAD_ID:1,mainThreadInfo:{schedPolicy:0,schedPrio:0},preallocatedWorkers:[],unusedWorkers:[],runningWorkers:[],initRuntime:function() {
// Pass the thread address inside the asm.js scope to store it for fast access that avoids the need for a FFI out.
// Global constructors trying to access this value will read the wrong value, but that is UB anyway.
__register_pthread_ptr(PThread.mainThreadBlock, /*isMainBrowserThread=*/!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER, /*isMainRuntimeThread=*/1);
},initMainThreadBlock:function() {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return undefined;
PThread.mainThreadBlock = 12595120;
for (var i = 0; i < 244/4; ++i) HEAPU32[PThread.mainThreadBlock/4+i] = 0;
// The pthread struct has a field that points to itself - this is used as a magic ID to detect whether the pthread_t
// structure is 'alive'.
// pthread struct robust_list head should point to itself.
var headPtr = PThread.mainThreadBlock + 168;
// Allocate memory for thread-local storage.
var tlsMemory = 12595376;
for (var i = 0; i < 128; ++i) HEAPU32[tlsMemory/4+i] = 0;, (PThread.mainThreadBlock + 116 ) >> 2, tlsMemory); // Init thread-local-storage memory array., (PThread.mainThreadBlock + 52 ) >> 2, PThread.mainThreadBlock); // Main thread ID., (PThread.mainThreadBlock + 56 ) >> 2,; // Process ID.
},initWorker:function() {
},pthreads:{},exitHandlers:null,setThreadStatus:function() {},runExitHandlers:function() {
if (PThread.exitHandlers !== null) {
while (PThread.exitHandlers.length > 0) {
PThread.exitHandlers = null;
// Call into the musl function that runs destructors of all thread-specific data.
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD && threadInfoStruct) ___pthread_tsd_run_dtors();
},threadExit:function(exitCode) {
var tb = _pthread_self();
if (tb) { // If we haven't yet exited?, (tb + 4 ) >> 2, exitCode);
// When we publish this, the main thread is free to deallocate the thread object and we are done.
// Therefore set threadInfoStruct = 0; above to 'release' the object in this worker thread., (tb + 0 ) >> 2, 1);
// Disable all cancellation so that executing the cleanup handlers won't trigger another JS
// canceled exception to be thrown., (tb + 72 ) >> 2, 1/*PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE*/);, (tb + 76 ) >> 2, 0/*PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED*/);
_emscripten_futex_wake(tb + 0, 2147483647);
__register_pthread_ptr(0, 0, 0); // Unregister the thread block also inside the asm.js scope.
threadInfoStruct = 0;
// Note: in theory we would like to return any offscreen canvases back to the main thread,
// but if we ever fetched a rendering context for them that would not be valid, so we don't try.
postMessage({ 'cmd': 'exit' });
},threadCancel:function() {
PThread.runExitHandlers();, (threadInfoStruct + 4 ) >> 2, -1/*PTHREAD_CANCELED*/);, (threadInfoStruct + 0 ) >> 2, 1); // Mark the thread as no longer running.
_emscripten_futex_wake(threadInfoStruct + 0, 2147483647); // wake all threads
threadInfoStruct = selfThreadId = 0; // Not hosting a pthread anymore in this worker, reset the info structures to null.
__register_pthread_ptr(0, 0, 0); // Unregister the thread block also inside the asm.js scope.
postMessage({ 'cmd': 'cancelDone' });
},terminateAllThreads:function() {
for (var t in PThread.pthreads) {
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[t];
if (pthread && pthread.worker) {
PThread.pthreads = {};
for (var i = 0; i < PThread.preallocatedWorkers.length; ++i) {
var worker = PThread.preallocatedWorkers[i];
assert(!worker.pthread); // This Worker should not be hosting a pthread at this time.
PThread.preallocatedWorkers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < PThread.unusedWorkers.length; ++i) {
var worker = PThread.unusedWorkers[i];
assert(!worker.pthread); // This Worker should not be hosting a pthread at this time.
PThread.unusedWorkers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < PThread.runningWorkers.length; ++i) {
var worker = PThread.runningWorkers[i];
var pthread = worker.pthread;
assert(pthread, 'This Worker should have a pthread it is executing');
PThread.runningWorkers = [];
},freeThreadData:function(pthread) {
if (!pthread) return;
if (pthread.threadInfoStruct) {
var tlsMemory = HEAP32[(((pthread.threadInfoStruct)+(116))>>2)];
pthread.threadInfoStruct = 0;
if (pthread.allocatedOwnStack && pthread.stackBase) _free(pthread.stackBase);
pthread.stackBase = 0;
if (pthread.worker) pthread.worker.pthread = null;
},returnWorkerToPool:function(worker) {
delete PThread.pthreads[worker.pthread.thread];
//Note: worker is intentionally not terminated so the pool can dynamically grow.
PThread.runningWorkers.splice(PThread.runningWorkers.indexOf(worker), 1); // Not a running Worker anymore
worker.pthread = undefined; // Detach the worker from the pthread object, and return it to the worker pool as an unused worker.
},receiveObjectTransfer:function(data) {
},allocateUnusedWorkers:function(numWorkers, onFinishedLoading) {
if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer === 'undefined') return; // No multithreading support, no-op.
var workers = [];
var numWorkersToCreate = numWorkers;
if (PThread.preallocatedWorkers.length > 0) {
var workersUsed = Math.min(PThread.preallocatedWorkers.length, numWorkers);
workers = workers.concat(PThread.preallocatedWorkers.splice(0, workersUsed));
numWorkersToCreate -= workersUsed;
if (numWorkersToCreate > 0) {
workers = workers.concat(PThread.createNewWorkers(numWorkersToCreate));
// Add the listeners.
PThread.attachListenerToWorkers(workers, onFinishedLoading);
// Load the wasm module into the worker.
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
var worker = workers[i];
// Ask the new worker to load up the Emscripten-compiled page. This is a heavy operation.
'cmd': 'load',
// If the application main .js file was loaded from a Blob, then it is not possible
// to access the URL of the current script that could be passed to a Web Worker so that
// it could load up the same file. In that case, developer must either deliver the Blob
// object in Module['mainScriptUrlOrBlob'], or a URL to it, so that pthread Workers can
// independently load up the same main application file.
'urlOrBlob': Module['mainScriptUrlOrBlob'] || _scriptDir,
'wasmMemory': wasmMemory,
'wasmModule': wasmModule,
},attachListenerToWorkers:function(workers, onFinishedLoading) {
var numWorkersLoaded = 0;
var numWorkers = workers.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
var worker = workers[i];
(function(worker) {
worker.onmessage = function(e) {
var d = e['data'];
var cmd = d['cmd'];
// Sometimes we need to backproxy events to the calling thread (e.g. HTML5 DOM events handlers such as emscripten_set_mousemove_callback()), so keep track in a globally accessible variable about the thread that initiated the proxying.
if (worker.pthread) PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = worker.pthread.threadInfoStruct;
// If this message is intended to a recipient that is not the main thread, forward it to the target thread.
if (d['targetThread'] && d['targetThread'] != _pthread_self()) {
var thread = PThread.pthreads[d.targetThread];
if (thread) {
thread.worker.postMessage(, d['transferList']);
} else {
console.error('Internal error! Worker sent a message "' + cmd + '" to target pthread ' + d['targetThread'] + ', but that thread no longer exists!');
PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = undefined;
if (cmd === 'processQueuedMainThreadWork') {
// TODO: Must post message to main Emscripten thread in PROXY_TO_WORKER mode.
} else if (cmd === 'spawnThread') {
} else if (cmd === 'cleanupThread') {
} else if (cmd === 'killThread') {
} else if (cmd === 'cancelThread') {
} else if (cmd === 'loaded') {
worker.loaded = true;
// If this Worker is already pending to start running a thread, launch the thread now
if (worker.runPthread) {
delete worker.runPthread;
if (numWorkersLoaded === numWorkers && onFinishedLoading) {
} else if (cmd === 'print') {
out('Thread ' + d['threadId'] + ': ' + d['text']);
} else if (cmd === 'printErr') {
err('Thread ' + d['threadId'] + ': ' + d['text']);
} else if (cmd === 'alert') {
alert('Thread ' + d['threadId'] + ': ' + d['text']);
} else if (cmd === 'exit') {
var detached = worker.pthread && Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (worker.pthread.thread + 80) >> 2);
if (detached) {
} else if (cmd === 'exitProcess') {
// A pthread has requested to exit the whole application process (runtime).
noExitRuntime = false;
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ExitStatus) return;
throw e;
} else if (cmd === 'cancelDone') {
} else if (cmd === 'objectTransfer') {
} else if ( === 'setimmediate') {
worker.postMessage(; // Worker wants to postMessage() to itself to implement setImmediate() emulation.
} else {
err("worker sent an unknown command " + cmd);
PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = undefined;
worker.onerror = function(e) {
err('pthread sent an error! ' + e.filename + ':' + e.lineno + ': ' + e.message);
worker.on('message', function(data) {
worker.onmessage({ data: data });
worker.on('error', function(data) {
worker.on('exit', function(data) {
console.log('worker exited - TODO: update the worker queue?');
} // for each worker
},createNewWorkers:function(numWorkers) {
// Creates new workers with the discovered pthread worker file.
if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer === 'undefined') return []; // No multithreading support, no-op.
var pthreadMainJs = "x2t.worker.js";
// Allow HTML module to configure the location where the 'worker.js' file will be loaded from,
// via Module.locateFile() function. If not specified, then the default URL 'worker.js' relative
// to the main html file is loaded.
pthreadMainJs = locateFile(pthreadMainJs);
var newWorkers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
newWorkers.push(new Worker(pthreadMainJs));
return newWorkers;
},getNewWorker:function() {
if (PThread.unusedWorkers.length == 0) PThread.allocateUnusedWorkers(1);
if (PThread.unusedWorkers.length > 0) return PThread.unusedWorkers.pop();
else return null;
},busySpinWait:function(msecs) {
var t = + msecs;
while( < t) {
Module["PThread"] = PThread;function ___call_main(argc, argv) {
var returnCode = _main(argc, argv);
if (!noExitRuntime) postMessage({ 'cmd': 'exitProcess', 'returnCode': returnCode });
return returnCode;
Module["___call_main"] = ___call_main;
function _emscripten_get_now() { abort() }
Module["_emscripten_get_now"] = _emscripten_get_now;
function _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic() {
// return whether emscripten_get_now is guaranteed monotonic; the
// implementation is not :(
return (0
|| (typeof dateNow !== 'undefined')
|| (typeof performance === 'object' && performance && typeof performance['now'] === 'function')
Module["_emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic"] = _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic;
function ___setErrNo(value) {
if (Module['___errno_location']) HEAP32[((Module['___errno_location']())>>2)]=value;
else err('failed to set errno from JS');
return value;
Module["___setErrNo"] = ___setErrNo;function _clock_gettime(clk_id, tp) {
// int clock_gettime(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *tp);
var now;
if (clk_id === 0) {
now =;
} else if (clk_id === 1 && _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic()) {
now = _emscripten_get_now();
} else {
return -1;
HEAP32[((tp)>>2)]=(now/1000)|0; // seconds
HEAP32[(((tp)+(4))>>2)]=((now % 1000)*1000*1000)|0; // nanoseconds
return 0;
Module["_clock_gettime"] = _clock_gettime;function ___clock_gettime(a0,a1
) {
return _clock_gettime(a0,a1);
Module["___clock_gettime"] = ___clock_gettime;
function ___cxa_allocate_exception(size) {
return _malloc(size);
Module["___cxa_allocate_exception"] = ___cxa_allocate_exception;
function _atexit(func, arg) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(1, 1, func, arg);
warnOnce('atexit() called, but EXIT_RUNTIME is not set, so atexits() will not be called. set EXIT_RUNTIME to 1 (see the FAQ)');
__ATEXIT__.unshift({ func: func, arg: arg });
Module["_atexit"] = _atexit;function ___cxa_atexit(
) {
return _atexit.apply(null, arguments)
Module["___cxa_atexit"] = ___cxa_atexit;
var ___exception_caught= [];
Module["___exception_caught"] = ___exception_caught;
var ___exception_infos={};
Module["___exception_infos"] = ___exception_infos;function ___exception_deAdjust(adjusted) {
if (!adjusted || ___exception_infos[adjusted]) return adjusted;
for (var key in ___exception_infos) {
var ptr = +key; // the iteration key is a string, and if we throw this, it must be an integer as that is what we look for
var adj = ___exception_infos[ptr].adjusted;
var len = adj.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (adj[i] === adjusted) {
return ptr;
return adjusted;
Module["___exception_deAdjust"] = ___exception_deAdjust;
var ___exception_last=0;
Module["___exception_last"] = ___exception_last;function ___cxa_rethrow() {
var ptr = ___exception_caught.pop();
ptr = ___exception_deAdjust(ptr);
if (!___exception_infos[ptr].rethrown) {
// Only pop if the corresponding push was through rethrow_primary_exception
___exception_infos[ptr].rethrown = true;
___exception_last = ptr;
throw ptr + " - Exception catching is disabled, this exception cannot be caught. Compile with -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 or DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=2 to catch.";
Module["___cxa_rethrow"] = ___cxa_rethrow;
function ___cxa_throw(ptr, type, destructor) {
___exception_infos[ptr] = {
ptr: ptr,
adjusted: [ptr],
type: type,
destructor: destructor,
refcount: 0,
caught: false,
rethrown: false
___exception_last = ptr;
if (!("uncaught_exception" in __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv)) {
__ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv.uncaught_exceptions = 1;
} else {
throw ptr + " - Exception catching is disabled, this exception cannot be caught. Compile with -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 or DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=2 to catch.";
Module["___cxa_throw"] = ___cxa_throw;
function ___lock() {}
Module["___lock"] = ___lock;
function ___map_file(pathname, size) {
return -1;
Module["___map_file"] = ___map_file;
var PATH={splitPath:function(filename) {
var splitPathRe = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/;
return splitPathRe.exec(filename).slice(1);
},normalizeArray:function(parts, allowAboveRoot) {
// if the path tries to go above the root, `up` ends up > 0
var up = 0;
for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var last = parts[i];
if (last === '.') {
parts.splice(i, 1);
} else if (last === '..') {
parts.splice(i, 1);
} else if (up) {
parts.splice(i, 1);
// if the path is allowed to go above the root, restore leading ..s
if (allowAboveRoot) {
for (; up; up--) {
return parts;
},normalize:function(path) {
var isAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === '/',
trailingSlash = path.substr(-1) === '/';
// Normalize the path
path = PATH.normalizeArray(path.split('/').filter(function(p) {
return !!p;
}), !isAbsolute).join('/');
if (!path && !isAbsolute) {
path = '.';
if (path && trailingSlash) {
path += '/';
return (isAbsolute ? '/' : '') + path;
},dirname:function(path) {
var result = PATH.splitPath(path),
root = result[0],
dir = result[1];
if (!root && !dir) {
// No dirname whatsoever
return '.';
if (dir) {
// It has a dirname, strip trailing slash
dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1);
return root + dir;
},basename:function(path) {
// EMSCRIPTEN return '/'' for '/', not an empty string
if (path === '/') return '/';
var lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlash === -1) return path;
return path.substr(lastSlash+1);
},extname:function(path) {
return PATH.splitPath(path)[3];
},join:function() {
var paths =, 0);
return PATH.normalize(paths.join('/'));
},join2:function(l, r) {
return PATH.normalize(l + '/' + r);
Module["PATH"] = PATH;
var PATH_FS={resolve:function() {
var resolvedPath = '',
resolvedAbsolute = false;
for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
var path = (i >= 0) ? arguments[i] : FS.cwd();
// Skip empty and invalid entries
if (typeof path !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.resolve must be strings');
} else if (!path) {
return ''; // an invalid portion invalidates the whole thing
resolvedPath = path + '/' + resolvedPath;
resolvedAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === '/';
// At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but
// handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() fails)
resolvedPath = PATH.normalizeArray(resolvedPath.split('/').filter(function(p) {
return !!p;
}), !resolvedAbsolute).join('/');
return ((resolvedAbsolute ? '/' : '') + resolvedPath) || '.';
},relative:function(from, to) {
from = PATH_FS.resolve(from).substr(1);
to = PATH_FS.resolve(to).substr(1);
function trim(arr) {
var start = 0;
for (; start < arr.length; start++) {
if (arr[start] !== '') break;
var end = arr.length - 1;
for (; end >= 0; end--) {
if (arr[end] !== '') break;
if (start > end) return [];
return arr.slice(start, end - start + 1);
var fromParts = trim(from.split('/'));
var toParts = trim(to.split('/'));
var length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length);
var samePartsLength = length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) {
samePartsLength = i;
var outputParts = [];
for (var i = samePartsLength; i < fromParts.length; i++) {
outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength));
return outputParts.join('/');
Module["PATH_FS"] = PATH_FS;
var TTY={ttys:[],init:function () {
// // currently, FS.init does not distinguish if process.stdin is a file or TTY
// // device, it always assumes it's a TTY device. because of this, we're forcing
// // process.stdin to UTF8 encoding to at least make stdin reading compatible
// // with text files until FS.init can be refactored.
// process['stdin']['setEncoding']('utf8');
// }
},shutdown:function() {
// // inolen: any idea as to why node -e '' wouldn't exit immediately (with process.stdin being a tty)?
// // isaacs: because now it's reading from the stream, you've expressed interest in it, so that read() kicks off a _read() which creates a ReadReq operation
// // inolen: I thought read() in that case was a synchronous operation that just grabbed some amount of buffered data if it exists?
// // isaacs: it is. but it also triggers a _read() call, which calls readStart() on the handle
// // isaacs: do process.stdin.pause() and i'd think it'd probably close the pending call
// process['stdin']['pause']();
// }
},register:function(dev, ops) {
TTY.ttys[dev] = { input: [], output: [], ops: ops };
FS.registerDevice(dev, TTY.stream_ops);
},stream_ops:{open:function(stream) {
var tty = TTY.ttys[stream.node.rdev];
if (!tty) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
stream.tty = tty;
stream.seekable = false;
},close:function(stream) {
// flush any pending line data
},flush:function(stream) {
},read:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos /* ignored */) {
if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.get_char) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(60);
var bytesRead = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var result;
try {
result = stream.tty.ops.get_char(stream.tty);
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
if (result === undefined && bytesRead === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(6);
if (result === null || result === undefined) break;
buffer[offset+i] = result;
if (bytesRead) {
stream.node.timestamp =;
return bytesRead;
},write:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) {
if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.put_char) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(60);
try {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
stream.tty.ops.put_char(stream.tty, buffer[offset+i]);
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
if (length) {
stream.node.timestamp =;
return i;
}},default_tty_ops:{get_char:function(tty) {
if (!tty.input.length) {
var result = null;
// we will read data by chunks of BUFSIZE
var BUFSIZE = 256;
var buf = Buffer.alloc ? Buffer.alloc(BUFSIZE) : new Buffer(BUFSIZE);
var bytesRead = 0;
try {
bytesRead = nodeFS.readSync(process.stdin.fd, buf, 0, BUFSIZE, null);
} catch(e) {
// Cross-platform differences: on Windows, reading EOF throws an exception, but on other OSes,
// reading EOF returns 0. Uniformize behavior by treating the EOF exception to return 0.
if (e.toString().indexOf('EOF') != -1) bytesRead = 0;
else throw e;
if (bytesRead > 0) {
result = buf.slice(0, bytesRead).toString('utf-8');
} else {
result = null;
} else
if (typeof window != 'undefined' &&
typeof window.prompt == 'function') {
// Browser.
result = window.prompt('Input: '); // returns null on cancel
if (result !== null) {
result += '\n';
} else if (typeof readline == 'function') {
// Command line.
result = readline();
if (result !== null) {
result += '\n';
if (!result) {
return null;
tty.input = intArrayFromString(result, true);
return tty.input.shift();
},put_char:function(tty, val) {
if (val === null || val === 10) {
out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
} else {
if (val != 0) tty.output.push(val); // val == 0 would cut text output off in the middle.
},flush:function(tty) {
if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) {
out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
}},default_tty1_ops:{put_char:function(tty, val) {
if (val === null || val === 10) {
err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
} else {
if (val != 0) tty.output.push(val);
},flush:function(tty) {
if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) {
err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
Module["TTY"] = TTY;
var MEMFS={ops_table:null,mount:function(mount) {
return MEMFS.createNode(null, '/', 16384 | 511 /* 0777 */, 0);
},createNode:function(parent, name, mode, dev) {
if (FS.isBlkdev(mode) || FS.isFIFO(mode)) {
// no supported
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (!MEMFS.ops_table) {
MEMFS.ops_table = {
dir: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr,
lookup: MEMFS.node_ops.lookup,
mknod: MEMFS.node_ops.mknod,
rename: MEMFS.node_ops.rename,
unlink: MEMFS.node_ops.unlink,
rmdir: MEMFS.node_ops.rmdir,
readdir: MEMFS.node_ops.readdir,
symlink: MEMFS.node_ops.symlink
stream: {
llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek
file: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr
stream: {
llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek,
write: MEMFS.stream_ops.write,
allocate: MEMFS.stream_ops.allocate,
mmap: MEMFS.stream_ops.mmap,
msync: MEMFS.stream_ops.msync
link: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr,
readlink: MEMFS.node_ops.readlink
stream: {}
chrdev: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr
stream: FS.chrdev_stream_ops
var node = FS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev);
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.dir.node;
node.stream_ops =;
node.contents = {};
} else if (FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.file.node;
node.stream_ops =;
node.usedBytes = 0; // The actual number of bytes used in the typed array, as opposed to contents.length which gives the whole capacity.
// When the byte data of the file is populated, this will point to either a typed array, or a normal JS array. Typed arrays are preferred
// for performance, and used by default. However, typed arrays are not resizable like normal JS arrays are, so there is a small disk size
// penalty involved for appending file writes that continuously grow a file similar to std::vector capacity vs used -scheme.
node.contents = null;
} else if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops =;
node.stream_ops =;
} else if (FS.isChrdev(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.chrdev.node;
node.stream_ops =;
node.timestamp =;
// add the new node to the parent
if (parent) {
parent.contents[name] = node;
return node;
},getFileDataAsRegularArray:function(node) {
if (node.contents && node.contents.subarray) {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < node.usedBytes; ++i) arr.push(node.contents[i]);
return arr; // Returns a copy of the original data.
return node.contents; // No-op, the file contents are already in a JS array. Return as-is.
},getFileDataAsTypedArray:function(node) {
if (!node.contents) return new Uint8Array;
if (node.contents.subarray) return node.contents.subarray(0, node.usedBytes); // Make sure to not return excess unused bytes.
return new Uint8Array(node.contents);
},expandFileStorage:function(node, newCapacity) {
var prevCapacity = node.contents ? node.contents.length : 0;
if (prevCapacity >= newCapacity) return; // No need to expand, the storage was already large enough.
