], function ($, Config, h, Hash, Constants, Util, TextFit, Msg, AppConfig, LocalStore, Pages) {
var urlArgs = Config.requireConf.urlArgs;
var isAvailableType = function (x) {
if (!Array.isArray(AppConfig.availablePadTypes)) { return true; }
return AppConfig.availablePadTypes.indexOf(x) !== -1;
var checkEarlyAccess = function (x) {
// Check if this is an early access app and if they are allowed.
// Check if this is a premium app and if you're premium
// Returns false if the app should be hidden
var earlyTypes = Constants.earlyAccessApps;
var ea = Util.checkRestrictedApp(x, AppConfig, earlyTypes,
LocalStore.getPremium(), LocalStore.isLoggedIn());
return ea > 0;
var checkRegisteredType = function (x) {
// Return true if we're registered or if the app is not registeredOnly
if (LocalStore.isLoggedIn()) { return true; }
if (!Array.isArray(AppConfig.registeredOnlyTypes)) { return true; }
return AppConfig.registeredOnlyTypes.indexOf(x) === -1;
return function () {
var icons = [
[ 'sheet', Msg.type.sheet],
[ 'doc', Msg.type.doc],
[ 'presentation', Msg.type.presentation],
[ 'pad', Msg.type.pad],
[ 'kanban', Msg.type.kanban],
[ 'code', Msg.type.code],
[ 'form', Msg.type.form],
[ 'whiteboard', Msg.type.whiteboard],
[ 'slide', Msg.type.slide]
].filter(function (x) {
return isAvailableType(x[0]);
.map(function (x) {
var s = 'div.bs-callout.cp-callout-' + x[0];
var cls = '';
var isEnabled = checkRegisteredType(x[0]);
var isEAEnabled = checkEarlyAccess(x[0]);
//if (i > 2) { s += '.cp-more.cp-hidden'; }
var icon = AppConfig.applicationsIcon[x[0]];
var font = icon.indexOf('cptools') === 0 ? 'cptools' : 'fa';
var href = '/'+ x[0] +'/';
var attr = isEnabled ? { href: href } : {
onclick: function () {
// if the app is not enabled then we send them to the login page
// which will redirect to the app in question ?
var loginURL = Hash.hashToHref('', 'login');
var url = Hash.getNewPadURL(loginURL, { href: href });
window.location.href = url;
if (!isEAEnabled) {
cls += '.cp-app-hidden';
if (!isEnabled) {
cls += '.cp-app-disabled';
attr.title = Msg.mustLogin;
return h('a.cp-index-appitem' + cls, [
h(s, [
h('i.' + font + '.' + icon, {'aria-hidden': 'true'}),
h('div.pad-button-text', [ x[1] ])
icons.forEach(function (a) {
setTimeout(function () {
// ensure that text in our app icons doesn't overflow
TextFit($(a).find('.pad-button-text')[0], {minFontSize: 13, maxFontSize: 18});
var pageLink = function (ref, loc, text) {
if (!ref) { return; }
var attrs = {
href: ref,
if (!/^\//.test(ref)) {
attrs.target = '_blank';
attrs.rel = 'noopener noreferrer';
if (loc) {
attrs['data-localization'] = loc;
text = Msg[loc];
return h('a', attrs, text);
var fastLink = k => pageLink(Pages.customURLs[k], k);
Msg.terms = Msg.footer_tos; //"Terms of Service"; // XXX
Msg.home_location = "Encrypted data is hosted in {0}"; // XXX
// XXX DB: this may be wrong, pasted over form pages.js
var imprintLink = fastLink('imprint');
var privacyLink = fastLink('privacy');
var termsLink = fastLink('terms');
var notice;
/* Admins can specify a notice to display in application_config.js via the `homeNotice` attribute.
If the text is the key for the translation system then then the most appropriate translated text
will be displayed. Otherwise, the direct text will be included as HTML.
if (Pages.Instance.notice) {
notice = h('div.alert.alert-info', Pages.setHTML(h('span'), Pages.Instance.notice));
// instance title
var instanceTitle = h('h1.cp-instance-title', Pages.Instance.name);
// XXX DB: How does TextFit work?!
// setTimeout(function () {
// TextFit(instanceTitle, {minFontSize: 13, maxFontSize: 48}); // XXX DB remove?
// });
// instance location
var locationBlock;
if (Pages.Instance.location) {
locationBlock = h('div.cp-instance-location', [
h('i.fa.fa-map-pin', {'aria-hidden': 'true'}),
Msg._getKey('home_location', [ Pages.Instance.location ]),
} else {
locationBlock = h('div', h('br'));
Msg.home_morestorage = 'For more storage space:'; // XXX
var subButton = function () {
// XXX display donation button even if instance doesn't accept subscriptions
if (Pages.areSubscriptionsAllowed()) {
var sub = h('div.cp-sub-prompt', [
h('span', Msg.home_morestorage),
// XXX how to link these properly to accounts?
h('a', {href:"/accounts/"}, h('button', [
return sub;
} else {
return h('div');
return [
h('div#cp-main', [
h('div.container.cp-container', [
h('div.row.cp-home-hero', [
h('div.cp-title.col-lg-6', [
h('img', {
src: '/customize/CryptPad_logo.svg?' + urlArgs,
'aria-hidden': 'true',
alt: ''
Pages.setHTML(h('span.tag-line'), Pages.Instance.description),
h('div.cp-instance-links', [
h('a', {href:"/contact.html"}, Msg.contact)
h('div.cp-apps.col-lg-6', [
h('div.cp-app-grid', [
h('span.cp-app-new', [
h('div.cp-app-grid-apps', [
h('div.cp-app-drive', [
h('a.cp-drive-btn', {'href': '/drive/'}, [
h('i.fa.fa-hdd-o', {'aria-hidden': 'true'}),