You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
148 lines
5.7 KiB
148 lines
5.7 KiB
9 years ago
(function() {
"use strict";
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
namespace = "emacs_";
var eventCache = {};
function fakeEvent(keyName) {
var event = eventCache[key];
if (event) return event;
var ctrl, shift, alt;
var key = keyName.replace(/\w+-/g, function(type) {
if (type == "Ctrl-") ctrl = true;
else if (type == "Alt-") alt = true;
else if (type == "Shift-") shift = true;
return "";
var code;
for (var c in CodeMirror.keyNames)
if (CodeMirror.keyNames[c] == key) { code = c; break; }
if (c == null) throw new Error("Unknown key: " + key);
return eventCache[keyName] = {
type: "keydown", keyCode: code, ctrlKey: ctrl, shiftKey: shift, altKey: alt,
preventDefault: function(){}, stopPropagation: function(){}
function sim(name, start /*, actions... */) {
var keys =, 2);
testCM(name, function(cm) {
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var cur = keys[i];
if (cur instanceof Pos) cm.setCursor(cur);
else if ( cur(cm);
else cm.triggerOnKeyDown(fakeEvent(cur));
}, {keyMap: "emacs", value: start, mode: "javascript"});
function at(line, ch) { return function(cm) { eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(line, ch)); }; }
function txt(str) { return function(cm) { eq(cm.getValue(), str); }; }
sim("motionHSimple", "abc", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-B", at(0, 1));
sim("motionHMulti", "abcde",
"Ctrl-4", "Ctrl-F", at(0, 4), "Ctrl--", "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-F", at(0, 2),
"Ctrl-5", "Ctrl-B", at(0, 0));
sim("motionHWord", "abc. def ghi",
"Alt-F", at(0, 3), "Alt-F", at(0, 8),
"Ctrl-B", "Alt-B", at(0, 5), "Alt-B", at(0, 0));
sim("motionHWordMulti", "abc. def ghi ",
"Ctrl-3", "Alt-F", at(0, 12), "Ctrl-2", "Alt-B", at(0, 5),
"Ctrl--", "Alt-B", at(0, 8));
sim("motionVSimple", "a\nb\nc\n", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-P", at(1, 0));
sim("motionVMulti", "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n",
"Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-N", at(2, 0), "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl--", "Ctrl-N", at(1, 1),
"Ctrl--", "Ctrl-3", "Ctrl-P", at(4, 1));
sim("killYank", "abc\ndef\nghi",
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-W", "Ctrl-E", "Ctrl-Y",
sim("killRing", "abcdef",
"Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-W", "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-W",
"Ctrl-Y", "Alt-Y",
sim("copyYank", "abcd",
"Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-E", "Alt-W", "Ctrl-Y",
sim("killLineSimple", "foo\nbar", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-K", txt("f\nbar"));
sim("killLineEmptyLine", "foo\n \nbar", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-K", txt("foo\nbar"));
sim("killLineMulti", "foo\nbar\nbaz",
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-K", "Ctrl-K", "Ctrl-K", "Ctrl-A", "Ctrl-Y",
sim("moveByParagraph", "abc\ndef\n\n\nhij\nklm\n\n",
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-Down", at(2, 0), "Ctrl-Down", at(6, 0),
"Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-Up", at(3, 0), "Ctrl-Up", at(0, 0),
Pos(1, 2), "Ctrl-Down", at(2, 0), Pos(4, 2), "Ctrl-Up", at(3, 0));
sim("moveByParagraphMulti", "abc\n\ndef\n\nhij\n\nklm",
"Ctrl-U", "2", "Ctrl-Down", at(3, 0),
"Shift-Alt-.", "Ctrl-3", "Ctrl-Up", at(1, 0));
sim("moveBySentence", "sentence one! sentence\ntwo\n\nparagraph two",
"Alt-E", at(0, 13), "Alt-E", at(1, 3), "Ctrl-F", "Alt-A", at(0, 13));
sim("moveByExpr", "function foo(a, b) {}",
"Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 8), "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 12), "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 18),
"Ctrl-Alt-B", at(0, 12), "Ctrl-Alt-B", at(0, 9));
sim("moveByExprMulti", "foo bar baz bug",
"Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 7),
"Ctrl--", "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 4),
"Ctrl--", "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-B", at(0, 11));
sim("delExpr", "var x = [\n a,\n b\n c\n];",
Pos(0, 8), "Ctrl-Alt-K", txt("var x = ;"), "Ctrl-/",
Pos(4, 1), "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace", txt("var x = ;"));
sim("delExprMulti", "foo bar baz",
"Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-K", txt(" baz"),
"Ctrl-/", "Ctrl-E", "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace", txt("foo "));
sim("justOneSpace", "hi bye ",
Pos(0, 4), "Alt-Space", txt("hi bye "),
Pos(0, 4), "Alt-Space", txt("hi b ye "),
"Ctrl-A", "Alt-Space", "Ctrl-E", "Alt-Space", txt(" hi b ye "));
sim("openLine", "foo bar", "Alt-F", "Ctrl-O", txt("foo\n bar"))
sim("transposeChar", "abcd\ne",
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-T", "Ctrl-T", txt("bcad\ne"), at(0, 3),
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-T", "Ctrl-T", "Ctrl-T", txt("bcda\ne"), at(0, 4),
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-T", txt("bcde\na"), at(1, 0));
sim("manipWordCase", "foo BAR bAZ",
"Alt-C", "Alt-L", "Alt-U", txt("Foo bar BAZ"),
"Ctrl-A", "Alt-U", "Alt-L", "Alt-C", txt("FOO bar Baz"));
sim("manipWordCaseMulti", "foo Bar bAz",
"Ctrl-2", "Alt-U", txt("FOO BAR bAz"),
"Ctrl-A", "Ctrl-3", "Alt-C", txt("Foo Bar Baz"));
sim("upExpr", "foo {\n bar[];\n baz(blah);\n}",
Pos(2, 7), "Ctrl-Alt-U", at(2, 5), "Ctrl-Alt-U", at(0, 4));
sim("transposeExpr", "do foo[bar] dah",
Pos(0, 6), "Ctrl-Alt-T", txt("do [bar]foo dah"));
sim("clearMark", "abcde", Pos(0, 2), "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F",
"Ctrl-G", "Ctrl-W", txt("abcde"));
sim("delRegion", "abcde", "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F", "Delete", txt("cde"));
sim("backspaceRegion", "abcde", "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F", "Backspace", txt("cde"));
testCM("save", function(cm) {
var saved = false;
| = function(cm) { saved = cm.getValue(); };
is(saved, "hi");
}, {value: "hi", keyMap: "emacs"});
testCM("gotoInvalidLineFloat", function(cm) {
cm.openDialog = function(_, cb) { cb("2.2"); };
}, {value: "1\n2\n3\n4", keyMap: "emacs"});