// Don't expand strictly to the given requested limit if it's only a very small increase, but instead geometrically grow capacity.
// For small filesizes (<1MB), perform size*2 geometric increase, but for large sizes, do a much more conservative size*1.125 increase to
// avoid overshooting the allocation cap by a very large margin.
var CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX = 1024 * 1024;
newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, (prevCapacity * (prevCapacity < CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX ? 2.0 : 1.125)) | 0);
if (prevCapacity != 0) newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, 256); // At minimum allocate 256b for each file when expanding.
var oldContents = node.contents;
node.contents = new Uint8Array(newCapacity); // Allocate new storage.
if (node.usedBytes > 0) node.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, node.usedBytes), 0); // Copy old data over to the new storage.
},resizeFileStorage:function(node, newSize) {
if (node.usedBytes == newSize) return;
if (newSize == 0) {
node.contents = null; // Fully decommit when requesting a resize to zero.
node.usedBytes = 0;
if (!node.contents || node.contents.subarray) { // Resize a typed array if that is being used as the backing store.
var oldContents = node.contents;
node.contents = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(newSize)); // Allocate new storage.
if (oldContents) {
node.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, Math.min(newSize, node.usedBytes))); // Copy old data over to the new storage.
node.usedBytes = newSize;
// Backing with a JS array.
if (!node.contents) node.contents = [];
if (node.contents.length > newSize) node.contents.length = newSize;
else while (node.contents.length < newSize) node.contents.push(0);
node.usedBytes = newSize;
},node_ops:{getattr:function(node) {
var attr = {};
// device numbers reuse inode numbers. = FS.isChrdev(node.mode) ? : 1;
attr.ino =;
attr.mode = node.mode;
attr.nlink = 1;
attr.uid = 0;
attr.gid = 0;
attr.rdev = node.rdev;
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
attr.size = 4096;
} else if (FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
attr.size = node.usedBytes;
} else if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
attr.size =;
} else {
attr.size = 0;
attr.atime = new Date(node.timestamp);
attr.mtime = new Date(node.timestamp);
attr.ctime = new Date(node.timestamp);
// NOTE: In our implementation, st_blocks = Math.ceil(st_size/st_blksize),
// but this is not required by the standard.
attr.blksize = 4096;
attr.blocks = Math.ceil(attr.size / attr.blksize);
return attr;
},setattr:function(node, attr) {
if (attr.mode !== undefined) {
node.mode = attr.mode;
if (attr.timestamp !== undefined) {
node.timestamp = attr.timestamp;
if (attr.size !== undefined) {
MEMFS.resizeFileStorage(node, attr.size);
},lookup:function(parent, name) {
throw FS.genericErrors[44];
},mknod:function(parent, name, mode, dev) {
return MEMFS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev);
},rename:function(old_node, new_dir, new_name) {
// if we're overwriting a directory at new_name, make sure it's empty.
if (FS.isDir(old_node.mode)) {
var new_node;
try {
new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name);
} catch (e) {
if (new_node) {
for (var i in new_node.contents) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
// do the internal rewiring
delete old_node.parent.contents[]; = new_name;
new_dir.contents[new_name] = old_node;
old_node.parent = new_dir;
},unlink:function(parent, name) {
delete parent.contents[name];
},rmdir:function(parent, name) {
var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name);
for (var i in node.contents) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
delete parent.contents[name];
},readdir:function(node) {
var entries = ['.', '..'];
for (var key in node.contents) {
if (!node.contents.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return entries;
},symlink:function(parent, newname, oldpath) {
var node = MEMFS.createNode(parent, newname, 511 /* 0777 */ | 40960, 0); = oldpath;
return node;
},readlink:function(node) {
if (!FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
}},stream_ops:{read:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
var contents = stream.node.contents;
if (position >= stream.node.usedBytes) return 0;
var size = Math.min(stream.node.usedBytes - position, length);
assert(size >= 0);
if (size > 8 && contents.subarray) { // non-trivial, and typed array
buffer.set(contents.subarray(position, position + size), offset);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) buffer[offset + i] = contents[position + i];
return size;
},write:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn) {
// The data buffer should be a typed array view
assert(!(buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer));
if (!length) return 0;
var node = stream.node;
node.timestamp =;
if (buffer.subarray && (!node.contents || node.contents.subarray)) { // This write is from a typed array to a typed array?
if (canOwn) {
assert(position === 0, 'canOwn must imply no weird position inside the file');
node.contents = buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length);
node.usedBytes = length;
return length;
} else if (node.usedBytes === 0 && position === 0) { // If this is a simple first write to an empty file, do a fast set since we don't need to care about old data.
node.contents = new Uint8Array(buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length));
node.usedBytes = length;
return length;
} else if (position + length <= node.usedBytes) { // Writing to an already allocated and used subrange of the file?
node.contents.set(buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length), position);
return length;
// Appending to an existing file and we need to reallocate, or source data did not come as a typed array.
MEMFS.expandFileStorage(node, position+length);
if (node.contents.subarray && buffer.subarray) node.contents.set(buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length), position); // Use typed array write if available.
else {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
node.contents[position + i] = buffer[offset + i]; // Or fall back to manual write if not.
node.usedBytes = Math.max(node.usedBytes, position+length);
return length;
},llseek:function(stream, offset, whence) {
var position = offset;
if (whence === 1) {
position += stream.position;
} else if (whence === 2) {
if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
position += stream.node.usedBytes;
if (position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
return position;
},allocate:function(stream, offset, length) {
MEMFS.expandFileStorage(stream.node, offset + length);
stream.node.usedBytes = Math.max(stream.node.usedBytes, offset + length);
},mmap:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, prot, flags) {
// The data buffer should be a typed array view
assert(!(buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer));
if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
var ptr;
var allocated;
var contents = stream.node.contents;
// Only make a new copy when MAP_PRIVATE is specified.
if ( !(flags & 2) &&
contents.buffer === buffer.buffer ) {
// We can't emulate MAP_SHARED when the file is not backed by the buffer
// we're mapping to (e.g. the HEAP buffer).
allocated = false;
ptr = contents.byteOffset;
} else {
// Try to avoid unnecessary slices.
if (position > 0 || position + length < stream.node.usedBytes) {
if (contents.subarray) {
contents = contents.subarray(position, position + length);
} else {
contents =, position, position + length);
allocated = true;
// malloc() can lead to growing the heap. If targeting the heap, we need to
// re-acquire the heap buffer object in case growth had occurred.
var fromHeap = (buffer.buffer == HEAP8.buffer);
ptr = _malloc(length);
if (!ptr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(48);
(fromHeap ? HEAP8 : buffer).set(contents, ptr);
return { ptr: ptr, allocated: allocated };
},msync:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags) {
if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
if (mmapFlags & 2) {
// MAP_PRIVATE calls need not to be synced back to underlying fs
return 0;
var bytesWritten = MEMFS.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer, 0, length, offset, false);
// should we check if bytesWritten and length are the same?
return 0;
Module["MEMFS"] = MEMFS;
var NODEFS={isWindows:false,staticInit:function() {
NODEFS.isWindows = !!process.platform.match(/^win/);
var flags = process["binding"]("constants");
// Node.js 4 compatibility: it has no namespaces for constants
if (flags["fs"]) {
flags = flags["fs"];
NODEFS.flagsForNodeMap = {
"1024": flags["O_APPEND"],
"64": flags["O_CREAT"],
"128": flags["O_EXCL"],
"0": flags["O_RDONLY"],
"2": flags["O_RDWR"],
"4096": flags["O_SYNC"],
"512": flags["O_TRUNC"],
"1": flags["O_WRONLY"]
},bufferFrom:function (arrayBuffer) {
// Node.js < 4.5 compatibility: Buffer.from does not support ArrayBuffer
// Buffer.from before 4.5 was just a method inherited from Uint8Array
// Buffer.alloc has been added with Buffer.from together, so check it instead
return Buffer["alloc"] ? Buffer.from(arrayBuffer) : new Buffer(arrayBuffer);
},convertNodeCode:function(e) {
var code = e.code;
assert(code in ERRNO_CODES);
return ERRNO_CODES[code];
},mount:function (mount) {
return NODEFS.createNode(null, '/', NODEFS.getMode(mount.opts.root), 0);
},createNode:function (parent, name, mode, dev) {
if (!FS.isDir(mode) && !FS.isFile(mode) && !FS.isLink(mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var node = FS.createNode(parent, name, mode);
node.node_ops = NODEFS.node_ops;
node.stream_ops = NODEFS.stream_ops;
return node;
},getMode:function (path) {
var stat;
try {
stat = fs.lstatSync(path);
if (NODEFS.isWindows) {
// Node.js on Windows never represents permission bit 'x', so
// propagate read bits to execute bits
stat.mode = stat.mode | ((stat.mode & 292) >> 2);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
return stat.mode;
},realPath:function (node) {
var parts = [];
while (node.parent !== node) {
node = node.parent;
return PATH.join.apply(null, parts);
},flagsForNode:function(flags) {
flags &= ~0x200000 /*O_PATH*/; // Ignore this flag from musl, otherwise node.js fails to open the file.
flags &= ~0x800 /*O_NONBLOCK*/; // Ignore this flag from musl, otherwise node.js fails to open the file.
flags &= ~0x8000 /*O_LARGEFILE*/; // Ignore this flag from musl, otherwise node.js fails to open the file.
flags &= ~0x80000 /*O_CLOEXEC*/; // Some applications may pass it; it makes no sense for a single process.
var newFlags = 0;
for (var k in NODEFS.flagsForNodeMap) {
if (flags & k) {
newFlags |= NODEFS.flagsForNodeMap[k];
flags ^= k;
if (!flags) {
return newFlags;
} else {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
},node_ops:{getattr:function(node) {
var path = NODEFS.realPath(node);
var stat;
try {
stat = fs.lstatSync(path);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
// node.js v0.10.20 doesn't report blksize and blocks on Windows. Fake them with default blksize of 4096.
// See
if (NODEFS.isWindows && !stat.blksize) {
stat.blksize = 4096;
if (NODEFS.isWindows && !stat.blocks) {
stat.blocks = (stat.size+stat.blksize-1)/stat.blksize|0;
return {
ino: stat.ino,
mode: stat.mode,
nlink: stat.nlink,
uid: stat.uid,
gid: stat.gid,
rdev: stat.rdev,
size: stat.size,
atime: stat.atime,
mtime: stat.mtime,
ctime: stat.ctime,
blksize: stat.blksize,
blocks: stat.blocks
},setattr:function(node, attr) {
var path = NODEFS.realPath(node);
try {
if (attr.mode !== undefined) {
fs.chmodSync(path, attr.mode);
// update the common node structure mode as well
node.mode = attr.mode;
if (attr.timestamp !== undefined) {
var date = new Date(attr.timestamp);
fs.utimesSync(path, date, date);
if (attr.size !== undefined) {
fs.truncateSync(path, attr.size);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
},lookup:function (parent, name) {
var path = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), name);
var mode = NODEFS.getMode(path);
return NODEFS.createNode(parent, name, mode);
},mknod:function (parent, name, mode, dev) {
var node = NODEFS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev);
// create the backing node for this in the fs root as well
var path = NODEFS.realPath(node);
try {
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
fs.mkdirSync(path, node.mode);
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(path, '', { mode: node.mode });
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
return node;
},rename:function (oldNode, newDir, newName) {
var oldPath = NODEFS.realPath(oldNode);
var newPath = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(newDir), newName);
try {
fs.renameSync(oldPath, newPath);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
},unlink:function(parent, name) {
var path = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), name);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
},rmdir:function(parent, name) {
var path = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), name);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
},readdir:function(node) {
var path = NODEFS.realPath(node);
try {
return fs.readdirSync(path);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
},symlink:function(parent, newName, oldPath) {
var newPath = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), newName);
try {
fs.symlinkSync(oldPath, newPath);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
},readlink:function(node) {
var path = NODEFS.realPath(node);
try {
path = fs.readlinkSync(path);
path = NODEJS_PATH.relative(NODEJS_PATH.resolve(node.mount.opts.root), path);
return path;
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
}},stream_ops:{open:function (stream) {
var path = NODEFS.realPath(stream.node);
try {
if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
stream.nfd = fs.openSync(path, NODEFS.flagsForNode(stream.flags));
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
},close:function (stream) {
try {
if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode) && stream.nfd) {
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
},read:function (stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
// Node.js < 6 compatibility: node errors on 0 length reads
if (length === 0) return 0;
try {
return fs.readSync(stream.nfd, NODEFS.bufferFrom(buffer.buffer), offset, length, position);
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
},write:function (stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
try {
return fs.writeSync(stream.nfd, NODEFS.bufferFrom(buffer.buffer), offset, length, position);
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
},llseek:function (stream, offset, whence) {
var position = offset;
if (whence === 1) {
position += stream.position;
} else if (whence === 2) {
if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
try {
var stat = fs.fstatSync(stream.nfd);
position += stat.size;
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
if (position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
return position;
Module["NODEFS"] = NODEFS;
var ERRNO_MESSAGES={0:"Success",1:"Arg list too long",2:"Permission denied",3:"Address already in use",4:"Address not available",5:"Address family not supported by protocol family",6:"No more processes",7:"Socket already connected",8:"Bad file number",9:"Trying to read unreadable message",10:"Mount device busy",11:"Operation canceled",12:"No children",13:"Connection aborted",14:"Connection refused",15:"Connection reset by peer",16:"File locking deadlock error",17:"Destination address required",18:"Math arg out of domain of func",19:"Quota exceeded",20:"File exists",21:"Bad address",22:"File too large",23:"Host is unreachable",24:"Identifier removed",25:"Illegal byte sequence",26:"Connection already in progress",27:"Interrupted system call",28:"Invalid argument",29:"I/O error",30:"Socket is already connected",31:"Is a directory",32:"Too many symbolic links",33:"Too many open files",34:"Too many links",35:"Message too long",36:"Multihop attempted",37:"File or path name too long",38:"Network interface is not configured",39:"Connection reset by network",40:"Network is unreachable",41:"Too many open files in system",42:"No buffer space available",43:"No such device",44:"No such file or directory",45:"Exec format error",46:"No record locks available",47:"The link has been severed",48:"Not enough core",49:"No message of desired type",50:"Protocol not available",51:"No space left on device",52:"Function not implemented",53:"Socket is not connected",54:"Not a directory",55:"Directory not empty",56:"State not recoverable",57:"Socket operation on non-socket",59:"Not a typewriter",60:"No such device or address",61:"Value too large for defined data type",62:"Previous owner died",63:"Not super-user",64:"Broken pipe",65:"Protocol error",66:"Unknown protocol",67:"Protocol wrong type for socket",68:"Math result not representable",69:"Read only file system",70:"Illegal seek",71:"No such process",72:"Stale file handle",73:"Connection timed out",74:"Text file busy",75:"Cross-device link",100:"Device not a stream",101:"Bad font file fmt",102:"Invalid slot",103:"Invalid request code",104:"No anode",105:"Block device required",106:"Channel number out of range",107:"Level 3 halted",108:"Level 3 reset",109:"Link number out of range",110:"Protocol driver not attached",111:"No CSI structure available",112:"Level 2 halted",113:"Invalid exchange",114:"Invalid request descriptor",115:"Exchange full",116:"No data (for no delay io)",117:"Timer expired",118:"Out of streams resources",119:"Machine is not on the network",120:"Package not installed",121:"The object is remote",122:"Advertise error",123:"Srmount error",124:"Communication error on send",125:"Cross mount point (not really error)",126:"Given log. name not unique",127:"f.d. invalid for this operation",128:"Remote address changed",129:"Can access a needed shared lib",130:"Accessing a corrupted shared lib",131:".lib section in a.out corrupted",132:"Attempting to link in too many libs",133:"Attempting to exec a shared library",135:"Streams pipe error",136:"Too many users",137:"Socket type not supported",138:"Not supported",139:"Protocol family not supported",140:"Can't send after socket shutdown",141:"Too many references",142:"Host is down",148:"No medium (in tape drive)",156:"Level 2 not synchronized"};
Module["ERRNO_MESSAGES"] = ERRNO_MESSAGES;var FS={root:null,mounts:[],devices:{},streams:[],nextInode:1,nameTable:null,currentPath:"/",initialized:false,ignorePermissions:true,trackingDelegate:{},tracking:{openFlags:{READ:1,WRITE:2}},ErrnoError:null,genericErrors:{},filesystems:null,syncFSRequests:0,handleFSError:function(e) {
if (!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e + ' : ' + stackTrace();
return ___setErrNo(e.errno);
},lookupPath:function(path, opts) {
path = PATH_FS.resolve(FS.cwd(), path);
opts = opts || {};
if (!path) return { path: '', node: null };
var defaults = {
follow_mount: true,
recurse_count: 0
for (var key in defaults) {
if (opts[key] === undefined) {
opts[key] = defaults[key];
if (opts.recurse_count > 8) { // max recursive lookup of 8
throw new FS.ErrnoError(32);
// split the path
var parts = PATH.normalizeArray(path.split('/').filter(function(p) {
return !!p;
}), false);
// start at the root
var current = FS.root;
var current_path = '/';
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var islast = (i === parts.length-1);
if (islast && opts.parent) {
// stop resolving
current = FS.lookupNode(current, parts[i]);
current_path = PATH.join2(current_path, parts[i]);
// jump to the mount's root node if this is a mountpoint
if (FS.isMountpoint(current)) {
if (!islast || (islast && opts.follow_mount)) {
current = current.mounted.root;
// by default, lookupPath will not follow a symlink if it is the final path component.
// setting opts.follow = true will override this behavior.
if (!islast || opts.follow) {
var count = 0;
while (FS.isLink(current.mode)) {
var link = FS.readlink(current_path);
current_path = PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.dirname(current_path), link);
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(current_path, { recurse_count: opts.recurse_count });
current = lookup.node;
if (count++ > 40) { // limit max consecutive symlinks to 40 (SYMLOOP_MAX).
throw new FS.ErrnoError(32);
return { path: current_path, node: current };
},getPath:function(node) {
var path;
while (true) {
if (FS.isRoot(node)) {
var mount = node.mount.mountpoint;
if (!path) return mount;
return mount[mount.length-1] !== '/' ? mount + '/' + path : mount + path;
path = path ? + '/' + path :;
node = node.parent;
},hashName:function(parentid, name) {
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash + name.charCodeAt(i)) | 0;
return ((parentid + hash) >>> 0) % FS.nameTable.length;
},hashAddNode:function(node) {
var hash = FS.hashName(,;
node.name_next = FS.nameTable[hash];
FS.nameTable[hash] = node;
},hashRemoveNode:function(node) {
var hash = FS.hashName(,;
if (FS.nameTable[hash] === node) {
FS.nameTable[hash] = node.name_next;
} else {
var current = FS.nameTable[hash];
while (current) {
if (current.name_next === node) {
current.name_next = node.name_next;
current = current.name_next;
},lookupNode:function(parent, name) {
var err = FS.mayLookup(parent);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err, parent);
var hash = FS.hashName(, name);
for (var node = FS.nameTable[hash]; node; node = node.name_next) {
var nodeName =;
if ( === && nodeName === name) {
return node;
// if we failed to find it in the cache, call into the VFS
return FS.lookup(parent, name);
},createNode:function(parent, name, mode, rdev) {
if (!FS.FSNode) {
FS.FSNode = function(parent, name, mode, rdev) {
if (!parent) {
parent = this; // root node sets parent to itself
this.parent = parent;
this.mount = parent.mount;
this.mounted = null; = FS.nextInode++; = name;
this.mode = mode;
this.node_ops = {};
this.stream_ops = {};
this.rdev = rdev;
FS.FSNode.prototype = {};
// compatibility
var readMode = 292 | 73;
var writeMode = 146;
// NOTE we must use Object.defineProperties instead of individual calls to
// Object.defineProperty in order to make closure compiler happy
Object.defineProperties(FS.FSNode.prototype, {
read: {
get: function() { return (this.mode & readMode) === readMode; },
set: function(val) { val ? this.mode |= readMode : this.mode &= ~readMode; }
write: {
get: function() { return (this.mode & writeMode) === writeMode; },
set: function(val) { val ? this.mode |= writeMode : this.mode &= ~writeMode; }
isFolder: {
get: function() { return FS.isDir(this.mode); }
isDevice: {
get: function() { return FS.isChrdev(this.mode); }
var node = new FS.FSNode(parent, name, mode, rdev);
return node;
},destroyNode:function(node) {
},isRoot:function(node) {
return node === node.parent;
},isMountpoint:function(node) {
return !!node.mounted;
},isFile:function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 32768;
},isDir:function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 16384;
},isLink:function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 40960;
},isChrdev:function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 8192;
},isBlkdev:function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 24576;
},isFIFO:function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 4096;
},isSocket:function(mode) {
return (mode & 49152) === 49152;
},flagModes:{"r":0,"rs":1052672,"r+":2,"w":577,"wx":705,"xw":705,"w+":578,"wx+":706,"xw+":706,"a":1089,"ax":1217,"xa":1217,"a+":1090,"ax+":1218,"xa+":1218},modeStringToFlags:function(str) {
var flags = FS.flagModes[str];
if (typeof flags === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Unknown file open mode: ' + str);
return flags;
},flagsToPermissionString:function(flag) {
var perms = ['r', 'w', 'rw'][flag & 3];
if ((flag & 512)) {
perms += 'w';
return perms;
},nodePermissions:function(node, perms) {
if (FS.ignorePermissions) {
return 0;
// return 0 if any user, group or owner bits are set.
