You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

8930 lines

5 years ago
// Support for growable heap + pthreads, where the buffer may change, so JS views
// must be updated.
function GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(ptr, value) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
HEAP8[ptr] = value;
function GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I16(ptr, value) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
HEAP16[ptr >> 1] = value;
function GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr, value) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
HEAP32[ptr >> 2] = value;
function GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_F32(ptr, value) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
HEAPF32[ptr >> 2] = value;
function GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_F64(ptr, value) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
HEAPF64[ptr >> 3] = value;
5 years ago
function GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(ptr) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
return HEAP8[ptr];
function GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_U8(ptr) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
return HEAPU8[ptr];
function GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I16(ptr) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
return HEAP16[ptr >> 1];
function GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_U16(ptr) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
return HEAPU16[ptr >> 1];
function GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(ptr) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
return HEAP32[ptr >> 2];
function GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_U32(ptr) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
return HEAPU32[ptr >> 2];
function GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_F32(ptr) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
return HEAPF32[ptr >> 2];
function GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_F64(ptr) {
if (wasmMemory.buffer != buffer) {
return HEAPF64[ptr >> 3];
function GROWABLE_HEAP_VIEW_I8(start, end) {
return new Int8Array(wasmMemory.buffer, start, end - start);
function GROWABLE_HEAP_VIEW_U8(start, end) {
return new Uint8Array(wasmMemory.buffer, start, end - start);
function GROWABLE_HEAP_VIEW_I16(start, end) {
return new Int16Array(wasmMemory.buffer, start >> 1, end - start >> 1);
function GROWABLE_HEAP_VIEW_U16(start, end) {
return new Uint16Array(wasmMemory.buffer, start >> 1, end - start >> 1);
function GROWABLE_HEAP_VIEW_I32(start, end) {
return new Int32Array(wasmMemory.buffer, start >> 2, end - start >> 2);
function GROWABLE_HEAP_VIEW_U32(start, end) {
return new Uint32Array(wasmMemory.buffer, start >> 2, end - start >> 2);
function GROWABLE_HEAP_VIEW_F32(start, end) {
return new Float32Array(wasmMemory.buffer, start >> 2, end - start >> 2);
function GROWABLE_HEAP_VIEW_F64(start, end) {
return new Float64Array(wasmMemory.buffer, start >> 3, end - start >> 3);
5 years ago
var Module = typeof Module !== "undefined" ? Module : {};
var moduleOverrides = {};
var key;
for (key in Module) {
5 years ago
if (Module.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
moduleOverrides[key] = Module[key];
var arguments_ = [];
5 years ago
var thisProgram = "./this.program";
var quit_ = (function(status, toThrow) {
throw toThrow;
5 years ago
ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window === "object";
ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts === "function";
ENVIRONMENT_HAS_NODE = typeof process === "object" && typeof process.versions === "object" && typeof process.versions.node === "string";
5 years ago
if (Module["ENVIRONMENT"]) {
throw new Error("Module.ENVIRONMENT has been deprecated. To force the environment, use the ENVIRONMENT compile-time option (for example, -s ENVIRONMENT=web or -s ENVIRONMENT=node)");
5 years ago
5 years ago
buffer = Module["buffer"];
tempDoublePtr = Module["tempDoublePtr"];
5 years ago
var _scriptDir = typeof document !== "undefined" && document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : undefined;
5 years ago
_scriptDir = __filename;
5 years ago
var scriptDirectory = "";
function locateFile(path) {
5 years ago
if (Module["locateFile"]) {
return Module["locateFile"](path, scriptDirectory);
return scriptDirectory + path;
5 years ago
var read_, readAsync, readBinary, setWindowTitle;
var nodeFS;
var nodePath;
5 years ago
scriptDirectory = __dirname + "/";
read_ = function shell_read(filename, binary) {
if (!nodeFS) nodeFS = require("fs");
if (!nodePath) nodePath = require("path");
filename = nodePath["normalize"](filename);
return nodeFS["readFileSync"](filename, binary ? null : "utf8");
readBinary = function readBinary(filename) {
var ret = read_(filename, true);
if (!ret.buffer) {
ret = new Uint8Array(ret);
return ret;
if (process["argv"].length > 1) {
thisProgram = process["argv"][1].replace(/\\/g, "/");
arguments_ = process["argv"].slice(2);
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {
module["exports"] = Module;
process["on"]("uncaughtException", (function(ex) {
if (!(ex instanceof ExitStatus)) {
throw ex;
process["on"]("unhandledRejection", abort);
quit_ = (function(status) {
Module["inspect"] = (function() {
return "[Emscripten Module object]";
var nodeWorkerThreads;
try {
nodeWorkerThreads = require("worker_threads");
} catch (e) {
console.error('The "worker_threads" module is not supported in this node.js build - perhaps a newer version is needed?');
throw e;
Worker = nodeWorkerThreads.Worker;
if (typeof read != "undefined") {
read_ = function shell_read(f) {
return read(f);
5 years ago
readBinary = function readBinary(f) {
var data;
if (typeof readbuffer === "function") {
return new Uint8Array(readbuffer(f));
data = read(f, "binary");
assert(typeof data === "object");
return data;
if (typeof scriptArgs != "undefined") {
arguments_ = scriptArgs;
} else if (typeof arguments != "undefined") {
arguments_ = arguments;
if (typeof quit === "function") {
quit_ = (function(status) {
5 years ago
if (typeof print !== "undefined") {
if (typeof console === "undefined") console = {};
console.log = print;
console.warn = console.error = typeof printErr !== "undefined" ? printErr : print;
scriptDirectory = self.location.href;
} else if (document.currentScript) {
scriptDirectory = document.currentScript.src;
if (scriptDirectory.indexOf("blob:") !== 0) {
scriptDirectory = scriptDirectory.substr(0, scriptDirectory.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
} else {
scriptDirectory = "";
read_ = function shell_read(filename, binary) {
5 years ago
if (!nodeFS) nodeFS = require("fs");
if (!nodePath) nodePath = require("path");
filename = nodePath["normalize"](filename);
return nodeFS["readFileSync"](filename, binary ? null : "utf8");
readBinary = function readBinary(filename) {
5 years ago
var ret = read_(filename, true);
if (!ret.buffer) {
ret = new Uint8Array(ret);
return ret;
5 years ago
} else {
read_ = function shell_read(url) {
5 years ago
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, false);
return xhr.responseText;
5 years ago
readBinary = function readBinary(url) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, false);
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
return new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
readAsync = function readAsync(url, onload, onerror) {
5 years ago
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, true);
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.onload = function xhr_onload() {
if (xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 0 && xhr.response) {
xhr.onerror = onerror;
5 years ago
setWindowTitle = (function(title) {
document.title = title;
} else {
throw new Error("environment detection error");
5 years ago
if (typeof performance === "undefined") {
performance = require("perf_hooks").performance;
5 years ago
var out = Module["print"] || console.log.bind(console);
var err = Module["printErr"] || console.warn.bind(console);
for (key in moduleOverrides) {
5 years ago
if (moduleOverrides.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Module[key] = moduleOverrides[key];
moduleOverrides = null;
5 years ago
if (Module["arguments"]) arguments_ = Module["arguments"];
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "arguments")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "arguments", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("Module.arguments has been replaced with plain arguments_");
if (Module["thisProgram"]) thisProgram = Module["thisProgram"];
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "thisProgram")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "thisProgram", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("Module.thisProgram has been replaced with plain thisProgram");
if (Module["quit"]) quit_ = Module["quit"];
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "quit")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "quit", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("Module.quit has been replaced with plain quit_");
assert(typeof Module["memoryInitializerPrefixURL"] === "undefined", "Module.memoryInitializerPrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead");
assert(typeof Module["pthreadMainPrefixURL"] === "undefined", "Module.pthreadMainPrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead");
assert(typeof Module["cdInitializerPrefixURL"] === "undefined", "Module.cdInitializerPrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead");
assert(typeof Module["filePackagePrefixURL"] === "undefined", "Module.filePackagePrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead");
assert(typeof Module["read"] === "undefined", " option was removed (modify read_ in JS)");
assert(typeof Module["readAsync"] === "undefined", "Module.readAsync option was removed (modify readAsync in JS)");
assert(typeof Module["readBinary"] === "undefined", "Module.readBinary option was removed (modify readBinary in JS)");
assert(typeof Module["setWindowTitle"] === "undefined", "Module.setWindowTitle option was removed (modify setWindowTitle in JS)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "read")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "read", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort(" has been replaced with plain read_");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "readAsync")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "readAsync", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("Module.readAsync has been replaced with plain readAsync");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "readBinary")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "readBinary", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("Module.readBinary has been replaced with plain readBinary");
var IDBFS = "IDBFS is no longer included by default; build with -lidbfs.js";
var PROXYFS = "PROXYFS is no longer included by default; build with -lproxyfs.js";
var WORKERFS = "WORKERFS is no longer included by default; build with -lworkerfs.js";
assert(ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER || ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE, "Pthreads do not work in this environment yet (need Web Workers, or an alternative to them)");
var STACK_ALIGN = 16;
5 years ago
stackSave = stackRestore = stackAlloc = (function() {
abort("cannot use the stack before compiled code is ready to run, and has provided stack access");
function staticAlloc(size) {
5 years ago
abort("staticAlloc is no longer available at runtime; instead, perform static allocations at compile time (using makeStaticAlloc)");
function dynamicAlloc(size) {
5 years ago
var end = ret + size + 15 & -16;
if (end > _emscripten_get_heap_size()) {
abort("failure to dynamicAlloc - memory growth etc. is not supported there, call malloc/sbrk directly");
return ret;
function alignMemory(size, factor) {
5 years ago
if (!factor) factor = STACK_ALIGN;
return Math.ceil(size / factor) * factor;
function getNativeTypeSize(type) {
5 years ago
switch (type) {
case "i1":
case "i8":
return 1;
case "i16":
return 2;
case "i32":
return 4;
case "i64":
return 8;
case "float":
return 4;
case "double":
return 8;
if (type[type.length - 1] === "*") {
return 4;
} else if (type[0] === "i") {
var bits = parseInt(type.substr(1));
assert(bits % 8 === 0, "getNativeTypeSize invalid bits " + bits + ", type " + type);
return bits / 8;
} else {
return 0;
5 years ago
function warnOnce(text) {
5 years ago
if (!warnOnce.shown) warnOnce.shown = {};
if (!warnOnce.shown[text]) {
warnOnce.shown[text] = 1;
5 years ago
var asm2wasmImports = {
"f64-rem": (function(x, y) {
return x % y;
"debugger": (function() {
function convertJsFunctionToWasm(func, sig) {
5 years ago
if (typeof WebAssembly.Function === "function") {
var typeNames = {
"i": "i32",
"j": "i64",
"f": "f32",
"d": "f64"
5 years ago
var type = {
parameters: [],
results: sig[0] == "v" ? [] : [ typeNames[sig[0]] ]
for (var i = 1; i < sig.length; ++i) {
return new WebAssembly.Function(type, func);
var typeSection = [ 1, 0, 1, 96 ];
var sigRet = sig.slice(0, 1);
var sigParam = sig.slice(1);
var typeCodes = {
"i": 127,
"j": 126,
"f": 125,
"d": 124
for (var i = 0; i < sigParam.length; ++i) {
if (sigRet == "v") {
} else {
typeSection = typeSection.concat([ 1, typeCodes[sigRet] ]);
typeSection[1] = typeSection.length - 2;
var bytes = new Uint8Array([ 0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0 ].concat(typeSection, [ 2, 7, 1, 1, 101, 1, 102, 0, 0, 7, 5, 1, 1, 102, 0, 0 ]));
var module = new WebAssembly.Module(bytes);
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {
"e": {
"f": func
var wrappedFunc = instance.exports["f"];
return wrappedFunc;
function addFunctionWasm(func, sig) {
5 years ago
var table = wasmTable;
var ret = table.length;
try {
} catch (err) {
if (!err instanceof RangeError) {
throw err;
throw "Unable to grow wasm table. Use a higher value for RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS or set ALLOW_TABLE_GROWTH.";
try {
table.set(ret, func);
} catch (err) {
if (!err instanceof TypeError) {
throw err;
assert(typeof sig !== "undefined", "Missing signature argument to addFunction");
var wrapped = convertJsFunctionToWasm(func, sig);
table.set(ret, wrapped);
return ret;
5 years ago
function removeFunctionWasm(index) {}
function addFunction(func, sig) {
5 years ago
assert(typeof func !== "undefined");
return addFunctionWasm(func, sig);
function removeFunction(index) {
5 years ago
var funcWrappers = {};
function getFuncWrapper(func, sig) {
5 years ago
if (!func) return;
if (!funcWrappers[sig]) {
funcWrappers[sig] = {};
var sigCache = funcWrappers[sig];
if (!sigCache[func]) {
if (sig.length === 1) {
sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper() {
return dynCall(sig, func);
} else if (sig.length === 2) {
sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper(arg) {
return dynCall(sig, func, [ arg ]);
} else {
sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper() {
return dynCall(sig, func,;
5 years ago
return sigCache[func];
function makeBigInt(low, high, unsigned) {
5 years ago
return unsigned ? +(low >>> 0) + +(high >>> 0) * 4294967296 : +(low >>> 0) + +(high | 0) * 4294967296;
function dynCall(sig, ptr, args) {
5 years ago
if (args && args.length) {
assert(args.length == sig.length - 1);
assert("dynCall_" + sig in Module, "bad function pointer type - no table for sig '" + sig + "'");
return Module["dynCall_" + sig].apply(null, [ ptr ].concat(args));
} else {
assert(sig.length == 1);
assert("dynCall_" + sig in Module, "bad function pointer type - no table for sig '" + sig + "'");
return Module["dynCall_" + sig].call(null, ptr);
var tempRet0 = 0;
5 years ago
var setTempRet0 = (function(value) {
tempRet0 = value;
var getTempRet0 = (function() {
return tempRet0;
function getCompilerSetting(name) {
5 years ago
throw "You must build with -s RETAIN_COMPILER_SETTINGS=1 for getCompilerSetting or emscripten_get_compiler_setting to work";
var Runtime = {
5 years ago
getTempRet0: (function() {
abort('getTempRet0() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."');
staticAlloc: (function() {
abort('staticAlloc() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."');
stackAlloc: (function() {
abort('stackAlloc() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."');
var GLOBAL_BASE = 1024;
function establishStackSpace(base, max) {
5 years ago
var Atomics_load = Atomics.load;
var Atomics_store =;
var Atomics_compareExchange = Atomics.compareExchange;
5 years ago
var wasmBinary;
if (Module["wasmBinary"]) wasmBinary = Module["wasmBinary"];
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "wasmBinary")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "wasmBinary", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("Module.wasmBinary has been replaced with plain wasmBinary");
var noExitRuntime;
if (Module["noExitRuntime"]) noExitRuntime = Module["noExitRuntime"];
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "noExitRuntime")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "noExitRuntime", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("Module.noExitRuntime has been replaced with plain noExitRuntime");
if (typeof WebAssembly !== "object") {
abort("No WebAssembly support found. Build with -s WASM=0 to target JavaScript instead.");
function setValue(ptr, value, type, noSafe) {
5 years ago
type = type || "i8";
if (type.charAt(type.length - 1) === "*") type = "i32";
switch (type) {
case "i1":
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(ptr >> 0 | 0, value);
case "i8":
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(ptr >> 0 | 0, value);
case "i16":
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I16(ptr | 0, value);
case "i32":
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr | 0, value);
case "i64":
tempI64 = [ value >>> 0, (tempDouble = value, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0) ], GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr | 0, tempI64[0]), GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 4 | 0, tempI64[1]);
case "float":
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_F32(ptr | 0, value);
case "double":
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_F64(ptr | 0, value);
abort("invalid type for setValue: " + type);
function getValue(ptr, type, noSafe) {
5 years ago
type = type || "i8";
if (type.charAt(type.length - 1) === "*") type = "i32";
switch (type) {
case "i1":
return GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(ptr >> 0 | 0);
case "i8":
return GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(ptr >> 0 | 0);
case "i16":
return GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I16(ptr | 0);
case "i32":
return GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(ptr | 0);
case "i64":
return GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(ptr | 0);
case "float":
return GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_F32(ptr | 0);
case "double":
return GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_F64(ptr | 0);
abort("invalid type for getValue: " + type);
return null;
var wasmMemory;
var wasmTable = new WebAssembly.Table({
5 years ago
"initial": 63857,
"maximum": 63857 + 0,
"element": "anyfunc"
var wasmModule;
var threadInfoStruct = 0;
var selfThreadId = 0;
var __performance_now_clock_drift = 0;
var tempDoublePtr = 0;
var ABORT = false;
function assert(condition, text) {
5 years ago
if (!condition) {
abort("Assertion failed: " + text);
function getCFunc(ident) {
5 years ago
var func = Module["_" + ident];
assert(func, "Cannot call unknown function " + ident + ", make sure it is exported");
return func;
function ccall(ident, returnType, argTypes, args, opts) {
5 years ago
var toC = {
"string": (function(str) {
var ret = 0;
if (str !== null && str !== undefined && str !== 0) {
var len = (str.length << 2) + 1;
ret = stackAlloc(len);
stringToUTF8(str, ret, len);
return ret;
"array": (function(arr) {
var ret = stackAlloc(arr.length);
writeArrayToMemory(arr, ret);
return ret;
function convertReturnValue(ret) {
if (returnType === "string") return UTF8ToString(ret);
if (returnType === "boolean") return Boolean(ret);
return ret;
5 years ago
var func = getCFunc(ident);
var cArgs = [];
var stack = 0;
assert(returnType !== "array", 'Return type should not be "array".');
if (args) {
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var converter = toC[argTypes[i]];
if (converter) {
if (stack === 0) stack = stackSave();
cArgs[i] = converter(args[i]);
} else {
cArgs[i] = args[i];
var ret = func.apply(null, cArgs);
ret = convertReturnValue(ret);
if (stack !== 0) stackRestore(stack);
return ret;
function cwrap(ident, returnType, argTypes, opts) {
5 years ago
return (function() {
return ccall(ident, returnType, argTypes, arguments, opts);
5 years ago
var ALLOC_STACK = 1;
var ALLOC_NONE = 3;
function allocate(slab, types, allocator, ptr) {
5 years ago
var zeroinit, size;
if (typeof slab === "number") {
zeroinit = true;
size = slab;
} else {
zeroinit = false;
size = slab.length;
var singleType = typeof types === "string" ? types : null;
var ret;
if (allocator == ALLOC_NONE) {
ret = ptr;
} else {
ret = [ _malloc, stackAlloc, dynamicAlloc ][allocator](Math.max(size, singleType ? 1 : types.length));
