], function (hyperjson, hyperscript) {
// complain if you don't find the required APIs
if (!(hyperjson && hyperscript)) { throw new Error(); }
// Generate a matrix of conversions
convert.dom.to.hjson, convert.hjson.to.dom,
convert.dom.to.vdom, convert.vdom.to.dom,
and of course, identify functions in case you try to
convert a datatype to itself
var convert = (function () {
var Self = function (x) {
return x;
methods = {
dom: Self,
hjson: hyperjson.fromDOM,
vdom: function (D) {
return hyperjson.callOn(hyperjson.fromDOM(D), vdom.h);
hjson: Self,
dom: function (H) {
// hyperjson.fromDOM,
return hyperjson.callOn(H, hyperscript);
vdom: function (H) {
return hyperjson.callOn(H, vdom.h);
convert = {};
Object.keys(methods).forEach(function (method) {
convert[method] = { to: methods[method] };
return convert;
convert.core = {
hyperjson: hyperjson,
hyperscript: hyperscript
return convert;