if (perms.indexOf('r') !== -1 && !(node.mode & 292)) {
return 2;
} else if (perms.indexOf('w') !== -1 && !(node.mode & 146)) {
return 2;
} else if (perms.indexOf('x') !== -1 && !(node.mode & 73)) {
return 2;
return 0;
},mayLookup:function(dir) {
var err = FS.nodePermissions(dir, 'x');
if (err) return err;
if (!dir.node_ops.lookup) return 2;
return 0;
},mayCreate:function(dir, name) {
try {
var node = FS.lookupNode(dir, name);
return 20;
} catch (e) {
return FS.nodePermissions(dir, 'wx');
},mayDelete:function(dir, name, isdir) {
var node;
try {
node = FS.lookupNode(dir, name);
} catch (e) {
return e.errno;
var err = FS.nodePermissions(dir, 'wx');
if (err) {
return err;
if (isdir) {
if (!FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
return 54;
if (FS.isRoot(node) || FS.getPath(node) === FS.cwd()) {
return 10;
} else {
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
return 31;
return 0;
},mayOpen:function(node, flags) {
if (!node) {
return 44;
if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
return 32;
} else if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
if (FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags) !== 'r' || // opening for write
(flags & 512)) { // TODO: check for O_SEARCH? (== search for dir only)
return 31;
return FS.nodePermissions(node, FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags));
},MAX_OPEN_FDS:4096,nextfd:function(fd_start, fd_end) {
fd_start = fd_start || 0;
fd_end = fd_end || FS.MAX_OPEN_FDS;
for (var fd = fd_start; fd <= fd_end; fd++) {
if (!FS.streams[fd]) {
return fd;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(33);
},getStream:function(fd) {
return FS.streams[fd];
},createStream:function(stream, fd_start, fd_end) {
if (!FS.FSStream) {
FS.FSStream = function(){};
FS.FSStream.prototype = {};
// compatibility
Object.defineProperties(FS.FSStream.prototype, {
object: {
get: function() { return this.node; },
set: function(val) { this.node = val; }
isRead: {
get: function() { return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 1; }
isWrite: {
get: function() { return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 0; }
isAppend: {
get: function() { return (this.flags & 1024); }
// clone it, so we can return an instance of FSStream
var newStream = new FS.FSStream();
for (var p in stream) {
newStream[p] = stream[p];
stream = newStream;
var fd = FS.nextfd(fd_start, fd_end);
stream.fd = fd;
FS.streams[fd] = stream;
return stream;
},closeStream:function(fd) {
FS.streams[fd] = null;
},chrdev_stream_ops:{open:function(stream) {
var device = FS.getDevice(stream.node.rdev);
// override node's stream ops with the device's
stream.stream_ops = device.stream_ops;
// forward the open call
if ( {;
},llseek:function() {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
}},major:function(dev) {
return ((dev) >> 8);
},minor:function(dev) {
return ((dev) & 0xff);
},makedev:function(ma, mi) {
return ((ma) << 8 | (mi));
},registerDevice:function(dev, ops) {
FS.devices[dev] = { stream_ops: ops };
},getDevice:function(dev) {
return FS.devices[dev];
},getMounts:function(mount) {
var mounts = [];
var check = [mount];
while (check.length) {
var m = check.pop();
check.push.apply(check, m.mounts);
return mounts;
},syncfs:function(populate, callback) {
if (typeof(populate) === 'function') {
callback = populate;
populate = false;
if (FS.syncFSRequests > 1) {
console.log('warning: ' + FS.syncFSRequests + ' FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work');
var mounts = FS.getMounts(FS.root.mount);
var completed = 0;
function doCallback(err) {
assert(FS.syncFSRequests > 0);
return callback(err);
function done(err) {
if (err) {
if (!done.errored) {
done.errored = true;
return doCallback(err);
if (++completed >= mounts.length) {
// sync all mounts
mounts.forEach(function (mount) {
if (!mount.type.syncfs) {
return done(null);
mount.type.syncfs(mount, populate, done);
},mount:function(type, opts, mountpoint) {
if (typeof type === 'string') {
// The filesystem was not included, and instead we have an error
// message stored in the variable.
throw type;
var root = mountpoint === '/';
var pseudo = !mountpoint;
var node;
if (root && FS.root) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
} else if (!root && !pseudo) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, { follow_mount: false });
mountpoint = lookup.path; // use the absolute path
node = lookup.node;
if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
if (!FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
var mount = {
type: type,
opts: opts,
mountpoint: mountpoint,
mounts: []
// create a root node for the fs
var mountRoot = type.mount(mount);
mountRoot.mount = mount;
mount.root = mountRoot;
if (root) {
FS.root = mountRoot;
} else if (node) {
// set as a mountpoint
node.mounted = mount;
// add the new mount to the current mount's children
if (node.mount) {
return mountRoot;
},unmount:function (mountpoint) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, { follow_mount: false });
if (!FS.isMountpoint(lookup.node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
// destroy the nodes for this mount, and all its child mounts
var node = lookup.node;
var mount = node.mounted;
var mounts = FS.getMounts(mount);
Object.keys(FS.nameTable).forEach(function (hash) {
var current = FS.nameTable[hash];
while (current) {
var next = current.name_next;
if (mounts.indexOf(current.mount) !== -1) {
current = next;
// no longer a mountpoint
node.mounted = null;
// remove this mount from the child mounts
var idx = node.mount.mounts.indexOf(mount);
assert(idx !== -1);
node.mount.mounts.splice(idx, 1);
},lookup:function(parent, name) {
return parent.node_ops.lookup(parent, name);
},mknod:function(path, mode, dev) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
var parent = lookup.node;
var name = PATH.basename(path);
if (!name || name === '.' || name === '..') {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var err = FS.mayCreate(parent, name);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
if (!parent.node_ops.mknod) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
return parent.node_ops.mknod(parent, name, mode, dev);
},create:function(path, mode) {
mode = mode !== undefined ? mode : 438 /* 0666 */;
mode &= 4095;
mode |= 32768;
return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
},mkdir:function(path, mode) {
mode = mode !== undefined ? mode : 511 /* 0777 */;
mode &= 511 | 512;
mode |= 16384;
return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
},mkdirTree:function(path, mode) {
var dirs = path.split('/');
var d = '';
for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i) {
if (!dirs[i]) continue;
d += '/' + dirs[i];
try {
FS.mkdir(d, mode);
} catch(e) {
if (e.errno != 20) throw e;
},mkdev:function(path, mode, dev) {
if (typeof(dev) === 'undefined') {
dev = mode;
mode = 438 /* 0666 */;
mode |= 8192;
return FS.mknod(path, mode, dev);
},symlink:function(oldpath, newpath) {
if (!PATH_FS.resolve(oldpath)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(newpath, { parent: true });
var parent = lookup.node;
if (!parent) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
var newname = PATH.basename(newpath);
var err = FS.mayCreate(parent, newname);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
if (!parent.node_ops.symlink) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
return parent.node_ops.symlink(parent, newname, oldpath);
},rename:function(old_path, new_path) {
var old_dirname = PATH.dirname(old_path);
var new_dirname = PATH.dirname(new_path);
var old_name = PATH.basename(old_path);
var new_name = PATH.basename(new_path);
// parents must exist
var lookup, old_dir, new_dir;
try {
lookup = FS.lookupPath(old_path, { parent: true });
old_dir = lookup.node;
lookup = FS.lookupPath(new_path, { parent: true });
new_dir = lookup.node;
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
if (!old_dir || !new_dir) throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
// need to be part of the same mount
if (old_dir.mount !== new_dir.mount) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(75);
// source must exist
var old_node = FS.lookupNode(old_dir, old_name);
// old path should not be an ancestor of the new path
var relative = PATH_FS.relative(old_path, new_dirname);
if (relative.charAt(0) !== '.') {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
// new path should not be an ancestor of the old path
relative = PATH_FS.relative(new_path, old_dirname);
if (relative.charAt(0) !== '.') {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
// see if the new path already exists
var new_node;
try {
new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name);
} catch (e) {
// not fatal
// early out if nothing needs to change
if (old_node === new_node) {
// we'll need to delete the old entry
var isdir = FS.isDir(old_node.mode);
var err = FS.mayDelete(old_dir, old_name, isdir);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
// need delete permissions if we'll be overwriting.
// need create permissions if new doesn't already exist.
err = new_node ?
FS.mayDelete(new_dir, new_name, isdir) :
FS.mayCreate(new_dir, new_name);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
if (!old_dir.node_ops.rename) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (FS.isMountpoint(old_node) || (new_node && FS.isMountpoint(new_node))) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
// if we are going to change the parent, check write permissions
if (new_dir !== old_dir) {
err = FS.nodePermissions(old_dir, 'w');
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate['willMovePath']) {
FS.trackingDelegate['willMovePath'](old_path, new_path);
} catch(e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['willMovePath']('"+old_path+"', '"+new_path+"') threw an exception: " + e.message);
// remove the node from the lookup hash
// do the underlying fs rename
try {
old_dir.node_ops.rename(old_node, new_dir, new_name);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
// add the node back to the hash (in case node_ops.rename
// changed its name)
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate['onMovePath']) FS.trackingDelegate['onMovePath'](old_path, new_path);
} catch(e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onMovePath']('"+old_path+"', '"+new_path+"') threw an exception: " + e.message);
},rmdir:function(path) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
var parent = lookup.node;
var name = PATH.basename(path);
var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name);
var err = FS.mayDelete(parent, name, true);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
if (!parent.node_ops.rmdir) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate['willDeletePath']) {
} catch(e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['willDeletePath']('"+path+"') threw an exception: " + e.message);
parent.node_ops.rmdir(parent, name);
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath']) FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath'](path);
} catch(e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath']('"+path+"') threw an exception: " + e.message);
},readdir:function(path) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
var node = lookup.node;
if (!node.node_ops.readdir) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
return node.node_ops.readdir(node);
},unlink:function(path) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
var parent = lookup.node;
var name = PATH.basename(path);
var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name);
var err = FS.mayDelete(parent, name, false);
if (err) {
// According to POSIX, we should map EISDIR to EPERM, but
// we instead do what Linux does (and we must, as we use
// the musl linux libc).
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
if (!parent.node_ops.unlink) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate['willDeletePath']) {
} catch(e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['willDeletePath']('"+path+"') threw an exception: " + e.message);
parent.node_ops.unlink(parent, name);
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath']) FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath'](path);
} catch(e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath']('"+path+"') threw an exception: " + e.message);
},readlink:function(path) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path);
var link = lookup.node;
if (!link) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (!link.node_ops.readlink) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
return PATH_FS.resolve(FS.getPath(link.parent), link.node_ops.readlink(link));
},stat:function(path, dontFollow) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow });
var node = lookup.node;
if (!node) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (!node.node_ops.getattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
return node.node_ops.getattr(node);
},lstat:function(path) {
return FS.stat(path, true);
},chmod:function(path, mode, dontFollow) {
var node;
if (typeof path === 'string') {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow });
node = lookup.node;
} else {
node = path;
if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
mode: (mode & 4095) | (node.mode & ~4095),
},lchmod:function(path, mode) {
FS.chmod(path, mode, true);
},fchmod:function(fd, mode) {
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
FS.chmod(stream.node, mode);
},chown:function(path, uid, gid, dontFollow) {
var node;
if (typeof path === 'string') {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow });
node = lookup.node;
} else {
node = path;
if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
// we ignore the uid / gid for now
},lchown:function(path, uid, gid) {
FS.chown(path, uid, gid, true);
},fchown:function(fd, uid, gid) {
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
FS.chown(stream.node, uid, gid);
},truncate:function(path, len) {
if (len < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var node;
if (typeof path === 'string') {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
node = lookup.node;
} else {
node = path;
if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
if (!FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var err = FS.nodePermissions(node, 'w');
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
size: len,
},ftruncate:function(fd, len) {
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
FS.truncate(stream.node, len);
},utime:function(path, atime, mtime) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
var node = lookup.node;
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
timestamp: Math.max(atime, mtime)
},open:function(path, flags, mode, fd_start, fd_end) {
if (path === "") {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
flags = typeof flags === 'string' ? FS.modeStringToFlags(flags) : flags;
mode = typeof mode === 'undefined' ? 438 /* 0666 */ : mode;
if ((flags & 64)) {
mode = (mode & 4095) | 32768;
} else {
mode = 0;
var node;
if (typeof path === 'object') {
node = path;
} else {
path = PATH.normalize(path);
try {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: !(flags & 131072)
node = lookup.node;
} catch (e) {
// ignore
// perhaps we need to create the node
var created = false;
if ((flags & 64)) {
if (node) {
// if O_CREAT and O_EXCL are set, error out if the node already exists
if ((flags & 128)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(20);
} else {
// node doesn't exist, try to create it
node = FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
created = true;
if (!node) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
// can't truncate a device
if (FS.isChrdev(node.mode)) {
flags &= ~512;
// if asked only for a directory, then this must be one
if ((flags & 65536) && !FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
// check permissions, if this is not a file we just created now (it is ok to
// create and write to a file with read-only permissions; it is read-only
// for later use)
if (!created) {
var err = FS.mayOpen(node, flags);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
// do truncation if necessary
if ((flags & 512)) {
FS.truncate(node, 0);
// we've already handled these, don't pass down to the underlying vfs
flags &= ~(128 | 512);
// register the stream with the filesystem
var stream = FS.createStream({
node: node,
path: FS.getPath(node), // we want the absolute path to the node
flags: flags,
seekable: true,
position: 0,
stream_ops: node.stream_ops,
// used by the file family libc calls (fopen, fwrite, ferror, etc.)
ungotten: [],
error: false
}, fd_start, fd_end);
// call the new stream's open function
if ( {;
if (Module['logReadFiles'] && !(flags & 1)) {
if (!FS.readFiles) FS.readFiles = {};
if (!(path in FS.readFiles)) {
FS.readFiles[path] = 1;
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate error on read file: " + path);
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate['onOpenFile']) {
var trackingFlags = 0;
if ((flags & 2097155) !== 1) {
trackingFlags |= FS.tracking.openFlags.READ;
if ((flags & 2097155) !== 0) {
trackingFlags |= FS.tracking.openFlags.WRITE;
FS.trackingDelegate['onOpenFile'](path, trackingFlags);
} catch(e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onOpenFile']('"+path+"', flags) threw an exception: " + e.message);
return stream;
},close:function(stream) {
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (stream.getdents) stream.getdents = null; // free readdir state
try {
if (stream.stream_ops.close) {
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
stream.fd = null;
},isClosed:function(stream) {
return stream.fd === null;
},llseek:function(stream, offset, whence) {
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (!stream.seekable || !stream.stream_ops.llseek) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
if (whence != 0 && whence != 1 && whence != 2) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
stream.position = stream.stream_ops.llseek(stream, offset, whence);
stream.ungotten = [];
return stream.position;
},read:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
if (length < 0 || position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
if (! {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var seeking = typeof position !== 'undefined';
if (!seeking) {
position = stream.position;
} else if (!stream.seekable) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
var bytesRead =, buffer, offset, length, position);
if (!seeking) stream.position += bytesRead;
return bytesRead;
},write:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn) {
if (length < 0 || position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
if (!stream.stream_ops.write) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if (stream.flags & 1024) {
// seek to the end before writing in append mode
FS.llseek(stream, 0, 2);
var seeking = typeof position !== 'undefined';
if (!seeking) {
position = stream.position;
} else if (!stream.seekable) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
var bytesWritten = stream.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn);
if (!seeking) stream.position += bytesWritten;
try {
if (stream.path && FS.trackingDelegate['onWriteToFile']) FS.trackingDelegate['onWriteToFile'](stream.path);
} catch(e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onWriteToFile']('"+stream.path+"') threw an exception: " + e.message);
return bytesWritten;
},allocate:function(stream, offset, length) {
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (offset < 0 || length <= 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode) && !FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
if (!stream.stream_ops.allocate) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(138);
stream.stream_ops.allocate(stream, offset, length);
},mmap:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, prot, flags) {
// User requests writing to file (prot & PROT_WRITE != 0).
// Checking if we have permissions to write to the file unless
// MAP_PRIVATE flag is set. According to POSIX spec it is possible
// to write to file opened in read-only mode with MAP_PRIVATE flag,
// as all modifications will be visible only in the memory of
// the current process.
if ((prot & 2) !== 0
&& (flags & 2) === 0
&& (stream.flags & 2097155) !== 2) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(2);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(2);
if (!stream.stream_ops.mmap) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
return stream.stream_ops.mmap(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, prot, flags);
},msync:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags) {
if (!stream || !stream.stream_ops.msync) {
return 0;
return stream.stream_ops.msync(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags);
},munmap:function(stream) {
return 0;
},ioctl:function(stream, cmd, arg) {
if (!stream.stream_ops.ioctl) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(59);
return stream.stream_ops.ioctl(stream, cmd, arg);
},readFile:function(path, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.flags = opts.flags || 'r';
opts.encoding = opts.encoding || 'binary';
if (opts.encoding !== 'utf8' && opts.encoding !== 'binary') {
throw new Error('Invalid encoding type "' + opts.encoding + '"');
var ret;
var stream =, opts.flags);
var stat = FS.stat(path);
var length = stat.size;
var buf = new Uint8Array(length);, buf, 0, length, 0);
if (opts.encoding === 'utf8') {
ret = UTF8ArrayToString(buf, 0);
} else if (opts.encoding === 'binary') {
ret = buf;
return ret;
},writeFile:function(path, data, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.flags = opts.flags || 'w';
var stream =, opts.flags, opts.mode);
if (typeof data === 'string') {
var buf = new Uint8Array(lengthBytesUTF8(data)+1);
var actualNumBytes = stringToUTF8Array(data, buf, 0, buf.length);
FS.write(stream, buf, 0, actualNumBytes, undefined, opts.canOwn);
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) {
FS.write(stream, data, 0, data.byteLength, undefined, opts.canOwn);
} else {
throw new Error('Unsupported data type');
},cwd:function() {
return FS.currentPath;
},chdir:function(path) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
if (lookup.node === null) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (!FS.isDir(lookup.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
var err = FS.nodePermissions(lookup.node, 'x');
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
FS.currentPath = lookup.path;
},createDefaultDirectories:function() {
},createDefaultDevices:function() {
// create /dev
// setup /dev/null
FS.registerDevice(FS.makedev(1, 3), {
read: function() { return 0; },
write: function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) { return length; }
FS.mkdev('/dev/null', FS.makedev(1, 3));
// setup /dev/tty and /dev/tty1
// stderr needs to print output using Module['printErr']
// so we register a second tty just for it.
TTY.register(FS.makedev(5, 0), TTY.default_tty_ops);
TTY.register(FS.makedev(6, 0), TTY.default_tty1_ops);
FS.mkdev('/dev/tty', FS.makedev(5, 0));
FS.mkdev('/dev/tty1', FS.makedev(6, 0));
// setup /dev/[u]random
var random_device;
if (typeof crypto === 'object' && typeof crypto['getRandomValues'] === 'function') {
// for modern web browsers
var randomBuffer = new Uint8Array(1);
random_device = function() { crypto.getRandomValues(randomBuffer); return randomBuffer[0]; };
} else
// for nodejs with or without crypto support included
try {
var crypto_module = require('crypto');
// nodejs has crypto support
random_device = function() { return crypto_module['randomBytes'](1)[0]; };
} catch (e) {
// nodejs doesn't have crypto support
} else
if (!random_device) {
// we couldn't find a proper implementation, as Math.random() is not suitable for /dev/random, see emscripten-core/emscripten/pull/7096
random_device = function() { abort("no cryptographic support found for random_device. consider polyfilling it if you want to use something insecure like Math.random(), e.g. put this in a --pre-js: var crypto = { getRandomValues: function(array) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i] = (Math.random()*256)|0 } };"); };
FS.createDevice('/dev', 'random', random_device);
FS.createDevice('/dev', 'urandom', random_device);
// we're not going to emulate the actual shm device,
// just create the tmp dirs that reside in it commonly
},createSpecialDirectories:function() {
// create /proc/self/fd which allows /proc/self/fd/6 => readlink gives the name of the stream for fd 6 (see test_unistd_ttyname)
mount: function() {
var node = FS.createNode('/proc/self', 'fd', 16384 | 511 /* 0777 */, 73);
node.node_ops = {
lookup: function(parent, name) {
var fd = +name;
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
var ret = {
parent: null,
mount: { mountpoint: 'fake' },
node_ops: { readlink: function() { return stream.path } }
ret.parent = ret; // make it look like a simple root node
return ret;
return node;
}, {}, '/proc/self/fd');
},createStandardStreams:function() {
// TODO deprecate the old functionality of a single
// input / output callback and that utilizes FS.createDevice
// and instead require a unique set of stream ops
// by default, we symlink the standard streams to the
// default tty devices. however, if the standard streams
// have been overwritten we create a unique device for
// them instead.
if (Module['stdin']) {
FS.createDevice('/dev', 'stdin', Module['stdin']);
} else {
FS.symlink('/dev/tty', '/dev/stdin');
if (Module['stdout']) {
FS.createDevice('/dev', 'stdout', null, Module['stdout']);
} else {
FS.symlink('/dev/tty', '/dev/stdout');
if (Module['stderr']) {
FS.createDevice('/dev', 'stderr', null, Module['stderr']);
} else {
FS.symlink('/dev/tty1', '/dev/stderr');
// open default streams for the stdin, stdout and stderr devices
var stdin ='/dev/stdin', 'r');
var stdout ='/dev/stdout', 'w');
var stderr ='/dev/stderr', 'w');
assert(stdin.fd === 0, 'invalid handle for stdin (' + stdin.fd + ')');
assert(stdout.fd === 1, 'invalid handle for stdout (' + stdout.fd + ')');
assert(stderr.fd === 2, 'invalid handle for stderr (' + stderr.fd + ')');
},ensureErrnoError:function() {
if (FS.ErrnoError) return;
FS.ErrnoError = function ErrnoError(errno, node) {
this.node = node;
this.setErrno = function(errno) {
this.errno = errno;
for (var key in ERRNO_CODES) {
if (ERRNO_CODES[key] === errno) {
this.code = key;
this.message = ERRNO_MESSAGES[errno];
// Try to get a maximally helpful stack trace. On Node.js, getting Error.stack
// now ensures it shows what we want.
if (this.stack) {
// Define the stack property for Node.js 4, which otherwise errors on the next line.
Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: (new Error).stack, writable: true });
this.stack = demangleAll(this.stack);
FS.ErrnoError.prototype = new Error();
FS.ErrnoError.prototype.constructor = FS.ErrnoError;
// Some errors may happen quite a bit, to avoid overhead we reuse them (and suffer a lack of stack info)
[44].forEach(function(code) {
FS.genericErrors[code] = new FS.ErrnoError(code);
FS.genericErrors[code].stack = '<generic error, no stack>';
},staticInit:function() {
FS.nameTable = new Array(4096);
FS.mount(MEMFS, {}, '/');
FS.filesystems = {
},init:function(input, output, error) {
assert(!FS.init.initialized, 'FS.init was previously called. If you want to initialize later with custom parameters, remove any earlier calls (note that one is automatically added to the generated code)');
FS.init.initialized = true;
// Allow Module.stdin etc. to provide defaults, if none explicitly passed to us here
Module['stdin'] = input || Module['stdin'];
Module['stdout'] = output || Module['stdout'];
Module['stderr'] = error || Module['stderr'];
},quit:function() {
FS.init.initialized = false;
// force-flush all streams, so we get musl std streams printed out
var fflush = Module['_fflush'];
if (fflush) fflush(0);
// close all of our streams
for (var i = 0; i < FS.streams.length; i++) {
var stream = FS.streams[i];
if (!stream) {
},getMode:function(canRead, canWrite) {
var mode = 0;
if (canRead) mode |= 292 | 73;
if (canWrite) mode |= 146;
return mode;
},joinPath:function(parts, forceRelative) {
var path = PATH.join.apply(null, parts);
if (forceRelative && path[0] == '/') path = path.substr(1);
return path;
},absolutePath:function(relative, base) {
return PATH_FS.resolve(base, relative);
},standardizePath:function(path) {
return PATH.normalize(path);
},findObject:function(path, dontResolveLastLink) {
var ret = FS.analyzePath(path, dontResolveLastLink);
if (ret.exists) {
return ret.object;
} else {
return null;
},analyzePath:function(path, dontResolveLastLink) {
// operate from within the context of the symlink's target
try {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontResolveLastLink });
path = lookup.path;
} catch (e) {
var ret = {
isRoot: false, exists: false, error: 0, name: null, path: null, object: null,
parentExists: false, parentPath: null, parentObject: null
try {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
ret.parentExists = true;
ret.parentPath = lookup.path;
ret.parentObject = lookup.node; = PATH.basename(path);
lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontResolveLastLink });
ret.exists = true;
ret.path = lookup.path;
ret.object = lookup.node; =;
ret.isRoot = lookup.path === '/';
} catch (e) {
ret.error = e.errno;
return ret;
},createFolder:function(parent, name, canRead, canWrite) {
var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === 'string' ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name);
var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
return FS.mkdir(path, mode);
},createPath:function(parent, path, canRead, canWrite) {
parent = typeof parent === 'string' ? parent : FS.getPath(parent);
var parts = path.split('/').reverse();
while (parts.length) {
var part = parts.pop();
if (!part) continue;
var current = PATH.join2(parent, part);
try {
} catch (e) {
// ignore EEXIST
parent = current;
return current;
},createFile:function(parent, name, properties, canRead, canWrite) {
var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === 'string' ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name);
var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
return FS.create(path, mode);
},createDataFile:function(parent, name, data, canRead, canWrite, canOwn) {
var path = name ? PATH.join2(typeof parent === 'string' ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name) : parent;
var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
var node = FS.create(path, mode);
if (data) {
if (typeof data === 'string') {
var arr = new Array(data.length);
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; ++i) arr[i] = data.charCodeAt(i);
data = arr;
// make sure we can write to the file
FS.chmod(node, mode | 146);
var stream =, 'w');
FS.write(stream, data, 0, data.length, 0, canOwn);
FS.chmod(node, mode);
return node;
},createDevice:function(parent, name, input, output) {
var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === 'string' ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name);
var mode = FS.getMode(!!input, !!output);
if (!FS.createDevice.major) FS.createDevice.major = 64;
var dev = FS.makedev(FS.createDevice.major++, 0);
// Create a fake device that a set of stream ops to emulate
// the old behavior.
FS.registerDevice(dev, {
open: function(stream) {
stream.seekable = false;
close: function(stream) {
// flush any pending line data
if (output && output.buffer && output.buffer.length) {
read: function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos /* ignored */) {
var bytesRead = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var result;
try {
result = input();
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
if (result === undefined && bytesRead === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(6);
if (result === null || result === undefined) break;
buffer[offset+i] = result;
if (bytesRead) {
stream.node.timestamp =;
return bytesRead;
write: function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
try {
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
if (length) {
stream.node.timestamp =;
return i;
return FS.mkdev(path, mode, dev);
},createLink:function(parent, name, target, canRead, canWrite) {
var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === 'string' ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name);
return FS.symlink(target, path);
},forceLoadFile:function(obj) {
if (obj.isDevice || obj.isFolder || || obj.contents) return true;
var success = true;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
throw new Error("Lazy loading should have been performed (contents set) in createLazyFile, but it was not. Lazy loading only works in web workers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc on the main thread.");
} else if (read_) {
// Command-line.
try {
// WARNING: Can't read binary files in V8's d8 or tracemonkey's js, as
// read() will try to parse UTF8.
obj.contents = intArrayFromString(read_(obj.url), true);
obj.usedBytes = obj.contents.length;
} catch (e) {
success = false;
} else {
throw new Error('Cannot load without read() or XMLHttpRequest.');
if (!success) ___setErrNo(29);
return success;
},createLazyFile:function(parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite) {
// Lazy chunked Uint8Array (implements get and length from Uint8Array). Actual getting is abstracted away for eventual reuse.
function LazyUint8Array() {
this.lengthKnown = false;
this.chunks = []; // Loaded chunks. Index is the chunk number
LazyUint8Array.prototype.get = function LazyUint8Array_get(idx) {
if (idx > this.length-1 || idx < 0) {
return undefined;
var chunkOffset = idx % this.chunkSize;
var chunkNum = (idx / this.chunkSize)|0;
return this.getter(chunkNum)[chunkOffset];
LazyUint8Array.prototype.setDataGetter = function LazyUint8Array_setDataGetter(getter) {
this.getter = getter;
LazyUint8Array.prototype.cacheLength = function LazyUint8Array_cacheLength() {
// Find length
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', url, false);
if (!(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304)) throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr.status);
var datalength = Number(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-length"));
var header;
var hasByteServing = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Accept-Ranges")) && header === "bytes";
var usesGzip = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding")) && header === "gzip";
var chunkSize = 1024*1024; // Chunk size in bytes
if (!hasByteServing) chunkSize = datalength;
// Function to get a range from the remote URL.
var doXHR = (function(from, to) {
if (from > to) throw new Error("invalid range (" + from + ", " + to + ") or no bytes requested!");
if (to > datalength-1) throw new Error("only " + datalength + " bytes available! programmer error!");
// TODO: Use mozResponseArrayBuffer, responseStream, etc. if available.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false);
if (datalength !== chunkSize) xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + from + "-" + to);
// Some hints to the browser that we want binary data.
if (typeof Uint8Array != 'undefined') xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
if (!(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304)) throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr.status);
if (xhr.response !== undefined) {
return new Uint8Array(xhr.response || []);
} else {
return intArrayFromString(xhr.responseText || '', true);
var lazyArray = this;
lazyArray.setDataGetter(function(chunkNum) {
var start = chunkNum * chunkSize;
var end = (chunkNum+1) * chunkSize - 1; // including this byte
end = Math.min(end, datalength-1); // if datalength-1 is selected, this is the last block
if (typeof(lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum]) === "undefined") {
lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum] = doXHR(start, end);
if (typeof(lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum]) === "undefined") throw new Error("doXHR failed!");
return lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum];
if (usesGzip || !datalength) {
// if the server uses gzip or doesn't supply the length, we have to download the whole file to get the (uncompressed) length
chunkSize = datalength = 1; // this will force getter(0)/doXHR do download the whole file
datalength = this.getter(0).length;
chunkSize = datalength;
console.log("LazyFiles on gzip forces download of the whole file when length is accessed");
this._length = datalength;
this._chunkSize = chunkSize;
this.lengthKnown = true;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) throw 'Cannot do synchronous binary XHRs outside webworkers in modern browsers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc';
var lazyArray = new LazyUint8Array();
Object.defineProperties(lazyArray, {
length: {
get: function() {
if(!this.lengthKnown) {
return this._length;
chunkSize: {
get: function() {
if(!this.lengthKnown) {
return this._chunkSize;
var properties = { isDevice: false, contents: lazyArray };
} else {
var properties = { isDevice: false, url: url };
var node = FS.createFile(parent, name, properties, canRead, canWrite);
// This is a total hack, but I want to get this lazy file code out of the
// core of MEMFS. If we want to keep this lazy file concept I feel it should
// be its own thin LAZYFS proxying calls to MEMFS.
if (properties.contents) {
node.contents = properties.contents;
} else if (properties.url) {
node.contents = null;
node.url = properties.url;
// Add a function that defers querying the file size until it is asked the first time.
Object.defineProperties(node, {
usedBytes: {
get: function() { return this.contents.length; }
// override each stream op with one that tries to force load the lazy file first
var stream_ops = {};
var keys = Object.keys(node.stream_ops);
keys.forEach(function(key) {
var fn = node.stream_ops[key];
stream_ops[key] = function forceLoadLazyFile() {
if (!FS.forceLoadFile(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
return fn.apply(null, arguments);
// use a custom read function = function stream_ops_read(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
if (!FS.forceLoadFile(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
var contents = stream.node.contents;
if (position >= contents.length)
return 0;
var size = Math.min(contents.length - position, length);
assert(size >= 0);
if (contents.slice) { // normal array
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buffer[offset + i] = contents[position + i];
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { // LazyUint8Array from sync binary XHR
buffer[offset + i] = contents.get(position + i);
return size;
node.stream_ops = stream_ops;
return node;
},createPreloadedFile:function(parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite, onload, onerror, dontCreateFile, canOwn, preFinish) {
2020-01-20 12:59:29 +00:00
Browser.init(); // perhaps this method should move onto Browser?
// TODO we should allow people to just pass in a complete filename instead
// of parent and name being that we just join them anyways
var fullname = name ? PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.join2(parent, name)) : parent;
var dep = getUniqueRunDependency('cp ' + fullname); // might have several active requests for the same fullname
function processData(byteArray) {
function finish(byteArray) {
if (preFinish) preFinish();
if (!dontCreateFile) {
FS.createDataFile(parent, name, byteArray, canRead, canWrite, canOwn);
if (onload) onload();
var handled = false;
Module['preloadPlugins'].forEach(function(plugin) {
if (handled) return;
if (plugin['canHandle'](fullname)) {
plugin['handle'](byteArray, fullname, finish, function() {
if (onerror) onerror();
handled = true;
if (!handled) finish(byteArray);
if (typeof url == 'string') {
Browser.asyncLoad(url, function(byteArray) {
}, onerror);
} else {
},indexedDB:function() {
return window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;
},DB_NAME:function() {
return 'EM_FS_' + window.location.pathname;
},DB_VERSION:20,DB_STORE_NAME:"FILE_DATA",saveFilesToDB:function(paths, onload, onerror) {
onload = onload || function(){};
onerror = onerror || function(){};
var indexedDB = FS.indexedDB();
try {
var openRequest =, FS.DB_VERSION);
} catch (e) {
return onerror(e);
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function openRequest_onupgradeneeded() {
console.log('creating db');
var db = openRequest.result;
openRequest.onsuccess = function openRequest_onsuccess() {
var db = openRequest.result;
var transaction = db.transaction([FS.DB_STORE_NAME], 'readwrite');
var files = transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);
var ok = 0, fail = 0, total = paths.length;
function finish() {
if (fail == 0) onload(); else onerror();
paths.forEach(function(path) {
var putRequest = files.put(FS.analyzePath(path).object.contents, path);
putRequest.onsuccess = function putRequest_onsuccess() { ok++; if (ok + fail == total) finish() };
putRequest.onerror = function putRequest_onerror() { fail++; if (ok + fail == total) finish() };
transaction.onerror = onerror;
openRequest.onerror = onerror;
},loadFilesFromDB:function(paths, onload, onerror) {
onload = onload || function(){};
onerror = onerror || function(){};
var indexedDB = FS.indexedDB();
try {
var openRequest =, FS.DB_VERSION);
} catch (e) {
return onerror(e);
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = onerror; // no database to load from
openRequest.onsuccess = function openRequest_onsuccess() {
var db = openRequest.result;
try {
var transaction = db.transaction([FS.DB_STORE_NAME], 'readonly');
} catch(e) {
var files = transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);
var ok = 0, fail = 0, total = paths.length;
function finish() {
if (fail == 0) onload(); else onerror();
paths.forEach(function(path) {
var getRequest = files.get(path);
getRequest.onsuccess = function getRequest_onsuccess() {
if (FS.analyzePath(path).exists) {
FS.createDataFile(PATH.dirname(path), PATH.basename(path), getRequest.result, true, true, true);
if (ok + fail == total) finish();
getRequest.onerror = function getRequest_onerror() { fail++; if (ok + fail == total) finish() };
transaction.onerror = onerror;
openRequest.onerror = onerror;
Module["FS"] = FS;var SYSCALLS={DEFAULT_POLLMASK:5,mappings:{},umask:511,calculateAt:function(dirfd, path) {
if (path[0] !== '/') {
// relative path
var dir;
if (dirfd === -100) {
dir = FS.cwd();
} else {
var dirstream = FS.getStream(dirfd);
if (!dirstream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
dir = dirstream.path;
path = PATH.join2(dir, path);
return path;
},doStat:function(func, path, buf) {
try {
var stat = func(path);
} catch (e) {
if (e && e.node && PATH.normalize(path) !== PATH.normalize(FS.getPath(e.node))) {
// an error occurred while trying to look up the path; we should just report ENOTDIR
return -54;
throw e;
(tempI64 = [stat.size>>>0,(tempDouble=stat.size,(+(Math_abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math_min((+(Math_floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[(((buf)+(40))>>2)]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((buf)+(44))>>2)]=tempI64[1]);
HEAP32[(((buf)+(56))>>2)]=(stat.atime.getTime() / 1000)|0;
HEAP32[(((buf)+(64))>>2)]=(stat.mtime.getTime() / 1000)|0;
HEAP32[(((buf)+(72))>>2)]=(stat.ctime.getTime() / 1000)|0;
(tempI64 = [stat.ino>>>0,(tempDouble=stat.ino,(+(Math_abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math_min((+(Math_floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[(((buf)+(80))>>2)]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((buf)+(84))>>2)]=tempI64[1]);
return 0;
},doMsync:function(addr, stream, len, flags) {
var buffer = new Uint8Array(HEAPU8.subarray(addr, addr + len));
FS.msync(stream, buffer, 0, len, flags);
},doMkdir:function(path, mode) {
// remove a trailing slash, if one - /a/b/ has basename of '', but
// we want to create b in the context of this function
path = PATH.normalize(path);
if (path[path.length-1] === '/') path = path.substr(0, path.length-1);
FS.mkdir(path, mode, 0);
return 0;
},doMknod:function(path, mode, dev) {
// we don't want this in the JS API as it uses mknod to create all nodes.
switch (mode & 61440) {
case 32768:
case 8192:
case 24576:
case 4096:
case 49152:
default: return -28;
FS.mknod(path, mode, dev);
return 0;
},doReadlink:function(path, buf, bufsize) {
if (bufsize <= 0) return -28;
var ret = FS.readlink(path);
var len = Math.min(bufsize, lengthBytesUTF8(ret));
var endChar = HEAP8[buf+len];
stringToUTF8(ret, buf, bufsize+1);
// readlink is one of the rare functions that write out a C string, but does never append a null to the output buffer(!)
// stringToUTF8() always appends a null byte, so restore the character under the null byte after the write.
HEAP8[buf+len] = endChar;
return len;
},doAccess:function(path, amode) {
if (amode & ~7) {
// need a valid mode
return -28;
var node;
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
node = lookup.node;
if (!node) {
return -44;
var perms = '';
if (amode & 4) perms += 'r';
if (amode & 2) perms += 'w';
if (amode & 1) perms += 'x';
if (perms /* otherwise, they've just passed F_OK */ && FS.nodePermissions(node, perms)) {
return -2;
return 0;
},doDup:function(path, flags, suggestFD) {
var suggest = FS.getStream(suggestFD);
if (suggest) FS.close(suggest);
return, flags, 0, suggestFD, suggestFD).fd;
},doReadv:function(stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) {
var ret = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
var ptr = HEAP32[(((iov)+(i*8))>>2)];
var len = HEAP32[(((iov)+(i*8 + 4))>>2)];
var curr =, HEAP8,ptr, len, offset);
if (curr < 0) return -1;
ret += curr;
if (curr < len) break; // nothing more to read
return ret;
},doWritev:function(stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) {
var ret = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
var ptr = HEAP32[(((iov)+(i*8))>>2)];
var len = HEAP32[(((iov)+(i*8 + 4))>>2)];
var curr = FS.write(stream, HEAP8,ptr, len, offset);
if (curr < 0) return -1;
ret += curr;
return ret;
},varargs:0,get:function(varargs) {
SYSCALLS.varargs += 4;
var ret = HEAP32[(((SYSCALLS.varargs)-(4))>>2)];
return ret;
},getStr:function() {
var ret = UTF8ToString(SYSCALLS.get());
return ret;
},getStreamFromFD:function(fd) {
// TODO: when all syscalls use wasi, can remove the next line
if (fd === undefined) fd = SYSCALLS.get();
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
return stream;
},get64:function() {
var low = SYSCALLS.get(), high = SYSCALLS.get();
if (low >= 0) assert(high === 0);
else assert(high === -1);
return low;
},getZero:function() {
assert(SYSCALLS.get() === 0);
Module["SYSCALLS"] = SYSCALLS;function ___syscall10(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(2, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// unlink
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr();
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall10"] = ___syscall10;
function ___syscall12(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(3, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// chdir
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr();
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall12"] = ___syscall12;
function ___syscall183(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(4, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// getcwd
var buf = SYSCALLS.get(), size = SYSCALLS.get();
if (size === 0) return -28;
var cwd = FS.cwd();
var cwdLengthInBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(cwd);
if (size < cwdLengthInBytes + 1) return -68;
stringToUTF8(cwd, buf, size);
return buf;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall183"] = ___syscall183;
function _memset(ptr, value, num) {
ptr = ptr|0; value = value|0; num = num|0;
var end = 0, aligned_end = 0, block_aligned_end = 0, value4 = 0;
end = (ptr + num)|0;
value = value & 0xff;
if ((num|0) >= 67 /* 64 bytes for an unrolled loop + 3 bytes for unaligned head*/) {
while ((ptr&3) != 0) {
ptr = (ptr+1)|0;
aligned_end = (end & -4)|0;
value4 = value | (value << 8) | (value << 16) | (value << 24);
block_aligned_end = (aligned_end - 64)|0;
while((ptr|0) <= (block_aligned_end|0)) {
ptr = (ptr + 64)|0;
while ((ptr|0) < (aligned_end|0) ) {
ptr = (ptr+4)|0;
// The remaining bytes.
while ((ptr|0) < (end|0)) {
ptr = (ptr+1)|0;
return (end-num)|0;
Module["_memset"] = _memset;function __emscripten_syscall_mmap2(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off) {
off <<= 12; // undo pgoffset
var ptr;
var allocated = false;
// addr argument must be page aligned if MAP_FIXED flag is set.
if ((flags & 16) !== 0 && (addr % PAGE_SIZE) !== 0) {
return -28;
// MAP_ANONYMOUS (aka MAP_ANON) isn't actually defined by POSIX spec,
// but it is widely used way to allocate memory pages on Linux, BSD and Mac.
// In this case fd argument is ignored.
if ((flags & 32) !== 0) {
ptr = _memalign(PAGE_SIZE, len);
if (!ptr) return -48;
_memset(ptr, 0, len);
allocated = true;
} else {
var info = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!info) return -8;
var res = FS.mmap(info, HEAPU8, addr, len, off, prot, flags);
ptr = res.ptr;
allocated = res.allocated;
SYSCALLS.mappings[ptr] = { malloc: ptr, len: len, allocated: allocated, fd: fd, flags: flags };
return ptr;
Module["__emscripten_syscall_mmap2"] = __emscripten_syscall_mmap2;function ___syscall192(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(5, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// mmap2
var addr = SYSCALLS.get(), len = SYSCALLS.get(), prot = SYSCALLS.get(), flags = SYSCALLS.get(), fd = SYSCALLS.get(), off = SYSCALLS.get()
return __emscripten_syscall_mmap2(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall192"] = ___syscall192;
function ___syscall195(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(6, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// SYS_stat64
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr(), buf = SYSCALLS.get();
return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.stat, path, buf);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall195"] = ___syscall195;
function ___syscall196(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(7, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// SYS_lstat64
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr(), buf = SYSCALLS.get();
return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.lstat, path, buf);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall196"] = ___syscall196;
function ___syscall220(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(8, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// SYS_getdents64
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), dirp = SYSCALLS.get(), count = SYSCALLS.get();
if (!stream.getdents) {
stream.getdents = FS.readdir(stream.path);
var struct_size = 280;
var pos = 0;
var off = FS.llseek(stream, 0, 1);
var idx = Math.floor(off / struct_size);
while (idx < stream.getdents.length && pos + struct_size <= count) {
var id;
var type;
var name = stream.getdents[idx];
if (name[0] === '.') {
id = 1;
type = 4; // DT_DIR
} else {
var child = FS.lookupNode(stream.node, name);
id =;
type = FS.isChrdev(child.mode) ? 2 : // DT_CHR, character device.
FS.isDir(child.mode) ? 4 : // DT_DIR, directory.
FS.isLink(child.mode) ? 10 : // DT_LNK, symbolic link.
8; // DT_REG, regular file.
(tempI64 = [id>>>0,(tempDouble=id,(+(Math_abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math_min((+(Math_floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[((dirp + pos)>>2)]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((dirp + pos)+(4))>>2)]=tempI64[1]);
(tempI64 = [(idx + 1) * struct_size>>>0,(tempDouble=(idx + 1) * struct_size,(+(Math_abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math_min((+(Math_floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[(((dirp + pos)+(8))>>2)]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((dirp + pos)+(12))>>2)]=tempI64[1]);
HEAP16[(((dirp + pos)+(16))>>1)]=280;
HEAP8[(((dirp + pos)+(18))>>0)]=type;
stringToUTF8(name, dirp + pos + 19, 256);
pos += struct_size;
idx += 1;
FS.llseek(stream, idx * struct_size, 0);
return pos;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall220"] = ___syscall220;
function ___syscall221(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(9, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// fcntl64
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), cmd = SYSCALLS.get();
switch (cmd) {
case 0: {
var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
if (arg < 0) {
return -28;
var newStream;
newStream =, stream.flags, 0, arg);
return newStream.fd;
case 1:
case 2:
return 0; // FD_CLOEXEC makes no sense for a single process.
case 3:
return stream.flags;
case 4: {
var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
stream.flags |= arg;
return 0;
case 12:
/* case 12: Currently in musl F_GETLK64 has same value as F_GETLK, so omitted to avoid duplicate case blocks. If that changes, uncomment this */ {
var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
var offset = 0;
// We're always unlocked.
return 0;
case 13:
case 14:
/* case 13: Currently in musl F_SETLK64 has same value as F_SETLK, so omitted to avoid duplicate case blocks. If that changes, uncomment this */
/* case 14: Currently in musl F_SETLKW64 has same value as F_SETLKW, so omitted to avoid duplicate case blocks. If that changes, uncomment this */
return 0; // Pretend that the locking is successful.
case 16:
case 8:
return -28; // These are for sockets. We don't have them fully implemented yet.
case 9:
// musl trusts getown return values, due to a bug where they must be, as they overlap with errors. just return -1 here, so fnctl() returns that, and we set errno ourselves.
return -1;
default: {
return -28;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall221"] = ___syscall221;
function ___syscall3(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(10, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// read
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), buf = SYSCALLS.get(), count = SYSCALLS.get();
return, HEAP8,buf, count);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall3"] = ___syscall3;
function ___syscall39(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(11, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// mkdir
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr(), mode = SYSCALLS.get();
return SYSCALLS.doMkdir(path, mode);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall39"] = ___syscall39;
function ___syscall4(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(12, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// write
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), buf = SYSCALLS.get(), count = SYSCALLS.get();
return FS.write(stream, HEAP8,buf, count);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall4"] = ___syscall4;
function ___syscall40(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(13, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// rmdir
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr();
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall40"] = ___syscall40;
function ___syscall5(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(14, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// open
var pathname = SYSCALLS.getStr(), flags = SYSCALLS.get(), mode = SYSCALLS.get(); // optional TODO
var stream =, flags, mode);
return stream.fd;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall5"] = ___syscall5;
function ___syscall54(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(15, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// ioctl
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), op = SYSCALLS.get();
switch (op) {
case 21509:
case 21505: {
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
case 21510:
case 21511:
case 21512:
case 21506:
case 21507:
case 21508: {
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0; // no-op, not actually adjusting terminal settings
case 21519: {
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
var argp = SYSCALLS.get();
return 0;
case 21520: {
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return -28; // not supported
case 21531: {
var argp = SYSCALLS.get();
return FS.ioctl(stream, op, argp);
case 21523: {
// TODO: in theory we should write to the winsize struct that gets
// passed in, but for now musl doesn't read anything on it
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
case 21524: {
// TODO: technically, this ioctl call should change the window size.