if (zeroinit) {
var stop;
ptr = ret;
assert((ret & 3) == 0);
stop = ret + (size & ~3);
for (; ptr < stop; ptr += 4) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr | 0, 0);
stop = ret + size;
while (ptr < stop) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(ptr++ >> 0 | 0, 0);
5 years ago
return ret;
if (singleType === "i8") {
if (slab.subarray || slab.slice) {
HEAPU8.set(slab, ret);
} else {
5 years ago
HEAPU8.set(new Uint8Array(slab), ret);
return ret;
5 years ago
var i = 0, type, typeSize, previousType;
while (i < size) {
var curr = slab[i];
type = singleType || types[i];
if (type === 0) {
assert(type, "Must know what type to store in allocate!");
if (type == "i64") type = "i32";
setValue(ret + i, curr, type);
if (previousType !== type) {
typeSize = getNativeTypeSize(type);
previousType = type;
i += typeSize;
return ret;
function getMemory(size) {
5 years ago
if (!runtimeInitialized) return dynamicAlloc(size);
return _malloc(size);
function Pointer_stringify(ptr, length) {
5 years ago
abort("this function has been removed - you should use UTF8ToString(ptr, maxBytesToRead) instead!");
function AsciiToString(ptr) {
5 years ago
var str = "";
while (1) {
var ch = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_U8(ptr++ >> 0 | 0);
if (!ch) return str;
str += String.fromCharCode(ch);
function stringToAscii(str, outPtr) {
5 years ago
return writeAsciiToMemory(str, outPtr, false);
function UTF8ArrayToString(u8Array, idx, maxBytesToRead) {
5 years ago
var endIdx = idx + maxBytesToRead;
var str = "";
while (!(idx >= endIdx)) {
var u0 = u8Array[idx++];
if (!u0) return str;
if (!(u0 & 128)) {
str += String.fromCharCode(u0);
var u1 = u8Array[idx++] & 63;
if ((u0 & 224) == 192) {
str += String.fromCharCode((u0 & 31) << 6 | u1);
var u2 = u8Array[idx++] & 63;
if ((u0 & 240) == 224) {
u0 = (u0 & 15) << 12 | u1 << 6 | u2;
} else {
if ((u0 & 248) != 240) warnOnce("Invalid UTF-8 leading byte 0x" + u0.toString(16) + " encountered when deserializing a UTF-8 string on the asm.js/wasm heap to a JS string!");
u0 = (u0 & 7) << 18 | u1 << 12 | u2 << 6 | u8Array[idx++] & 63;
if (u0 < 65536) {
str += String.fromCharCode(u0);
} else {
var ch = u0 - 65536;
str += String.fromCharCode(55296 | ch >> 10, 56320 | ch & 1023);
return str;
function UTF8ToString(ptr, maxBytesToRead) {
5 years ago
return ptr ? UTF8ArrayToString(HEAPU8, ptr, maxBytesToRead) : "";
function stringToUTF8Array(str, outU8Array, outIdx, maxBytesToWrite) {
5 years ago
if (!(maxBytesToWrite > 0)) return 0;
var startIdx = outIdx;
var endIdx = outIdx + maxBytesToWrite - 1;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
var u = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (u >= 55296 && u <= 57343) {
var u1 = str.charCodeAt(++i);
u = 65536 + ((u & 1023) << 10) | u1 & 1023;
if (u <= 127) {
if (outIdx >= endIdx) break;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = u;
} else if (u <= 2047) {
if (outIdx + 1 >= endIdx) break;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 192 | u >> 6;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u & 63;
} else if (u <= 65535) {
if (outIdx + 2 >= endIdx) break;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 224 | u >> 12;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u >> 6 & 63;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u & 63;
} else {
if (outIdx + 3 >= endIdx) break;
if (u >= 2097152) warnOnce("Invalid Unicode code point 0x" + u.toString(16) + " encountered when serializing a JS string to an UTF-8 string on the asm.js/wasm heap! (Valid unicode code points should be in range 0-0x1FFFFF).");
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 240 | u >> 18;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u >> 12 & 63;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u >> 6 & 63;
outU8Array[outIdx++] = 128 | u & 63;
outU8Array[outIdx] = 0;
return outIdx - startIdx;
function stringToUTF8(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) {
5 years ago
assert(typeof maxBytesToWrite == "number", "stringToUTF8(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) is missing the third parameter that specifies the length of the output buffer!");
return stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAPU8, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite);
function lengthBytesUTF8(str) {
5 years ago
var len = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
var u = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (u >= 55296 && u <= 57343) u = 65536 + ((u & 1023) << 10) | str.charCodeAt(++i) & 1023;
if (u <= 127) ++len; else if (u <= 2047) len += 2; else if (u <= 65535) len += 3; else len += 4;
return len;
function UTF16ToString(ptr) {
5 years ago
assert(ptr % 2 == 0, "Pointer passed to UTF16ToString must be aligned to two bytes!");
var i = 0;
var str = "";
while (1) {
var codeUnit = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I16(ptr + i * 2 | 0);
if (codeUnit == 0) return str;
str += String.fromCharCode(codeUnit);
function stringToUTF16(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) {
5 years ago
assert(outPtr % 2 == 0, "Pointer passed to stringToUTF16 must be aligned to two bytes!");
assert(typeof maxBytesToWrite == "number", "stringToUTF16(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) is missing the third parameter that specifies the length of the output buffer!");
if (maxBytesToWrite === undefined) {
maxBytesToWrite = 2147483647;
if (maxBytesToWrite < 2) return 0;
maxBytesToWrite -= 2;
var startPtr = outPtr;
var numCharsToWrite = maxBytesToWrite < str.length * 2 ? maxBytesToWrite / 2 : str.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numCharsToWrite; ++i) {
var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I16(outPtr | 0, codeUnit);
outPtr += 2;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I16(outPtr | 0, 0);
return outPtr - startPtr;
function lengthBytesUTF16(str) {
5 years ago
return str.length * 2;
function UTF32ToString(ptr) {
5 years ago
assert(ptr % 4 == 0, "Pointer passed to UTF32ToString must be aligned to four bytes!");
var i = 0;
var str = "";
while (1) {
var utf32 = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(ptr + i * 4 | 0);
if (utf32 == 0) return str;
if (utf32 >= 65536) {
var ch = utf32 - 65536;
str += String.fromCharCode(55296 | ch >> 10, 56320 | ch & 1023);
} else {
str += String.fromCharCode(utf32);
5 years ago
function stringToUTF32(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) {
5 years ago
assert(outPtr % 4 == 0, "Pointer passed to stringToUTF32 must be aligned to four bytes!");
assert(typeof maxBytesToWrite == "number", "stringToUTF32(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) is missing the third parameter that specifies the length of the output buffer!");
if (maxBytesToWrite === undefined) {
maxBytesToWrite = 2147483647;
if (maxBytesToWrite < 4) return 0;
var startPtr = outPtr;
var endPtr = startPtr + maxBytesToWrite - 4;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (codeUnit >= 55296 && codeUnit <= 57343) {
var trailSurrogate = str.charCodeAt(++i);
codeUnit = 65536 + ((codeUnit & 1023) << 10) | trailSurrogate & 1023;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(outPtr | 0, codeUnit);
outPtr += 4;
if (outPtr + 4 > endPtr) break;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(outPtr | 0, 0);
return outPtr - startPtr;
function lengthBytesUTF32(str) {
5 years ago
var len = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (codeUnit >= 55296 && codeUnit <= 57343) ++i;
len += 4;
return len;
function allocateUTF8(str) {
5 years ago
var size = lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1;
var ret = _malloc(size);
if (ret) stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAP8, ret, size);
return ret;
function allocateUTF8OnStack(str) {
5 years ago
var size = lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1;
var ret = stackAlloc(size);
stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAP8, ret, size);
return ret;
function writeStringToMemory(string, buffer, dontAddNull) {
5 years ago
warnOnce("writeStringToMemory is deprecated and should not be called! Use stringToUTF8() instead!");
var lastChar, end;
if (dontAddNull) {
end = buffer + lengthBytesUTF8(string);
lastChar = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(end | 0);
stringToUTF8(string, buffer, Infinity);
if (dontAddNull) GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(end | 0, lastChar);
function writeArrayToMemory(array, buffer) {
5 years ago
assert(array.length >= 0, "writeArrayToMemory array must have a length (should be an array or typed array)");
HEAP8.set(array, buffer);
function writeAsciiToMemory(str, buffer, dontAddNull) {
5 years ago
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
assert(str.charCodeAt(i) === str.charCodeAt(i) & 255);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(buffer++ >> 0 | 0, str.charCodeAt(i));
if (!dontAddNull) GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(buffer >> 0 | 0, 0);
var PAGE_SIZE = 16384;
var WASM_PAGE_SIZE = 65536;
var ASMJS_PAGE_SIZE = 16777216;
function alignUp(x, multiple) {
5 years ago
if (x % multiple > 0) {
x += multiple - x % multiple;
return x;
5 years ago
var HEAP, buffer, HEAP8, HEAPU8, HEAP16, HEAPU16, HEAP32, HEAPU32, HEAPF32, HEAPF64;
function updateGlobalBufferAndViews(buf) {
5 years ago
buffer = buf;
Module["HEAP8"] = HEAP8 = new Int8Array(buf);
Module["HEAP16"] = HEAP16 = new Int16Array(buf);
Module["HEAP32"] = HEAP32 = new Int32Array(buf);
Module["HEAPU8"] = HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(buf);
Module["HEAPU16"] = HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(buf);
Module["HEAPU32"] = HEAPU32 = new Uint32Array(buf);
Module["HEAPF32"] = HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(buf);
Module["HEAPF64"] = HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(buf);
5 years ago
var STATIC_BASE = 1024, STACK_BASE = 17838800, STACKTOP = STACK_BASE, STACK_MAX = 12595920, DYNAMIC_BASE = 17838800, DYNAMICTOP_PTR = 12594960;
assert(STACK_BASE % 16 === 0, "stack must start aligned");
assert(DYNAMIC_BASE % 16 === 0, "heap must start aligned");
5 years ago
Module["applyStackValues"] = (function(stackBase, stackTop, stackMax) {
STACK_BASE = stackBase;
STACKTOP = stackTop;
STACK_MAX = stackMax;
var TOTAL_STACK = 5242880;
5 years ago
if (Module["TOTAL_STACK"]) assert(TOTAL_STACK === Module["TOTAL_STACK"], "the stack size can no longer be determined at runtime");
var INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY = Module["TOTAL_MEMORY"] || 268435456;
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "TOTAL_MEMORY")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "TOTAL_MEMORY", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("Module.TOTAL_MEMORY has been replaced with plain INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY");
assert(typeof Int32Array !== "undefined" && typeof Float64Array !== "undefined" && Int32Array.prototype.subarray !== undefined && Int32Array.prototype.set !== undefined, "JS engine does not provide full typed array support");
5 years ago
wasmMemory = Module["wasmMemory"];
buffer = Module["buffer"];
} else {
5 years ago
if (Module["wasmMemory"]) {
wasmMemory = Module["wasmMemory"];
} else {
wasmMemory = new WebAssembly.Memory({
"maximum": 1073741824 / WASM_PAGE_SIZE,
"shared": true
if (!(wasmMemory.buffer instanceof SharedArrayBuffer)) {
err("requested a shared WebAssembly.Memory but the returned buffer is not a SharedArrayBuffer, indicating that while the browser has SharedArrayBuffer it does not have WebAssembly threads support - you may need to set a flag");
console.log("(on node you may need: --experimental-wasm-threads --experimental-wasm-bulk-memory and also use a recent version)");
throw Error("bad memory");
if (wasmMemory) {
5 years ago
buffer = wasmMemory.buffer;
INITIAL_TOTAL_MEMORY = buffer.byteLength;
5 years ago
assert(65536 % WASM_PAGE_SIZE === 0);
5 years ago
function writeStackCookie() {
5 years ago
assert((STACK_MAX & 3) == 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(((STACK_MAX >> 2) + 1) * 4 | 0, 34821223);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(((STACK_MAX >> 2) + 2) * 4 | 0, 2310721022);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(0 * 4 | 0, 1668509029);
function checkStackCookie() {
5 years ago
var cookie1 = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_U32(((STACK_MAX >> 2) + 1) * 4 | 0);
var cookie2 = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_U32(((STACK_MAX >> 2) + 2) * 4 | 0);
if (cookie1 != 34821223 || cookie2 != 2310721022) {
abort("Stack overflow! Stack cookie has been overwritten, expected hex dwords 0x89BACDFE and 0x02135467, but received 0x" + cookie2.toString(16) + " " + cookie1.toString(16));
if (GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(0 * 4 | 0) !== 1668509029) abort("Runtime error: The application has corrupted its heap memory area (address zero)!");
function abortStackOverflow(allocSize) {
5 years ago
abort("Stack overflow! Attempted to allocate " + allocSize + " bytes on the stack, but stack has only " + (STACK_MAX - stackSave() + allocSize) + " bytes available!");
5 years ago
((function() {
var h16 = new Int16Array(1);
var h8 = new Int8Array(h16.buffer);
h16[0] = 25459;
if (h8[0] !== 115 || h8[1] !== 99) throw "Runtime error: expected the system to be little-endian!";
function abortFnPtrError(ptr, sig) {
5 years ago
abort("Invalid function pointer " + ptr + " called with signature '" + sig + "'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this). Build with ASSERTIONS=2 for more info.");
function callRuntimeCallbacks(callbacks) {
5 years ago
while (callbacks.length > 0) {
var callback = callbacks.shift();
if (typeof callback == "function") {
var func = callback.func;
if (typeof func === "number") {
if (callback.arg === undefined) {
} else {
Module["dynCall_vi"](func, callback.arg);
} else {
func(callback.arg === undefined ? null : callback.arg);
5 years ago
5 years ago
var __ATPRERUN__ = [];
var __ATINIT__ = [];
var __ATMAIN__ = [];
var __ATEXIT__ = [];
var __ATPOSTRUN__ = [];
var runtimeInitialized = false;
var runtimeExited = false;
5 years ago
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) runtimeInitialized = true;
function preRun() {
5 years ago
if (Module["preRun"]) {
if (typeof Module["preRun"] == "function") Module["preRun"] = [ Module["preRun"] ];
while (Module["preRun"].length) {
function initRuntime() {
5 years ago
runtimeInitialized = true;
if (!Module["noFSInit"] && !FS.init.initialized) FS.init();
function preMain() {
5 years ago
FS.ignorePermissions = false;
function exitRuntime() {
5 years ago
runtimeExited = true;
function postRun() {
5 years ago
if (Module["postRun"]) {
if (typeof Module["postRun"] == "function") Module["postRun"] = [ Module["postRun"] ];
while (Module["postRun"].length) {
function addOnPreRun(cb) {
5 years ago
function addOnInit(cb) {
5 years ago
function addOnPreMain(cb) {
5 years ago
5 years ago
function addOnExit(cb) {}
function addOnPostRun(cb) {
5 years ago
function unSign(value, bits, ignore) {
5 years ago
if (value >= 0) {
return value;
return bits <= 32 ? 2 * Math.abs(1 << bits - 1) + value : Math.pow(2, bits) + value;
function reSign(value, bits, ignore) {
5 years ago
if (value <= 0) {
return value;
5 years ago
var half = bits <= 32 ? Math.abs(1 << bits - 1) : Math.pow(2, bits - 1);
if (value >= half && (bits <= 32 || value > half)) {
value = -2 * half + value;
return value;
5 years ago
assert(Math.imul, "This browser does not support Math.imul(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill");
assert(Math.fround, "This browser does not support Math.fround(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill");
assert(Math.clz32, "This browser does not support Math.clz32(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill");
assert(Math.trunc, "This browser does not support Math.trunc(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill");
var Math_abs = Math.abs;
var Math_cos = Math.cos;
var Math_sin = Math.sin;
var Math_tan = Math.tan;
var Math_acos = Math.acos;
var Math_asin = Math.asin;
var Math_atan = Math.atan;
var Math_atan2 = Math.atan2;
var Math_exp = Math.exp;
var Math_log = Math.log;
var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var Math_ceil = Math.ceil;
var Math_floor = Math.floor;
var Math_pow = Math.pow;
var Math_imul = Math.imul;
var Math_fround = Math.fround;
var Math_round = Math.round;
var Math_min = Math.min;
var Math_max = Math.max;
var Math_clz32 = Math.clz32;
var Math_trunc = Math.trunc;
var runDependencies = 0;
var runDependencyWatcher = null;
5 years ago
var dependenciesFulfilled = null;
var runDependencyTracking = {};
function getUniqueRunDependency(id) {
5 years ago
var orig = id;
while (1) {
if (!runDependencyTracking[id]) return id;
id = orig + Math.random();
return id;
function addRunDependency(id) {
5 years ago
assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD, "addRunDependency cannot be used in a pthread worker");
if (Module["monitorRunDependencies"]) {
if (id) {
runDependencyTracking[id] = 1;
if (runDependencyWatcher === null && typeof setInterval !== "undefined") {
runDependencyWatcher = setInterval((function() {
if (ABORT) {
runDependencyWatcher = null;
5 years ago
var shown = false;
for (var dep in runDependencyTracking) {
if (!shown) {
shown = true;
err("still waiting on run dependencies:");
err("dependency: " + dep);
5 years ago
if (shown) {
err("(end of list)");
5 years ago
}), 1e4);
5 years ago
} else {
err("warning: run dependency added without ID");
5 years ago
function removeRunDependency(id) {
if (Module["monitorRunDependencies"]) {
if (id) {
delete runDependencyTracking[id];
} else {
err("warning: run dependency removed without ID");
if (runDependencies == 0) {
if (runDependencyWatcher !== null) {
runDependencyWatcher = null;
if (dependenciesFulfilled) {
var callback = dependenciesFulfilled;
dependenciesFulfilled = null;
Module["preloadedImages"] = {};
Module["preloadedAudios"] = {};
function abort(what) {
5 years ago
if (Module["onAbort"]) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) console.error("Pthread aborting at " + (new Error).stack);
what += "";
ABORT = true;
var output = "abort(" + what + ") at " + stackTrace();
what = output;
throw new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(what);
var memoryInitializer = null;
5 years ago
var dataURIPrefix = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,";
function isDataURI(filename) {
5 years ago
return String.prototype.startsWith ? filename.startsWith(dataURIPrefix) : filename.indexOf(dataURIPrefix) === 0;
5 years ago
var wasmBinaryFile = "x2t.wasm";
if (!isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile)) {
5 years ago
wasmBinaryFile = locateFile(wasmBinaryFile);
function getBinary() {
5 years ago
try {
if (wasmBinary) {
return new Uint8Array(wasmBinary);
5 years ago
if (readBinary) {
return readBinary(wasmBinaryFile);
} else {
throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed";
5 years ago
} catch (err) {
function getBinaryPromise() {
5 years ago
if (!wasmBinary && (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) && typeof fetch === "function") {
return fetch(wasmBinaryFile, {
credentials: "same-origin"
}).then((function(response) {
if (!response["ok"]) {
throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + wasmBinaryFile + "'";
return response["arrayBuffer"]();
})).catch((function() {
return getBinary();
return new Promise((function(resolve, reject) {
function createWasm() {
5 years ago
var info = {
"env": asmLibraryArg,
"wasi_unstable": asmLibraryArg
function receiveInstance(instance, module) {
var exports = instance.exports;
Module["asm"] = exports;
wasmModule = module;
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) removeRunDependency("wasm-instantiate");
var trueModule = Module;
function receiveInstantiatedSource(output) {
assert(Module === trueModule, "the Module object should not be replaced during async compilation - perhaps the order of HTML elements is wrong?");
trueModule = null;
receiveInstance(output["instance"], output["module"]);
function instantiateArrayBuffer(receiver) {
return getBinaryPromise().then((function(binary) {
return WebAssembly.instantiate(binary, info);
})).then(receiver, (function(reason) {
err("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: " + reason);
function instantiateAsync() {
if (!wasmBinary && typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming === "function" && !isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile) && typeof fetch === "function") {
fetch(wasmBinaryFile, {
credentials: "same-origin"
}).then((function(response) {
var result = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(response, info);
return result.then(receiveInstantiatedSource, (function(reason) {
err("wasm streaming compile failed: " + reason);
err("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation");
} else {
return instantiateArrayBuffer(receiveInstantiatedSource);
5 years ago
if (Module["instantiateWasm"]) {
try {
var exports = Module["instantiateWasm"](info, receiveInstance);
return exports;
} catch (e) {
err("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: " + e);
return false;
5 years ago
return {};
var tempDouble;
var tempI64;
var ASM_CONSTS = {
5 years ago
55680: (function() {
FS.mount(NODEFS, {
root: "."
