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2019-01-30 13:38:21 +00:00
], function ($, Util, Messages, English) {
var $body = $('body');
var pre = function (text, opt) {
return $('<pre>', opt).text(text);
var todo = function (missing) {
var currentLang = "";
var currentState = 1;
if (missing.length) {
$body.append(pre( (msg) {
var res = "";
var lang = msg[0];
var key = msg[1]; // Array
var state = msg[2]; // 0 === toDelete, 1 === missing, 2 === updated, 3 === invalid (wrong type)
var value = msg[3] || '""';
if (currentLang !== lang) {
if (currentLang !== "")
res += '\n';
currentLang = lang;
res += '/*\n *\n * ' + lang + '\n *\n */\n\n';
if (currentState !== state) {
currentState = state;
if (currentState === 0)
res += '\n// TODO: These keys are not needed anymore and should be removed ('+ lang + ')\n\n';
res += (currentState ? '' : '// ') + 'out.' + key.join('.') + ' = ' + value + ';';
if (currentState === 1) {
res += ' // ' + JSON.stringify(Util.find(English, key));
} else if (currentState === 2) {
res += ' // TODO: Key updated --> make sure the updated key "'+ value +'" exists and is translated before this one.';
} else if (currentState === 3) {
res += ' // NOTE: this key has an invalid type! Original value: ' + JSON.stringify(Util.find(English, key));
return res;
} else {
$body.text('// All keys are present in all translations');