// but, since emscripten doesn't have any concept of a terminal window
// yet, we'll just silently throw it away as we do TIOCGWINSZ
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
default: abort('bad ioctl syscall ' + op);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall54"] = ___syscall54;
function ___syscall85(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(16, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// readlink
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr(), buf = SYSCALLS.get(), bufsize = SYSCALLS.get();
return SYSCALLS.doReadlink(path, buf, bufsize);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall85"] = ___syscall85;
function __emscripten_syscall_munmap(addr, len) {
if (addr === -1 || len === 0) {
return -28;
// TODO: support unmmap'ing parts of allocations
var info = SYSCALLS.mappings[addr];
if (!info) return 0;
if (len === info.len) {
var stream = FS.getStream(info.fd);
SYSCALLS.doMsync(addr, stream, len, info.flags);
SYSCALLS.mappings[addr] = null;
if (info.allocated) {
return 0;
Module["__emscripten_syscall_munmap"] = __emscripten_syscall_munmap;function ___syscall91(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(17, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
// munmap
var addr = SYSCALLS.get(), len = SYSCALLS.get();
return __emscripten_syscall_munmap(addr, len);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall91"] = ___syscall91;
function ___unlock() {}
Module["___unlock"] = ___unlock;
function _abort() {
Module["_abort"] = _abort;
function _emscripten_check_blocking_allowed() {
warnOnce('Blocking on the main thread is very dangerous, see');
Module["_emscripten_check_blocking_allowed"] = _emscripten_check_blocking_allowed;
function _emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status_js(expectedStatus, newStatus) {
Module["_emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status_js"] = _emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status_js;function _emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status(expectedStatus, newStatus) {
expectedStatus = expectedStatus|0;
newStatus = newStatus|0;
Module["_emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status"] = _emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status;
function _emscripten_futex_wait(addr, val, timeout) {
if (addr <= 0 || addr > HEAP8.length || addr&3 != 0) return -28;
// dump('futex_wait addr:' + addr + ' by thread: ' + _pthread_self() + (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD?'(pthread)':'') + '\n');
var ret = Atomics.wait(HEAP32, addr >> 2, val, timeout);
// dump('futex_wait done by thread: ' + _pthread_self() + (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD?'(pthread)':'') + '\n');
if (ret === 'timed-out') return -73;
if (ret === 'not-equal') return -6;
if (ret === 'ok') return 0;
throw 'Atomics.wait returned an unexpected value ' + ret;
} else {
// Atomics.wait is not available in the main browser thread, so simulate it via busy spinning.
var loadedVal = Atomics.load(HEAP32, addr >> 2);
if (val != loadedVal) return -6;
var tNow =;
var tEnd = tNow + timeout;
// Register globally which address the main thread is simulating to be waiting on. When zero, main thread is not waiting on anything,
// and on nonzero, the contents of address pointed by __main_thread_futex_wait_address tell which address the main thread is simulating its wait on., __main_thread_futex_wait_address >> 2, addr);
var ourWaitAddress = addr; // We may recursively re-enter this function while processing queued calls, in which case we'll do a spurious wakeup of the older wait operation.
while (addr == ourWaitAddress) {
tNow =;
if (tNow > tEnd) {
return -73;
_emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls(); // We are performing a blocking loop here, so must pump any pthreads if they want to perform operations that are proxied.
addr = Atomics.load(HEAP32, __main_thread_futex_wait_address >> 2); // Look for a worker thread waking us up.
return 0;
Module["_emscripten_futex_wait"] = _emscripten_futex_wait;
function _emscripten_get_heap_size() {
return HEAP8.length;
Module["_emscripten_get_heap_size"] = _emscripten_get_heap_size;
function _emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr() {
return 12594960;
Module["_emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr"] = _emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr;
function _emscripten_has_threading_support() {
return typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'undefined';
Module["_emscripten_has_threading_support"] = _emscripten_has_threading_support;
function _emscripten_is_main_browser_thread() {
return __pthread_is_main_browser_thread|0; // Semantically the same as testing "!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER" outside the asm.js scope
Module["_emscripten_is_main_browser_thread"] = _emscripten_is_main_browser_thread;
function _emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread() {
return __pthread_is_main_runtime_thread|0; // Semantically the same as testing "!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD" outside the asm.js scope
Module["_emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread"] = _emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread;
var setjmpId=0;
Module["setjmpId"] = setjmpId;function _saveSetjmp(env, label, table, size) {
// Not particularly fast: slow table lookup of setjmpId to label. But setjmp
// prevents relooping anyhow, so slowness is to be expected. And typical case
// is 1 setjmp per invocation, or less.
env = env|0;
label = label|0;
table = table|0;
size = size|0;
var i = 0;
setjmpId = (setjmpId+1)|0;
while ((i|0) < (size|0)) {
if (((HEAP32[(((table)+((i<<3)))>>2)])|0) == 0) {
// prepare next slot
setTempRet0((size) | 0);
return table | 0;
i = i+1|0;
// grow the table
size = (size*2)|0;
table = _realloc(table|0, 8*(size+1|0)|0) | 0;
table = _saveSetjmp(env|0, label|0, table|0, size|0) | 0;
setTempRet0((size) | 0);
return table | 0;
Module["_saveSetjmp"] = _saveSetjmp;
function _testSetjmp(id, table, size) {
id = id|0;
table = table|0;
size = size|0;
var i = 0, curr = 0;
while ((i|0) < (size|0)) {
curr = ((HEAP32[(((table)+((i<<3)))>>2)])|0);
if ((curr|0) == 0) break;
if ((curr|0) == (id|0)) {
return ((HEAP32[(((table)+((i<<3)+4))>>2)])|0);
i = i+1|0;
return 0;
Module["_testSetjmp"] = _testSetjmp;function _longjmp(env, value) {
_setThrew(env, value || 1);
throw 'longjmp';
Module["_longjmp"] = _longjmp;function _emscripten_longjmp(env, value) {
_longjmp(env, value);
Module["_emscripten_longjmp"] = _emscripten_longjmp;
function _emscripten_memcpy_big(dest, src, num) {
HEAPU8.set(HEAPU8.subarray(src, src+num), dest);
Module["_emscripten_memcpy_big"] = _emscripten_memcpy_big;
function _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(index, sync) {
// Additional arguments are passed after those two, which are the actual
// function arguments.
// The serialization buffer contains the number of call params, and then
// all the args here.
// We also pass 'sync' to C separately, since C needs to look at it.
var numCallArgs = arguments.length - 2;
if (numCallArgs > 20-1) throw 'emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js: Too many arguments ' + numCallArgs + ' to proxied function idx=' + index + ', maximum supported is ' + (20-1) + '!';
// Allocate a buffer, which will be copied by the C code.
var stack = stackSave();
// First passed parameter specifies the number of arguments to the function.
var args = stackAlloc(numCallArgs * 8);
var b = args >> 3;
for (var i = 0; i < numCallArgs; i++) {
HEAPF64[b + i] = arguments[2 + i];
var ret = _emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js(index, numCallArgs, args, sync);
return ret;
Module["_emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js"] = _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js;
var _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs=[];
Module["_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs"] = _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs;function _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js(index, numCallArgs, args) {
_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs.length = numCallArgs;
var b = args >> 3;
for (var i = 0; i < numCallArgs; i++) {
_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs[i] = HEAPF64[b + i];
// Proxied JS library funcs are encoded as positive values, and
// EM_ASMs as negative values (see include_asm_consts)
var isEmAsmConst = index < 0;
var func = !isEmAsmConst ? proxiedFunctionTable[index] : ASM_CONSTS[-index - 1];
if (isEmAsmConst) {
// EM_ASM arguments are stored in their own buffer in memory, that we need
// to unpack in order to call. The proxied arguments are the code index,
// signature pointer, and vararg buffer pointer, in that order.
var sigPtr = _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs[1];
var varargPtr = _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs[2];
var constArgs = readAsmConstArgs(sigPtr, varargPtr);
return func.apply(null, constArgs);
assert(func.length == numCallArgs, 'Call args mismatch in emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js');
return func.apply(null, _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs);
Module["_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js"] = _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js;
function abortOnCannotGrowMemory(requestedSize) {
abort('Cannot enlarge memory arrays to size ' + requestedSize + ' bytes (OOM). Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value ' + HEAP8.length + ', (2) compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 which allows increasing the size at runtime, or (3) if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 ');
Module["abortOnCannotGrowMemory"] = abortOnCannotGrowMemory;function _emscripten_resize_heap(requestedSize) {
Module["_emscripten_resize_heap"] = _emscripten_resize_heap;
var JSEvents={keyEvent:0,mouseEvent:0,wheelEvent:0,uiEvent:0,focusEvent:0,deviceOrientationEvent:0,deviceMotionEvent:0,fullscreenChangeEvent:0,pointerlockChangeEvent:0,visibilityChangeEvent:0,touchEvent:0,previousFullscreenElement:null,previousScreenX:null,previousScreenY:null,removeEventListenersRegistered:false,removeAllEventListeners:function() {
for(var i = JSEvents.eventHandlers.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
JSEvents.eventHandlers = [];
JSEvents.deferredCalls = [];
},registerRemoveEventListeners:function() {
if (!JSEvents.removeEventListenersRegistered) {
JSEvents.removeEventListenersRegistered = true;
},deferredCalls:[],deferCall:function(targetFunction, precedence, argsList) {
function arraysHaveEqualContent(arrA, arrB) {
if (arrA.length != arrB.length) return false;
for(var i in arrA) {
if (arrA[i] != arrB[i]) return false;
return true;
// Test if the given call was already queued, and if so, don't add it again.
for(var i in JSEvents.deferredCalls) {
var call = JSEvents.deferredCalls[i];
if (call.targetFunction == targetFunction && arraysHaveEqualContent(call.argsList, argsList)) {
targetFunction: targetFunction,
precedence: precedence,
argsList: argsList
JSEvents.deferredCalls.sort(function(x,y) { return x.precedence < y.precedence; });
},removeDeferredCalls:function(targetFunction) {
for(var i = 0; i < JSEvents.deferredCalls.length; ++i) {
if (JSEvents.deferredCalls[i].targetFunction == targetFunction) {
JSEvents.deferredCalls.splice(i, 1);
},canPerformEventHandlerRequests:function() {
return JSEvents.inEventHandler && JSEvents.currentEventHandler.allowsDeferredCalls;
},runDeferredCalls:function() {
if (!JSEvents.canPerformEventHandlerRequests()) {
for(var i = 0; i < JSEvents.deferredCalls.length; ++i) {
var call = JSEvents.deferredCalls[i];
JSEvents.deferredCalls.splice(i, 1);
call.targetFunction.apply(this, call.argsList);
},inEventHandler:0,currentEventHandler:null,eventHandlers:[],isInternetExplorer:function() { return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Trident/') > 0; },removeAllHandlersOnTarget:function(target, eventTypeString) {
for(var i = 0; i < JSEvents.eventHandlers.length; ++i) {
if (JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].target == target &&
(!eventTypeString || eventTypeString == JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].eventTypeString)) {
},_removeHandler:function(i) {
var h = JSEvents.eventHandlers[i];, h.eventListenerFunc, h.useCapture);
JSEvents.eventHandlers.splice(i, 1);
},registerOrRemoveHandler:function(eventHandler) {
var jsEventHandler = function jsEventHandler(event) {
// Increment nesting count for the event handler.
JSEvents.currentEventHandler = eventHandler;
// Process any old deferred calls the user has placed.
// Process the actual event, calls back to user C code handler.
// Process any new deferred calls that were placed right now from this event handler.
// Out of event handler - restore nesting count.
if (eventHandler.callbackfunc) {
eventHandler.eventListenerFunc = jsEventHandler;, jsEventHandler, eventHandler.useCapture);
} else {
for(var i = 0; i < JSEvents.eventHandlers.length; ++i) {
if (JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].target ==
&& JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].eventTypeString == eventHandler.eventTypeString) {
},queueEventHandlerOnThread_iiii:function(targetThread, eventHandlerFunc, eventTypeId, eventData, userData) {
var stackTop = stackSave();
var varargs = stackAlloc(12);
_emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_(targetThread, 637534208, eventHandlerFunc, eventData, varargs);
},getTargetThreadForEventCallback:function(targetThread) {
switch(targetThread) {
case 1: return 0; // The event callback for the current event should be called on the main browser thread. (0 == don't proxy)
case 2: return PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread; // The event callback for the current event should be backproxied to the the thread that is registering the event.
default: return targetThread; // The event callback for the current event should be proxied to the given specific thread.
},getBoundingClientRectOrZeros:function(target) {
return target.getBoundingClientRect ? target.getBoundingClientRect() : { left: 0, top: 0 };
},getNodeNameForTarget:function(target) {
if (!target) return '';
if (target == window) return '#window';
if (target == screen) return '#screen';
return (target && target.nodeName) ? target.nodeName : '';
},tick:function() {
if (window['performance'] && window['performance']['now']) return window['performance']['now']();
else return;
},fullscreenEnabled:function() {
return document.fullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled || document.msFullscreenEnabled;
Module["JSEvents"] = JSEvents;
function stringToNewUTF8(jsString) {
var length = lengthBytesUTF8(jsString)+1;
var cString = _malloc(length);
stringToUTF8(jsString, cString, length);
return cString;
Module["stringToNewUTF8"] = stringToNewUTF8;function _emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread_js(targetThread, targetCanvas, width, height) {
var stackTop = stackSave();
var varargs = stackAlloc(12);
var targetCanvasPtr = 0;
if (targetCanvas) {
targetCanvasPtr = stringToNewUTF8(targetCanvas);
// Note: If we are also a pthread, the call below could theoretically be done synchronously. However if the target pthread is waiting for a mutex from us, then
// these two threads will deadlock. At the moment, we'd like to consider that this kind of deadlock would be an Emscripten runtime bug, although if
// emscripten_set_canvas_element_size() was documented to require running an event in the queue of thread that owns the OffscreenCanvas, then that might be ok.
// (safer this way however)
_emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_(targetThread, 657457152, 0, targetCanvasPtr /* satellite data */, varargs);
Module["_emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread_js"] = _emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread_js;function _emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread(targetThread, targetCanvas, width, height) {
targetCanvas = targetCanvas ? UTF8ToString(targetCanvas) : '';
_emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread_js(targetThread, targetCanvas, width, height);
Module["_emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread"] = _emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread;
var __specialEventTargets=[0, typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : 0, typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : 0];
Module["__specialEventTargets"] = __specialEventTargets;function __findEventTarget(target) {
warnOnce('Rules for selecting event targets in HTML5 API are changing: instead of using document.getElementById() that only can refer to elements by their DOM ID, new event target selection mechanism uses the more flexible function document.querySelector() that can look up element names, classes, and complex CSS selectors. Build with -s DISABLE_DEPRECATED_FIND_EVENT_TARGET_BEHAVIOR=1 to change to the new lookup rules. See for more details.');
try {
// The sensible "default" target varies between events, but use window as the default
// since DOM events mostly can default to that. Specific callback registrations
// override their own defaults.
if (!target) return window;
if (typeof target === "number") target = __specialEventTargets[target] || UTF8ToString(target);
if (target === '#window') return window;
else if (target === '#document') return document;
else if (target === '#screen') return screen;
else if (target === '#canvas') return Module['canvas'];
return (typeof target === 'string') ? document.getElementById(target) : target;
} catch(e) {
// In Web Workers, some objects above, such as '#document' do not exist. Gracefully
// return null for them.
return null;
Module["__findEventTarget"] = __findEventTarget;function __findCanvasEventTarget(target) {
if (typeof target === 'number') target = UTF8ToString(target);
if (!target || target === '#canvas') {
if (typeof GL !== 'undefined' && GL.offscreenCanvases['canvas']) return GL.offscreenCanvases['canvas']; // TODO: Remove this line, target '#canvas' should refer only to Module['canvas'], not to GL.offscreenCanvases['canvas'] - but need stricter tests to be able to remove this line.
return Module['canvas'];
if (typeof GL !== 'undefined' && GL.offscreenCanvases[target]) return GL.offscreenCanvases[target];
return __findEventTarget(target);
Module["__findCanvasEventTarget"] = __findCanvasEventTarget;function _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_calling_thread(target, width, height) {
var canvas = __findCanvasEventTarget(target);
if (!canvas) return -4;
if (canvas.canvasSharedPtr) {
// N.B. We hold the canvasSharedPtr info structure as the authoritative source for specifying the size of a canvas
// since the actual canvas size changes are asynchronous if the canvas is owned by an OffscreenCanvas on another thread.
// Therefore when setting the size, eagerly set the size of the canvas on the calling thread here, though this thread
// might not be the one that actually ends up specifying the size, but the actual size change may be dispatched
// as an asynchronous event below.
if (canvas.offscreenCanvas || !canvas.controlTransferredOffscreen) {
if (canvas.offscreenCanvas) canvas = canvas.offscreenCanvas;
var autoResizeViewport = false;
if (canvas.GLctxObject && canvas.GLctxObject.GLctx) {
var prevViewport = canvas.GLctxObject.GLctx.getParameter(canvas.GLctxObject.GLctx.VIEWPORT);
// TODO: Perhaps autoResizeViewport should only be true if FBO 0 is currently active?
autoResizeViewport = (prevViewport[0] === 0 && prevViewport[1] === 0 && prevViewport[2] === canvas.width && prevViewport[3] === canvas.height);
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
if (autoResizeViewport) {
// TODO: Add -s CANVAS_RESIZE_SETS_GL_VIEWPORT=0/1 option (default=1). This is commonly done and several graphics engines depend on this,
// but this can be quite disruptive.
canvas.GLctxObject.GLctx.viewport(0, 0, width, height);
} else if (canvas.canvasSharedPtr) {
var targetThread = HEAP32[(((canvas.canvasSharedPtr)+(8))>>2)];
_emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread(targetThread, target, width, height);
return 1; // This will have to be done asynchronously
} else {
return -4;
return 0;
Module["_emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_calling_thread"] = _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_calling_thread;
function _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_main_thread(target, width, height) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(18, 1, target, width, height);
return _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_calling_thread(target, width, height); }
Module["_emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_main_thread"] = _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_main_thread;function _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size(target, width, height) {
var canvas = __findCanvasEventTarget(target);
if (canvas) {
return _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_calling_thread(target, width, height);
} else {
return _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_main_thread(target, width, height);
Module["_emscripten_set_canvas_element_size"] = _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size;
function _emscripten_set_current_thread_status_js(newStatus) {
Module["_emscripten_set_current_thread_status_js"] = _emscripten_set_current_thread_status_js;function _emscripten_set_current_thread_status(newStatus) {
newStatus = newStatus|0;
Module["_emscripten_set_current_thread_status"] = _emscripten_set_current_thread_status;
function _emscripten_set_thread_name_js(threadId, name) {
Module["_emscripten_set_thread_name_js"] = _emscripten_set_thread_name_js;function _emscripten_set_thread_name(threadId, name) {
threadId = threadId|0;
name = name|0;
Module["_emscripten_set_thread_name"] = _emscripten_set_thread_name;
function _emscripten_syscall(which, varargs) {
switch (which) {
case 10: return ___syscall10(which, varargs);
case 12: return ___syscall12(which, varargs);
case 183: return ___syscall183(which, varargs);
case 192: return ___syscall192(which, varargs);
case 195: return ___syscall195(which, varargs);
case 196: return ___syscall196(which, varargs);
case 220: return ___syscall220(which, varargs);
case 221: return ___syscall221(which, varargs);
case 3: return ___syscall3(which, varargs);
case 39: return ___syscall39(which, varargs);
case 4: return ___syscall4(which, varargs);
case 40: return ___syscall40(which, varargs);
case 5: return ___syscall5(which, varargs);
case 54: return ___syscall54(which, varargs);
case 85: return ___syscall85(which, varargs);
case 91: return ___syscall91(which, varargs);
default: throw "surprising proxied syscall: " + which;
Module["_emscripten_syscall"] = _emscripten_syscall;
var __emscripten_webgl_power_preferences=['default', 'low-power', 'high-performance'];
Module["__emscripten_webgl_power_preferences"] = __emscripten_webgl_power_preferences;
var GL={counter:1,lastError:0,buffers:[],mappedBuffers:{},programs:[],framebuffers:[],renderbuffers:[],textures:[],uniforms:[],shaders:[],vaos:[],contexts:{},currentContext:null,offscreenCanvases:{},timerQueriesEXT:[],programInfos:{},stringCache:{},unpackAlignment:4,init:function() {
GL.miniTempBuffer = new Float32Array(GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
for (var i = 0; i < GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
GL.miniTempBufferViews[i] = GL.miniTempBuffer.subarray(0, i+1);
},recordError:function recordError(errorCode) {
if (!GL.lastError) {
GL.lastError = errorCode;
},getNewId:function(table) {
var ret = GL.counter++;
for (var i = table.length; i < ret; i++) {
table[i] = null;
return ret;
},MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE:256,miniTempBuffer:null,miniTempBufferViews:[0],getSource:function(shader, count, string, length) {
var source = '';
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
var len = length ? HEAP32[(((length)+(i*4))>>2)] : -1;
source += UTF8ToString(HEAP32[(((string)+(i*4))>>2)], len < 0 ? undefined : len);
return source;
},createContext:function(canvas, webGLContextAttributes) {
var ctx =
(canvas.getContext("webgl", webGLContextAttributes) || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", webGLContextAttributes));
if (!ctx) return 0;
var handle = GL.registerContext(ctx, webGLContextAttributes);
return handle;
},registerContext:function(ctx, webGLContextAttributes) {
var handle = _malloc(8); // Make space on the heap to store GL context attributes that need to be accessible as shared between threads.
HEAP32[(((handle)+(4))>>2)]=_pthread_self(); // the thread pointer of the thread that owns the control of the context
var context = {
handle: handle,
attributes: webGLContextAttributes,
version: webGLContextAttributes.majorVersion,
GLctx: ctx
// Store the created context object so that we can access the context given a canvas without having to pass the parameters again.
if (ctx.canvas) ctx.canvas.GLctxObject = context;
GL.contexts[handle] = context;
if (typeof webGLContextAttributes.enableExtensionsByDefault === 'undefined' || webGLContextAttributes.enableExtensionsByDefault) {
return handle;
},makeContextCurrent:function(contextHandle) {
GL.currentContext = GL.contexts[contextHandle]; // Active Emscripten GL layer context object.