}, "/working");
10774952: (function() {
throw "Canceled!";
10775091: (function() {
cmd: "processQueuedMainThreadWork"
10775142: (function($0) {
if (!PThread.pthreads[$0] || !PThread.pthreads[$0].worker) {
return 0;
cmd: "processThreadQueue"
} else {
targetThread: $0,
cmd: "processThreadQueue"
return 1;
10775510: (function() {
return !!Module["canvas"];
10775546: (function() {
noExitRuntime = true;
var _readAsmConstArgsArray = [];
function readAsmConstArgs(sigPtr, buf) {
5 years ago
var args = _readAsmConstArgsArray;
args.length = 0;
while (1) {
var ch = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_U8(sigPtr++ | 0);
if (!ch) return args;
if (ch === "d".charCodeAt(0) || ch === "f".charCodeAt(0)) {
buf = alignMemory(buf, 8);
args.push(GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_F64(buf | 0));
buf += 8;
} else if (ch === "i".charCodeAt(0)) {
buf = alignMemory(buf, 4);
args.push(GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(buf | 0));
buf += 4;
} else abort("unexpected char in asm const signature " + ch);
function _emscripten_asm_const_iii(code, sigPtr, argbuf) {
5 years ago
var args = readAsmConstArgs(sigPtr, argbuf);
return ASM_CONSTS[code].apply(null, args);
function initPthreadsJS() {
func: (function() {
function demangle(func) {
warnOnce("warning: build with -s DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1 to link in libcxxabi demangling");
return func;
Module["demangle"] = demangle;
function demangleAll(text) {
var regex = /\b_Z[\w\d_]+/g;
return text.replace(regex, (function(x) {
var y = demangle(x);
return x === y ? x : y + " [" + x + "]";
Module["demangleAll"] = demangleAll;
function jsStackTrace() {
var err = new Error;
if (!err.stack) {
try {
throw new Error(0);
} catch (e) {
err = e;
if (!err.stack) {
return "(no stack trace available)";
return err.stack.toString();
Module["jsStackTrace"] = jsStackTrace;
function stackTrace() {
var js = jsStackTrace();
if (Module["extraStackTrace"]) js += "\n" + Module["extraStackTrace"]();
return demangleAll(js);
Module["stackTrace"] = stackTrace;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE() {
err("missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE");
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE() {
err("missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE");
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE() {
err("missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE");
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE() {
err("missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE");
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE() {
err("missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE");
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb() {
err("missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb");
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb;
function __ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb() {
err("missing function: _ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb");
Module["__ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb"] = __ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb;
function __ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb() {
err("missing function: _ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb");
Module["__ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb"] = __ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb;
function __ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev() {
err("missing function: _ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev");
Module["__ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev"] = __ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev;
function __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv() {
err("missing function: _ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv");
Module["__ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv"] = __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv;
function __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_() {
err("missing function: _ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_");
Module["__ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_"] = __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_;
function __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE() {
err("missing function: _ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE");
Module["__ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE"] = __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE;
function __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev() {
err("missing function: _ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev");
Module["__ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev"] = __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev;
function __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_() {
err("missing function: _ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_");
Module["__ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_"] = __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_;
function __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb() {
err("missing function: _ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb");
Module["__ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb"] = __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb;
function __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev() {
err("missing function: _ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev");
Module["__ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev"] = __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev;
function __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev() {
err("missing function: _ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev");
Module["__ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev"] = __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev;
function __ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb() {
err("missing function: _ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb");
Module["__ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb"] = __ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb;
function __ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE() {
err("missing function: _ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE");
Module["__ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE"] = __ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE;
function __ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE() {
err("missing function: _ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE");
Module["__ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE"] = __ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE;
function __ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_() {
err("missing function: _ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_");
Module["__ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_"] = __ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_;
function __ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_() {
err("missing function: _ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_");
Module["__ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_"] = __ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_;
function __ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_() {
err("missing function: _ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_");
Module["__ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_"] = __ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_;
function __ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev() {
err("missing function: _ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev");
Module["__ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev"] = __ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev;
function __ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev() {
err("missing function: _ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev");
Module["__ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev"] = __ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev;
function __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv() {
err("missing function: _ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv");
Module["__ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv"] = __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv;
function __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReaderC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE() {
err("missing function: _ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReaderC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE");
Module["__ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReaderC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE"] = __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReaderC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE;
function ___assert_fail(condition, filename, line, func) {
abort("Assertion failed: " + UTF8ToString(condition) + ", at: " + [ filename ? UTF8ToString(filename) : "unknown filename", line, func ? UTF8ToString(func) : "unknown function" ]);
Module["___assert_fail"] = ___assert_fail;
var PROCINFO = {
ppid: 1,
pid: 42,
sid: 42,
pgid: 42
var __pthread_ptr = 0;
Module["__pthread_ptr"] = __pthread_ptr;
var __pthread_is_main_runtime_thread = 0;
Module["__pthread_is_main_runtime_thread"] = __pthread_is_main_runtime_thread;
var __pthread_is_main_browser_thread = 0;
Module["__pthread_is_main_browser_thread"] = __pthread_is_main_browser_thread;
function __register_pthread_ptr(pthreadPtr, isMainBrowserThread, isMainRuntimeThread) {
pthreadPtr = pthreadPtr | 0;
isMainBrowserThread = isMainBrowserThread | 0;
isMainRuntimeThread = isMainRuntimeThread | 0;
__pthread_ptr = pthreadPtr;
__pthread_is_main_browser_thread = isMainBrowserThread;
__pthread_is_main_runtime_thread = isMainRuntimeThread;
Module["__register_pthread_ptr"] = __register_pthread_ptr;
EPERM: 63,
ESRCH: 71,
EINTR: 27,
EIO: 29,
ENXIO: 60,
E2BIG: 1,
EBUSY: 10,
EXDEV: 75,
EFBIG: 22,
EROFS: 69,
EPIPE: 64,
EDOM: 18,
EIDRM: 24,
ECHRNG: 106,
EL2NSYNC: 156,
EL3HLT: 107,
EL3RST: 108,
ELNRNG: 109,
ENOCSI: 111,
EL2HLT: 112,
EBADE: 113,
EBADR: 114,
EXFULL: 115,
ENOANO: 104,
EBFONT: 101,
ENOSTR: 100,
ETIME: 117,
ENOSR: 118,
ENONET: 119,
ENOPKG: 120,
EADV: 122,
ESRMNT: 123,
ECOMM: 124,
EBADFD: 127,
ELOOP: 32,
EUSERS: 136,
var __main_thread_futex_wait_address = 12595904;
Module["__main_thread_futex_wait_address"] = __main_thread_futex_wait_address;
function _emscripten_futex_wake(addr, count) {
if (addr <= 0 || addr > HEAP8.length || addr & 3 != 0 || count < 0) return -28;
if (count == 0) return 0;
if (count >= 2147483647) count = Infinity;
var mainThreadWaitAddress = Atomics.load(HEAP32, __main_thread_futex_wait_address >> 2);
var mainThreadWoken = 0;
if (mainThreadWaitAddress == addr) {
var loadedAddr = Atomics.compareExchange(HEAP32, __main_thread_futex_wait_address >> 2, mainThreadWaitAddress, 0);
if (loadedAddr == mainThreadWaitAddress) {
mainThreadWoken = 1;
if (count <= 0) return 1;
var ret = Atomics.notify(HEAP32, addr >> 2, count);
if (ret >= 0) return ret + mainThreadWoken;
throw "Atomics.notify returned an unexpected value " + ret;
Module["_emscripten_futex_wake"] = _emscripten_futex_wake;
function __kill_thread(pthread_ptr) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw "Internal Error! _kill_thread() can only ever be called from main application thread!";
if (!pthread_ptr) throw "Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in _kill_thread!";
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(pthread_ptr + 24 | 0, 0);
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr];
PThread.runningWorkers.splice(PThread.runningWorkers.indexOf(pthread.worker), 1);
pthread.worker.pthread = undefined;
Module["__kill_thread"] = __kill_thread;
function __cancel_thread(pthread_ptr) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw "Internal Error! _cancel_thread() can only ever be called from main application thread!";
if (!pthread_ptr) throw "Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in _cancel_thread!";
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr];
"cmd": "cancel"
Module["__cancel_thread"] = __cancel_thread;
function __cleanup_thread(pthread_ptr) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw "Internal Error! _cleanup_thread() can only ever be called from main application thread!";
if (!pthread_ptr) throw "Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in _cleanup_thread!";
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(pthread_ptr + 24 | 0, 0);
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr];
if (pthread) {
var worker = pthread.worker;
Module["__cleanup_thread"] = __cleanup_thread;
var PThread = {
mainThreadInfo: {
schedPolicy: 0,
schedPrio: 0
preallocatedWorkers: [],
unusedWorkers: [],
runningWorkers: [],
initRuntime: (function() {
__register_pthread_ptr(PThread.mainThreadBlock, !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER, 1);
initMainThreadBlock: (function() {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return undefined;
PThread.mainThreadBlock = 12595120;
for (var i = 0; i < 244 / 4; ++i) GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32((PThread.mainThreadBlock / 4 + i) * 4 | 0, 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(PThread.mainThreadBlock + 24 | 0, PThread.mainThreadBlock);
var headPtr = PThread.mainThreadBlock + 168;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(headPtr | 0, headPtr);
var tlsMemory = 12595376;
for (var i = 0; i < 128; ++i) GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32((tlsMemory / 4 + i) * 4 | 0, 0);, PThread.mainThreadBlock + 116 >> 2, tlsMemory);, PThread.mainThreadBlock + 52 >> 2, PThread.mainThreadBlock);, PThread.mainThreadBlock + 56 >> 2,;
initWorker: (function() {}),
pthreads: {},
exitHandlers: null,
setThreadStatus: (function() {}),
runExitHandlers: (function() {
if (PThread.exitHandlers !== null) {
while (PThread.exitHandlers.length > 0) {
PThread.exitHandlers = null;
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD && threadInfoStruct) ___pthread_tsd_run_dtors();
threadExit: (function(exitCode) {
var tb = _pthread_self();
if (tb) {, tb + 4 >> 2, exitCode);, tb + 0 >> 2, 1);, tb + 72 >> 2, 1);, tb + 76 >> 2, 0);
_emscripten_futex_wake(tb + 0, 2147483647);
__register_pthread_ptr(0, 0, 0);
threadInfoStruct = 0;
"cmd": "exit"
threadCancel: (function() {
PThread.runExitHandlers();, threadInfoStruct + 4 >> 2, -1);, threadInfoStruct + 0 >> 2, 1);
_emscripten_futex_wake(threadInfoStruct + 0, 2147483647);
threadInfoStruct = selfThreadId = 0;
__register_pthread_ptr(0, 0, 0);
"cmd": "cancelDone"
terminateAllThreads: (function() {
for (var t in PThread.pthreads) {
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[t];
if (pthread && pthread.worker) {
PThread.pthreads = {};
for (var i = 0; i < PThread.preallocatedWorkers.length; ++i) {
var worker = PThread.preallocatedWorkers[i];
PThread.preallocatedWorkers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < PThread.unusedWorkers.length; ++i) {
var worker = PThread.unusedWorkers[i];
PThread.unusedWorkers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < PThread.runningWorkers.length; ++i) {
var worker = PThread.runningWorkers[i];
var pthread = worker.pthread;
assert(pthread, "This Worker should have a pthread it is executing");
PThread.runningWorkers = [];
freeThreadData: (function(pthread) {
if (!pthread) return;
if (pthread.threadInfoStruct) {
var tlsMemory = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(pthread.threadInfoStruct + 116 | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(pthread.threadInfoStruct + 116 | 0, 0);
pthread.threadInfoStruct = 0;
if (pthread.allocatedOwnStack && pthread.stackBase) _free(pthread.stackBase);
pthread.stackBase = 0;
if (pthread.worker) pthread.worker.pthread = null;
returnWorkerToPool: (function(worker) {
delete PThread.pthreads[worker.pthread.thread];
PThread.runningWorkers.splice(PThread.runningWorkers.indexOf(worker), 1);
worker.pthread = undefined;
receiveObjectTransfer: (function(data) {}),
allocateUnusedWorkers: (function(numWorkers, onFinishedLoading) {
if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer === "undefined") return;
var workers = [];
var numWorkersToCreate = numWorkers;
if (PThread.preallocatedWorkers.length > 0) {
var workersUsed = Math.min(PThread.preallocatedWorkers.length, numWorkers);
workers = workers.concat(PThread.preallocatedWorkers.splice(0, workersUsed));
numWorkersToCreate -= workersUsed;
if (numWorkersToCreate > 0) {
workers = workers.concat(PThread.createNewWorkers(numWorkersToCreate));
PThread.attachListenerToWorkers(workers, onFinishedLoading);
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
var worker = workers[i];
"cmd": "load",
"urlOrBlob": Module["mainScriptUrlOrBlob"] || _scriptDir,
"wasmMemory": wasmMemory,
"wasmModule": wasmModule,
attachListenerToWorkers: (function(workers, onFinishedLoading) {
var numWorkersLoaded = 0;
var numWorkers = workers.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
var worker = workers[i];
((function(worker) {
worker.onmessage = (function(e) {
var d = e["data"];
var cmd = d["cmd"];
if (worker.pthread) PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = worker.pthread.threadInfoStruct;
if (d["targetThread"] && d["targetThread"] != _pthread_self()) {
var thread = PThread.pthreads[d.targetThread];
if (thread) {
thread.worker.postMessage(, d["transferList"]);
} else {
console.error('Internal error! Worker sent a message "' + cmd + '" to target pthread ' + d["targetThread"] + ", but that thread no longer exists!");
PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = undefined;
if (cmd === "processQueuedMainThreadWork") {
} else if (cmd === "spawnThread") {
} else if (cmd === "cleanupThread") {
} else if (cmd === "killThread") {
} else if (cmd === "cancelThread") {
} else if (cmd === "loaded") {
worker.loaded = true;
if (worker.runPthread) {
delete worker.runPthread;
if (numWorkersLoaded === numWorkers && onFinishedLoading) {
} else if (cmd === "print") {
out("Thread " + d["threadId"] + ": " + d["text"]);
} else if (cmd === "printErr") {
err("Thread " + d["threadId"] + ": " + d["text"]);
} else if (cmd === "alert") {
alert("Thread " + d["threadId"] + ": " + d["text"]);
} else if (cmd === "exit") {
var detached = worker.pthread && Atomics.load(HEAPU32, worker.pthread.thread + 80 >> 2);
if (detached) {
} else if (cmd === "exitProcess") {
noExitRuntime = false;
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ExitStatus) return;
throw e;
} else if (cmd === "cancelDone") {
} else if (cmd === "objectTransfer") {
} else if ( === "setimmediate") {
} else {
err("worker sent an unknown command " + cmd);
PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = undefined;
worker.onerror = (function(e) {
err("pthread sent an error! " + e.filename + ":" + e.lineno + ": " + e.message);
worker.on("message", (function(data) {
data: data
worker.on("error", (function(data) {
worker.on("exit", (function(data) {
console.log("worker exited - TODO: update the worker queue?");
5 years ago
createNewWorkers: (function(numWorkers) {
if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer === "undefined") return [];
var pthreadMainJs = "x2t.worker.js";
pthreadMainJs = locateFile(pthreadMainJs);
var newWorkers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
newWorkers.push(new Worker(pthreadMainJs));
return newWorkers;
getNewWorker: (function() {
if (PThread.unusedWorkers.length == 0) PThread.allocateUnusedWorkers(1);
if (PThread.unusedWorkers.length > 0) return PThread.unusedWorkers.pop(); else return null;
busySpinWait: (function(msecs) {
var t = + msecs;
while ( < t) {
Module["PThread"] = PThread;
function ___call_main(argc, argv) {
var returnCode = _main(argc, argv);
if (!noExitRuntime) postMessage({
"cmd": "exitProcess",
"returnCode": returnCode
return returnCode;
Module["___call_main"] = ___call_main;
function _emscripten_get_now() {
Module["_emscripten_get_now"] = _emscripten_get_now;
function _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic() {
return 0 || ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE || typeof dateNow !== "undefined" || typeof performance === "object" && performance && typeof performance["now"] === "function";
Module["_emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic"] = _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic;
function ___setErrNo(value) {
if (Module["___errno_location"]) GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(Module["___errno_location"]() | 0, value); else err("failed to set errno from JS");
return value;
Module["___setErrNo"] = ___setErrNo;
function _clock_gettime(clk_id, tp) {
var now;
if (clk_id === 0) {
now =;
} else if (clk_id === 1 && _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic()) {
now = _emscripten_get_now();
} else {
return -1;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tp | 0, now / 1e3 | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tp + 4 | 0, now % 1e3 * 1e3 * 1e3 | 0);
return 0;
Module["_clock_gettime"] = _clock_gettime;
function ___clock_gettime(a0, a1) {
return _clock_gettime(a0, a1);
Module["___clock_gettime"] = ___clock_gettime;
function ___cxa_allocate_exception(size) {
return _malloc(size);
Module["___cxa_allocate_exception"] = ___cxa_allocate_exception;
function _atexit(func, arg) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(1, 1, func, arg);
warnOnce("atexit() called, but EXIT_RUNTIME is not set, so atexits() will not be called. set EXIT_RUNTIME to 1 (see the FAQ)");
func: func,
arg: arg
Module["_atexit"] = _atexit;
function ___cxa_atexit() {
return _atexit.apply(null, arguments);
Module["___cxa_atexit"] = ___cxa_atexit;
var ___exception_caught = [];
Module["___exception_caught"] = ___exception_caught;
var ___exception_infos = {};
Module["___exception_infos"] = ___exception_infos;
function ___exception_deAdjust(adjusted) {
if (!adjusted || ___exception_infos[adjusted]) return adjusted;
for (var key in ___exception_infos) {
var ptr = +key;
var adj = ___exception_infos[ptr].adjusted;
var len = adj.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (adj[i] === adjusted) {
return ptr;
return adjusted;
Module["___exception_deAdjust"] = ___exception_deAdjust;
var ___exception_last = 0;
Module["___exception_last"] = ___exception_last;
function ___cxa_rethrow() {
var ptr = ___exception_caught.pop();
ptr = ___exception_deAdjust(ptr);
if (!___exception_infos[ptr].rethrown) {
___exception_infos[ptr].rethrown = true;
___exception_last = ptr;
throw ptr + " - Exception catching is disabled, this exception cannot be caught. Compile with -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 or DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=2 to catch.";
Module["___cxa_rethrow"] = ___cxa_rethrow;
function ___cxa_throw(ptr, type, destructor) {
___exception_infos[ptr] = {
ptr: ptr,
adjusted: [ ptr ],
type: type,
destructor: destructor,
refcount: 0,
caught: false,
rethrown: false
___exception_last = ptr;
if (!("uncaught_exception" in __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv)) {
__ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv.uncaught_exceptions = 1;
} else {
throw ptr + " - Exception catching is disabled, this exception cannot be caught. Compile with -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 or DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=2 to catch.";
Module["___cxa_throw"] = ___cxa_throw;
function ___lock() {}
Module["___lock"] = ___lock;
function ___map_file(pathname, size) {
return -1;
Module["___map_file"] = ___map_file;
var PATH = {
splitPath: (function(filename) {
var splitPathRe = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/;
return splitPathRe.exec(filename).slice(1);
normalizeArray: (function(parts, allowAboveRoot) {
var up = 0;
for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var last = parts[i];
if (last === ".") {
parts.splice(i, 1);
} else if (last === "..") {
parts.splice(i, 1);
} else if (up) {
parts.splice(i, 1);
if (allowAboveRoot) {
for (; up; up--) {
return parts;
normalize: (function(path) {
var isAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === "/", trailingSlash = path.substr(-1) === "/";
path = PATH.normalizeArray(path.split("/").filter((function(p) {
return !!p;
})), !isAbsolute).join("/");
if (!path && !isAbsolute) {
path = ".";
if (path && trailingSlash) {
path += "/";
return (isAbsolute ? "/" : "") + path;
dirname: (function(path) {
var result = PATH.splitPath(path), root = result[0], dir = result[1];
if (!root && !dir) {
return ".";
if (dir) {
dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1);
return root + dir;
basename: (function(path) {
if (path === "/") return "/";
var lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/");
if (lastSlash === -1) return path;
return path.substr(lastSlash + 1);
extname: (function(path) {
return PATH.splitPath(path)[3];
join: (function() {
var paths =, 0);
return PATH.normalize(paths.join("/"));
join2: (function(l, r) {
return PATH.normalize(l + "/" + r);
Module["PATH"] = PATH;
var PATH_FS = {
resolve: (function() {
var resolvedPath = "", resolvedAbsolute = false;
for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
var path = i >= 0 ? arguments[i] : FS.cwd();
if (typeof path !== "string") {
throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.resolve must be strings");
} else if (!path) {
return "";
resolvedPath = path + "/" + resolvedPath;
resolvedAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === "/";
resolvedPath = PATH.normalizeArray(resolvedPath.split("/").filter((function(p) {
return !!p;
})), !resolvedAbsolute).join("/");
return (resolvedAbsolute ? "/" : "") + resolvedPath || ".";
relative: (function(from, to) {
from = PATH_FS.resolve(from).substr(1);
to = PATH_FS.resolve(to).substr(1);
function trim(arr) {
var start = 0;
for (; start < arr.length; start++) {
if (arr[start] !== "") break;
var end = arr.length - 1;
for (; end >= 0; end--) {
if (arr[end] !== "") break;
if (start > end) return [];
return arr.slice(start, end - start + 1);
var fromParts = trim(from.split("/"));
var toParts = trim(to.split("/"));
var length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length);
var samePartsLength = length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) {
samePartsLength = i;
var outputParts = [];
for (var i = samePartsLength; i < fromParts.length; i++) {
outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength));
return outputParts.join("/");
Module["PATH_FS"] = PATH_FS;
var TTY = {
ttys: [],
init: (function() {}),
shutdown: (function() {}),
register: (function(dev, ops) {
TTY.ttys[dev] = {
input: [],
output: [],
ops: ops
FS.registerDevice(dev, TTY.stream_ops);
stream_ops: {
open: (function(stream) {
var tty = TTY.ttys[stream.node.rdev];
if (!tty) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
stream.tty = tty;
stream.seekable = false;
close: (function(stream) {
flush: (function(stream) {
read: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) {
if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.get_char) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(60);
var bytesRead = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var result;
try {
result = stream.tty.ops.get_char(stream.tty);
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
5 years ago
if (result === undefined && bytesRead === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(6);
5 years ago
if (result === null || result === undefined) break;
buffer[offset + i] = result;
if (bytesRead) {
stream.node.timestamp =;
return bytesRead;
write: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) {
if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.put_char) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(60);
try {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
stream.tty.ops.put_char(stream.tty, buffer[offset + i]);
5 years ago
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
if (length) {
stream.node.timestamp =;
return i;
default_tty_ops: {
get_char: (function(tty) {
if (!tty.input.length) {
var result = null;
var BUFSIZE = 256;
var buf = Buffer.alloc ? Buffer.alloc(BUFSIZE) : new Buffer(BUFSIZE);
var bytesRead = 0;
try {
bytesRead = nodeFS.readSync(process.stdin.fd, buf, 0, BUFSIZE, null);
} catch (e) {
if (e.toString().indexOf("EOF") != -1) bytesRead = 0; else throw e;
if (bytesRead > 0) {
result = buf.slice(0, bytesRead).toString("utf-8");
} else {
result = null;
} else if (typeof window != "undefined" && typeof window.prompt == "function") {
result = window.prompt("Input: ");
if (result !== null) {
result += "\n";
