Once everything is working, copy the default (English) source file (`/www/common/translations/messages.js`) to a file named according to your language's [ISO 639-1 Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes), like `/www/common/translations/messages.fr.js`.
You also need to add a customizable version of you translation. To do so, make a copy of the file `/customize.dist/translations/messages.js` with your translation name (`messages.pirate.js` in our case), and change its content to load the correct language file:
* You can override the translation text using this file.
* The recommended method is to make a copy of this file (/customize.dist/translations/messages.{LANG}.js)
in a 'customize' directory (/customize/translations/messages.{LANG}.js).
* If you want to check all the existing translation keys, you can open the internal language file
but you should not change it directly (/common/translations/messages.{LANG}.js)
define(['/common/translations/messages.pirate.js'], function (Messages) { // Change the file name here
// Replace the existing keys (in your copied file) here:
// Messages.button_newpad = "New Rich Text Document";
It's advisable to save your translation file frequently, and reload Cryptpad in your browser to check that there are no errors in your translation file.
If there are any errors in your code, the file will fail to parse, and the page will no load correctly.
Checking frequently will make it easier to know which change caused the error.
Additionally, we advise using the apps and visiting the various pages, to make sure that your translations make sense in context.