Module.ctx = GLctx = GL.currentContext && GL.currentContext.GLctx; // Active WebGL context object.
return !(contextHandle && !GLctx);
},getContext:function(contextHandle) {
return GL.contexts[contextHandle];
},deleteContext:function(contextHandle) {
if (GL.currentContext === GL.contexts[contextHandle]) GL.currentContext = null;
if (typeof JSEvents === 'object') JSEvents.removeAllHandlersOnTarget(GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas); // Release all JS event handlers on the DOM element that the GL context is associated with since the context is now deleted.
if (GL.contexts[contextHandle] && GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas) GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas.GLctxObject = undefined; // Make sure the canvas object no longer refers to the context object so there are no GC surprises.
GL.contexts[contextHandle] = null;
},acquireInstancedArraysExtension:function(ctx) {
// Extension available in WebGL 1 from Firefox 26 and Google Chrome 30 onwards. Core feature in WebGL 2.
var ext = ctx.getExtension('ANGLE_instanced_arrays');
if (ext) {
ctx['vertexAttribDivisor'] = function(index, divisor) { ext['vertexAttribDivisorANGLE'](index, divisor); };
ctx['drawArraysInstanced'] = function(mode, first, count, primcount) { ext['drawArraysInstancedANGLE'](mode, first, count, primcount); };
ctx['drawElementsInstanced'] = function(mode, count, type, indices, primcount) { ext['drawElementsInstancedANGLE'](mode, count, type, indices, primcount); };
},acquireVertexArrayObjectExtension:function(ctx) {
// Extension available in WebGL 1 from Firefox 25 and WebKit 536.28/desktop Safari 6.0.3 onwards. Core feature in WebGL 2.
var ext = ctx.getExtension('OES_vertex_array_object');
if (ext) {
ctx['createVertexArray'] = function() { return ext['createVertexArrayOES'](); };
ctx['deleteVertexArray'] = function(vao) { ext['deleteVertexArrayOES'](vao); };
ctx['bindVertexArray'] = function(vao) { ext['bindVertexArrayOES'](vao); };
ctx['isVertexArray'] = function(vao) { return ext['isVertexArrayOES'](vao); };
},acquireDrawBuffersExtension:function(ctx) {
// Extension available in WebGL 1 from Firefox 28 onwards. Core feature in WebGL 2.
var ext = ctx.getExtension('WEBGL_draw_buffers');
if (ext) {
ctx['drawBuffers'] = function(n, bufs) { ext['drawBuffersWEBGL'](n, bufs); };
},initExtensions:function(context) {
// If this function is called without a specific context object, init the extensions of the currently active context.
if (!context) context = GL.currentContext;
if (context.initExtensionsDone) return;
context.initExtensionsDone = true;
var GLctx = context.GLctx;
// Detect the presence of a few extensions manually, this GL interop layer itself will need to know if they exist.
if (context.version < 2) {
GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt = GLctx.getExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query");
// These are the 'safe' feature-enabling extensions that don't add any performance impact related to e.g. debugging, and
// should be enabled by default so that client GLES2/GL code will not need to go through extra hoops to get its stuff working.
// As new extensions are ratified at , feel free to add your new extensions
// here, as long as they don't produce a performance impact for users that might not be using those extensions.
// E.g. debugging-related extensions should probably be off by default.
var automaticallyEnabledExtensions = [ // Khronos ratified WebGL extensions ordered by number (no debug extensions):
"OES_texture_float", "OES_texture_half_float", "OES_standard_derivatives",
"OES_vertex_array_object", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc", "WEBGL_depth_texture",
"OES_element_index_uint", "EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic", "EXT_frag_depth",
"WEBGL_draw_buffers", "ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "OES_texture_float_linear",
"OES_texture_half_float_linear", "EXT_blend_minmax", "EXT_shader_texture_lod",
// Community approved WebGL extensions ordered by number:
"WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc", "EXT_color_buffer_half_float", "WEBGL_color_buffer_float",
"EXT_sRGB", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query",
"WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc", "EXT_color_buffer_float",
"WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2",
// Old style prefixed forms of extensions (but still currently used on e.g. iPhone Xs as
// tested on iOS 12.4.1):
function shouldEnableAutomatically(extension) {
var ret = false;
automaticallyEnabledExtensions.forEach(function(include) {
if (extension.indexOf(include) != -1) {
ret = true;
return ret;
var exts = GLctx.getSupportedExtensions() || []; // .getSupportedExtensions() can return null if context is lost, so coerce to empty array.
exts.forEach(function(ext) {
if (automaticallyEnabledExtensions.indexOf(ext) != -1) {
GLctx.getExtension(ext); // Calling .getExtension enables that extension permanently, no need to store the return value to be enabled.
},populateUniformTable:function(program) {
var p = GL.programs[program];
var ptable = GL.programInfos[program] = {
uniforms: {},
maxUniformLength: 0, // This is eagerly computed below, since we already enumerate all uniforms anyway.
maxAttributeLength: -1, // This is lazily computed and cached, computed when/if first asked, "-1" meaning not computed yet.
maxUniformBlockNameLength: -1 // Lazily computed as well
var utable = ptable.uniforms;
// A program's uniform table maps the string name of an uniform to an integer location of that uniform.
// The global GL.uniforms map maps integer locations to WebGLUniformLocations.
var numUniforms = GLctx.getProgramParameter(p, 0x8B86/*GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS*/);
for (var i = 0; i < numUniforms; ++i) {
var u = GLctx.getActiveUniform(p, i);
var name =;
ptable.maxUniformLength = Math.max(ptable.maxUniformLength, name.length+1);
// If we are dealing with an array, e.g. vec4 foo[3], strip off the array index part to canonicalize that "foo", "foo[]",
// and "foo[0]" will mean the same. Loop below will populate foo[1] and foo[2].
if (name.slice(-1) == ']') {
name = name.slice(0, name.lastIndexOf('['));
// Optimize memory usage slightly: If we have an array of uniforms, e.g. 'vec3 colors[3];', then
// only store the string 'colors' in utable, and 'colors[0]', 'colors[1]' and 'colors[2]' will be parsed as 'colors'+i.
// Note that for the GL.uniforms table, we still need to fetch the all WebGLUniformLocations for all the indices.
var loc = GLctx.getUniformLocation(p, name);
if (loc) {
var id = GL.getNewId(GL.uniforms);
utable[name] = [u.size, id];
GL.uniforms[id] = loc;
for (var j = 1; j < u.size; ++j) {
var n = name + '['+j+']';
loc = GLctx.getUniformLocation(p, n);
id = GL.getNewId(GL.uniforms);
GL.uniforms[id] = loc;
Module["GL"] = GL;function _emscripten_webgl_do_create_context(target, attributes) {
var contextAttributes = {};
var a = attributes >> 2;
contextAttributes['alpha'] = !!HEAP32[a + (0>>2)];
contextAttributes['depth'] = !!HEAP32[a + (4>>2)];
contextAttributes['stencil'] = !!HEAP32[a + (8>>2)];
contextAttributes['antialias'] = !!HEAP32[a + (12>>2)];
contextAttributes['premultipliedAlpha'] = !!HEAP32[a + (16>>2)];
contextAttributes['preserveDrawingBuffer'] = !!HEAP32[a + (20>>2)];
var powerPreference = HEAP32[a + (24>>2)];
contextAttributes['powerPreference'] = __emscripten_webgl_power_preferences[powerPreference];
contextAttributes['failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat'] = !!HEAP32[a + (28>>2)];
contextAttributes.majorVersion = HEAP32[a + (32>>2)];
contextAttributes.minorVersion = HEAP32[a + (36>>2)];
contextAttributes.enableExtensionsByDefault = HEAP32[a + (40>>2)];
contextAttributes.explicitSwapControl = HEAP32[a + (44>>2)];
contextAttributes.proxyContextToMainThread = HEAP32[a + (48>>2)];
contextAttributes.renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer = HEAP32[a + (52>>2)];
var canvas = __findCanvasEventTarget(target);
if (!canvas) {
return 0;
if (contextAttributes.explicitSwapControl) {
return 0;
var contextHandle = GL.createContext(canvas, contextAttributes);
return contextHandle;
Module["_emscripten_webgl_do_create_context"] = _emscripten_webgl_do_create_context;function _emscripten_webgl_create_context(a0,a1
) {
return _emscripten_webgl_do_create_context(a0,a1);
Module["_emscripten_webgl_create_context"] = _emscripten_webgl_create_context;
var ENV={};
Module["ENV"] = ENV;function _emscripten_get_environ() {
if (!_emscripten_get_environ.strings) {
// Default values.
var env = {
'USER': 'web_user',
'LOGNAME': 'web_user',
'PATH': '/',
'PWD': '/',
'HOME': '/home/web_user',
// Browser language detection #8751
'LANG': ((typeof navigator === 'object' && navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0]) || 'C').replace('-', '_') + '.UTF-8',
'_': thisProgram
// Apply the user-provided values, if any.
for (var x in ENV) {
env[x] = ENV[x];
var strings = [];
for (var x in env) {
strings.push(x + '=' + env[x]);
_emscripten_get_environ.strings = strings;
return _emscripten_get_environ.strings;
Module["_emscripten_get_environ"] = _emscripten_get_environ;function _environ_get(__environ, environ_buf) {
var strings = _emscripten_get_environ();
var bufSize = 0;
strings.forEach(function(string, i) {
var ptr = environ_buf + bufSize;
HEAP32[(((__environ)+(i * 4))>>2)]=ptr;
writeAsciiToMemory(string, ptr);
bufSize += string.length + 1;
return 0;
Module["_environ_get"] = _environ_get;
function _environ_sizes_get(penviron_count, penviron_buf_size) {
var strings = _emscripten_get_environ();
var bufSize = 0;
strings.forEach(function(string) {
bufSize += string.length + 1;
return 0;
Module["_environ_sizes_get"] = _environ_sizes_get;
function _exit(status) {
// void _exit(int status);
Module["_exit"] = _exit;
function _fd_close(fd) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(19, 1, fd);
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return e.errno;
Module["_fd_close"] = _fd_close;
function _fd_read(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(20, 1, fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum);
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
var num = SYSCALLS.doReadv(stream, iov, iovcnt);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return e.errno;
Module["_fd_read"] = _fd_read;
function _fd_seek(fd, offset_low, offset_high, whence, newOffset) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(21, 1, fd, offset_low, offset_high, whence, newOffset);
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
var HIGH_OFFSET = 0x100000000; // 2^32
// use an unsigned operator on low and shift high by 32-bits
var offset = offset_high * HIGH_OFFSET + (offset_low >>> 0);
var DOUBLE_LIMIT = 0x20000000000000; // 2^53
// we also check for equality since DOUBLE_LIMIT + 1 == DOUBLE_LIMIT
if (offset <= -DOUBLE_LIMIT || offset >= DOUBLE_LIMIT) {
return -61;
FS.llseek(stream, offset, whence);
(tempI64 = [stream.position>>>0,(tempDouble=stream.position,(+(Math_abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math_min((+(Math_floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[((newOffset)>>2)]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((newOffset)+(4))>>2)]=tempI64[1]);
if (stream.getdents && offset === 0 && whence === 0) stream.getdents = null; // reset readdir state
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return e.errno;
Module["_fd_seek"] = _fd_seek;
function _fd_write(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(22, 1, fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum);
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
var num = SYSCALLS.doWritev(stream, iov, iovcnt);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return e.errno;
Module["_fd_write"] = _fd_write;
function _getTempRet0() {
return (getTempRet0() | 0);
Module["_getTempRet0"] = _getTempRet0;
function _gettimeofday(ptr) {
var now =;
HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)]=(now/1000)|0; // seconds
HEAP32[(((ptr)+(4))>>2)]=((now % 1000)*1000)|0; // microseconds
return 0;
Module["_gettimeofday"] = _gettimeofday;
var ___tm_current=12594976;
Module["___tm_current"] = ___tm_current;
var ___tm_timezone=(stringToUTF8("GMT", 12595024, 4), 12595024);
Module["___tm_timezone"] = ___tm_timezone;function _gmtime_r(time, tmPtr) {
var date = new Date(HEAP32[((time)>>2)]*1000);
var start = Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var yday = ((date.getTime() - start) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))|0;
return tmPtr;
Module["_gmtime_r"] = _gmtime_r;function _gmtime(time) {
return _gmtime_r(time, ___tm_current);
Module["_gmtime"] = _gmtime;
function _memcpy(dest, src, num) {
dest = dest|0; src = src|0; num = num|0;
var ret = 0;
var aligned_dest_end = 0;
var block_aligned_dest_end = 0;
var dest_end = 0;
// Test against a benchmarked cutoff limit for when HEAPU8.set() becomes faster to use.
if ((num|0) >= 8192) {
_emscripten_memcpy_big(dest|0, src|0, num|0)|0;
return dest|0;
ret = dest|0;
dest_end = (dest + num)|0;
if ((dest&3) == (src&3)) {
// The initial unaligned < 4-byte front.
while (dest & 3) {
if ((num|0) == 0) return ret|0;
dest = (dest+1)|0;
src = (src+1)|0;
num = (num-1)|0;
aligned_dest_end = (dest_end & -4)|0;
block_aligned_dest_end = (aligned_dest_end - 64)|0;
while ((dest|0) <= (block_aligned_dest_end|0) ) {
dest = (dest+64)|0;
src = (src+64)|0;
while ((dest|0) < (aligned_dest_end|0) ) {
dest = (dest+4)|0;
src = (src+4)|0;
} else {
// In the unaligned copy case, unroll a bit as well.
aligned_dest_end = (dest_end - 4)|0;
while ((dest|0) < (aligned_dest_end|0) ) {
dest = (dest+4)|0;
src = (src+4)|0;
// The remaining unaligned < 4 byte tail.
while ((dest|0) < (dest_end|0)) {
dest = (dest+1)|0;
src = (src+1)|0;
return ret|0;
Module["_memcpy"] = _memcpy;
function _tzset() {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(23, 1);
// TODO: Use (malleable) environment variables instead of system settings.
if (_tzset.called) return;
_tzset.called = true;
// timezone is specified as seconds west of UTC ("The external variable
// `timezone` shall be set to the difference, in seconds, between
// Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local standard time."), the same
// as returned by getTimezoneOffset().
// See
HEAP32[((__get_timezone())>>2)]=(new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60;
var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
var winter = new Date(currentYear, 0, 1);
var summer = new Date(currentYear, 6, 1);
HEAP32[((__get_daylight())>>2)]=Number(winter.getTimezoneOffset() != summer.getTimezoneOffset());
function extractZone(date) {
var match = date.toTimeString().match(/\(([A-Za-z ]+)\)$/);
return match ? match[1] : "GMT";
var winterName = extractZone(winter);
var summerName = extractZone(summer);
var winterNamePtr = allocate(intArrayFromString(winterName), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
var summerNamePtr = allocate(intArrayFromString(summerName), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
if (summer.getTimezoneOffset() < winter.getTimezoneOffset()) {
// Northern hemisphere
} else {
Module["_tzset"] = _tzset;function _mktime(tmPtr) {
var date = new Date(HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(20))>>2)] + 1900,
// There's an ambiguous hour when the time goes back; the tm_isdst field is
// used to disambiguate it. Date() basically guesses, so we fix it up if it
// guessed wrong, or fill in tm_isdst with the guess if it's -1.
var dst = HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(32))>>2)];
var guessedOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
var start = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
var summerOffset = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 6, 1).getTimezoneOffset();
var winterOffset = start.getTimezoneOffset();
var dstOffset = Math.min(winterOffset, summerOffset); // DST is in December in South
if (dst < 0) {
// Attention: some regions don't have DST at all.
HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(32))>>2)]=Number(summerOffset != winterOffset && dstOffset == guessedOffset);
} else if ((dst > 0) != (dstOffset == guessedOffset)) {
var nonDstOffset = Math.max(winterOffset, summerOffset);
var trueOffset = dst > 0 ? dstOffset : nonDstOffset;
// Don't try setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + ...) -- it's messed up.
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (trueOffset - guessedOffset)*60000);
var yday = ((date.getTime() - start.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))|0;
return (date.getTime() / 1000)|0;
Module["_mktime"] = _mktime;
function _pthread_cleanup_pop(execute) {
var routine = PThread.exitHandlers.pop();
if (execute) routine();
Module["_pthread_cleanup_pop"] = _pthread_cleanup_pop;
function _pthread_cleanup_push(routine, arg) {
if (PThread.exitHandlers === null) {
PThread.exitHandlers = [];
__ATEXIT__.push(function() { PThread.runExitHandlers(); });
PThread.exitHandlers.push(function() { dynCall_vi(routine, arg) });
Module["_pthread_cleanup_push"] = _pthread_cleanup_push;
function __spawn_thread(threadParams) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw 'Internal Error! _spawn_thread() can only ever be called from main application thread!';
var worker = PThread.getNewWorker();
if (worker.pthread !== undefined) throw 'Internal error!';
if (!threadParams.pthread_ptr) throw 'Internal error, no pthread ptr!';
// Allocate memory for thread-local storage and initialize it to zero.
var tlsMemory = _malloc(128 * 4);
for (var i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
var stackHigh = threadParams.stackBase + threadParams.stackSize;
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[threadParams.pthread_ptr] = { // Create a pthread info object to represent this thread.
worker: worker,
stackBase: threadParams.stackBase,
stackSize: threadParams.stackSize,
allocatedOwnStack: threadParams.allocatedOwnStack,
thread: threadParams.pthread_ptr,
threadInfoStruct: threadParams.pthread_ptr // Info area for this thread in Emscripten HEAP (shared)
};, (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 0 ) >> 2, 0); // threadStatus <- 0, meaning not yet exited., (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 4 ) >> 2, 0); // threadExitCode <- 0., (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 20 ) >> 2, 0); // profilerBlock <- 0., (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 80 ) >> 2, threadParams.detached);, (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 116 ) >> 2, tlsMemory); // Init thread-local-storage memory array., (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 60 ) >> 2, 0); // Mark initial status to unused., (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 52 ) >> 2, pthread.threadInfoStruct); // Main thread ID., (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 56 ) >> 2,; // Process ID., (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 120) >> 2, threadParams.stackSize);, (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 96) >> 2, threadParams.stackSize);, (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 92) >> 2, stackHigh);, (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 120 + 8) >> 2, stackHigh);, (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 120 + 12) >> 2, threadParams.detached);, (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 120 + 20) >> 2, threadParams.schedPolicy);, (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 120 + 24) >> 2, threadParams.schedPrio);
var global_libc = _emscripten_get_global_libc();
var global_locale = global_libc + 40;, (pthread.threadInfoStruct + 188) >> 2, global_locale);
worker.pthread = pthread;
var msg = {
'cmd': 'run',
'start_routine': threadParams.startRoutine,
'arg': threadParams.arg,
'threadInfoStruct': threadParams.pthread_ptr,
'selfThreadId': threadParams.pthread_ptr, // TODO: Remove this since thread ID is now the same as the thread address.
'parentThreadId': threadParams.parent_pthread_ptr,
'stackBase': threadParams.stackBase,
'stackSize': threadParams.stackSize,
worker.runPthread = function() {
// Ask the worker to start executing its pthread entry point function.
msg.time =;
worker.postMessage(msg, threadParams.transferList);
if (worker.loaded) {
delete worker.runPthread;
Module["__spawn_thread"] = __spawn_thread;
function _pthread_getschedparam(thread, policy, schedparam) {
if (!policy && !schedparam) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
if (!thread) {
err('pthread_getschedparam called with a null thread pointer!');
var self = HEAP32[(((thread)+(24))>>2)];
if (self !== thread) {
err('pthread_getschedparam attempted on thread ' + thread + ', which does not point to a valid thread, or does not exist anymore!');
var schedPolicy = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (thread + 120 + 20 ) >> 2);
var schedPrio = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (thread + 120 + 24 ) >> 2);
if (policy) HEAP32[((policy)>>2)]=schedPolicy;
if (schedparam) HEAP32[((schedparam)>>2)]=schedPrio;
return 0;
Module["_pthread_getschedparam"] = _pthread_getschedparam;
function _pthread_self() {
return __pthread_ptr|0;
Module["_pthread_self"] = _pthread_self;function _pthread_create(pthread_ptr, attr, start_routine, arg) {
if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer === 'undefined') {
err('Current environment does not support SharedArrayBuffer, pthreads are not available!');
return 6;
if (!pthread_ptr) {
err('pthread_create called with a null thread pointer!');
return 28;
var transferList = []; // List of JS objects that will transfer ownership to the Worker hosting the thread
var error = 0;
// Synchronously proxy the thread creation to main thread if possible. If we need to transfer ownership of objects, then
// proxy asynchronously via postMessage.
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD && (transferList.length === 0 || error)) {
return _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4(687865856, pthread_ptr, attr, start_routine, arg);
// If on the main thread, and accessing Canvas/OffscreenCanvas failed, abort with the detected error.
if (error) return error;
var stackSize = 0;
var stackBase = 0;
var detached = 0; // Default thread attr is PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE, i.e. start as not detached.
var schedPolicy = 0; /*SCHED_OTHER*/
var schedPrio = 0;
if (attr) {
stackSize = HEAP32[((attr)>>2)];
// Musl has a convention that the stack size that is stored to the pthread attribute structure is always musl's #define DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE
// smaller than the actual created stack size. That is, stored stack size of 0 would mean a stack of DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE in size. All musl
// functions hide this impl detail, and offset the size transparently, so pthread_*() API user does not see this offset when operating with
// the pthread API. When reading the structure directly on JS side however, we need to offset the size manually here.
stackSize += 81920 /*DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE*/;
stackBase = HEAP32[(((attr)+(8))>>2)];
detached = HEAP32[(((attr)+(12))>>2)] !== 0/*PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE*/;
var inheritSched = HEAP32[(((attr)+(16))>>2)] === 0/*PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED*/;
if (inheritSched) {
var prevSchedPolicy = HEAP32[(((attr)+(20))>>2)];
var prevSchedPrio = HEAP32[(((attr)+(24))>>2)];
// If we are inheriting the scheduling properties from the parent thread, we need to identify the parent thread properly - this function call may
// be getting proxied, in which case _pthread_self() will point to the thread performing the proxying, not the thread that initiated the call.
var parentThreadPtr = PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread ? PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread : _pthread_self();
_pthread_getschedparam(parentThreadPtr, attr + 20, attr + 24);
schedPolicy = HEAP32[(((attr)+(20))>>2)];
schedPrio = HEAP32[(((attr)+(24))>>2)];
} else {
schedPolicy = HEAP32[(((attr)+(20))>>2)];
schedPrio = HEAP32[(((attr)+(24))>>2)];
} else {
// According to, default stack size if not specified is 2 MB, so follow that convention.
stackSize = 2097152;
var allocatedOwnStack = stackBase == 0; // If allocatedOwnStack == true, then the pthread impl maintains the stack allocation.
if (allocatedOwnStack) {
stackBase = _memalign(16, stackSize); // Allocate a stack if the user doesn't want to place the stack in a custom memory area.