} else if (typeof readline == "function") {
result = readline();
if (result !== null) {
result += "\n";
if (!result) {
return null;
tty.input = intArrayFromString(result, true);
return tty.input.shift();
put_char: (function(tty, val) {
if (val === null || val === 10) {
out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
} else {
if (val != 0) tty.output.push(val);
flush: (function(tty) {
if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) {
out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
default_tty1_ops: {
put_char: (function(tty, val) {
if (val === null || val === 10) {
err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
} else {
if (val != 0) tty.output.push(val);
flush: (function(tty) {
if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) {
err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
Module["TTY"] = TTY;
var MEMFS = {
ops_table: null,
mount: (function(mount) {
return MEMFS.createNode(null, "/", 16384 | 511, 0);
createNode: (function(parent, name, mode, dev) {
if (FS.isBlkdev(mode) || FS.isFIFO(mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (!MEMFS.ops_table) {
MEMFS.ops_table = {
dir: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr,
lookup: MEMFS.node_ops.lookup,
mknod: MEMFS.node_ops.mknod,
rename: MEMFS.node_ops.rename,
unlink: MEMFS.node_ops.unlink,
rmdir: MEMFS.node_ops.rmdir,
readdir: MEMFS.node_ops.readdir,
symlink: MEMFS.node_ops.symlink
stream: {
llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek
file: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr
stream: {
llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek,
write: MEMFS.stream_ops.write,
allocate: MEMFS.stream_ops.allocate,
mmap: MEMFS.stream_ops.mmap,
msync: MEMFS.stream_ops.msync
link: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr,
readlink: MEMFS.node_ops.readlink
stream: {}
chrdev: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr
stream: FS.chrdev_stream_ops
var node = FS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev);
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.dir.node;
node.stream_ops =;
node.contents = {};
} else if (FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.file.node;
node.stream_ops =;
node.usedBytes = 0;
node.contents = null;
} else if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops =;
node.stream_ops =;
} else if (FS.isChrdev(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.chrdev.node;
node.stream_ops =;
node.timestamp =;
if (parent) {
parent.contents[name] = node;
return node;
getFileDataAsRegularArray: (function(node) {
if (node.contents && node.contents.subarray) {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < node.usedBytes; ++i) arr.push(node.contents[i]);
return arr;
return node.contents;
getFileDataAsTypedArray: (function(node) {
if (!node.contents) return new Uint8Array;
if (node.contents.subarray) return node.contents.subarray(0, node.usedBytes);
return new Uint8Array(node.contents);
expandFileStorage: (function(node, newCapacity) {
var prevCapacity = node.contents ? node.contents.length : 0;
if (prevCapacity >= newCapacity) return;
var CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX = 1024 * 1024;
newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, prevCapacity * (prevCapacity < CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX ? 2 : 1.125) | 0);
if (prevCapacity != 0) newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, 256);
var oldContents = node.contents;
node.contents = new Uint8Array(newCapacity);
if (node.usedBytes > 0) node.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, node.usedBytes), 0);
resizeFileStorage: (function(node, newSize) {
if (node.usedBytes == newSize) return;
if (newSize == 0) {
node.contents = null;
node.usedBytes = 0;
if (!node.contents || node.contents.subarray) {
var oldContents = node.contents;
node.contents = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(newSize));
if (oldContents) {
node.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, Math.min(newSize, node.usedBytes)));
node.usedBytes = newSize;
if (!node.contents) node.contents = [];
if (node.contents.length > newSize) node.contents.length = newSize; else while (node.contents.length < newSize) node.contents.push(0);
node.usedBytes = newSize;
node_ops: {
getattr: (function(node) {
var attr = {}; = FS.isChrdev(node.mode) ? : 1;
attr.ino =;
attr.mode = node.mode;
attr.nlink = 1;
attr.uid = 0;
attr.gid = 0;
attr.rdev = node.rdev;
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
attr.size = 4096;
} else if (FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
attr.size = node.usedBytes;
} else if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
attr.size =;
} else {
attr.size = 0;
attr.atime = new Date(node.timestamp);
attr.mtime = new Date(node.timestamp);
attr.ctime = new Date(node.timestamp);
attr.blksize = 4096;
attr.blocks = Math.ceil(attr.size / attr.blksize);
return attr;
setattr: (function(node, attr) {
if (attr.mode !== undefined) {
node.mode = attr.mode;
if (attr.timestamp !== undefined) {
node.timestamp = attr.timestamp;
if (attr.size !== undefined) {
MEMFS.resizeFileStorage(node, attr.size);
lookup: (function(parent, name) {
throw FS.genericErrors[44];
mknod: (function(parent, name, mode, dev) {
return MEMFS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev);
rename: (function(old_node, new_dir, new_name) {
if (FS.isDir(old_node.mode)) {
var new_node;
try {
new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name);
} catch (e) {}
if (new_node) {
for (var i in new_node.contents) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
delete old_node.parent.contents[]; = new_name;
new_dir.contents[new_name] = old_node;
old_node.parent = new_dir;
unlink: (function(parent, name) {
delete parent.contents[name];
rmdir: (function(parent, name) {
var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name);
for (var i in node.contents) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
delete parent.contents[name];
readdir: (function(node) {
var entries = [ ".", ".." ];
for (var key in node.contents) {
if (!node.contents.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return entries;
symlink: (function(parent, newname, oldpath) {
var node = MEMFS.createNode(parent, newname, 511 | 40960, 0); = oldpath;
return node;
readlink: (function(node) {
if (!FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
stream_ops: {
read: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
var contents = stream.node.contents;
if (position >= stream.node.usedBytes) return 0;
var size = Math.min(stream.node.usedBytes - position, length);
assert(size >= 0);
if (size > 8 && contents.subarray) {
buffer.set(contents.subarray(position, position + size), offset);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) buffer[offset + i] = contents[position + i];
return size;
write: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn) {
assert(!(buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer));
if (buffer.buffer === HEAP8.buffer) {
if (canOwn) {
warnOnce("file packager has copied file data into memory, but in memory growth we are forced to copy it again (see --no-heap-copy)");
canOwn = false;
if (!length) return 0;
var node = stream.node;
node.timestamp =;
if (buffer.subarray && (!node.contents || node.contents.subarray)) {
if (canOwn) {
assert(position === 0, "canOwn must imply no weird position inside the file");
node.contents = buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length);
node.usedBytes = length;
return length;
} else if (node.usedBytes === 0 && position === 0) {
node.contents = new Uint8Array(buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length));
node.usedBytes = length;
return length;
} else if (position + length <= node.usedBytes) {
node.contents.set(buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length), position);
return length;
MEMFS.expandFileStorage(node, position + length);
if (node.contents.subarray && buffer.subarray) node.contents.set(buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length), position); else {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
node.contents[position + i] = buffer[offset + i];
node.usedBytes = Math.max(node.usedBytes, position + length);
return length;
llseek: (function(stream, offset, whence) {
var position = offset;
if (whence === 1) {
position += stream.position;
} else if (whence === 2) {
if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
position += stream.node.usedBytes;
if (position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
return position;
allocate: (function(stream, offset, length) {
MEMFS.expandFileStorage(stream.node, offset + length);
stream.node.usedBytes = Math.max(stream.node.usedBytes, offset + length);
mmap: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, prot, flags) {
assert(!(buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer));
if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
var ptr;
var allocated;
var contents = stream.node.contents;
if (!(flags & 2) && contents.buffer === buffer.buffer) {
allocated = false;
ptr = contents.byteOffset;
} else {
if (position > 0 || position + length < stream.node.usedBytes) {
if (contents.subarray) {
contents = contents.subarray(position, position + length);
} else {
contents =, position, position + length);
allocated = true;
var fromHeap = buffer.buffer == HEAP8.buffer;
ptr = _malloc(length);
if (!ptr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(48);
(fromHeap ? HEAP8 : buffer).set(contents, ptr);
return {
ptr: ptr,
allocated: allocated
msync: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags) {
if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
if (mmapFlags & 2) {
return 0;
var bytesWritten = MEMFS.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer, 0, length, offset, false);
return 0;
Module["MEMFS"] = MEMFS;
var NODEFS = {
isWindows: false,
staticInit: (function() {
NODEFS.isWindows = !!process.platform.match(/^win/);
var flags = process["binding"]("constants");
if (flags["fs"]) {
flags = flags["fs"];
NODEFS.flagsForNodeMap = {
"1024": flags["O_APPEND"],
"64": flags["O_CREAT"],
"128": flags["O_EXCL"],
"0": flags["O_RDONLY"],
"2": flags["O_RDWR"],
"4096": flags["O_SYNC"],
"512": flags["O_TRUNC"],
"1": flags["O_WRONLY"]
bufferFrom: (function(arrayBuffer) {
return Buffer["alloc"] ? Buffer.from(arrayBuffer) : new Buffer(arrayBuffer);
convertNodeCode: (function(e) {
var code = e.code;
assert(code in ERRNO_CODES);
return ERRNO_CODES[code];
mount: (function(mount) {
return NODEFS.createNode(null, "/", NODEFS.getMode(mount.opts.root), 0);
createNode: (function(parent, name, mode, dev) {
if (!FS.isDir(mode) && !FS.isFile(mode) && !FS.isLink(mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var node = FS.createNode(parent, name, mode);
node.node_ops = NODEFS.node_ops;
node.stream_ops = NODEFS.stream_ops;
return node;
getMode: (function(path) {
var stat;
try {
stat = fs.lstatSync(path);
if (NODEFS.isWindows) {
stat.mode = stat.mode | (stat.mode & 292) >> 2;
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
return stat.mode;
realPath: (function(node) {
var parts = [];
while (node.parent !== node) {
node = node.parent;
return PATH.join.apply(null, parts);
flagsForNode: (function(flags) {
flags &= ~2097152;
flags &= ~2048;
flags &= ~32768;
flags &= ~524288;
var newFlags = 0;
for (var k in NODEFS.flagsForNodeMap) {
if (flags & k) {
newFlags |= NODEFS.flagsForNodeMap[k];
flags ^= k;
if (!flags) {
return newFlags;
} else {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
node_ops: {
getattr: (function(node) {
var path = NODEFS.realPath(node);
var stat;
try {
stat = fs.lstatSync(path);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
if (NODEFS.isWindows && !stat.blksize) {
stat.blksize = 4096;
if (NODEFS.isWindows && !stat.blocks) {
stat.blocks = (stat.size + stat.blksize - 1) / stat.blksize | 0;
return {
ino: stat.ino,
mode: stat.mode,
nlink: stat.nlink,
uid: stat.uid,
gid: stat.gid,
rdev: stat.rdev,
size: stat.size,
atime: stat.atime,
mtime: stat.mtime,
ctime: stat.ctime,
blksize: stat.blksize,
blocks: stat.blocks
setattr: (function(node, attr) {
var path = NODEFS.realPath(node);
try {
if (attr.mode !== undefined) {
fs.chmodSync(path, attr.mode);
node.mode = attr.mode;
if (attr.timestamp !== undefined) {
var date = new Date(attr.timestamp);
fs.utimesSync(path, date, date);
if (attr.size !== undefined) {
fs.truncateSync(path, attr.size);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
lookup: (function(parent, name) {
var path = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), name);
var mode = NODEFS.getMode(path);
return NODEFS.createNode(parent, name, mode);
mknod: (function(parent, name, mode, dev) {
var node = NODEFS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev);
var path = NODEFS.realPath(node);
try {
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
fs.mkdirSync(path, node.mode);
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(path, "", {
mode: node.mode
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
return node;
rename: (function(oldNode, newDir, newName) {
var oldPath = NODEFS.realPath(oldNode);
var newPath = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(newDir), newName);
try {
fs.renameSync(oldPath, newPath);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
unlink: (function(parent, name) {
var path = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), name);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
rmdir: (function(parent, name) {
var path = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), name);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
readdir: (function(node) {
var path = NODEFS.realPath(node);
try {
return fs.readdirSync(path);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
symlink: (function(parent, newName, oldPath) {
var newPath = PATH.join2(NODEFS.realPath(parent), newName);
try {
fs.symlinkSync(oldPath, newPath);
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
readlink: (function(node) {
var path = NODEFS.realPath(node);
try {
path = fs.readlinkSync(path);
path = NODEJS_PATH.relative(NODEJS_PATH.resolve(node.mount.opts.root), path);
return path;
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
stream_ops: {
open: (function(stream) {
var path = NODEFS.realPath(stream.node);
try {
if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
stream.nfd = fs.openSync(path, NODEFS.flagsForNode(stream.flags));
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
close: (function(stream) {
try {
if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode) && stream.nfd) {
} catch (e) {
if (!e.code) throw e;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
read: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
if (length === 0) return 0;
try {
return fs.readSync(stream.nfd, NODEFS.bufferFrom(buffer.buffer), offset, length, position);
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
write: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
try {
return fs.writeSync(stream.nfd, NODEFS.bufferFrom(buffer.buffer), offset, length, position);
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
llseek: (function(stream, offset, whence) {
var position = offset;
if (whence === 1) {
position += stream.position;
} else if (whence === 2) {
if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
try {
var stat = fs.fstatSync(stream.nfd);
position += stat.size;
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(NODEFS.convertNodeCode(e));
if (position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
return position;
Module["NODEFS"] = NODEFS;
0: "Success",
1: "Arg list too long",
2: "Permission denied",
3: "Address already in use",
4: "Address not available",
5: "Address family not supported by protocol family",
6: "No more processes",
7: "Socket already connected",
8: "Bad file number",
9: "Trying to read unreadable message",
10: "Mount device busy",
11: "Operation canceled",
12: "No children",
13: "Connection aborted",
14: "Connection refused",
15: "Connection reset by peer",
16: "File locking deadlock error",
17: "Destination address required",
18: "Math arg out of domain of func",
19: "Quota exceeded",
20: "File exists",
21: "Bad address",
22: "File too large",
23: "Host is unreachable",
24: "Identifier removed",
25: "Illegal byte sequence",
26: "Connection already in progress",
27: "Interrupted system call",
28: "Invalid argument",
29: "I/O error",
30: "Socket is already connected",
31: "Is a directory",
32: "Too many symbolic links",
33: "Too many open files",
34: "Too many links",
35: "Message too long",
36: "Multihop attempted",
37: "File or path name too long",
38: "Network interface is not configured",
39: "Connection reset by network",
40: "Network is unreachable",
41: "Too many open files in system",
42: "No buffer space available",
43: "No such device",
44: "No such file or directory",
45: "Exec format error",
46: "No record locks available",
47: "The link has been severed",
48: "Not enough core",
49: "No message of desired type",
50: "Protocol not available",
51: "No space left on device",
52: "Function not implemented",
53: "Socket is not connected",
54: "Not a directory",
55: "Directory not empty",
56: "State not recoverable",
57: "Socket operation on non-socket",
59: "Not a typewriter",
60: "No such device or address",
61: "Value too large for defined data type",
62: "Previous owner died",
63: "Not super-user",
64: "Broken pipe",
65: "Protocol error",
66: "Unknown protocol",
67: "Protocol wrong type for socket",
68: "Math result not representable",
69: "Read only file system",
70: "Illegal seek",
71: "No such process",
72: "Stale file handle",
73: "Connection timed out",
74: "Text file busy",
75: "Cross-device link",
100: "Device not a stream",
101: "Bad font file fmt",
102: "Invalid slot",
103: "Invalid request code",
104: "No anode",
105: "Block device required",
106: "Channel number out of range",
107: "Level 3 halted",
108: "Level 3 reset",
109: "Link number out of range",
110: "Protocol driver not attached",
111: "No CSI structure available",
112: "Level 2 halted",
113: "Invalid exchange",
114: "Invalid request descriptor",
115: "Exchange full",
116: "No data (for no delay io)",
117: "Timer expired",
118: "Out of streams resources",
119: "Machine is not on the network",
120: "Package not installed",
121: "The object is remote",
122: "Advertise error",
123: "Srmount error",
124: "Communication error on send",
125: "Cross mount point (not really error)",
126: "Given log. name not unique",
127: "f.d. invalid for this operation",
128: "Remote address changed",
129: "Can access a needed shared lib",
130: "Accessing a corrupted shared lib",
131: ".lib section in a.out corrupted",
132: "Attempting to link in too many libs",
133: "Attempting to exec a shared library",
135: "Streams pipe error",
136: "Too many users",
137: "Socket type not supported",
138: "Not supported",
139: "Protocol family not supported",
140: "Can't send after socket shutdown",
141: "Too many references",
142: "Host is down",
148: "No medium (in tape drive)",
156: "Level 2 not synchronized"
var FS = {
root: null,
mounts: [],
devices: {},
streams: [],
nextInode: 1,
nameTable: null,
currentPath: "/",
initialized: false,
ignorePermissions: true,
trackingDelegate: {},
tracking: {
openFlags: {
READ: 1,
ErrnoError: null,
genericErrors: {},
filesystems: null,
syncFSRequests: 0,
handleFSError: (function(e) {
if (!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e + " : " + stackTrace();
return ___setErrNo(e.errno);
lookupPath: (function(path, opts) {
path = PATH_FS.resolve(FS.cwd(), path);
opts = opts || {};
if (!path) return {
path: "",
node: null
var defaults = {
follow_mount: true,
recurse_count: 0
for (var key in defaults) {
if (opts[key] === undefined) {
opts[key] = defaults[key];
if (opts.recurse_count > 8) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(32);
var parts = PATH.normalizeArray(path.split("/").filter((function(p) {
return !!p;
})), false);
var current = FS.root;
var current_path = "/";
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var islast = i === parts.length - 1;
if (islast && opts.parent) {
current = FS.lookupNode(current, parts[i]);
current_path = PATH.join2(current_path, parts[i]);
if (FS.isMountpoint(current)) {
if (!islast || islast && opts.follow_mount) {
current = current.mounted.root;
if (!islast || opts.follow) {
var count = 0;
while (FS.isLink(current.mode)) {
var link = FS.readlink(current_path);
current_path = PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.dirname(current_path), link);
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(current_path, {
recurse_count: opts.recurse_count
current = lookup.node;
if (count++ > 40) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(32);
5 years ago
return {
path: current_path,
node: current
getPath: (function(node) {
var path;
while (true) {
if (FS.isRoot(node)) {
var mount = node.mount.mountpoint;
if (!path) return mount;
return mount[mount.length - 1] !== "/" ? mount + "/" + path : mount + path;
path = path ? + "/" + path :;
node = node.parent;
hashName: (function(parentid, name) {
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + name.charCodeAt(i) | 0;
return (parentid + hash >>> 0) % FS.nameTable.length;
hashAddNode: (function(node) {
var hash = FS.hashName(,;
node.name_next = FS.nameTable[hash];
FS.nameTable[hash] = node;
hashRemoveNode: (function(node) {
var hash = FS.hashName(,;
if (FS.nameTable[hash] === node) {
FS.nameTable[hash] = node.name_next;
} else {
var current = FS.nameTable[hash];
while (current) {
if (current.name_next === node) {
current.name_next = node.name_next;
current = current.name_next;
lookupNode: (function(parent, name) {
var err = FS.mayLookup(parent);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err, parent);
var hash = FS.hashName(, name);
for (var node = FS.nameTable[hash]; node; node = node.name_next) {
var nodeName =;
if ( === && nodeName === name) {
return node;
return FS.lookup(parent, name);
createNode: (function(parent, name, mode, rdev) {
if (!FS.FSNode) {
FS.FSNode = (function(parent, name, mode, rdev) {
if (!parent) {
parent = this;
this.parent = parent;
this.mount = parent.mount;
this.mounted = null; = FS.nextInode++; = name;
this.mode = mode;
this.node_ops = {};
this.stream_ops = {};
this.rdev = rdev;
FS.FSNode.prototype = {};
var readMode = 292 | 73;
var writeMode = 146;
Object.defineProperties(FS.FSNode.prototype, {
read: {
get: (function() {
return (this.mode & readMode) === readMode;
set: (function(val) {
val ? this.mode |= readMode : this.mode &= ~readMode;
write: {
get: (function() {
return (this.mode & writeMode) === writeMode;
set: (function(val) {
val ? this.mode |= writeMode : this.mode &= ~writeMode;
isFolder: {
get: (function() {
return FS.isDir(this.mode);
isDevice: {
get: (function() {
return FS.isChrdev(this.mode);
var node = new FS.FSNode(parent, name, mode, rdev);
return node;
destroyNode: (function(node) {
isRoot: (function(node) {
return node === node.parent;
isMountpoint: (function(node) {
return !!node.mounted;
isFile: (function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 32768;
isDir: (function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 16384;
isLink: (function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 40960;
isChrdev: (function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 8192;
isBlkdev: (function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 24576;
isFIFO: (function(mode) {
return (mode & 61440) === 4096;
isSocket: (function(mode) {
return (mode & 49152) === 49152;
flagModes: {
"r": 0,
"rs": 1052672,
"r+": 2,
"w": 577,
"wx": 705,
"xw": 705,
"w+": 578,
"wx+": 706,
"xw+": 706,
"a": 1089,
"ax": 1217,
"xa": 1217,
"a+": 1090,
"ax+": 1218,
"xa+": 1218
modeStringToFlags: (function(str) {
var flags = FS.flagModes[str];
if (typeof flags === "undefined") {
throw new Error("Unknown file open mode: " + str);
return flags;
flagsToPermissionString: (function(flag) {
var perms = [ "r", "w", "rw" ][flag & 3];
if (flag & 512) {
perms += "w";
return perms;
nodePermissions: (function(node, perms) {
if (FS.ignorePermissions) {
return 0;
if (perms.indexOf("r") !== -1 && !(node.mode & 292)) {
return 2;
} else if (perms.indexOf("w") !== -1 && !(node.mode & 146)) {
return 2;
} else if (perms.indexOf("x") !== -1 && !(node.mode & 73)) {
return 2;
return 0;
mayLookup: (function(dir) {
var err = FS.nodePermissions(dir, "x");
if (err) return err;
if (!dir.node_ops.lookup) return 2;
return 0;
mayCreate: (function(dir, name) {
try {
var node = FS.lookupNode(dir, name);
return 20;
} catch (e) {}
return FS.nodePermissions(dir, "wx");
mayDelete: (function(dir, name, isdir) {
var node;
try {
node = FS.lookupNode(dir, name);
} catch (e) {
return e.errno;
var err = FS.nodePermissions(dir, "wx");
if (err) {
return err;
if (isdir) {
if (!FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
return 54;
if (FS.isRoot(node) || FS.getPath(node) === FS.cwd()) {
return 10;
} else {
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
return 31;
return 0;
mayOpen: (function(node, flags) {
if (!node) {
return 44;
if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
return 32;
} else if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
if (FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags) !== "r" || flags & 512) {
return 31;
return FS.nodePermissions(node, FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags));
nextfd: (function(fd_start, fd_end) {
fd_start = fd_start || 0;
fd_end = fd_end || FS.MAX_OPEN_FDS;
for (var fd = fd_start; fd <= fd_end; fd++) {
if (!FS.streams[fd]) {
return fd;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(33);
getStream: (function(fd) {
return FS.streams[fd];
createStream: (function(stream, fd_start, fd_end) {
if (!FS.FSStream) {
FS.FSStream = (function() {});
FS.FSStream.prototype = {};
Object.defineProperties(FS.FSStream.prototype, {
object: {
get: (function() {
return this.node;
set: (function(val) {
this.node = val;
isRead: {
get: (function() {
return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 1;
isWrite: {
get: (function() {
return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 0;
isAppend: {
get: (function() {
return this.flags & 1024;
var newStream = new FS.FSStream;
for (var p in stream) {
newStream[p] = stream[p];
stream = newStream;
var fd = FS.nextfd(fd_start, fd_end);
stream.fd = fd;
FS.streams[fd] = stream;
return stream;
closeStream: (function(fd) {
FS.streams[fd] = null;
chrdev_stream_ops: {
open: (function(stream) {
var device = FS.getDevice(stream.node.rdev);
stream.stream_ops = device.stream_ops;
if ( {;
llseek: (function() {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
major: (function(dev) {
return dev >> 8;
minor: (function(dev) {
return dev & 255;
makedev: (function(ma, mi) {
return ma << 8 | mi;
registerDevice: (function(dev, ops) {
FS.devices[dev] = {
stream_ops: ops
getDevice: (function(dev) {
return FS.devices[dev];
getMounts: (function(mount) {
var mounts = [];
var check = [ mount ];
while (check.length) {
var m = check.pop();
check.push.apply(check, m.mounts);
return mounts;
syncfs: (function(populate, callback) {
if (typeof populate === "function") {
callback = populate;
populate = false;
if (FS.syncFSRequests > 1) {
console.log("warning: " + FS.syncFSRequests + " FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work");
var mounts = FS.getMounts(FS.root.mount);
var completed = 0;
function doCallback(err) {
assert(FS.syncFSRequests > 0);
return callback(err);
function done(err) {
if (err) {
if (!done.errored) {
done.errored = true;
return doCallback(err);
if (++completed >= mounts.length) {
mounts.forEach((function(mount) {
if (!mount.type.syncfs) {
return done(null);
mount.type.syncfs(mount, populate, done);
mount: (function(type, opts, mountpoint) {
if (typeof type === "string") {
throw type;
var root = mountpoint === "/";
var pseudo = !mountpoint;
var node;
if (root && FS.root) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
} else if (!root && !pseudo) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, {
follow_mount: false
mountpoint = lookup.path;
node = lookup.node;
if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
if (!FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
var mount = {
type: type,
opts: opts,
mountpoint: mountpoint,
mounts: []
var mountRoot = type.mount(mount);
mountRoot.mount = mount;
mount.root = mountRoot;
if (root) {
FS.root = mountRoot;
} else if (node) {
node.mounted = mount;
if (node.mount) {
return mountRoot;
unmount: (function(mountpoint) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, {
follow_mount: false
if (!FS.isMountpoint(lookup.node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var node = lookup.node;
var mount = node.mounted;
var mounts = FS.getMounts(mount);