} else {
// Musl stores the stack base address assuming stack grows downwards, so adjust it to Emscripten convention that the
// stack grows upwards instead.
stackBase -= stackSize;
assert(stackBase > 0);
// Allocate thread block (pthread_t structure).
var threadInfoStruct = _malloc(244);
for (var i = 0; i < 244 >> 2; ++i) HEAPU32[(threadInfoStruct>>2) + i] = 0; // zero-initialize thread structure.
// The pthread struct has a field that points to itself - this is used as a magic ID to detect whether the pthread_t
// structure is 'alive'.
// pthread struct robust_list head should point to itself.
var headPtr = threadInfoStruct + 168;
var threadParams = {
stackBase: stackBase,
stackSize: stackSize,
allocatedOwnStack: allocatedOwnStack,
schedPolicy: schedPolicy,
schedPrio: schedPrio,
detached: detached,
startRoutine: start_routine,
pthread_ptr: threadInfoStruct,
parent_pthread_ptr: _pthread_self(),
arg: arg,
transferList: transferList
// The prepopulated pool of web workers that can host pthreads is stored in the main JS thread. Therefore if a
// pthread is attempting to spawn a new thread, the thread creation must be deferred to the main JS thread.
threadParams.cmd = 'spawnThread';
postMessage(threadParams, transferList);
} else {
// We are the main thread, so we have the pthread warmup pool in this thread and can fire off JS thread creation
// directly ourselves.
return 0;
Module["_pthread_create"] = _pthread_create;
function _setTempRet0($i) {
setTempRet0(($i) | 0);
Module["_setTempRet0"] = _setTempRet0;
function __isLeapYear(year) {
return year%4 === 0 && (year%100 !== 0 || year%400 === 0);
Module["__isLeapYear"] = __isLeapYear;
function __arraySum(array, index) {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= index; sum += array[i++]);
return sum;
Module["__arraySum"] = __arraySum;
var __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP=[31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
var __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
Module["__MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR"] = __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR;function __addDays(date, days) {
var newDate = new Date(date.getTime());
while(days > 0) {
var leap = __isLeapYear(newDate.getFullYear());
var currentMonth = newDate.getMonth();
var daysInCurrentMonth = (leap ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR)[currentMonth];
if (days > daysInCurrentMonth-newDate.getDate()) {
// we spill over to next month
days -= (daysInCurrentMonth-newDate.getDate()+1);
if (currentMonth < 11) {
} else {
} else {
// we stay in current month
return newDate;
return newDate;
Module["__addDays"] = __addDays;function _strftime(s, maxsize, format, tm) {
// size_t strftime(char *restrict s, size_t maxsize, const char *restrict format, const struct tm *restrict timeptr);
var tm_zone = HEAP32[(((tm)+(40))>>2)];
var date = {
tm_sec: HEAP32[((tm)>>2)],
tm_min: HEAP32[(((tm)+(4))>>2)],
tm_hour: HEAP32[(((tm)+(8))>>2)],
tm_mday: HEAP32[(((tm)+(12))>>2)],
tm_mon: HEAP32[(((tm)+(16))>>2)],
tm_year: HEAP32[(((tm)+(20))>>2)],
tm_wday: HEAP32[(((tm)+(24))>>2)],
tm_yday: HEAP32[(((tm)+(28))>>2)],
tm_isdst: HEAP32[(((tm)+(32))>>2)],
tm_gmtoff: HEAP32[(((tm)+(36))>>2)],
tm_zone: tm_zone ? UTF8ToString(tm_zone) : ''
var pattern = UTF8ToString(format);
// expand format
'%c': '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y', // Replaced by the locale's appropriate date and time representation - e.g., Mon Aug 3 14:02:01 2013
'%D': '%m/%d/%y', // Equivalent to %m / %d / %y
'%F': '%Y-%m-%d', // Equivalent to %Y - %m - %d
'%h': '%b', // Equivalent to %b
'%r': '%I:%M:%S %p', // Replaced by the time in a.m. and p.m. notation
'%R': '%H:%M', // Replaced by the time in 24-hour notation
'%T': '%H:%M:%S', // Replaced by the time
'%x': '%m/%d/%y', // Replaced by the locale's appropriate date representation
'%X': '%H:%M:%S', // Replaced by the locale's appropriate time representation
// Modified Conversion Specifiers
'%Ec': '%c', // Replaced by the locale's alternative appropriate date and time representation.
'%EC': '%C', // Replaced by the name of the base year (period) in the locale's alternative representation.
'%Ex': '%m/%d/%y', // Replaced by the locale's alternative date representation.
'%EX': '%H:%M:%S', // Replaced by the locale's alternative time representation.
'%Ey': '%y', // Replaced by the offset from %EC (year only) in the locale's alternative representation.
'%EY': '%Y', // Replaced by the full alternative year representation.
'%Od': '%d', // Replaced by the day of the month, using the locale's alternative numeric symbols, filled as needed with leading zeros if there is any alternative symbol for zero; otherwise, with leading <space> characters.
'%Oe': '%e', // Replaced by the day of the month, using the locale's alternative numeric symbols, filled as needed with leading <space> characters.
'%OH': '%H', // Replaced by the hour (24-hour clock) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
'%OI': '%I', // Replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
'%Om': '%m', // Replaced by the month using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
'%OM': '%M', // Replaced by the minutes using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
'%OS': '%S', // Replaced by the seconds using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
'%Ou': '%u', // Replaced by the weekday as a number in the locale's alternative representation (Monday=1).
'%OU': '%U', // Replaced by the week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week, rules corresponding to %U ) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
'%OV': '%V', // Replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week, rules corresponding to %V ) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
'%Ow': '%w', // Replaced by the number of the weekday (Sunday=0) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
'%OW': '%W', // Replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
'%Oy': '%y', // Replaced by the year (offset from %C ) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_1) {
pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, 'g'), EXPANSION_RULES_1[rule]);
var WEEKDAYS = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
var MONTHS = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
function leadingSomething(value, digits, character) {
var str = typeof value === 'number' ? value.toString() : (value || '');
while (str.length < digits) {
str = character[0]+str;
return str;
function leadingNulls(value, digits) {
return leadingSomething(value, digits, '0');
function compareByDay(date1, date2) {
function sgn(value) {
return value < 0 ? -1 : (value > 0 ? 1 : 0);
var compare;
if ((compare = sgn(date1.getFullYear()-date2.getFullYear())) === 0) {
if ((compare = sgn(date1.getMonth()-date2.getMonth())) === 0) {
compare = sgn(date1.getDate()-date2.getDate());
return compare;
function getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourth) {
switch (janFourth.getDay()) {
case 0: // Sunday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear()-1, 11, 29);
case 1: // Monday
return janFourth;
case 2: // Tuesday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 3);
case 3: // Wednesday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 2);
case 4: // Thursday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
case 5: // Friday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear()-1, 11, 31);
case 6: // Saturday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear()-1, 11, 30);
function getWeekBasedYear(date) {
var thisDate = __addDays(new Date(date.tm_year+1900, 0, 1), date.tm_yday);
var janFourthThisYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear(), 0, 4);
var janFourthNextYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear()+1, 0, 4);
var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear);
var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear);
if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartThisYear, thisDate) <= 0) {
// this date is after the start of the first week of this year
if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, thisDate) <= 0) {
return thisDate.getFullYear()+1;
} else {
return thisDate.getFullYear();
} else {
return thisDate.getFullYear()-1;
'%a': function(date) {
return WEEKDAYS[date.tm_wday].substring(0,3);
'%A': function(date) {
return WEEKDAYS[date.tm_wday];
'%b': function(date) {
return MONTHS[date.tm_mon].substring(0,3);
'%B': function(date) {
return MONTHS[date.tm_mon];
'%C': function(date) {
var year = date.tm_year+1900;
return leadingNulls((year/100)|0,2);
'%d': function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_mday, 2);
'%e': function(date) {
return leadingSomething(date.tm_mday, 2, ' ');
'%g': function(date) {
// %g, %G, and %V give values according to the ISO 8601:2000 standard week-based year.
// In this system, weeks begin on a Monday and week 1 of the year is the week that includes
// January 4th, which is also the week that includes the first Thursday of the year, and
// is also the first week that contains at least four days in the year.
// If the first Monday of January is the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th, the preceding days are part of
// the last week of the preceding year; thus, for Saturday 2nd January 1999,
// %G is replaced by 1998 and %V is replaced by 53. If December 29th, 30th,
// or 31st is a Monday, it and any following days are part of week 1 of the following year.
// Thus, for Tuesday 30th December 1997, %G is replaced by 1998 and %V is replaced by 01.
return getWeekBasedYear(date).toString().substring(2);
'%G': function(date) {
return getWeekBasedYear(date);
'%H': function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_hour, 2);
'%I': function(date) {
var twelveHour = date.tm_hour;
if (twelveHour == 0) twelveHour = 12;
else if (twelveHour > 12) twelveHour -= 12;
return leadingNulls(twelveHour, 2);
'%j': function(date) {
// Day of the year (001-366)
return leadingNulls(date.tm_mday+__arraySum(__isLeapYear(date.tm_year+1900) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, date.tm_mon-1), 3);
'%m': function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_mon+1, 2);
'%M': function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_min, 2);
'%n': function() {
return '\n';
'%p': function(date) {
if (date.tm_hour >= 0 && date.tm_hour < 12) {
return 'AM';
} else {
return 'PM';
'%S': function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_sec, 2);
'%t': function() {
return '\t';
'%u': function(date) {
return date.tm_wday || 7;
'%U': function(date) {
// Replaced by the week number of the year as a decimal number [00,53].
// The first Sunday of January is the first day of week 1;
// days in the new year before this are in week 0. [ tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
var janFirst = new Date(date.tm_year+1900, 0, 1);
var firstSunday = janFirst.getDay() === 0 ? janFirst : __addDays(janFirst, 7-janFirst.getDay());
var endDate = new Date(date.tm_year+1900, date.tm_mon, date.tm_mday);
// is target date after the first Sunday?
if (compareByDay(firstSunday, endDate) < 0) {
// calculate difference in days between first Sunday and endDate
var februaryFirstUntilEndMonth = __arraySum(__isLeapYear(endDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, endDate.getMonth()-1)-31;
var firstSundayUntilEndJanuary = 31-firstSunday.getDate();
var days = firstSundayUntilEndJanuary+februaryFirstUntilEndMonth+endDate.getDate();
return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(days/7), 2);
return compareByDay(firstSunday, janFirst) === 0 ? '01': '00';
'%V': function(date) {
// Replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week)
// as a decimal number [01,53]. If the week containing 1 January has four
// or more days in the new year, then it is considered week 1.
// Otherwise, it is the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1.
// Both January 4th and the first Thursday of January are always in week 1. [ tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
var janFourthThisYear = new Date(date.tm_year+1900, 0, 4);
var janFourthNextYear = new Date(date.tm_year+1901, 0, 4);
var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear);
var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear);
var endDate = __addDays(new Date(date.tm_year+1900, 0, 1), date.tm_yday);
if (compareByDay(endDate, firstWeekStartThisYear) < 0) {
// if given date is before this years first week, then it belongs to the 53rd week of last year
return '53';
if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, endDate) <= 0) {
// if given date is after next years first week, then it belongs to the 01th week of next year
return '01';
// given date is in between CW 01..53 of this calendar year
var daysDifference;
if (firstWeekStartThisYear.getFullYear() < date.tm_year+1900) {
// first CW of this year starts last year
daysDifference = date.tm_yday+32-firstWeekStartThisYear.getDate()
} else {
// first CW of this year starts this year
daysDifference = date.tm_yday+1-firstWeekStartThisYear.getDate();
return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(daysDifference/7), 2);
'%w': function(date) {
return date.tm_wday;
'%W': function(date) {
// Replaced by the week number of the year as a decimal number [00,53].
// The first Monday of January is the first day of week 1;
// days in the new year before this are in week 0. [ tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
var janFirst = new Date(date.tm_year, 0, 1);
var firstMonday = janFirst.getDay() === 1 ? janFirst : __addDays(janFirst, janFirst.getDay() === 0 ? 1 : 7-janFirst.getDay()+1);
var endDate = new Date(date.tm_year+1900, date.tm_mon, date.tm_mday);
// is target date after the first Monday?
if (compareByDay(firstMonday, endDate) < 0) {
var februaryFirstUntilEndMonth = __arraySum(__isLeapYear(endDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, endDate.getMonth()-1)-31;
var firstMondayUntilEndJanuary = 31-firstMonday.getDate();
var days = firstMondayUntilEndJanuary+februaryFirstUntilEndMonth+endDate.getDate();
return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(days/7), 2);
return compareByDay(firstMonday, janFirst) === 0 ? '01': '00';
'%y': function(date) {
// Replaced by the last two digits of the year as a decimal number [00,99]. [ tm_year]
return (date.tm_year+1900).toString().substring(2);
'%Y': function(date) {
// Replaced by the year as a decimal number (for example, 1997). [ tm_year]
return date.tm_year+1900;
'%z': function(date) {
// Replaced by the offset from UTC in the ISO 8601:2000 standard format ( +hhmm or -hhmm ).
// For example, "-0430" means 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC (west of Greenwich).
var off = date.tm_gmtoff;
var ahead = off >= 0;
off = Math.abs(off) / 60;
// convert from minutes into hhmm format (which means 60 minutes = 100 units)
off = (off / 60)*100 + (off % 60);
return (ahead ? '+' : '-') + String("0000" + off).slice(-4);
'%Z': function(date) {
return date.tm_zone;
'%%': function() {
return '%';
for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_2) {
if (pattern.indexOf(rule) >= 0) {
pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, 'g'), EXPANSION_RULES_2[rule](date));
var bytes = intArrayFromString(pattern, false);
if (bytes.length > maxsize) {
return 0;
writeArrayToMemory(bytes, s);
return bytes.length-1;
Module["_strftime"] = _strftime;function _strftime_l(s, maxsize, format, tm) {
return _strftime(s, maxsize, format, tm); // no locale support yet
Module["_strftime_l"] = _strftime_l;
function _sysconf(name) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(24, 1, name);
// long sysconf(int name);
switch(name) {
case 30: return PAGE_SIZE;
case 85:
var maxHeapSize = 2*1024*1024*1024 - 65536;
maxHeapSize = HEAPU8.length;
return maxHeapSize / PAGE_SIZE;
case 132:
case 133:
case 12:
case 137:
case 138:
case 15:
case 235:
case 16:
case 17:
case 18:
case 19:
case 20:
case 149:
case 13:
case 10:
case 236:
case 153:
case 9:
case 21:
case 22:
case 159:
case 154:
case 14:
case 77:
case 78:
case 139:
case 80:
case 81:
case 82:
case 68:
case 67:
case 164:
case 11:
case 29:
case 47:
case 48:
case 95:
case 52:
case 51:
case 46:
return 200809;
case 79:
return 0;
case 27:
case 246:
case 127:
case 128:
case 23:
case 24:
case 160:
case 161:
case 181:
case 182:
case 242:
case 183:
case 184:
case 243:
case 244:
case 245:
case 165:
case 178:
case 179:
case 49:
case 50:
case 168:
case 169:
case 175:
case 170:
case 171:
case 172:
case 97:
case 76:
case 32:
case 173:
case 35:
return -1;
case 176:
case 177:
case 7:
case 155:
case 8:
case 157:
case 125:
case 126:
case 92:
case 93:
case 129:
case 130:
case 131:
case 94:
case 91:
return 1;
case 74:
case 60:
case 69:
case 70:
case 4:
return 1024;
case 31:
case 42:
case 72:
return 32;
case 87:
case 26:
case 33:
return 2147483647;
case 34:
case 1:
return 47839;
case 38:
case 36:
return 99;
case 43:
case 37:
return 2048;
case 0: return 2097152;
case 3: return 65536;
case 28: return 32768;
case 44: return 32767;
case 75: return 16384;
case 39: return 1000;
case 89: return 700;
case 71: return 256;
case 40: return 255;
case 2: return 100;
case 180: return 64;
case 25: return 20;
case 5: return 16;
case 6: return 6;
case 73: return 4;
case 84: {
if (typeof navigator === 'object') return navigator['hardwareConcurrency'] || 1;
return 1;
return -1;
Module["_sysconf"] = _sysconf;
function _system(command) {
// int system(const char *command);
// Can't call external programs.
return -1;
Module["_system"] = _system;
function _time(ptr) {
var ret = (|0;
if (ptr) {
return ret;
Module["_time"] = _time;
function _times(buffer) {
// clock_t times(struct tms *buffer);
// NOTE: This is fake, since we can't calculate real CPU time usage in JS.
if (buffer !== 0) {
_memset(buffer, 0, 16);
return 0;
Module["_times"] = _times;
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) PThread.initMainThreadBlock(); else PThread.initWorker();;
_emscripten_get_now = function _emscripten_get_now_actual() {
var t = process['hrtime']();
return t[0] * 1e3 + t[1] / 1e6;
_emscripten_get_now = function() { return performance['now']() - __performance_now_clock_drift; };
} else if (typeof dateNow !== 'undefined') {
_emscripten_get_now = dateNow;
} else if (typeof performance === 'object' && performance && typeof performance['now'] === 'function') {
_emscripten_get_now = function() { return performance['now'](); };
} else {
_emscripten_get_now =;
if (ENVIRONMENT_HAS_NODE) { var fs = require("fs"); var NODEJS_PATH = require("path"); NODEFS.staticInit(); };
var GLctx; GL.init();
// proxiedFunctionTable specifies the list of functions that can be called either synchronously or asynchronously from other threads in postMessage()d or internally queued events. This way a pthread in a Worker can synchronously access e.g. the DOM on the main thread.