Object.keys(FS.nameTable).forEach((function(hash) {
var current = FS.nameTable[hash];
while (current) {
var next = current.name_next;
if (mounts.indexOf(current.mount) !== -1) {
current = next;
node.mounted = null;
var idx = node.mount.mounts.indexOf(mount);
assert(idx !== -1);
node.mount.mounts.splice(idx, 1);
lookup: (function(parent, name) {
return parent.node_ops.lookup(parent, name);
mknod: (function(path, mode, dev) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
parent: true
var parent = lookup.node;
var name = PATH.basename(path);
if (!name || name === "." || name === "..") {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var err = FS.mayCreate(parent, name);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
if (!parent.node_ops.mknod) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
return parent.node_ops.mknod(parent, name, mode, dev);
create: (function(path, mode) {
mode = mode !== undefined ? mode : 438;
mode &= 4095;
mode |= 32768;
return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
mkdir: (function(path, mode) {
mode = mode !== undefined ? mode : 511;
mode &= 511 | 512;
mode |= 16384;
return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
mkdirTree: (function(path, mode) {
var dirs = path.split("/");
var d = "";
for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i) {
if (!dirs[i]) continue;
d += "/" + dirs[i];
try {
FS.mkdir(d, mode);
} catch (e) {
if (e.errno != 20) throw e;
mkdev: (function(path, mode, dev) {
if (typeof dev === "undefined") {
dev = mode;
mode = 438;
mode |= 8192;
return FS.mknod(path, mode, dev);
symlink: (function(oldpath, newpath) {
if (!PATH_FS.resolve(oldpath)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(newpath, {
parent: true
var parent = lookup.node;
if (!parent) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
var newname = PATH.basename(newpath);
var err = FS.mayCreate(parent, newname);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
if (!parent.node_ops.symlink) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
return parent.node_ops.symlink(parent, newname, oldpath);
rename: (function(old_path, new_path) {
var old_dirname = PATH.dirname(old_path);
var new_dirname = PATH.dirname(new_path);
var old_name = PATH.basename(old_path);
var new_name = PATH.basename(new_path);
var lookup, old_dir, new_dir;
try {
lookup = FS.lookupPath(old_path, {
parent: true
old_dir = lookup.node;
lookup = FS.lookupPath(new_path, {
parent: true
new_dir = lookup.node;
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
5 years ago
if (!old_dir || !new_dir) throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (old_dir.mount !== new_dir.mount) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(75);
5 years ago
var old_node = FS.lookupNode(old_dir, old_name);
var relative = PATH_FS.relative(old_path, new_dirname);
if (relative.charAt(0) !== ".") {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
5 years ago
relative = PATH_FS.relative(new_path, old_dirname);
if (relative.charAt(0) !== ".") {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
5 years ago
var new_node;
try {
new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name);
} catch (e) {}
if (old_node === new_node) {
5 years ago
var isdir = FS.isDir(old_node.mode);
var err = FS.mayDelete(old_dir, old_name, isdir);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
5 years ago
err = new_node ? FS.mayDelete(new_dir, new_name, isdir) : FS.mayCreate(new_dir, new_name);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
5 years ago
if (!old_dir.node_ops.rename) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
5 years ago
if (FS.isMountpoint(old_node) || new_node && FS.isMountpoint(new_node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
5 years ago
if (new_dir !== old_dir) {
err = FS.nodePermissions(old_dir, "w");
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
5 years ago
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate["willMovePath"]) {
FS.trackingDelegate["willMovePath"](old_path, new_path);
} catch (e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['willMovePath']('" + old_path + "', '" + new_path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
5 years ago
try {
old_dir.node_ops.rename(old_node, new_dir, new_name);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
5 years ago
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate["onMovePath"]) FS.trackingDelegate["onMovePath"](old_path, new_path);
} catch (e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onMovePath']('" + old_path + "', '" + new_path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
5 years ago
rmdir: (function(path) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
parent: true
var parent = lookup.node;
var name = PATH.basename(path);
var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name);
var err = FS.mayDelete(parent, name, true);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
5 years ago
if (!parent.node_ops.rmdir) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
5 years ago
if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
5 years ago
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate["willDeletePath"]) {
} catch (e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['willDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
5 years ago
parent.node_ops.rmdir(parent, name);
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"]) FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"](path);
} catch (e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
5 years ago
readdir: (function(path) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: true
var node = lookup.node;
if (!node.node_ops.readdir) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
return node.node_ops.readdir(node);
unlink: (function(path) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
parent: true
var parent = lookup.node;
var name = PATH.basename(path);
var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name);
var err = FS.mayDelete(parent, name, false);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
5 years ago
if (!parent.node_ops.unlink) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
5 years ago
if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
5 years ago
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate["willDeletePath"]) {
} catch (e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['willDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
5 years ago
parent.node_ops.unlink(parent, name);
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"]) FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"](path);
} catch (e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
readlink: (function(path) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path);
var link = lookup.node;
if (!link) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (!link.node_ops.readlink) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
return PATH_FS.resolve(FS.getPath(link.parent), link.node_ops.readlink(link));
stat: (function(path, dontFollow) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: !dontFollow
var node = lookup.node;
if (!node) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (!node.node_ops.getattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
return node.node_ops.getattr(node);
lstat: (function(path) {
return FS.stat(path, true);
chmod: (function(path, mode, dontFollow) {
var node;
if (typeof path === "string") {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: !dontFollow
node = lookup.node;
} else {
node = path;
5 years ago
if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
5 years ago
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
mode: mode & 4095 | node.mode & ~4095,
lchmod: (function(path, mode) {
FS.chmod(path, mode, true);
fchmod: (function(fd, mode) {
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
FS.chmod(stream.node, mode);
chown: (function(path, uid, gid, dontFollow) {
var node;
if (typeof path === "string") {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: !dontFollow
node = lookup.node;
} else {
node = path;
5 years ago
if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
5 years ago
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
lchown: (function(path, uid, gid) {
FS.chown(path, uid, gid, true);
fchown: (function(fd, uid, gid) {
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
FS.chown(stream.node, uid, gid);
truncate: (function(path, len) {
if (len < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var node;
if (typeof path === "string") {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: true
node = lookup.node;
} else {
node = path;
if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
if (!FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var err = FS.nodePermissions(node, "w");
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
size: len,
ftruncate: (function(fd, len) {
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
FS.truncate(stream.node, len);
utime: (function(path, atime, mtime) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: true
var node = lookup.node;
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
timestamp: Math.max(atime, mtime)
open: (function(path, flags, mode, fd_start, fd_end) {
if (path === "") {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
flags = typeof flags === "string" ? FS.modeStringToFlags(flags) : flags;
mode = typeof mode === "undefined" ? 438 : mode;
if (flags & 64) {
mode = mode & 4095 | 32768;
} else {
mode = 0;
var node;
if (typeof path === "object") {
node = path;
} else {
path = PATH.normalize(path);
try {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: !(flags & 131072)
node = lookup.node;
} catch (e) {}
var created = false;
if (flags & 64) {
if (node) {
if (flags & 128) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(20);
5 years ago
} else {
node = FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
created = true;
if (!node) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (FS.isChrdev(node.mode)) {
flags &= ~512;
if (flags & 65536 && !FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
if (!created) {
var err = FS.mayOpen(node, flags);
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
if (flags & 512) {
FS.truncate(node, 0);
flags &= ~(128 | 512);
var stream = FS.createStream({
node: node,
path: FS.getPath(node),
flags: flags,
seekable: true,
position: 0,
stream_ops: node.stream_ops,
ungotten: [],
error: false
}, fd_start, fd_end);
if ( {;
if (Module["logReadFiles"] && !(flags & 1)) {
if (!FS.readFiles) FS.readFiles = {};
if (!(path in FS.readFiles)) {
FS.readFiles[path] = 1;
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate error on read file: " + path);
try {
if (FS.trackingDelegate["onOpenFile"]) {
var trackingFlags = 0;
if ((flags & 2097155) !== 1) {
trackingFlags |= FS.tracking.openFlags.READ;
5 years ago
if ((flags & 2097155) !== 0) {
trackingFlags |= FS.tracking.openFlags.WRITE;
5 years ago
FS.trackingDelegate["onOpenFile"](path, trackingFlags);
} catch (e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onOpenFile']('" + path + "', flags) threw an exception: " + e.message);
5 years ago
return stream;
close: (function(stream) {
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
5 years ago
if (stream.getdents) stream.getdents = null;
try {
5 years ago
if (stream.stream_ops.close) {
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
stream.fd = null;
isClosed: (function(stream) {
return stream.fd === null;
llseek: (function(stream, offset, whence) {
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (!stream.seekable || !stream.stream_ops.llseek) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
if (whence != 0 && whence != 1 && whence != 2) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
stream.position = stream.stream_ops.llseek(stream, offset, whence);
stream.ungotten = [];
return stream.position;
read: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
if (length < 0 || position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
if (! {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var seeking = typeof position !== "undefined";
if (!seeking) {
position = stream.position;
} else if (!stream.seekable) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
var bytesRead =, buffer, offset, length, position);
if (!seeking) stream.position += bytesRead;
return bytesRead;
write: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn) {
if (length < 0 || position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
if (!stream.stream_ops.write) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if (stream.flags & 1024) {
FS.llseek(stream, 0, 2);
var seeking = typeof position !== "undefined";
if (!seeking) {
position = stream.position;
} else if (!stream.seekable) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
var bytesWritten = stream.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn);
if (!seeking) stream.position += bytesWritten;
try {
5 years ago
if (stream.path && FS.trackingDelegate["onWriteToFile"]) FS.trackingDelegate["onWriteToFile"](stream.path);
} catch (e) {
console.log("FS.trackingDelegate['onWriteToFile']('" + stream.path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
return bytesWritten;
allocate: (function(stream, offset, length) {
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (offset < 0 || length <= 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode) && !FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
if (!stream.stream_ops.allocate) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(138);
stream.stream_ops.allocate(stream, offset, length);
mmap: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, prot, flags) {
if ((prot & 2) !== 0 && (flags & 2) === 0 && (stream.flags & 2097155) !== 2) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(2);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(2);
if (!stream.stream_ops.mmap) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
return stream.stream_ops.mmap(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, prot, flags);
msync: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags) {
if (!stream || !stream.stream_ops.msync) {
return 0;
return stream.stream_ops.msync(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags);
munmap: (function(stream) {
return 0;
ioctl: (function(stream, cmd, arg) {
if (!stream.stream_ops.ioctl) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(59);
return stream.stream_ops.ioctl(stream, cmd, arg);
readFile: (function(path, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.flags = opts.flags || "r";
opts.encoding = opts.encoding || "binary";
if (opts.encoding !== "utf8" && opts.encoding !== "binary") {
throw new Error('Invalid encoding type "' + opts.encoding + '"');
5 years ago
var ret;
var stream =, opts.flags);
var stat = FS.stat(path);
var length = stat.size;
var buf = new Uint8Array(length);, buf, 0, length, 0);
if (opts.encoding === "utf8") {
ret = UTF8ArrayToString(buf, 0);
} else if (opts.encoding === "binary") {
ret = buf;
return ret;
writeFile: (function(path, data, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.flags = opts.flags || "w";
var stream =, opts.flags, opts.mode);
if (typeof data === "string") {
var buf = new Uint8Array(lengthBytesUTF8(data) + 1);
var actualNumBytes = stringToUTF8Array(data, buf, 0, buf.length);
FS.write(stream, buf, 0, actualNumBytes, undefined, opts.canOwn);
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) {
FS.write(stream, data, 0, data.byteLength, undefined, opts.canOwn);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported data type");
cwd: (function() {
return FS.currentPath;
chdir: (function(path) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: true
if (lookup.node === null) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (!FS.isDir(lookup.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
var err = FS.nodePermissions(lookup.node, "x");
if (err) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(err);
FS.currentPath = lookup.path;
createDefaultDirectories: (function() {
createDefaultDevices: (function() {
FS.registerDevice(FS.makedev(1, 3), {
read: (function() {
return 0;
write: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) {
return length;
FS.mkdev("/dev/null", FS.makedev(1, 3));
TTY.register(FS.makedev(5, 0), TTY.default_tty_ops);
TTY.register(FS.makedev(6, 0), TTY.default_tty1_ops);
FS.mkdev("/dev/tty", FS.makedev(5, 0));
FS.mkdev("/dev/tty1", FS.makedev(6, 0));
var random_device;
if (typeof crypto === "object" && typeof crypto["getRandomValues"] === "function") {
var randomBuffer = new Uint8Array(1);
random_device = (function() {
return randomBuffer[0];
try {
var crypto_module = require("crypto");
random_device = (function() {
return crypto_module["randomBytes"](1)[0];
} catch (e) {}
} else {}
if (!random_device) {
random_device = (function() {
abort("no cryptographic support found for random_device. consider polyfilling it if you want to use something insecure like Math.random(), e.g. put this in a --pre-js: var crypto = { getRandomValues: function(array) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i] = (Math.random()*256)|0 } };");
FS.createDevice("/dev", "random", random_device);
FS.createDevice("/dev", "urandom", random_device);
createSpecialDirectories: (function() {
mount: (function() {
var node = FS.createNode("/proc/self", "fd", 16384 | 511, 73);
node.node_ops = {
lookup: (function(parent, name) {
var fd = +name;
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
var ret = {
parent: null,
mount: {
mountpoint: "fake"
node_ops: {
readlink: (function() {
return stream.path;
ret.parent = ret;
return ret;
return node;
}, {}, "/proc/self/fd");
createStandardStreams: (function() {
if (Module["stdin"]) {
FS.createDevice("/dev", "stdin", Module["stdin"]);
} else {
FS.symlink("/dev/tty", "/dev/stdin");
5 years ago
if (Module["stdout"]) {
FS.createDevice("/dev", "stdout", null, Module["stdout"]);
} else {
FS.symlink("/dev/tty", "/dev/stdout");
5 years ago
if (Module["stderr"]) {
FS.createDevice("/dev", "stderr", null, Module["stderr"]);
} else {
FS.symlink("/dev/tty1", "/dev/stderr");
var stdin ="/dev/stdin", "r");
var stdout ="/dev/stdout", "w");
var stderr ="/dev/stderr", "w");
assert(stdin.fd === 0, "invalid handle for stdin (" + stdin.fd + ")");
assert(stdout.fd === 1, "invalid handle for stdout (" + stdout.fd + ")");
assert(stderr.fd === 2, "invalid handle for stderr (" + stderr.fd + ")");
ensureErrnoError: (function() {
if (FS.ErrnoError) return;
FS.ErrnoError = function ErrnoError(errno, node) {
this.node = node;
this.setErrno = (function(errno) {
this.errno = errno;
for (var key in ERRNO_CODES) {
if (ERRNO_CODES[key] === errno) {
this.code = key;
5 years ago
this.message = ERRNO_MESSAGES[errno];
if (this.stack) {
Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", {
value: (new Error).stack,
writable: true
this.stack = demangleAll(this.stack);
FS.ErrnoError.prototype = new Error;
FS.ErrnoError.prototype.constructor = FS.ErrnoError;
[ 44 ].forEach((function(code) {
FS.genericErrors[code] = new FS.ErrnoError(code);
FS.genericErrors[code].stack = "<generic error, no stack>";
staticInit: (function() {
FS.nameTable = new Array(4096);
FS.mount(MEMFS, {}, "/");
FS.filesystems = {
init: (function(input, output, error) {
assert(!FS.init.initialized, "FS.init was previously called. If you want to initialize later with custom parameters, remove any earlier calls (note that one is automatically added to the generated code)");
FS.init.initialized = true;
Module["stdin"] = input || Module["stdin"];
Module["stdout"] = output || Module["stdout"];
Module["stderr"] = error || Module["stderr"];
quit: (function() {
FS.init.initialized = false;
var fflush = Module["_fflush"];
if (fflush) fflush(0);
for (var i = 0; i < FS.streams.length; i++) {
var stream = FS.streams[i];
if (!stream) {
getMode: (function(canRead, canWrite) {
var mode = 0;
if (canRead) mode |= 292 | 73;
if (canWrite) mode |= 146;
return mode;
joinPath: (function(parts, forceRelative) {
var path = PATH.join.apply(null, parts);
if (forceRelative && path[0] == "/") path = path.substr(1);
return path;
absolutePath: (function(relative, base) {
return PATH_FS.resolve(base, relative);
standardizePath: (function(path) {
return PATH.normalize(path);
findObject: (function(path, dontResolveLastLink) {
var ret = FS.analyzePath(path, dontResolveLastLink);
if (ret.exists) {
return ret.object;
} else {
return null;
5 years ago
analyzePath: (function(path, dontResolveLastLink) {
try {
5 years ago
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: !dontResolveLastLink
path = lookup.path;
} catch (e) {}
var ret = {
isRoot: false,
exists: false,
error: 0,
name: null,
path: null,
object: null,
parentExists: false,
parentPath: null,
parentObject: null
try {
5 years ago
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
parent: true
ret.parentExists = true;
ret.parentPath = lookup.path;
ret.parentObject = lookup.node; = PATH.basename(path);
lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: !dontResolveLastLink
ret.exists = true;
ret.path = lookup.path;
ret.object = lookup.node; =;
ret.isRoot = lookup.path === "/";
} catch (e) {
ret.error = e.errno;
5 years ago
return ret;
createFolder: (function(parent, name, canRead, canWrite) {
var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name);
var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
return FS.mkdir(path, mode);
createPath: (function(parent, path, canRead, canWrite) {
parent = typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent);
var parts = path.split("/").reverse();
while (parts.length) {
var part = parts.pop();
if (!part) continue;
var current = PATH.join2(parent, part);
try {
} catch (e) {}
parent = current;
return current;
createFile: (function(parent, name, properties, canRead, canWrite) {
var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name);
var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
return FS.create(path, mode);
createDataFile: (function(parent, name, data, canRead, canWrite, canOwn) {
var path = name ? PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name) : parent;
var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
var node = FS.create(path, mode);
if (data) {
if (typeof data === "string") {
var arr = new Array(data.length);
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; ++i) arr[i] = data.charCodeAt(i);
data = arr;
FS.chmod(node, mode | 146);
var stream =, "w");
FS.write(stream, data, 0, data.length, 0, canOwn);
FS.chmod(node, mode);
return node;
createDevice: (function(parent, name, input, output) {
var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name);
var mode = FS.getMode(!!input, !!output);
if (!FS.createDevice.major) FS.createDevice.major = 64;
var dev = FS.makedev(FS.createDevice.major++, 0);
FS.registerDevice(dev, {
open: (function(stream) {
stream.seekable = false;
close: (function(stream) {
if (output && output.buffer && output.buffer.length) {
5 years ago
read: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) {
var bytesRead = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var result;
try {
result = input();
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
if (result === undefined && bytesRead === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(6);
if (result === null || result === undefined) break;
buffer[offset + i] = result;
5 years ago
if (bytesRead) {
stream.node.timestamp =;
5 years ago
return bytesRead;
write: (function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
try {
output(buffer[offset + i]);
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
5 years ago
if (length) {
stream.node.timestamp =;
5 years ago
return i;
return FS.mkdev(path, mode, dev);
createLink: (function(parent, name, target, canRead, canWrite) {
var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name);
return FS.symlink(target, path);
forceLoadFile: (function(obj) {
if (obj.isDevice || obj.isFolder || || obj.contents) return true;
var success = true;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
throw new Error("Lazy loading should have been performed (contents set) in createLazyFile, but it was not. Lazy loading only works in web workers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc on the main thread.");
} else if (read_) {
try {
obj.contents = intArrayFromString(read_(obj.url), true);
obj.usedBytes = obj.contents.length;
} catch (e) {
success = false;
} else {
throw new Error("Cannot load without read() or XMLHttpRequest.");
if (!success) ___setErrNo(29);
return success;
createLazyFile: (function(parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite) {
function LazyUint8Array() {
this.lengthKnown = false;
this.chunks = [];
LazyUint8Array.prototype.get = function LazyUint8Array_get(idx) {
if (idx > this.length - 1 || idx < 0) {
return undefined;
var chunkOffset = idx % this.chunkSize;
var chunkNum = idx / this.chunkSize | 0;
return this.getter(chunkNum)[chunkOffset];
LazyUint8Array.prototype.setDataGetter = function LazyUint8Array_setDataGetter(getter) {
this.getter = getter;
LazyUint8Array.prototype.cacheLength = function LazyUint8Array_cacheLength() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"HEAD", url, false);
if (!(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304)) throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr.status);
var datalength = Number(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-length"));
var header;
var hasByteServing = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Accept-Ranges")) && header === "bytes";
var usesGzip = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding")) && header === "gzip";
var chunkSize = 1024 * 1024;
if (!hasByteServing) chunkSize = datalength;
var doXHR = (function(from, to) {
if (from > to) throw new Error("invalid range (" + from + ", " + to + ") or no bytes requested!");
if (to > datalength - 1) throw new Error("only " + datalength + " bytes available! programmer error!");
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, false);
if (datalength !== chunkSize) xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + from + "-" + to);
if (typeof Uint8Array != "undefined") xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
5 years ago
if (!(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304)) throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr.status);
if (xhr.response !== undefined) {
return new Uint8Array(xhr.response || []);
} else {
return intArrayFromString(xhr.responseText || "", true);
5 years ago
var lazyArray = this;
lazyArray.setDataGetter((function(chunkNum) {
var start = chunkNum * chunkSize;
var end = (chunkNum + 1) * chunkSize - 1;
end = Math.min(end, datalength - 1);
if (typeof lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum] === "undefined") {
lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum] = doXHR(start, end);
5 years ago
if (typeof lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum] === "undefined") throw new Error("doXHR failed!");
return lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum];
if (usesGzip || !datalength) {
chunkSize = datalength = 1;
datalength = this.getter(0).length;
chunkSize = datalength;
console.log("LazyFiles on gzip forces download of the whole file when length is accessed");
this._length = datalength;
this._chunkSize = chunkSize;
this.lengthKnown = true;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) throw "Cannot do synchronous binary XHRs outside webworkers in modern browsers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc";
var lazyArray = new LazyUint8Array;
Object.defineProperties(lazyArray, {
length: {
get: (function() {
if (!this.lengthKnown) {
5 years ago
return this._length;
chunkSize: {
get: (function() {
if (!this.lengthKnown) {
5 years ago
return this._chunkSize;
5 years ago
var properties = {
isDevice: false,
contents: lazyArray
} else {
var properties = {
isDevice: false,
url: url
var node = FS.createFile(parent, name, properties, canRead, canWrite);
if (properties.contents) {
node.contents = properties.contents;
} else if (properties.url) {
node.contents = null;
node.url = properties.url;
Object.defineProperties(node, {
usedBytes: {
get: (function() {
return this.contents.length;
var stream_ops = {};
var keys = Object.keys(node.stream_ops);
keys.forEach((function(key) {
var fn = node.stream_ops[key];
stream_ops[key] = function forceLoadLazyFile() {
if (!FS.forceLoadFile(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
5 years ago
return fn.apply(null, arguments);
})); = function stream_ops_read(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
if (!FS.forceLoadFile(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