var proxiedFunctionTable = [null,_atexit,___syscall10,___syscall12,___syscall183,___syscall192,___syscall195,___syscall196,___syscall220,___syscall221,___syscall3,___syscall39,___syscall4,___syscall40,___syscall5,___syscall54,___syscall85,___syscall91,_emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_main_thread,_fd_close,_fd_read,_fd_seek,_fd_write,_tzset,_sysconf];
var ASSERTIONS = true;
// Copyright 2017 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
// Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
// University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @type {function(string, boolean=, number=)} */
function intArrayFromString(stringy, dontAddNull, length) {
var len = length > 0 ? length : lengthBytesUTF8(stringy)+1;
var u8array = new Array(len);
var numBytesWritten = stringToUTF8Array(stringy, u8array, 0, u8array.length);
if (dontAddNull) u8array.length = numBytesWritten;
return u8array;
function intArrayToString(array) {
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var chr = array[i];
if (chr > 0xFF) {
assert(false, 'Character code ' + chr + ' (' + String.fromCharCode(chr) + ') at offset ' + i + ' not in 0x00-0xFF.');
chr &= 0xFF;
return ret.join('');
var asmGlobalArg = {};
var asmLibraryArg = { "_ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE, "_ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE, "_ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE, "_ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE, "_ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE, "_ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb": __ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb, "_ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb": __ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb, "_ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb": __ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb, "_ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev": __ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev, "_ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv": __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv, "_ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_": __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_, "_ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE, "_ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev": __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev, "_ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_": __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_, "_ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb": __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb, "_ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev": __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev, "_ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev": __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev, "_ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb": __ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb, "_ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE": __ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE, "_ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE": __ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE, "_ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_": __ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_, "_ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_": __ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_, "_ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_": __ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_, "_ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev": __ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev, "_ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev": __ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev, "_ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv": __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv, "_ZN9PdfReader10CPdfR
var asm = createWasm();
var real____wasm_call_ctors = asm["__wasm_call_ctors"];
asm["__wasm_call_ctors"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real____wasm_call_ctors.apply(null, arguments);
var real__runX2T = asm["runX2T"];
asm["runX2T"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__runX2T.apply(null, arguments);
var real__malloc = asm["malloc"];
asm["malloc"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__malloc.apply(null, arguments);
var real__free = asm["free"];
asm["free"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__free.apply(null, arguments);
var real__main = asm["main"];
asm["main"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__main.apply(null, arguments);
var real__fflush = asm["fflush"];
asm["fflush"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__fflush.apply(null, arguments);
var real__realloc = asm["realloc"];
asm["realloc"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__realloc.apply(null, arguments);
var real___ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv = asm["_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv"];
asm["_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real___ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv.apply(null, arguments);
var real____errno_location = asm["__errno_location"];
asm["__errno_location"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real____errno_location.apply(null, arguments);
var real__ntohs = asm["ntohs"];
asm["ntohs"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__ntohs.apply(null, arguments);
var real__htonl = asm["htonl"];
asm["htonl"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__htonl.apply(null, arguments);
var real__htons = asm["htons"];
asm["htons"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__htons.apply(null, arguments);
var real____em_js__initPthreadsJS = asm["__em_js__initPthreadsJS"];
asm["__em_js__initPthreadsJS"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real____em_js__initPthreadsJS.apply(null, arguments);
var real____emscripten_pthread_data_constructor = asm["__emscripten_pthread_data_constructor"];
asm["__emscripten_pthread_data_constructor"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real____emscripten_pthread_data_constructor.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_get_global_libc = asm["emscripten_get_global_libc"];
asm["emscripten_get_global_libc"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_get_global_libc.apply(null, arguments);
var real___get_tzname = asm["_get_tzname"];
asm["_get_tzname"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real___get_tzname.apply(null, arguments);
var real___get_daylight = asm["_get_daylight"];
asm["_get_daylight"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real___get_daylight.apply(null, arguments);
var real___get_timezone = asm["_get_timezone"];
asm["_get_timezone"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real___get_timezone.apply(null, arguments);
var real__setThrew = asm["setThrew"];
asm["setThrew"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__setThrew.apply(null, arguments);
var real__memalign = asm["memalign"];
asm["memalign"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__memalign.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_builtin_free = asm["emscripten_builtin_free"];
asm["emscripten_builtin_free"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_builtin_free.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_builtin_memalign = asm["emscripten_builtin_memalign"];
asm["emscripten_builtin_memalign"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_builtin_memalign.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_main_browser_thread_id = asm["emscripten_main_browser_thread_id"];
asm["emscripten_main_browser_thread_id"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_main_browser_thread_id.apply(null, arguments);
var real____pthread_tsd_run_dtors = asm["__pthread_tsd_run_dtors"];
asm["__pthread_tsd_run_dtors"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real____pthread_tsd_run_dtors.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls = asm["emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls"];
asm["emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls = asm["emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls"];
asm["emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls.apply(null, arguments);
var real__usleep = asm["usleep"];
asm["usleep"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__usleep.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id = asm["emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id"];
asm["emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread = asm["emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread"];
asm["emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread"];
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0"];
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1"];
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2"];
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs"];
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3"];
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4"];
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5"];
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6"];
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7"];
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js = asm["emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js"];
asm["emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_ = asm["emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_"];
asm["emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_.apply(null, arguments);
var real__proxy_main = asm["proxy_main"];
asm["proxy_main"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__proxy_main.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_tls_init = asm["emscripten_tls_init"];
asm["emscripten_tls_init"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real__emscripten_tls_init.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_ii = asm["dynCall_ii"];
asm["dynCall_ii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_ii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iii = asm["dynCall_iii"];
asm["dynCall_iii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiii = asm["dynCall_iiii"];
asm["dynCall_iiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiii"];
asm["dynCall_iiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiiii"];
asm["dynCall_iiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_v = asm["dynCall_v"];
asm["dynCall_v"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_v.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vi = asm["dynCall_vi"];
asm["dynCall_vi"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_vi.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vii = asm["dynCall_vii"];
asm["dynCall_vii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_vii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viii = asm["dynCall_viii"];
asm["dynCall_viii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiii = asm["dynCall_viiii"];
asm["dynCall_viiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiii"];
asm["dynCall_viiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiiii"];
asm["dynCall_viiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiii"];
asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viiiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_stackSave = asm["stackSave"];
asm["stackSave"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_stackSave.apply(null, arguments);
var real_stackAlloc = asm["stackAlloc"];
asm["stackAlloc"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_stackAlloc.apply(null, arguments);
var real_stackRestore = asm["stackRestore"];
asm["stackRestore"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_stackRestore.apply(null, arguments);
var real___growWasmMemory = asm["__growWasmMemory"];
asm["__growWasmMemory"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real___growWasmMemory.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viijii = asm["dynCall_viijii"];
asm["dynCall_viijii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viijii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_dii = asm["dynCall_dii"];
asm["dynCall_dii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_dii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_did = asm["dynCall_did"];
asm["dynCall_did"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_did.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_di = asm["dynCall_di"];
asm["dynCall_di"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_di.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_ji = asm["dynCall_ji"];
asm["dynCall_ji"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_ji.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vij = asm["dynCall_vij"];
asm["dynCall_vij"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_vij.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_jii = asm["dynCall_jii"];
asm["dynCall_jii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_jii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiiiii"];
asm["dynCall_iiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiiiiii"];
asm["dynCall_iiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiiiiiii"];
asm["dynCall_iiiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iidddddi = asm["dynCall_iidddddi"];
asm["dynCall_iidddddi"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iidddddi.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiddii = asm["dynCall_viiiddii"];
asm["dynCall_viiiddii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viiiddii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viij = asm["dynCall_viij"];
asm["dynCall_viij"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viij.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viji = asm["dynCall_viji"];
asm["dynCall_viji"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viji.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_jij = asm["dynCall_jij"];
asm["dynCall_jij"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_jij.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiijii = asm["dynCall_iiiijii"];
asm["dynCall_iiiijii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiijii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiij = asm["dynCall_viiij"];
asm["dynCall_viiij"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viiij.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiiii"];
asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viiiiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiji = asm["dynCall_iiiji"];
asm["dynCall_iiiji"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiji.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_i = asm["dynCall_i"];
asm["dynCall_i"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_i.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiiiii"];
asm["dynCall_viiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii"];
asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iidd = asm["dynCall_iidd"];
asm["dynCall_iidd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iidd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iidddddd = asm["dynCall_iidddddd"];
asm["dynCall_iidddddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iidddddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vidd = asm["dynCall_vidd"];
asm["dynCall_vidd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_vidd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vidddd = asm["dynCall_vidddd"];
asm["dynCall_vidddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_vidddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viidddd = asm["dynCall_viidddd"];
asm["dynCall_viidddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viidddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viidddddd = asm["dynCall_viidddddd"];
asm["dynCall_viidddddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viidddddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiddd = asm["dynCall_iiiiiddd"];
asm["dynCall_iiiiiddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiiiddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiddd = asm["dynCall_viiiiddd"];
asm["dynCall_viiiiddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viiiiddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_diiii = asm["dynCall_diiii"];
asm["dynCall_diiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_diiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiidddd = asm["dynCall_iiidddd"];
asm["dynCall_iiidddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiidddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viddddiii = asm["dynCall_viddddiii"];
asm["dynCall_viddddiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_viddddiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vidddddd = asm["dynCall_vidddddd"];
asm["dynCall_vidddddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_vidddddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiiiiiiii"];
asm["dynCall_iiiiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_jiji = asm["dynCall_jiji"];
asm["dynCall_jiji"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_jiji.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iidiiii = asm["dynCall_iidiiii"];
asm["dynCall_iidiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iidiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiij = asm["dynCall_iiiiij"];
asm["dynCall_iiiiij"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiiij.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiid = asm["dynCall_iiiiid"];
asm["dynCall_iiiiid"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiiid.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiijj = asm["dynCall_iiiiijj"];
asm["dynCall_iiiiijj"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiiijj.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiijj = asm["dynCall_iiiiiijj"];
asm["dynCall_iiiiiijj"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return real_dynCall_iiiiiijj.apply(null, arguments);
Module["asm"] = asm;
var ___wasm_call_ctors = Module["___wasm_call_ctors"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["__wasm_call_ctors"].apply(null, arguments)
var _runX2T = Module["_runX2T"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["runX2T"].apply(null, arguments)
var _malloc = Module["_malloc"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["malloc"].apply(null, arguments)
var _free = Module["_free"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["free"].apply(null, arguments)
var _main = Module["_main"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["main"].apply(null, arguments)
var _fflush = Module["_fflush"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["fflush"].apply(null, arguments)
var _realloc = Module["_realloc"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["realloc"].apply(null, arguments)
var __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv = Module["__ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv"].apply(null, arguments)
var ___errno_location = Module["___errno_location"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["__errno_location"].apply(null, arguments)
var _ntohs = Module["_ntohs"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["ntohs"].apply(null, arguments)
var _htonl = Module["_htonl"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["htonl"].apply(null, arguments)
var _htons = Module["_htons"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["htons"].apply(null, arguments)
var ___em_js__initPthreadsJS = Module["___em_js__initPthreadsJS"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["__em_js__initPthreadsJS"].apply(null, arguments)
var ___emscripten_pthread_data_constructor = Module["___emscripten_pthread_data_constructor"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["__emscripten_pthread_data_constructor"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_get_global_libc = Module["_emscripten_get_global_libc"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_get_global_libc"].apply(null, arguments)
var __get_tzname = Module["__get_tzname"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["_get_tzname"].apply(null, arguments)
var __get_daylight = Module["__get_daylight"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["_get_daylight"].apply(null, arguments)
var __get_timezone = Module["__get_timezone"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["_get_timezone"].apply(null, arguments)
var _setThrew = Module["_setThrew"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["setThrew"].apply(null, arguments)
var _memalign = Module["_memalign"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["memalign"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_builtin_free = Module["_emscripten_builtin_free"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_builtin_free"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_builtin_memalign = Module["_emscripten_builtin_memalign"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_builtin_memalign"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_main_browser_thread_id = Module["_emscripten_main_browser_thread_id"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_main_browser_thread_id"].apply(null, arguments)
var ___pthread_tsd_run_dtors = Module["___pthread_tsd_run_dtors"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["__pthread_tsd_run_dtors"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls = Module["_emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls = Module["_emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls"].apply(null, arguments)
var _usleep = Module["_usleep"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["usleep"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id = Module["_emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread = Module["_emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js = Module["_emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_ = Module["_emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_"].apply(null, arguments)
var _proxy_main = Module["_proxy_main"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["proxy_main"].apply(null, arguments)
var _emscripten_tls_init = Module["_emscripten_tls_init"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_tls_init"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_ii = Module["dynCall_ii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_ii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iii = Module["dynCall_iii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiii = Module["dynCall_iiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_v = Module["dynCall_v"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_v"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_vi = Module["dynCall_vi"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vi"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_vii = Module["dynCall_vii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viii = Module["dynCall_viii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viiii = Module["dynCall_viiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viiiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var stackSave = Module["stackSave"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["stackSave"].apply(null, arguments)
var stackAlloc = Module["stackAlloc"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["stackAlloc"].apply(null, arguments)
var stackRestore = Module["stackRestore"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["stackRestore"].apply(null, arguments)
var __growWasmMemory = Module["__growWasmMemory"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["__growWasmMemory"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viijii = Module["dynCall_viijii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viijii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_dii = Module["dynCall_dii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_dii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_did = Module["dynCall_did"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_did"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_di = Module["dynCall_di"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_di"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_ji = Module["dynCall_ji"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_ji"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_vij = Module["dynCall_vij"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vij"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_jii = Module["dynCall_jii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_jii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iidddddi = Module["dynCall_iidddddi"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iidddddi"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viiiddii = Module["dynCall_viiiddii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiddii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viij = Module["dynCall_viij"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viij"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viji = Module["dynCall_viji"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viji"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_jij = Module["dynCall_jij"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_jij"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiijii = Module["dynCall_iiiijii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiijii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viiij = Module["dynCall_viiij"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiij"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viiiiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiji = Module["dynCall_iiiji"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiji"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_i = Module["dynCall_i"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_i"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viiiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iidd = Module["dynCall_iidd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iidd"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iidddddd = Module["dynCall_iidddddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iidddddd"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_vidd = Module["dynCall_vidd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vidd"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_vidddd = Module["dynCall_vidddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vidddd"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viidddd = Module["dynCall_viidddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viidddd"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viidddddd = Module["dynCall_viidddddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viidddddd"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiiiddd = Module["dynCall_iiiiiddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiddd"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viiiiddd = Module["dynCall_viiiiddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiddd"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_diiii = Module["dynCall_diiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_diiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiidddd = Module["dynCall_iiidddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiidddd"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_viddddiii = Module["dynCall_viddddiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viddddiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_vidddddd = Module["dynCall_vidddddd"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vidddddd"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiiiiiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_jiji = Module["dynCall_jiji"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_jiji"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iidiiii = Module["dynCall_iidiiii"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iidiiii"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiiij = Module["dynCall_iiiiij"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiij"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiiid = Module["dynCall_iiiiid"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiid"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiiijj = Module["dynCall_iiiiijj"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiijj"].apply(null, arguments)
var dynCall_iiiiiijj = Module["dynCall_iiiiiijj"] = function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, 'you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)');
assert(!runtimeExited, 'the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)');
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiijj"].apply(null, arguments)
function invoke_viiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_iii(index,a1,a2) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall_iii(index,a1,a2);
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_iiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall_iiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4);
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_iiii(index,a1,a2,a3) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall_iiii(index,a1,a2,a3);
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_vi(index,a1) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_vii(index,a1,a2) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_ii(index,a1) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall_ii(index,a1);
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_viii(index,a1,a2,a3) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_v(index) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_iiiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall_iiiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5);
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_viiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_viiiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_viiiiiiiii(index,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
// === Auto-generated postamble setup entry stuff ===
Module['asm'] = asm;
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "intArrayFromString")) Module["intArrayFromString"] = function() { abort("'intArrayFromString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "intArrayToString")) Module["intArrayToString"] = function() { abort("'intArrayToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
Module["ccall"] = ccall;
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "cwrap")) Module["cwrap"] = function() { abort("'cwrap' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "setValue")) Module["setValue"] = function() { abort("'setValue' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getValue")) Module["getValue"] = function() { abort("'getValue' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "allocate")) Module["allocate"] = function() { abort("'allocate' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getMemory")) Module["getMemory"] = function() { abort("'getMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "AsciiToString")) Module["AsciiToString"] = function() { abort("'AsciiToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stringToAscii")) Module["stringToAscii"] = function() { abort("'stringToAscii' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "UTF8ArrayToString")) Module["UTF8ArrayToString"] = function() { abort("'UTF8ArrayToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "UTF8ToString")) Module["UTF8ToString"] = function() { abort("'UTF8ToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stringToUTF8Array")) Module["stringToUTF8Array"] = function() { abort("'stringToUTF8Array' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stringToUTF8")) Module["stringToUTF8"] = function() { abort("'stringToUTF8' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "lengthBytesUTF8")) Module["lengthBytesUTF8"] = function() { abort("'lengthBytesUTF8' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "UTF16ToString")) Module["UTF16ToString"] = function() { abort("'UTF16ToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stringToUTF16")) Module["stringToUTF16"] = function() { abort("'stringToUTF16' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "lengthBytesUTF16")) Module["lengthBytesUTF16"] = function() { abort("'lengthBytesUTF16' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "UTF32ToString")) Module["UTF32ToString"] = function() { abort("'UTF32ToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stringToUTF32")) Module["stringToUTF32"] = function() { abort("'stringToUTF32' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "lengthBytesUTF32")) Module["lengthBytesUTF32"] = function() { abort("'lengthBytesUTF32' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "allocateUTF8")) Module["allocateUTF8"] = function() { abort("'allocateUTF8' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stackTrace")) Module["stackTrace"] = function() { abort("'stackTrace' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addOnPreRun")) Module["addOnPreRun"] = function() { abort("'addOnPreRun' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addOnInit")) Module["addOnInit"] = function() { abort("'addOnInit' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addOnPreMain")) Module["addOnPreMain"] = function() { abort("'addOnPreMain' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addOnExit")) Module["addOnExit"] = function() { abort("'addOnExit' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addOnPostRun")) Module["addOnPostRun"] = function() { abort("'addOnPostRun' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "writeStringToMemory")) Module["writeStringToMemory"] = function() { abort("'writeStringToMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "writeArrayToMemory")) Module["writeArrayToMemory"] = function() { abort("'writeArrayToMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "writeAsciiToMemory")) Module["writeAsciiToMemory"] = function() { abort("'writeAsciiToMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addRunDependency")) Module["addRunDependency"] = function() { abort("'addRunDependency' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "removeRunDependency")) Module["removeRunDependency"] = function() { abort("'removeRunDependency' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "ENV")) Module["ENV"] = function() { abort("'ENV' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS")) Module["FS"] = function() { abort("'FS' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createFolder")) Module["FS_createFolder"] = function() { abort("'FS_createFolder' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createPath")) Module["FS_createPath"] = function() { abort("'FS_createPath' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createDataFile")) Module["FS_createDataFile"] = function() { abort("'FS_createDataFile' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createPreloadedFile")) Module["FS_createPreloadedFile"] = function() { abort("'FS_createPreloadedFile' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createLazyFile")) Module["FS_createLazyFile"] = function() { abort("'FS_createLazyFile' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createLink")) Module["FS_createLink"] = function() { abort("'FS_createLink' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createDevice")) Module["FS_createDevice"] = function() { abort("'FS_createDevice' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_unlink")) Module["FS_unlink"] = function() { abort("'FS_unlink' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "GL")) Module["GL"] = function() { abort("'GL' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "dynamicAlloc")) Module["dynamicAlloc"] = function() { abort("'dynamicAlloc' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "loadDynamicLibrary")) Module["loadDynamicLibrary"] = function() { abort("'loadDynamicLibrary' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "loadWebAssemblyModule")) Module["loadWebAssemblyModule"] = function() { abort("'loadWebAssemblyModule' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getLEB")) Module["getLEB"] = function() { abort("'getLEB' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getFunctionTables")) Module["getFunctionTables"] = function() { abort("'getFunctionTables' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "alignFunctionTables")) Module["alignFunctionTables"] = function() { abort("'alignFunctionTables' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "registerFunctions")) Module["registerFunctions"] = function() { abort("'registerFunctions' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addFunction")) Module["addFunction"] = function() { abort("'addFunction' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "removeFunction")) Module["removeFunction"] = function() { abort("'removeFunction' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getFuncWrapper")) Module["getFuncWrapper"] = function() { abort("'getFuncWrapper' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "prettyPrint")) Module["prettyPrint"] = function() { abort("'prettyPrint' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "makeBigInt")) Module["makeBigInt"] = function() { abort("'makeBigInt' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "dynCall")) Module["dynCall"] = function() { abort("'dynCall' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getCompilerSetting")) Module["getCompilerSetting"] = function() { abort("'getCompilerSetting' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stackSave")) Module["stackSave"] = function() { abort("'stackSave' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stackRestore")) Module["stackRestore"] = function() { abort("'stackRestore' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stackAlloc")) Module["stackAlloc"] = function() { abort("'stackAlloc' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
Module["establishStackSpace"] = establishStackSpace;
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "print")) Module["print"] = function() { abort("'print' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "printErr")) Module["printErr"] = function() { abort("'printErr' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getTempRet0")) Module["getTempRet0"] = function() { abort("'getTempRet0' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "setTempRet0")) Module["setTempRet0"] = function() { abort("'setTempRet0' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "callMain")) Module["callMain"] = function() { abort("'callMain' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "abort")) Module["abort"] = function() { abort("'abort' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "Pointer_stringify")) Module["Pointer_stringify"] = function() { abort("'Pointer_stringify' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "warnOnce")) Module["warnOnce"] = function() { abort("'warnOnce' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") };
Module["writeStackCookie"] = writeStackCookie;
Module["checkStackCookie"] = checkStackCookie;
Module["abortStackOverflow"] = abortStackOverflow;
Module["PThread"] = PThread;
Module["ExitStatus"] = ExitStatus;
Module["tempDoublePtr"] = tempDoublePtr;
Module["wasmMemory"] = wasmMemory;
Module["_pthread_self"] = _pthread_self;
Module["ExitStatus"] = ExitStatus;
Module["tempDoublePtr"] = tempDoublePtr;
Module["dynCall_ii"] = dynCall_ii;if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "ALLOC_NORMAL")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_NORMAL", { configurable: true, get: function() { abort("'ALLOC_NORMAL' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") } });
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "ALLOC_STACK")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_STACK", { configurable: true, get: function() { abort("'ALLOC_STACK' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") } });
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "ALLOC_DYNAMIC")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_DYNAMIC", { configurable: true, get: function() { abort("'ALLOC_DYNAMIC' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") } });
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "ALLOC_NONE")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_NONE", { configurable: true, get: function() { abort("'ALLOC_NONE' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)") } });
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "calledRun")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "calledRun", { configurable: true, get: function() { abort("'calledRun' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you") } });
var calledRun;
* @constructor
* @this {ExitStatus}
function ExitStatus(status) { = "ExitStatus";
this.message = "Program terminated with exit(" + status + ")";
this.status = status;
var calledMain = false;
dependenciesFulfilled = function runCaller() {
// If run has never been called, and we should call run (INVOKE_RUN is true, and Module.noInitialRun is not false)
if (!calledRun) run();
if (!calledRun) dependenciesFulfilled = runCaller; // try this again later, after new deps are fulfilled
function callMain(args) {
assert(runDependencies == 0, 'cannot call main when async dependencies remain! (listen on Module["onRuntimeInitialized"])');
assert(__ATPRERUN__.length == 0, 'cannot call main when preRun functions remain to be called');
var entryFunction = Module['_main'];
args = args || [];
var argc = args.length+1;
var argv = stackAlloc((argc + 1) * 4);
HEAP32[argv >> 2] = allocateUTF8OnStack(thisProgram);
for (var i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
HEAP32[(argv >> 2) + i] = allocateUTF8OnStack(args[i - 1]);
HEAP32[(argv >> 2) + argc] = 0;
try {
var ret = entryFunction(argc, argv);
// if we're not running an evented main loop, it's time to exit
exit(ret, /* implicit = */ true);
catch(e) {
if (e instanceof ExitStatus) {
// exit() throws this once it's done to make sure execution
// has been stopped completely
} else if (e == 'SimulateInfiniteLoop') {
// running an evented main loop, don't immediately exit
noExitRuntime = true;
} else {
var toLog = e;
if (e && typeof e === 'object' && e.stack) {
toLog = [e, e.stack];
err('exception thrown: ' + toLog);
quit_(1, e);
} finally {
calledMain = true;
/** @type {function(Array=)} */
function run(args) {
args = args || arguments_;
if (runDependencies > 0) {
if (runDependencies > 0) return; // a preRun added a dependency, run will be called later
function doRun() {
// run may have just been called through dependencies being fulfilled just in this very frame,
// or while the async setStatus time below was happening
if (calledRun) return;
calledRun = true;
if (ABORT) return;
if (Module['onRuntimeInitialized']) Module['onRuntimeInitialized']();
if (shouldRunNow) callMain(args);
if (Module['setStatus']) {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
}, 1);
} else
Module['run'] = run;
function checkUnflushedContent() {
// Compiler settings do not allow exiting the runtime, so flushing
// the streams is not possible. but in ASSERTIONS mode we check
// if there was something to flush, and if so tell the user they
// should request that the runtime be exitable.
// Normally we would not even include flush() at all, but in ASSERTIONS
// builds we do so just for this check, and here we see if there is any
// content to flush, that is, we check if there would have been
// something a non-ASSERTIONS build would have not seen.
// How we flush the streams depends on whether we are in SYSCALLS_REQUIRE_FILESYSTEM=0
// mode (which has its own special function for this; otherwise, all
// the code is inside libc)
var print = out;
var printErr = err;
var has = false;
out = err = function(x) {
has = true;
try { // it doesn't matter if it fails
var flush = Module['_fflush'];
if (flush) flush(0);
// also flush in the JS FS layer
['stdout', 'stderr'].forEach(function(name) {
var info = FS.analyzePath('/dev/' + name);
if (!info) return;
var stream = info.object;
var rdev = stream.rdev;
var tty = TTY.ttys[rdev];
if (tty && tty.output && tty.output.length) {
has = true;
} catch(e) {}
out = print;
err = printErr;
if (has) {
warnOnce('stdio streams had content in them that was not flushed. you should set EXIT_RUNTIME to 1 (see the FAQ), or make sure to emit a newline when you printf etc.');
function exit(status, implicit) {
// if this is just main exit-ing implicitly, and the status is 0, then we
// don't need to do anything here and can just leave. if the status is
// non-zero, though, then we need to report it.
// (we may have warned about this earlier, if a situation justifies doing so)
if (implicit && noExitRuntime && status === 0) {
if (noExitRuntime) {
// if exit() was called, we may warn the user if the runtime isn't actually being shut down
if (!implicit) {
err('program exited (with status: ' + status + '), but EXIT_RUNTIME is not set, so halting execution but not exiting the runtime or preventing further async execution (build with EXIT_RUNTIME=1, if you want a true shutdown)');
} else {
ABORT = true;
EXITSTATUS = status;
if (Module['onExit']) Module['onExit'](status);
quit_(status, new ExitStatus(status));
if (Module['preInit']) {
if (typeof Module['preInit'] == 'function') Module['preInit'] = [Module['preInit']];
while (Module['preInit'].length > 0) {
// shouldRunNow refers to calling main(), not run().
var shouldRunNow = true;
if (Module['noInitialRun']) shouldRunNow = false;
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) // EXIT_RUNTIME=0 only applies to default behavior of the main browser thread
noExitRuntime = true;