var contents = stream.node.contents;
if (position >= contents.length) return 0;
var size = Math.min(contents.length - position, length);
assert(size >= 0);
if (contents.slice) {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buffer[offset + i] = contents[position + i];
5 years ago
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buffer[offset + i] = contents.get(position + i);
5 years ago
return size;
node.stream_ops = stream_ops;
return node;
createPreloadedFile: (function(parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite, onload, onerror, dontCreateFile, canOwn, preFinish) {
var fullname = name ? PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.join2(parent, name)) : parent;
var dep = getUniqueRunDependency("cp " + fullname);
function processData(byteArray) {
function finish(byteArray) {
if (preFinish) preFinish();
if (!dontCreateFile) {
FS.createDataFile(parent, name, byteArray, canRead, canWrite, canOwn);
5 years ago
if (onload) onload();
var handled = false;
Module["preloadPlugins"].forEach((function(plugin) {
if (handled) return;
if (plugin["canHandle"](fullname)) {
plugin["handle"](byteArray, fullname, finish, (function() {
if (onerror) onerror();
handled = true;
5 years ago
if (!handled) finish(byteArray);
if (typeof url == "string") {
Browser.asyncLoad(url, (function(byteArray) {
}), onerror);
} else {
indexedDB: (function() {
return window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;
DB_NAME: (function() {
return "EM_FS_" + window.location.pathname;
saveFilesToDB: (function(paths, onload, onerror) {
onload = onload || (function() {});
onerror = onerror || (function() {});
var indexedDB = FS.indexedDB();
try {
5 years ago
var openRequest =, FS.DB_VERSION);
} catch (e) {
return onerror(e);
5 years ago
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function openRequest_onupgradeneeded() {
console.log("creating db");
var db = openRequest.result;
openRequest.onsuccess = function openRequest_onsuccess() {
var db = openRequest.result;
var transaction = db.transaction([ FS.DB_STORE_NAME ], "readwrite");
var files = transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);
var ok = 0, fail = 0, total = paths.length;
function finish() {
if (fail == 0) onload(); else onerror();
paths.forEach((function(path) {
var putRequest = files.put(FS.analyzePath(path).object.contents, path);
putRequest.onsuccess = function putRequest_onsuccess() {
if (ok + fail == total) finish();
putRequest.onerror = function putRequest_onerror() {
if (ok + fail == total) finish();
transaction.onerror = onerror;
openRequest.onerror = onerror;
loadFilesFromDB: (function(paths, onload, onerror) {
onload = onload || (function() {});
onerror = onerror || (function() {});
var indexedDB = FS.indexedDB();
try {
5 years ago
var openRequest =, FS.DB_VERSION);
} catch (e) {
return onerror(e);
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = onerror;
openRequest.onsuccess = function openRequest_onsuccess() {
var db = openRequest.result;
try {
var transaction = db.transaction([ FS.DB_STORE_NAME ], "readonly");
} catch (e) {
var files = transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);
var ok = 0, fail = 0, total = paths.length;
function finish() {
if (fail == 0) onload(); else onerror();
paths.forEach((function(path) {
var getRequest = files.get(path);
getRequest.onsuccess = function getRequest_onsuccess() {
if (FS.analyzePath(path).exists) {
FS.createDataFile(PATH.dirname(path), PATH.basename(path), getRequest.result, true, true, true);
if (ok + fail == total) finish();
getRequest.onerror = function getRequest_onerror() {
if (ok + fail == total) finish();
transaction.onerror = onerror;
openRequest.onerror = onerror;
Module["FS"] = FS;
var SYSCALLS = {
mappings: {},
umask: 511,
calculateAt: (function(dirfd, path) {
if (path[0] !== "/") {
var dir;
if (dirfd === -100) {
dir = FS.cwd();
} else {
var dirstream = FS.getStream(dirfd);
if (!dirstream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
dir = dirstream.path;
path = PATH.join2(dir, path);
return path;
doStat: (function(func, path, buf) {
try {
5 years ago
var stat = func(path);
} catch (e) {
if (e && e.node && PATH.normalize(path) !== PATH.normalize(FS.getPath(e.node))) {
return -54;
throw e;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 4 | 0, 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 8 | 0, stat.ino);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 12 | 0, stat.mode);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 16 | 0, stat.nlink);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 20 | 0, stat.uid);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 24 | 0, stat.gid);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 28 | 0, stat.rdev);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 32 | 0, 0);
tempI64 = [ stat.size >>> 0, (tempDouble = stat.size, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0) ], GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 40 | 0, tempI64[0]), GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 44 | 0, tempI64[1]);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 48 | 0, 4096);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 52 | 0, stat.blocks);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 56 | 0, stat.atime.getTime() / 1e3 | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 60 | 0, 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 64 | 0, stat.mtime.getTime() / 1e3 | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 68 | 0, 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 72 | 0, stat.ctime.getTime() / 1e3 | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 76 | 0, 0);
tempI64 = [ stat.ino >>> 0, (tempDouble = stat.ino, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0) ], GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 80 | 0, tempI64[0]), GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(buf + 84 | 0, tempI64[1]);
return 0;
doMsync: (function(addr, stream, len, flags) {
var buffer = new Uint8Array(HEAPU8.subarray(addr, addr + len));
FS.msync(stream, buffer, 0, len, flags);
doMkdir: (function(path, mode) {
path = PATH.normalize(path);
if (path[path.length - 1] === "/") path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1);
FS.mkdir(path, mode, 0);
return 0;
doMknod: (function(path, mode, dev) {
switch (mode & 61440) {
case 32768:
case 8192:
case 24576:
case 4096:
case 49152:
return -28;
FS.mknod(path, mode, dev);
return 0;
doReadlink: (function(path, buf, bufsize) {
if (bufsize <= 0) return -28;
var ret = FS.readlink(path);
var len = Math.min(bufsize, lengthBytesUTF8(ret));
var endChar = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(buf + len | 0);
stringToUTF8(ret, buf, bufsize + 1);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(buf + len | 0, endChar);
return len;
doAccess: (function(path, amode) {
if (amode & ~7) {
return -28;
var node;
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: true
node = lookup.node;
if (!node) {
return -44;
var perms = "";
if (amode & 4) perms += "r";
if (amode & 2) perms += "w";
if (amode & 1) perms += "x";
if (perms && FS.nodePermissions(node, perms)) {
return -2;
return 0;
doDup: (function(path, flags, suggestFD) {
var suggest = FS.getStream(suggestFD);
if (suggest) FS.close(suggest);
return, flags, 0, suggestFD, suggestFD).fd;
doReadv: (function(stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) {
var ret = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
var ptr = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(iov + i * 8 | 0);
var len = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(iov + (i * 8 + 4) | 0);
var curr =, HEAP8, ptr, len, offset);
if (curr < 0) return -1;
ret += curr;
if (curr < len) break;
5 years ago
return ret;
doWritev: (function(stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) {
var ret = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
var ptr = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(iov + i * 8 | 0);
var len = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(iov + (i * 8 + 4) | 0);
var curr = FS.write(stream, HEAP8, ptr, len, offset);
if (curr < 0) return -1;
ret += curr;
5 years ago
return ret;
varargs: 0,
get: (function(varargs) {
SYSCALLS.varargs += 4;
var ret = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(SYSCALLS.varargs - 4 | 0);
return ret;
getStr: (function() {
var ret = UTF8ToString(SYSCALLS.get());
return ret;
getStreamFromFD: (function(fd) {
if (fd === undefined) fd = SYSCALLS.get();
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
return stream;
get64: (function() {
var low = SYSCALLS.get(), high = SYSCALLS.get();
if (low >= 0) assert(high === 0); else assert(high === -1);
return low;
getZero: (function() {
assert(SYSCALLS.get() === 0);
function ___syscall10(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(2, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr();
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall10"] = ___syscall10;
function ___syscall12(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(3, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr();
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall12"] = ___syscall12;
function ___syscall183(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(4, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var buf = SYSCALLS.get(), size = SYSCALLS.get();
if (size === 0) return -28;
var cwd = FS.cwd();
var cwdLengthInBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(cwd);
if (size < cwdLengthInBytes + 1) return -68;
stringToUTF8(cwd, buf, size);
return buf;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall183"] = ___syscall183;
function _memset(ptr, value, num) {
ptr = ptr | 0;
value = value | 0;
num = num | 0;
var end = 0, aligned_end = 0, block_aligned_end = 0, value4 = 0;
end = ptr + num | 0;
value = value & 255;
if ((num | 0) >= 67) {
while ((ptr & 3) != 0) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(ptr >> 0 | 0, value);
ptr = ptr + 1 | 0;
aligned_end = end & -4 | 0;
value4 = value | value << 8 | value << 16 | value << 24;
block_aligned_end = aligned_end - 64 | 0;
while ((ptr | 0) <= (block_aligned_end | 0)) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 4 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 8 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 12 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 16 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 20 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 24 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 28 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 32 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 36 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 40 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 44 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 48 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 52 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 56 | 0, value4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 60 | 0, value4);
ptr = ptr + 64 | 0;
while ((ptr | 0) < (aligned_end | 0)) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr | 0, value4);
ptr = ptr + 4 | 0;
while ((ptr | 0) < (end | 0)) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(ptr >> 0 | 0, value);
ptr = ptr + 1 | 0;
return end - num | 0;
Module["_memset"] = _memset;
function __emscripten_syscall_mmap2(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off) {
off <<= 12;
var ptr;
var allocated = false;
if ((flags & 16) !== 0 && addr % PAGE_SIZE !== 0) {
return -28;
if ((flags & 32) !== 0) {
ptr = _memalign(PAGE_SIZE, len);
if (!ptr) return -48;
_memset(ptr, 0, len);
allocated = true;
} else {
var info = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!info) return -8;
var res = FS.mmap(info, HEAPU8, addr, len, off, prot, flags);
ptr = res.ptr;
allocated = res.allocated;
SYSCALLS.mappings[ptr] = {
malloc: ptr,
len: len,
allocated: allocated,
fd: fd,
flags: flags
return ptr;
Module["__emscripten_syscall_mmap2"] = __emscripten_syscall_mmap2;
function ___syscall192(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(5, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var addr = SYSCALLS.get(), len = SYSCALLS.get(), prot = SYSCALLS.get(), flags = SYSCALLS.get(), fd = SYSCALLS.get(), off = SYSCALLS.get();
return __emscripten_syscall_mmap2(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall192"] = ___syscall192;
function ___syscall195(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(6, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr(), buf = SYSCALLS.get();
return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.stat, path, buf);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall195"] = ___syscall195;
function ___syscall196(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(7, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr(), buf = SYSCALLS.get();
return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.lstat, path, buf);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall196"] = ___syscall196;
function ___syscall220(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(8, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), dirp = SYSCALLS.get(), count = SYSCALLS.get();
if (!stream.getdents) {
stream.getdents = FS.readdir(stream.path);
var struct_size = 280;
var pos = 0;
var off = FS.llseek(stream, 0, 1);
var idx = Math.floor(off / struct_size);
while (idx < stream.getdents.length && pos + struct_size <= count) {
var id;
var type;
var name = stream.getdents[idx];
if (name[0] === ".") {
id = 1;
type = 4;
} else {
var child = FS.lookupNode(stream.node, name);
id =;
type = FS.isChrdev(child.mode) ? 2 : FS.isDir(child.mode) ? 4 : FS.isLink(child.mode) ? 10 : 8;
tempI64 = [ id >>> 0, (tempDouble = id, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0) ], GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dirp + pos | 0, tempI64[0]), GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dirp + pos + 4 | 0, tempI64[1]);
tempI64 = [ (idx + 1) * struct_size >>> 0, (tempDouble = (idx + 1) * struct_size, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0) ], GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dirp + pos + 8 | 0, tempI64[0]), GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dirp + pos + 12 | 0, tempI64[1]);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I16(dirp + pos + 16 | 0, 280);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(dirp + pos + 18 >> 0 | 0, type);
stringToUTF8(name, dirp + pos + 19, 256);
pos += struct_size;
idx += 1;
FS.llseek(stream, idx * struct_size, 0);
return pos;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall220"] = ___syscall220;
function ___syscall221(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(9, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), cmd = SYSCALLS.get();
switch (cmd) {
case 0:
var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
if (arg < 0) {
return -28;
5 years ago
var newStream;
newStream =, stream.flags, 0, arg);
return newStream.fd;
case 1:
case 2:
return 0;
case 3:
return stream.flags;
case 4:
var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
stream.flags |= arg;
return 0;
case 12:
var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
var offset = 0;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I16(arg + offset | 0, 2);
return 0;
case 13:
case 14:
return 0;
case 16:
case 8:
return -28;
case 9:
return -1;
return -28;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall221"] = ___syscall221;
function ___syscall3(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(10, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), buf = SYSCALLS.get(), count = SYSCALLS.get();
return, HEAP8, buf, count);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall3"] = ___syscall3;
function ___syscall39(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(11, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr(), mode = SYSCALLS.get();
return SYSCALLS.doMkdir(path, mode);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall39"] = ___syscall39;
function ___syscall4(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(12, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), buf = SYSCALLS.get(), count = SYSCALLS.get();
return FS.write(stream, HEAP8, buf, count);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall4"] = ___syscall4;
function ___syscall40(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(13, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr();
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall40"] = ___syscall40;
function ___syscall5(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(14, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var pathname = SYSCALLS.getStr(), flags = SYSCALLS.get(), mode = SYSCALLS.get();
var stream =, flags, mode);
return stream.fd;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall5"] = ___syscall5;
function ___syscall54(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(15, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(), op = SYSCALLS.get();
switch (op) {
case 21509:
case 21505:
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
case 21510:
case 21511:
case 21512:
case 21506:
case 21507:
case 21508:
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
case 21519:
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
var argp = SYSCALLS.get();
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(argp | 0, 0);
return 0;
case 21520:
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return -28;
case 21531:
var argp = SYSCALLS.get();
return FS.ioctl(stream, op, argp);
case 21523:
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
case 21524:
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
abort("bad ioctl syscall " + op);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall54"] = ___syscall54;
function ___syscall85(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(16, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var path = SYSCALLS.getStr(), buf = SYSCALLS.get(), bufsize = SYSCALLS.get();
return SYSCALLS.doReadlink(path, buf, bufsize);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall85"] = ___syscall85;
function __emscripten_syscall_munmap(addr, len) {
if (addr === -1 || len === 0) {
return -28;
var info = SYSCALLS.mappings[addr];
if (!info) return 0;
if (len === info.len) {
var stream = FS.getStream(info.fd);
SYSCALLS.doMsync(addr, stream, len, info.flags);
SYSCALLS.mappings[addr] = null;
if (info.allocated) {
return 0;
Module["__emscripten_syscall_munmap"] = __emscripten_syscall_munmap;
function ___syscall91(which, varargs) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(17, 1, which, varargs);
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var addr = SYSCALLS.get(), len = SYSCALLS.get();
return __emscripten_syscall_munmap(addr, len);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return -e.errno;
Module["___syscall91"] = ___syscall91;
function ___unlock() {}
Module["___unlock"] = ___unlock;
function _abort() {
Module["_abort"] = _abort;
function _emscripten_check_blocking_allowed() {
warnOnce("Blocking on the main thread is very dangerous, see");
Module["_emscripten_check_blocking_allowed"] = _emscripten_check_blocking_allowed;
function _emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status_js(expectedStatus, newStatus) {}
Module["_emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status_js"] = _emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status_js;
function _emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status(expectedStatus, newStatus) {
expectedStatus = expectedStatus | 0;
newStatus = newStatus | 0;
Module["_emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status"] = _emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status;
function _emscripten_futex_wait(addr, val, timeout) {
if (addr <= 0 || addr > HEAP8.length || addr & 3 != 0) return -28;
var ret = Atomics.wait(HEAP32, addr >> 2, val, timeout);
if (ret === "timed-out") return -73;
if (ret === "not-equal") return -6;
if (ret === "ok") return 0;
throw "Atomics.wait returned an unexpected value " + ret;
} else {
var loadedVal = Atomics.load(HEAP32, addr >> 2);
if (val != loadedVal) return -6;
var tNow =;
var tEnd = tNow + timeout;, __main_thread_futex_wait_address >> 2, addr);
var ourWaitAddress = addr;
while (addr == ourWaitAddress) {
tNow =;
if (tNow > tEnd) {
return -73;
addr = Atomics.load(HEAP32, __main_thread_futex_wait_address >> 2);
return 0;
Module["_emscripten_futex_wait"] = _emscripten_futex_wait;
function _emscripten_get_heap_size() {
return HEAP8.length;
Module["_emscripten_get_heap_size"] = _emscripten_get_heap_size;
function _emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr() {
return 12594960;
Module["_emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr"] = _emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr;
function _emscripten_has_threading_support() {
return typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== "undefined";
Module["_emscripten_has_threading_support"] = _emscripten_has_threading_support;
function _emscripten_is_main_browser_thread() {
return __pthread_is_main_browser_thread | 0;
Module["_emscripten_is_main_browser_thread"] = _emscripten_is_main_browser_thread;
function _emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread() {
return __pthread_is_main_runtime_thread | 0;
Module["_emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread"] = _emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread;
var setjmpId = 0;
Module["setjmpId"] = setjmpId;
function _saveSetjmp(env, label, table, size) {
env = env | 0;
label = label | 0;
table = table | 0;
size = size | 0;
var i = 0;
setjmpId = setjmpId + 1 | 0;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(env | 0, setjmpId);
while ((i | 0) < (size | 0)) {
if ((GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(table + (i << 3) | 0) | 0) == 0) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(table + (i << 3) | 0, setjmpId);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(table + ((i << 3) + 4) | 0, label);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(table + ((i << 3) + 8) | 0, 0);
setTempRet0(size | 0);
return table | 0;
i = i + 1 | 0;
size = size * 2 | 0;
table = _realloc(table | 0, 8 * (size + 1 | 0) | 0) | 0;
table = _saveSetjmp(env | 0, label | 0, table | 0, size | 0) | 0;
setTempRet0(size | 0);
return table | 0;
Module["_saveSetjmp"] = _saveSetjmp;
function _testSetjmp(id, table, size) {
id = id | 0;
table = table | 0;
size = size | 0;
var i = 0, curr = 0;
while ((i | 0) < (size | 0)) {
curr = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(table + (i << 3) | 0) | 0;
if ((curr | 0) == 0) break;
if ((curr | 0) == (id | 0)) {
return GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(table + ((i << 3) + 4) | 0) | 0;
i = i + 1 | 0;
return 0;
Module["_testSetjmp"] = _testSetjmp;
function _longjmp(env, value) {
_setThrew(env, value || 1);
throw "longjmp";
Module["_longjmp"] = _longjmp;
function _emscripten_longjmp(env, value) {
_longjmp(env, value);
Module["_emscripten_longjmp"] = _emscripten_longjmp;
function _emscripten_memcpy_big(dest, src, num) {
HEAPU8.set(HEAPU8.subarray(src, src + num), dest);
Module["_emscripten_memcpy_big"] = _emscripten_memcpy_big;
function _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(index, sync) {
var numCallArgs = arguments.length - 2;
if (numCallArgs > 20 - 1) throw "emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js: Too many arguments " + numCallArgs + " to proxied function idx=" + index + ", maximum supported is " + (20 - 1) + "!";
var stack = stackSave();
var args = stackAlloc(numCallArgs * 8);
var b = args >> 3;
for (var i = 0; i < numCallArgs; i++) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_F64((b + i) * 8 | 0, arguments[2 + i]);
var ret = _emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js(index, numCallArgs, args, sync);
return ret;
Module["_emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js"] = _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js;
var _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs = [];
Module["_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs"] = _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs;
function _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js(index, numCallArgs, args) {
_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs.length = numCallArgs;
var b = args >> 3;
for (var i = 0; i < numCallArgs; i++) {
_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs[i] = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_F64((b + i) * 8 | 0);
var isEmAsmConst = index < 0;
var func = !isEmAsmConst ? proxiedFunctionTable[index] : ASM_CONSTS[-index - 1];
if (isEmAsmConst) {
var sigPtr = _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs[1];
var varargPtr = _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs[2];
var constArgs = readAsmConstArgs(sigPtr, varargPtr);
return func.apply(null, constArgs);
assert(func.length == numCallArgs, "Call args mismatch in emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js");
return func.apply(null, _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs);
Module["_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js"] = _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js;
function abortOnCannotGrowMemory(requestedSize) {
abort("Cannot enlarge memory arrays to size " + requestedSize + " bytes (OOM). Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value " + HEAP8.length + ", (2) compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 which allows increasing the size at runtime, or (3) if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 ");
Module["abortOnCannotGrowMemory"] = abortOnCannotGrowMemory;
function emscripten_realloc_buffer(size) {
try {
wasmMemory.grow(size - buffer.byteLength + 65535 >> 16);
return 1;
} catch (e) {
console.error("emscripten_realloc_buffer: Attempted to grow heap from " + buffer.byteLength + " bytes to " + size + " bytes, but got error: " + e);
Module["emscripten_realloc_buffer"] = emscripten_realloc_buffer;
function _emscripten_resize_heap(requestedSize) {
var oldSize = _emscripten_get_heap_size();
if (requestedSize <= oldSize) {
return false;
var PAGE_MULTIPLE = 65536;
var LIMIT = 2147483648 - PAGE_MULTIPLE;
if (requestedSize > LIMIT) {
err("Cannot enlarge memory, asked to go up to " + requestedSize + " bytes, but the limit is " + LIMIT + " bytes!");
return false;
var MIN_TOTAL_MEMORY = 16777216;
var newSize = Math.max(oldSize, MIN_TOTAL_MEMORY);
while (newSize < requestedSize) {
if (newSize <= 536870912) {
newSize = alignUp(2 * newSize, PAGE_MULTIPLE);
} else {
newSize = Math.min(alignUp((3 * newSize + 2147483648) / 4, PAGE_MULTIPLE), LIMIT);
if (newSize === oldSize) {
warnOnce("Cannot ask for more memory since we reached the practical limit in browsers (which is just below 2GB), so the request would have failed. Requesting only " + HEAP8.length);
newSize = Math.min(newSize, 1073741824);
if (newSize == oldSize) {
err("Failed to grow the heap from " + oldSize + ", as we reached the WASM_MEM_MAX limit (" + 1073741824 + ") set during compilation");
return false;
var replacement = emscripten_realloc_buffer(newSize);
if (!replacement) {
err("Failed to grow the heap from " + oldSize + " bytes to " + newSize + " bytes, not enough memory!");
return false;
return true;
Module["_emscripten_resize_heap"] = _emscripten_resize_heap;
var JSEvents = {
keyEvent: 0,
mouseEvent: 0,
wheelEvent: 0,
uiEvent: 0,
focusEvent: 0,
deviceOrientationEvent: 0,
deviceMotionEvent: 0,
fullscreenChangeEvent: 0,
pointerlockChangeEvent: 0,
visibilityChangeEvent: 0,
touchEvent: 0,
previousFullscreenElement: null,
previousScreenX: null,
previousScreenY: null,
removeEventListenersRegistered: false,
removeAllEventListeners: (function() {
for (var i = JSEvents.eventHandlers.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
JSEvents.eventHandlers = [];
JSEvents.deferredCalls = [];
registerRemoveEventListeners: (function() {
if (!JSEvents.removeEventListenersRegistered) {
JSEvents.removeEventListenersRegistered = true;
deferredCalls: [],
deferCall: (function(targetFunction, precedence, argsList) {
function arraysHaveEqualContent(arrA, arrB) {
if (arrA.length != arrB.length) return false;
for (var i in arrA) {
if (arrA[i] != arrB[i]) return false;
return true;
for (var i in JSEvents.deferredCalls) {
var call = JSEvents.deferredCalls[i];
if (call.targetFunction == targetFunction && arraysHaveEqualContent(call.argsList, argsList)) {
targetFunction: targetFunction,
precedence: precedence,
argsList: argsList
JSEvents.deferredCalls.sort((function(x, y) {
return x.precedence < y.precedence;
removeDeferredCalls: (function(targetFunction) {
for (var i = 0; i < JSEvents.deferredCalls.length; ++i) {
if (JSEvents.deferredCalls[i].targetFunction == targetFunction) {
JSEvents.deferredCalls.splice(i, 1);
canPerformEventHandlerRequests: (function() {
return JSEvents.inEventHandler && JSEvents.currentEventHandler.allowsDeferredCalls;
runDeferredCalls: (function() {
if (!JSEvents.canPerformEventHandlerRequests()) {
for (var i = 0; i < JSEvents.deferredCalls.length; ++i) {
var call = JSEvents.deferredCalls[i];
JSEvents.deferredCalls.splice(i, 1);
call.targetFunction.apply(this, call.argsList);
inEventHandler: 0,
currentEventHandler: null,
eventHandlers: [],
isInternetExplorer: (function() {
return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !== -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Trident/") > 0;
removeAllHandlersOnTarget: (function(target, eventTypeString) {
for (var i = 0; i < JSEvents.eventHandlers.length; ++i) {
if (JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].target == target && (!eventTypeString || eventTypeString == JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].eventTypeString)) {
_removeHandler: (function(i) {
var h = JSEvents.eventHandlers[i];, h.eventListenerFunc, h.useCapture);
JSEvents.eventHandlers.splice(i, 1);
registerOrRemoveHandler: (function(eventHandler) {
var jsEventHandler = function jsEventHandler(event) {
JSEvents.currentEventHandler = eventHandler;
if (eventHandler.callbackfunc) {
eventHandler.eventListenerFunc = jsEventHandler;, jsEventHandler, eventHandler.useCapture);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < JSEvents.eventHandlers.length; ++i) {
if (JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].target == && JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].eventTypeString == eventHandler.eventTypeString) {
5 years ago
queueEventHandlerOnThread_iiii: (function(targetThread, eventHandlerFunc, eventTypeId, eventData, userData) {
var stackTop = stackSave();
var varargs = stackAlloc(12);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(varargs | 0, eventTypeId);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(varargs + 4 | 0, eventData);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(varargs + 8 | 0, userData);
_emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_(targetThread, 637534208, eventHandlerFunc, eventData, varargs);
getTargetThreadForEventCallback: (function(targetThread) {
switch (targetThread) {
case 1:
return 0;
case 2:
return PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread;
return targetThread;
getBoundingClientRectOrZeros: (function(target) {
return target.getBoundingClientRect ? target.getBoundingClientRect() : {
left: 0,
top: 0
getNodeNameForTarget: (function(target) {
if (!target) return "";
if (target == window) return "#window";
if (target == screen) return "#screen";
return target && target.nodeName ? target.nodeName : "";
tick: (function() {
if (window["performance"] && window["performance"]["now"]) return window["performance"]["now"](); else return;
fullscreenEnabled: (function() {
return document.fullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled || document.msFullscreenEnabled;
Module["JSEvents"] = JSEvents;
function stringToNewUTF8(jsString) {
var length = lengthBytesUTF8(jsString) + 1;
var cString = _malloc(length);
stringToUTF8(jsString, cString, length);
return cString;
Module["stringToNewUTF8"] = stringToNewUTF8;
function _emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread_js(targetThread, targetCanvas, width, height) {
var stackTop = stackSave();
var varargs = stackAlloc(12);
var targetCanvasPtr = 0;
if (targetCanvas) {
targetCanvasPtr = stringToNewUTF8(targetCanvas);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(varargs | 0, targetCanvasPtr);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(varargs + 4 | 0, width);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(varargs + 8 | 0, height);
_emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_(targetThread, 657457152, 0, targetCanvasPtr, varargs);
Module["_emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread_js"] = _emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread_js;
function _emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread(targetThread, targetCanvas, width, height) {
targetCanvas = targetCanvas ? UTF8ToString(targetCanvas) : "";
_emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread_js(targetThread, targetCanvas, width, height);
Module["_emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread"] = _emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread;
var __specialEventTargets = [ 0, typeof document !== "undefined" ? document : 0, typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : 0 ];
Module["__specialEventTargets"] = __specialEventTargets;
function __findEventTarget(target) {
warnOnce("Rules for selecting event targets in HTML5 API are changing: instead of using document.getElementById() that only can refer to elements by their DOM ID, new event target selection mechanism uses the more flexible function document.querySelector() that can look up element names, classes, and complex CSS selectors. Build with -s DISABLE_DEPRECATED_FIND_EVENT_TARGET_BEHAVIOR=1 to change to the new lookup rules. See for more details.");
try {
if (!target) return window;
if (typeof target === "number") target = __specialEventTargets[target] || UTF8ToString(target);
if (target === "#window") return window; else if (target === "#document") return document; else if (target === "#screen") return screen; else if (target === "#canvas") return Module["canvas"];
return typeof target === "string" ? document.getElementById(target) : target;
} catch (e) {
return null;
Module["__findEventTarget"] = __findEventTarget;
function __findCanvasEventTarget(target) {
if (typeof target === "number") target = UTF8ToString(target);
if (!target || target === "#canvas") {
if (typeof GL !== "undefined" && GL.offscreenCanvases["canvas"]) return GL.offscreenCanvases["canvas"];
return Module["canvas"];
if (typeof GL !== "undefined" && GL.offscreenCanvases[target]) return GL.offscreenCanvases[target];
return __findEventTarget(target);
Module["__findCanvasEventTarget"] = __findCanvasEventTarget;
function _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_calling_thread(target, width, height) {
var canvas = __findCanvasEventTarget(target);
if (!canvas) return -4;
if (canvas.canvasSharedPtr) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(canvas.canvasSharedPtr | 0, width);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(canvas.canvasSharedPtr + 4 | 0, height);
if (canvas.offscreenCanvas || !canvas.controlTransferredOffscreen) {
if (canvas.offscreenCanvas) canvas = canvas.offscreenCanvas;
var autoResizeViewport = false;
if (canvas.GLctxObject && canvas.GLctxObject.GLctx) {
var prevViewport = canvas.GLctxObject.GLctx.getParameter(canvas.GLctxObject.GLctx.VIEWPORT);
autoResizeViewport = prevViewport[0] === 0 && prevViewport[1] === 0 && prevViewport[2] === canvas.width && prevViewport[3] === canvas.height;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
if (autoResizeViewport) {
canvas.GLctxObject.GLctx.viewport(0, 0, width, height);
} else if (canvas.canvasSharedPtr) {
var targetThread = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(canvas.canvasSharedPtr + 8 | 0);
_emscripten_set_offscreencanvas_size_on_target_thread(targetThread, target, width, height);
return 1;
} else {
return -4;
return 0;
Module["_emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_calling_thread"] = _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_calling_thread;
function _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_main_thread(target, width, height) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(18, 1, target, width, height);
return _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_calling_thread(target, width, height);
Module["_emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_main_thread"] = _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_main_thread;
function _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size(target, width, height) {
var canvas = __findCanvasEventTarget(target);
if (canvas) {
return _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_calling_thread(target, width, height);
} else {
return _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_main_thread(target, width, height);
Module["_emscripten_set_canvas_element_size"] = _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size;
function _emscripten_set_current_thread_status_js(newStatus) {}
Module["_emscripten_set_current_thread_status_js"] = _emscripten_set_current_thread_status_js;
function _emscripten_set_current_thread_status(newStatus) {
newStatus = newStatus | 0;
Module["_emscripten_set_current_thread_status"] = _emscripten_set_current_thread_status;
function _emscripten_set_thread_name_js(threadId, name) {}
Module["_emscripten_set_thread_name_js"] = _emscripten_set_thread_name_js;
function _emscripten_set_thread_name(threadId, name) {
threadId = threadId | 0;
name = name | 0;
Module["_emscripten_set_thread_name"] = _emscripten_set_thread_name;
function _emscripten_syscall(which, varargs) {
switch (which) {
case 10:
return ___syscall10(which, varargs);
case 12:
return ___syscall12(which, varargs);
case 183:
return ___syscall183(which, varargs);
case 192:
return ___syscall192(which, varargs);
case 195:
return ___syscall195(which, varargs);
case 196:
return ___syscall196(which, varargs);
case 220:
return ___syscall220(which, varargs);
case 221:
return ___syscall221(which, varargs);
case 3:
return ___syscall3(which, varargs);
case 39:
return ___syscall39(which, varargs);
case 4:
return ___syscall4(which, varargs);
case 40:
return ___syscall40(which, varargs);
case 5:
return ___syscall5(which, varargs);
case 54:
return ___syscall54(which, varargs);
case 85:
return ___syscall85(which, varargs);
case 91:
return ___syscall91(which, varargs);
throw "surprising proxied syscall: " + which;
Module["_emscripten_syscall"] = _emscripten_syscall;
var __emscripten_webgl_power_preferences = [ "default", "low-power", "high-performance" ];
Module["__emscripten_webgl_power_preferences"] = __emscripten_webgl_power_preferences;
var GL = {
counter: 1,
lastError: 0,
buffers: [],
mappedBuffers: {},
programs: [],
framebuffers: [],
renderbuffers: [],
textures: [],
uniforms: [],
shaders: [],
vaos: [],
contexts: {},
currentContext: null,
offscreenCanvases: {},
timerQueriesEXT: [],
programInfos: {},
stringCache: {},
unpackAlignment: 4,
init: (function() {
GL.miniTempBuffer = new Float32Array(GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
for (var i = 0; i < GL.MINI_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
GL.miniTempBufferViews[i] = GL.miniTempBuffer.subarray(0, i + 1);
recordError: function recordError(errorCode) {
if (!GL.lastError) {
GL.lastError = errorCode;
getNewId: (function(table) {
var ret = GL.counter++;
for (var i = table.length; i < ret; i++) {
table[i] = null;
return ret;
miniTempBuffer: null,
miniTempBufferViews: [ 0 ],
getSource: (function(shader, count, string, length) {
var source = "";
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
var len = length ? GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(length + i * 4 | 0) : -1;
source += UTF8ToString(GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(string + i * 4 | 0), len < 0 ? undefined : len);
return source;
createContext: (function(canvas, webGLContextAttributes) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext("webgl", webGLContextAttributes) || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", webGLContextAttributes);
if (!ctx) return 0;
var handle = GL.registerContext(ctx, webGLContextAttributes);
return handle;
registerContext: (function(ctx, webGLContextAttributes) {
var handle = _malloc(8);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(handle + 4 | 0, _pthread_self());
var context = {
handle: handle,
attributes: webGLContextAttributes,
version: webGLContextAttributes.majorVersion,
GLctx: ctx
if (ctx.canvas) ctx.canvas.GLctxObject = context;
GL.contexts[handle] = context;
if (typeof webGLContextAttributes.enableExtensionsByDefault === "undefined" || webGLContextAttributes.enableExtensionsByDefault) {
return handle;
makeContextCurrent: (function(contextHandle) {
GL.currentContext = GL.contexts[contextHandle];
Module.ctx = GLctx = GL.currentContext && GL.currentContext.GLctx;
return !(contextHandle && !GLctx);
getContext: (function(contextHandle) {
return GL.contexts[contextHandle];
deleteContext: (function(contextHandle) {
if (GL.currentContext === GL.contexts[contextHandle]) GL.currentContext = null;
if (typeof JSEvents === "object") JSEvents.removeAllHandlersOnTarget(GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas);
if (GL.contexts[contextHandle] && GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas) GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas.GLctxObject = undefined;
GL.contexts[contextHandle] = null;
acquireInstancedArraysExtension: (function(ctx) {
var ext = ctx.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays");
if (ext) {
ctx["vertexAttribDivisor"] = (function(index, divisor) {
ext["vertexAttribDivisorANGLE"](index, divisor);
ctx["drawArraysInstanced"] = (function(mode, first, count, primcount) {
ext["drawArraysInstancedANGLE"](mode, first, count, primcount);
ctx["drawElementsInstanced"] = (function(mode, count, type, indices, primcount) {
ext["drawElementsInstancedANGLE"](mode, count, type, indices, primcount);
acquireVertexArrayObjectExtension: (function(ctx) {
var ext = ctx.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object");
if (ext) {
ctx["createVertexArray"] = (function() {
return ext["createVertexArrayOES"]();
ctx["deleteVertexArray"] = (function(vao) {
ctx["bindVertexArray"] = (function(vao) {
ctx["isVertexArray"] = (function(vao) {
return ext["isVertexArrayOES"](vao);
acquireDrawBuffersExtension: (function(ctx) {
var ext = ctx.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers");
if (ext) {
ctx["drawBuffers"] = (function(n, bufs) {
ext["drawBuffersWEBGL"](n, bufs);
initExtensions: (function(context) {
if (!context) context = GL.currentContext;
if (context.initExtensionsDone) return;
context.initExtensionsDone = true;
var GLctx = context.GLctx;
if (context.version < 2) {
GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt = GLctx.getExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query");
var automaticallyEnabledExtensions = [ "OES_texture_float", "OES_texture_half_float", "OES_standard_derivatives", "OES_vertex_array_object", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc", "WEBGL_depth_texture", "OES_element_index_uint", "EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic", "EXT_frag_depth", "WEBGL_draw_buffers", "ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "OES_texture_float_linear", "OES_texture_half_float_linear", "EXT_blend_minmax", "EXT_shader_texture_lod", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc", "EXT_color_buffer_half_float", "WEBGL_color_buffer_float", "EXT_sRGB", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc", "EXT_color_buffer_float", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2", "WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc" ];
function shouldEnableAutomatically(extension) {
var ret = false;
automaticallyEnabledExtensions.forEach((function(include) {
if (extension.indexOf(include) != -1) {
ret = true;
5 years ago
return ret;
var exts = GLctx.getSupportedExtensions() || [];
exts.forEach((function(ext) {
if (automaticallyEnabledExtensions.indexOf(ext) != -1) {
populateUniformTable: (function(program) {
var p = GL.programs[program];
var ptable = GL.programInfos[program] = {
uniforms: {},
maxUniformLength: 0,
maxAttributeLength: -1,
maxUniformBlockNameLength: -1
var utable = ptable.uniforms;
var numUniforms = GLctx.getProgramParameter(p, 35718);
for (var i = 0; i < numUniforms; ++i) {
var u = GLctx.getActiveUniform(p, i);
var name =;
ptable.maxUniformLength = Math.max(ptable.maxUniformLength, name.length + 1);
if (name.slice(-1) == "]") {
name = name.slice(0, name.lastIndexOf("["));
var loc = GLctx.getUniformLocation(p, name);
if (loc) {
var id = GL.getNewId(GL.uniforms);
utable[name] = [ u.size, id ];
GL.uniforms[id] = loc;
for (var j = 1; j < u.size; ++j) {
var n = name + "[" + j + "]";
loc = GLctx.getUniformLocation(p, n);
id = GL.getNewId(GL.uniforms);
GL.uniforms[id] = loc;
5 years ago
Module["GL"] = GL;
function _emscripten_webgl_do_create_context(target, attributes) {
var contextAttributes = {};
var a = attributes >> 2;
contextAttributes["alpha"] = !!GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (0 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes["depth"] = !!GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (4 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes["stencil"] = !!GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (8 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes["antialias"] = !!GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (12 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes["premultipliedAlpha"] = !!GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (16 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes["preserveDrawingBuffer"] = !!GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (20 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
var powerPreference = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (24 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes["powerPreference"] = __emscripten_webgl_power_preferences[powerPreference];
contextAttributes["failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat"] = !!GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (28 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes.majorVersion = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (32 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes.minorVersion = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (36 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes.enableExtensionsByDefault = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (40 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes.explicitSwapControl = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (44 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes.proxyContextToMainThread = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (48 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
contextAttributes.renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32((a + (52 >> 2)) * 4 | 0);
var canvas = __findCanvasEventTarget(target);
if (!canvas) {
return 0;
if (contextAttributes.explicitSwapControl) {
return 0;
var contextHandle = GL.createContext(canvas, contextAttributes);
return contextHandle;
Module["_emscripten_webgl_do_create_context"] = _emscripten_webgl_do_create_context;
function _emscripten_webgl_create_context(a0, a1) {
return _emscripten_webgl_do_create_context(a0, a1);
Module["_emscripten_webgl_create_context"] = _emscripten_webgl_create_context;
var ENV = {};
Module["ENV"] = ENV;
function _emscripten_get_environ() {
if (!_emscripten_get_environ.strings) {
var env = {
"USER": "web_user",
"LOGNAME": "web_user",
"PATH": "/",
"PWD": "/",
"HOME": "/home/web_user",
"LANG": (typeof navigator === "object" && navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || "C").replace("-", "_") + ".UTF-8",
"_": thisProgram
5 years ago
for (var x in ENV) {
env[x] = ENV[x];
var strings = [];
for (var x in env) {
strings.push(x + "=" + env[x]);
_emscripten_get_environ.strings = strings;
return _emscripten_get_environ.strings;
Module["_emscripten_get_environ"] = _emscripten_get_environ;
function _environ_get(__environ, environ_buf) {
var strings = _emscripten_get_environ();
var bufSize = 0;
strings.forEach((function(string, i) {
var ptr = environ_buf + bufSize;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(__environ + i * 4 | 0, ptr);
writeAsciiToMemory(string, ptr);
bufSize += string.length + 1;
return 0;
Module["_environ_get"] = _environ_get;
function _environ_sizes_get(penviron_count, penviron_buf_size) {
var strings = _emscripten_get_environ();
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(penviron_count | 0, strings.length);
var bufSize = 0;
strings.forEach((function(string) {
bufSize += string.length + 1;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(penviron_buf_size | 0, bufSize);
return 0;
Module["_environ_sizes_get"] = _environ_sizes_get;
function _exit(status) {
Module["_exit"] = _exit;
function _fd_close(fd) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(19, 1, fd);
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return e.errno;
Module["_fd_close"] = _fd_close;
function _fd_read(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(20, 1, fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum);
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
var num = SYSCALLS.doReadv(stream, iov, iovcnt);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(pnum | 0, num);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return e.errno;
Module["_fd_read"] = _fd_read;
function _fd_seek(fd, offset_low, offset_high, whence, newOffset) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(21, 1, fd, offset_low, offset_high, whence, newOffset);
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
var HIGH_OFFSET = 4294967296;
var offset = offset_high * HIGH_OFFSET + (offset_low >>> 0);
var DOUBLE_LIMIT = 9007199254740992;
if (offset <= -DOUBLE_LIMIT || offset >= DOUBLE_LIMIT) {
return -61;
FS.llseek(stream, offset, whence);
tempI64 = [ stream.position >>> 0, (tempDouble = stream.position, +Math_abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math_min(+Math_floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math_ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0) ], GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(newOffset | 0, tempI64[0]), GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(newOffset + 4 | 0, tempI64[1]);
if (stream.getdents && offset === 0 && whence === 0) stream.getdents = null;
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return e.errno;
Module["_fd_seek"] = _fd_seek;
function _fd_write(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(22, 1, fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum);
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
var num = SYSCALLS.doWritev(stream, iov, iovcnt);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(pnum | 0, num);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) abort(e);
return e.errno;
Module["_fd_write"] = _fd_write;
function _getTempRet0() {
return getTempRet0() | 0;
Module["_getTempRet0"] = _getTempRet0;
function _gettimeofday(ptr) {
var now =;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr | 0, now / 1e3 | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr + 4 | 0, now % 1e3 * 1e3 | 0);
return 0;
Module["_gettimeofday"] = _gettimeofday;
var ___tm_current = 12594976;
Module["___tm_current"] = ___tm_current;
var ___tm_timezone = (stringToUTF8("GMT", 12595024, 4), 12595024);
Module["___tm_timezone"] = ___tm_timezone;
function _gmtime_r(time, tmPtr) {
var date = new Date(GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(time | 0) * 1e3);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr | 0, date.getUTCSeconds());
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 4 | 0, date.getUTCMinutes());
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 8 | 0, date.getUTCHours());
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 12 | 0, date.getUTCDate());
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 16 | 0, date.getUTCMonth());
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 20 | 0, date.getUTCFullYear() - 1900);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 24 | 0, date.getUTCDay());
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 36 | 0, 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 32 | 0, 0);
var start = Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var yday = (date.getTime() - start) / (1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24) | 0;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 28 | 0, yday);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 40 | 0, ___tm_timezone);
return tmPtr;
Module["_gmtime_r"] = _gmtime_r;
function _gmtime(time) {
return _gmtime_r(time, ___tm_current);
Module["_gmtime"] = _gmtime;
function _memcpy(dest, src, num) {
dest = dest | 0;
src = src | 0;
num = num | 0;
var ret = 0;
var aligned_dest_end = 0;
var block_aligned_dest_end = 0;
var dest_end = 0;
if ((num | 0) >= 8192) {
_emscripten_memcpy_big(dest | 0, src | 0, num | 0) | 0;
return dest | 0;
ret = dest | 0;
dest_end = dest + num | 0;
if ((dest & 3) == (src & 3)) {
while (dest & 3) {
if ((num | 0) == 0) return ret | 0;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(dest >> 0 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(src >> 0 | 0) | 0);
dest = dest + 1 | 0;
src = src + 1 | 0;
num = num - 1 | 0;
aligned_dest_end = dest_end & -4 | 0;
block_aligned_dest_end = aligned_dest_end - 64 | 0;
while ((dest | 0) <= (block_aligned_dest_end | 0)) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 4 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 4 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 8 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 8 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 12 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 12 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 16 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 16 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 20 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 20 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 24 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 24 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 28 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 28 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 32 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 32 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 36 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 36 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 40 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 40 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 44 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 44 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 48 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 48 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 52 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 52 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 56 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 56 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest + 60 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src + 60 | 0) | 0);
dest = dest + 64 | 0;
src = src + 64 | 0;
while ((dest | 0) < (aligned_dest_end | 0)) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(dest | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(src | 0) | 0);
dest = dest + 4 | 0;
src = src + 4 | 0;
} else {
aligned_dest_end = dest_end - 4 | 0;
while ((dest | 0) < (aligned_dest_end | 0)) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(dest >> 0 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(src >> 0 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(dest + 1 >> 0 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(src + 1 >> 0 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(dest + 2 >> 0 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(src + 2 >> 0 | 0) | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(dest + 3 >> 0 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(src + 3 >> 0 | 0) | 0);
dest = dest + 4 | 0;
src = src + 4 | 0;
while ((dest | 0) < (dest_end | 0)) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I8(dest >> 0 | 0, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I8(src >> 0 | 0) | 0);
dest = dest + 1 | 0;
src = src + 1 | 0;
return ret | 0;
Module["_memcpy"] = _memcpy;
function _tzset() {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(23, 1);
if (_tzset.called) return;
_tzset.called = true;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(__get_timezone() | 0, (new Date).getTimezoneOffset() * 60);
var currentYear = (new Date).getFullYear();
var winter = new Date(currentYear, 0, 1);
var summer = new Date(currentYear, 6, 1);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(__get_daylight() | 0, Number(winter.getTimezoneOffset() != summer.getTimezoneOffset()));
function extractZone(date) {
var match = date.toTimeString().match(/\(([A-Za-z ]+)\)$/);
return match ? match[1] : "GMT";
var winterName = extractZone(winter);
var summerName = extractZone(summer);
var winterNamePtr = allocate(intArrayFromString(winterName), "i8", ALLOC_NORMAL);
var summerNamePtr = allocate(intArrayFromString(summerName), "i8", ALLOC_NORMAL);
if (summer.getTimezoneOffset() < winter.getTimezoneOffset()) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(__get_tzname() | 0, winterNamePtr);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(__get_tzname() + 4 | 0, summerNamePtr);
} else {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(__get_tzname() | 0, summerNamePtr);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(__get_tzname() + 4 | 0, winterNamePtr);
Module["_tzset"] = _tzset;
function _mktime(tmPtr) {
var date = new Date(GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tmPtr + 20 | 0) + 1900, GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tmPtr + 16 | 0), GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tmPtr + 12 | 0), GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tmPtr + 8 | 0), GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tmPtr + 4 | 0), GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tmPtr | 0), 0);
var dst = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tmPtr + 32 | 0);
var guessedOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
var start = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
var summerOffset = (new Date(date.getFullYear(), 6, 1)).getTimezoneOffset();
var winterOffset = start.getTimezoneOffset();
var dstOffset = Math.min(winterOffset, summerOffset);
if (dst < 0) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 32 | 0, Number(summerOffset != winterOffset && dstOffset == guessedOffset));
} else if (dst > 0 != (dstOffset == guessedOffset)) {
var nonDstOffset = Math.max(winterOffset, summerOffset);
var trueOffset = dst > 0 ? dstOffset : nonDstOffset;
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (trueOffset - guessedOffset) * 6e4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 24 | 0, date.getDay());
var yday = (date.getTime() - start.getTime()) / (1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24) | 0;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tmPtr + 28 | 0, yday);
return date.getTime() / 1e3 | 0;
Module["_mktime"] = _mktime;
function _pthread_cleanup_pop(execute) {
var routine = PThread.exitHandlers.pop();
if (execute) routine();
Module["_pthread_cleanup_pop"] = _pthread_cleanup_pop;
function _pthread_cleanup_push(routine, arg) {
if (PThread.exitHandlers === null) {
PThread.exitHandlers = [];
__ATEXIT__.push((function() {
PThread.exitHandlers.push((function() {
dynCall_vi(routine, arg);
Module["_pthread_cleanup_push"] = _pthread_cleanup_push;
function __spawn_thread(threadParams) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw "Internal Error! _spawn_thread() can only ever be called from main application thread!";
var worker = PThread.getNewWorker();
if (worker.pthread !== undefined) throw "Internal error!";
if (!threadParams.pthread_ptr) throw "Internal error, no pthread ptr!";
var tlsMemory = _malloc(128 * 4);
for (var i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(tlsMemory + i * 4 | 0, 0);
var stackHigh = threadParams.stackBase + threadParams.stackSize;
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[threadParams.pthread_ptr] = {
worker: worker,
stackBase: threadParams.stackBase,
stackSize: threadParams.stackSize,
allocatedOwnStack: threadParams.allocatedOwnStack,
thread: threadParams.pthread_ptr,
threadInfoStruct: threadParams.pthread_ptr
};, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 0 >> 2, 0);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 4 >> 2, 0);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 20 >> 2, 0);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 80 >> 2, threadParams.detached);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 116 >> 2, tlsMemory);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 60 >> 2, 0);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 52 >> 2, pthread.threadInfoStruct);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 56 >> 2,;, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 120 >> 2, threadParams.stackSize);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 96 >> 2, threadParams.stackSize);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 92 >> 2, stackHigh);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 120 + 8 >> 2, stackHigh);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 120 + 12 >> 2, threadParams.detached);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 120 + 20 >> 2, threadParams.schedPolicy);, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 120 + 24 >> 2, threadParams.schedPrio);
var global_libc = _emscripten_get_global_libc();
var global_locale = global_libc + 40;, pthread.threadInfoStruct + 188 >> 2, global_locale);
worker.pthread = pthread;
var msg = {
"cmd": "run",
"start_routine": threadParams.startRoutine,
"arg": threadParams.arg,
"threadInfoStruct": threadParams.pthread_ptr,
"selfThreadId": threadParams.pthread_ptr,
"parentThreadId": threadParams.parent_pthread_ptr,
"stackBase": threadParams.stackBase,
"stackSize": threadParams.stackSize
worker.runPthread = (function() {
msg.time =;
worker.postMessage(msg, threadParams.transferList);
if (worker.loaded) {
delete worker.runPthread;
Module["__spawn_thread"] = __spawn_thread;
function _pthread_getschedparam(thread, policy, schedparam) {
if (!policy && !schedparam) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
if (!thread) {
err("pthread_getschedparam called with a null thread pointer!");
var self = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(thread + 24 | 0);
if (self !== thread) {
err("pthread_getschedparam attempted on thread " + thread + ", which does not point to a valid thread, or does not exist anymore!");
var schedPolicy = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, thread + 120 + 20 >> 2);
var schedPrio = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, thread + 120 + 24 >> 2);
if (policy) GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(policy | 0, schedPolicy);
if (schedparam) GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(schedparam | 0, schedPrio);
return 0;
Module["_pthread_getschedparam"] = _pthread_getschedparam;
function _pthread_self() {
return __pthread_ptr | 0;
Module["_pthread_self"] = _pthread_self;
function _pthread_create(pthread_ptr, attr, start_routine, arg) {
if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer === "undefined") {
err("Current environment does not support SharedArrayBuffer, pthreads are not available!");
return 6;
if (!pthread_ptr) {
err("pthread_create called with a null thread pointer!");
return 28;
var transferList = [];
var error = 0;
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD && (transferList.length === 0 || error)) {
return _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4(687865856, pthread_ptr, attr, start_routine, arg);
if (error) return error;
var stackSize = 0;
var stackBase = 0;
var detached = 0;
var schedPolicy = 0;
var schedPrio = 0;
if (attr) {
stackSize = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(attr | 0);
stackSize += 81920;
stackBase = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(attr + 8 | 0);
detached = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(attr + 12 | 0) !== 0;
var inheritSched = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(attr + 16 | 0) === 0;
if (inheritSched) {
var prevSchedPolicy = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(attr + 20 | 0);
var prevSchedPrio = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(attr + 24 | 0);
var parentThreadPtr = PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread ? PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread : _pthread_self();
_pthread_getschedparam(parentThreadPtr, attr + 20, attr + 24);
schedPolicy = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(attr + 20 | 0);
schedPrio = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(attr + 24 | 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(attr + 20 | 0, prevSchedPolicy);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(attr + 24 | 0, prevSchedPrio);
} else {
schedPolicy = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(attr + 20 | 0);
schedPrio = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(attr + 24 | 0);
} else {
stackSize = 2097152;
var allocatedOwnStack = stackBase == 0;
if (allocatedOwnStack) {
stackBase = _memalign(16, stackSize);
} else {
stackBase -= stackSize;
assert(stackBase > 0);
var threadInfoStruct = _malloc(244);
for (var i = 0; i < 244 >> 2; ++i) GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(((threadInfoStruct >> 2) + i) * 4 | 0, 0);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(pthread_ptr | 0, threadInfoStruct);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(threadInfoStruct + 24 | 0, threadInfoStruct);
var headPtr = threadInfoStruct + 168;
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(headPtr | 0, headPtr);
var threadParams = {
stackBase: stackBase,
stackSize: stackSize,
allocatedOwnStack: allocatedOwnStack,
schedPolicy: schedPolicy,
schedPrio: schedPrio,
detached: detached,
startRoutine: start_routine,
pthread_ptr: threadInfoStruct,
parent_pthread_ptr: _pthread_self(),
arg: arg,
transferList: transferList
threadParams.cmd = "spawnThread";
postMessage(threadParams, transferList);
} else {
return 0;
Module["_pthread_create"] = _pthread_create;
function _setTempRet0($i) {
setTempRet0($i | 0);
Module["_setTempRet0"] = _setTempRet0;
function __isLeapYear(year) {
return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);
Module["__isLeapYear"] = __isLeapYear;
function __arraySum(array, index) {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= index; sum += array[i++]) ;
return sum;
Module["__arraySum"] = __arraySum;
var __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP = [ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ];
var __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR = [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ];
function __addDays(date, days) {
var newDate = new Date(date.getTime());
while (days > 0) {
var leap = __isLeapYear(newDate.getFullYear());
var currentMonth = newDate.getMonth();
var daysInCurrentMonth = (leap ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR)[currentMonth];
if (days > daysInCurrentMonth - newDate.getDate()) {
days -= daysInCurrentMonth - newDate.getDate() + 1;
if (currentMonth < 11) {
newDate.setMonth(currentMonth + 1);
} else {
newDate.setFullYear(newDate.getFullYear() + 1);
} else {
newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + days);
return newDate;
return newDate;
Module["__addDays"] = __addDays;
function _strftime(s, maxsize, format, tm) {
var tm_zone = GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm + 40 | 0);
var date = {
tm_sec: GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm | 0),
tm_min: GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm + 4 | 0),
tm_hour: GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm + 8 | 0),
tm_mday: GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm + 12 | 0),
tm_mon: GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm + 16 | 0),
tm_year: GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm + 20 | 0),
tm_wday: GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm + 24 | 0),
tm_yday: GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm + 28 | 0),
tm_isdst: GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm + 32 | 0),
tm_gmtoff: GROWABLE_HEAP_LOAD_I32(tm + 36 | 0),
tm_zone: tm_zone ? UTF8ToString(tm_zone) : ""
var pattern = UTF8ToString(format);
"%c": "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",
"%D": "%m/%d/%y",
"%F": "%Y-%m-%d",
"%h": "%b",
"%r": "%I:%M:%S %p",
"%R": "%H:%M",
"%T": "%H:%M:%S",
"%x": "%m/%d/%y",
"%X": "%H:%M:%S",
"%Ec": "%c",
"%EC": "%C",
"%Ex": "%m/%d/%y",
"%EX": "%H:%M:%S",
"%Ey": "%y",
"%EY": "%Y",
"%Od": "%d",
"%Oe": "%e",
"%OH": "%H",
"%OI": "%I",
"%Om": "%m",
"%OM": "%M",
"%OS": "%S",
"%Ou": "%u",
"%OU": "%U",
"%OV": "%V",
"%Ow": "%w",
"%OW": "%W",
"%Oy": "%y"
for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_1) {
pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, "g"), EXPANSION_RULES_1[rule]);
var WEEKDAYS = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ];
var MONTHS = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ];
function leadingSomething(value, digits, character) {
var str = typeof value === "number" ? value.toString() : value || "";
while (str.length < digits) {
str = character[0] + str;
return str;
function leadingNulls(value, digits) {
return leadingSomething(value, digits, "0");
function compareByDay(date1, date2) {
function sgn(value) {
return value < 0 ? -1 : value > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var compare;
if ((compare = sgn(date1.getFullYear() - date2.getFullYear())) === 0) {
if ((compare = sgn(date1.getMonth() - date2.getMonth())) === 0) {
compare = sgn(date1.getDate() - date2.getDate());
return compare;
function getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourth) {
switch (janFourth.getDay()) {
case 0:
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 29);
case 1:
return janFourth;
case 2:
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 3);
case 3:
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 2);
case 4:
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
case 5:
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31);
case 6:
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 30);
function getWeekBasedYear(date) {
var thisDate = __addDays(new Date(date.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1), date.tm_yday);
var janFourthThisYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear(), 0, 4);
var janFourthNextYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 4);
var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear);
var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear);
if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartThisYear, thisDate) <= 0) {
if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, thisDate) <= 0) {
return thisDate.getFullYear() + 1;
} else {
return thisDate.getFullYear();
} else {
return thisDate.getFullYear() - 1;
"%a": (function(date) {
return WEEKDAYS[date.tm_wday].substring(0, 3);
"%A": (function(date) {
return WEEKDAYS[date.tm_wday];
"%b": (function(date) {
return MONTHS[date.tm_mon].substring(0, 3);
"%B": (function(date) {
return MONTHS[date.tm_mon];
"%C": (function(date) {
var year = date.tm_year + 1900;
return leadingNulls(year / 100 | 0, 2);
"%d": (function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_mday, 2);
"%e": (function(date) {
return leadingSomething(date.tm_mday, 2, " ");
"%g": (function(date) {
return getWeekBasedYear(date).toString().substring(2);
"%G": (function(date) {
return getWeekBasedYear(date);
"%H": (function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_hour, 2);
"%I": (function(date) {
var twelveHour = date.tm_hour;
if (twelveHour == 0) twelveHour = 12; else if (twelveHour > 12) twelveHour -= 12;
return leadingNulls(twelveHour, 2);
"%j": (function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_mday + __arraySum(__isLeapYear(date.tm_year + 1900) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, date.tm_mon - 1), 3);
"%m": (function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_mon + 1, 2);
"%M": (function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_min, 2);
"%n": (function() {
return "\n";
"%p": (function(date) {
if (date.tm_hour >= 0 && date.tm_hour < 12) {
return "AM";
} else {
return "PM";
"%S": (function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_sec, 2);
"%t": (function() {
return "\t";
"%u": (function(date) {
return date.tm_wday || 7;
"%U": (function(date) {
var janFirst = new Date(date.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1);
var firstSunday = janFirst.getDay() === 0 ? janFirst : __addDays(janFirst, 7 - janFirst.getDay());
var endDate = new Date(date.tm_year + 1900, date.tm_mon, date.tm_mday);
if (compareByDay(firstSunday, endDate) < 0) {
var februaryFirstUntilEndMonth = __arraySum(__isLeapYear(endDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, endDate.getMonth() - 1) - 31;
var firstSundayUntilEndJanuary = 31 - firstSunday.getDate();
var days = firstSundayUntilEndJanuary + februaryFirstUntilEndMonth + endDate.getDate();
return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(days / 7), 2);
return compareByDay(firstSunday, janFirst) === 0 ? "01" : "00";
"%V": (function(date) {
var janFourthThisYear = new Date(date.tm_year + 1900, 0, 4);
var janFourthNextYear = new Date(date.tm_year + 1901, 0, 4);
var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear);
var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear);
var endDate = __addDays(new Date(date.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1), date.tm_yday);
if (compareByDay(endDate, firstWeekStartThisYear) < 0) {
return "53";
if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, endDate) <= 0) {
return "01";
var daysDifference;
if (firstWeekStartThisYear.getFullYear() < date.tm_year + 1900) {
daysDifference = date.tm_yday + 32 - firstWeekStartThisYear.getDate();
} else {
daysDifference = date.tm_yday + 1 - firstWeekStartThisYear.getDate();
return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(daysDifference / 7), 2);
"%w": (function(date) {
return date.tm_wday;
"%W": (function(date) {
var janFirst = new Date(date.tm_year, 0, 1);
var firstMonday = janFirst.getDay() === 1 ? janFirst : __addDays(janFirst, janFirst.getDay() === 0 ? 1 : 7 - janFirst.getDay() + 1);
var endDate = new Date(date.tm_year + 1900, date.tm_mon, date.tm_mday);
if (compareByDay(firstMonday, endDate) < 0) {
var februaryFirstUntilEndMonth = __arraySum(__isLeapYear(endDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, endDate.getMonth() - 1) - 31;
var firstMondayUntilEndJanuary = 31 - firstMonday.getDate();
var days = firstMondayUntilEndJanuary + februaryFirstUntilEndMonth + endDate.getDate();
return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(days / 7), 2);
return compareByDay(firstMonday, janFirst) === 0 ? "01" : "00";
"%y": (function(date) {
return (date.tm_year + 1900).toString().substring(2);
"%Y": (function(date) {
return date.tm_year + 1900;
"%z": (function(date) {
var off = date.tm_gmtoff;
var ahead = off >= 0;
off = Math.abs(off) / 60;
off = off / 60 * 100 + off % 60;
return (ahead ? "+" : "-") + String("0000" + off).slice(-4);
"%Z": (function(date) {
return date.tm_zone;
"%%": (function() {
return "%";
for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_2) {
if (pattern.indexOf(rule) >= 0) {
pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, "g"), EXPANSION_RULES_2[rule](date));
var bytes = intArrayFromString(pattern, false);
if (bytes.length > maxsize) {
return 0;
writeArrayToMemory(bytes, s);
return bytes.length - 1;
Module["_strftime"] = _strftime;
function _strftime_l(s, maxsize, format, tm) {
return _strftime(s, maxsize, format, tm);
Module["_strftime_l"] = _strftime_l;
function _sysconf(name) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return _emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js(24, 1, name);
switch (name) {
case 30:
return PAGE_SIZE;
case 85:
var maxHeapSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 - 65536;
maxHeapSize = 1073741824;
return maxHeapSize / PAGE_SIZE;
case 132:
case 133:
case 12:
case 137:
case 138:
case 15:
case 235:
case 16:
case 17:
case 18:
case 19:
case 20:
case 149:
case 13:
case 10:
case 236:
case 153:
case 9:
case 21:
case 22:
case 159:
case 154:
case 14:
case 77:
case 78:
case 139:
case 80:
case 81:
case 82:
case 68:
case 67:
case 164:
case 11:
case 29:
case 47:
case 48:
case 95:
case 52:
case 51:
case 46:
return 200809;
case 79:
return 0;
case 27:
case 246:
case 127:
case 128:
case 23:
case 24:
case 160:
case 161:
case 181:
case 182:
case 242:
case 183:
case 184:
case 243:
case 244:
case 245:
case 165:
case 178:
case 179:
case 49:
case 50:
case 168:
case 169:
case 175:
case 170:
case 171:
case 172:
case 97:
case 76:
case 32:
case 173:
case 35:
return -1;
case 176:
case 177:
case 7:
case 155:
case 8:
case 157:
case 125:
case 126:
case 92:
case 93:
case 129:
case 130:
case 131:
case 94:
case 91:
return 1;
case 74:
case 60:
case 69:
case 70:
case 4:
return 1024;
case 31:
case 42:
case 72:
return 32;
case 87:
case 26:
case 33:
return 2147483647;
case 34:
case 1:
return 47839;
case 38:
case 36:
return 99;
case 43:
case 37:
return 2048;
case 0:
return 2097152;
case 3:
return 65536;
case 28:
return 32768;
case 44:
return 32767;
case 75:
return 16384;
case 39:
return 1e3;
case 89:
return 700;
case 71:
return 256;
case 40:
return 255;
case 2:
return 100;
case 180:
return 64;
case 25:
return 20;
case 5:
return 16;
case 6:
return 6;
case 73:
return 4;
case 84:
if (typeof navigator === "object") return navigator["hardwareConcurrency"] || 1;
return 1;
return -1;
Module["_sysconf"] = _sysconf;
function _system(command) {
return -1;
Module["_system"] = _system;
function _time(ptr) {
var ret = / 1e3 | 0;
if (ptr) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(ptr | 0, ret);
return ret;
Module["_time"] = _time;
function _times(buffer) {
if (buffer !== 0) {
_memset(buffer, 0, 16);
return 0;
Module["_times"] = _times;
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) PThread.initMainThreadBlock(); else PThread.initWorker();
_emscripten_get_now = function _emscripten_get_now_actual() {
var t = process["hrtime"]();
return t[0] * 1e3 + t[1] / 1e6;
_emscripten_get_now = (function() {
return performance["now"]() - __performance_now_clock_drift;
} else if (typeof dateNow !== "undefined") {
_emscripten_get_now = dateNow;
} else if (typeof performance === "object" && performance && typeof performance["now"] === "function") {
_emscripten_get_now = (function() {
return performance["now"]();
} else {
_emscripten_get_now =;
var fs = require("fs");
var NODEJS_PATH = require("path");
var GLctx;
var proxiedFunctionTable = [ null, _atexit, ___syscall10, ___syscall12, ___syscall183, ___syscall192, ___syscall195, ___syscall196, ___syscall220, ___syscall221, ___syscall3, ___syscall39, ___syscall4, ___syscall40, ___syscall5, ___syscall54, ___syscall85, ___syscall91, _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size_main_thread, _fd_close, _fd_read, _fd_seek, _fd_write, _tzset, _sysconf ];
var ASSERTIONS = true;
function intArrayFromString(stringy, dontAddNull, length) {
5 years ago
var len = length > 0 ? length : lengthBytesUTF8(stringy) + 1;
var u8array = new Array(len);
var numBytesWritten = stringToUTF8Array(stringy, u8array, 0, u8array.length);
if (dontAddNull) u8array.length = numBytesWritten;
return u8array;
function intArrayToString(array) {
5 years ago
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var chr = array[i];
if (chr > 255) {
assert(false, "Character code " + chr + " (" + String.fromCharCode(chr) + ") at offset " + i + " not in 0x00-0xFF.");
chr &= 255;
return ret.join("");
var asmGlobalArg = {};
5 years ago
var asmLibraryArg = {
"_ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN12CPdfRenderer10SaveToFileERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE,
"_ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN12CPdfRenderer11SetPasswordERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE,
"_ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetDocumentIDERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE,
"_ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN12CPdfRenderer13SetTempFolderERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE,
"_ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN12CPdfRenderer14SetThemesPlaceERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEE,
"_ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb": __ZN12CPdfRenderer15OnlineWordToPdfERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb,
"_ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb": __ZN12CPdfRenderer25OnlineWordToPdfFromBinaryERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_RKb,
"_ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb": __ZN12CPdfRendererC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsEb,
"_ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev": __ZN12CPdfRendererD1Ev,
"_ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv": __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer18GetImagesInChangesEv,
"_ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_": __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrenderer7ExecuteERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERS7_,
"_ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE": __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererC1ERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEE,
"_ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev": __ZN14NSDoctRenderer13CDoctrendererD1Ev,
"_ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_": __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer316CreateOfficeFileENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS1_11char_traitsIwEENS1_9allocatorIwEEEERKS7_,
"_ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb": __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer39CloseFileEb,
"_ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev": __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3C1Ev,
"_ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev": __ZN14NSHtmlRenderer17CASCHTMLRenderer3D1Ev,
"_ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb": __ZN23CFileDownloader_privateC1ENSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEEb,
"_ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE": __ZN8CXpsFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE,
"_ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE": __ZN9CDjVuFileC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE,
"_ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_": __ZN9CHtmlFile10ConvertMhtERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEES8_S8_,
"_ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_": __ZN9CHtmlFile11ConvertEpubERKNSt3__212basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEERS6_S8_S8_,
"_ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_": __ZN9CHtmlFile7ConvertERKNSt3__26vectorINS0_12basic_stringIwNS0_11char_traitsIwEENS0_9allocatorIwEEEENS5_IS7_EEEERKS7_SD_,
"_ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev": __ZN9CHtmlFileC1Ev,
"_ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev": __ZN9CHtmlFileD1Ev,
"_ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv": __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReader8GetErrorEv,
"_ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReaderC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE": __ZN9PdfReader10CPdfReaderC1EPN7NSFonts17IApplicationFontsE,
"__assert_fail": ___assert_fail,
"__call_main": ___call_main,
"__clock_gettime": ___clock_gettime,
"__cxa_allocate_exception": ___cxa_allocate_exception,
"__cxa_atexit": ___cxa_atexit,
"__cxa_rethrow": ___cxa_rethrow,
"__cxa_throw": ___cxa_throw,
"__lock": ___lock,
"__map_file": ___map_file,
"__syscall10": ___syscall10,
"__syscall12": ___syscall12,
"__syscall183": ___syscall183,
"__syscall192": ___syscall192,
"__syscall195": ___syscall195,
"__syscall196": ___syscall196,
"__syscall220": ___syscall220,
"__syscall221": ___syscall221,
"__syscall3": ___syscall3,
"__syscall39": ___syscall39,
"__syscall4": ___syscall4,
"__syscall40": ___syscall40,
"__syscall5": ___syscall5,
"__syscall54": ___syscall54,
"__syscall85": ___syscall85,
"__syscall91": ___syscall91,
"__unlock": ___unlock,
"abort": _abort,
"atexit": _atexit,
"emscripten_asm_const_iii": _emscripten_asm_const_iii,
"emscripten_check_blocking_allowed": _emscripten_check_blocking_allowed,
"emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status": _emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status,
"emscripten_futex_wait": _emscripten_futex_wait,
"emscripten_futex_wake": _emscripten_futex_wake,
"emscripten_get_now": _emscripten_get_now,
"emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr": _emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr,
"emscripten_has_threading_support": _emscripten_has_threading_support,
"emscripten_is_main_browser_thread": _emscripten_is_main_browser_thread,
"emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread": _emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread,
"emscripten_longjmp": _emscripten_longjmp,
"emscripten_memcpy_big": _emscripten_memcpy_big,
"emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js": _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js,
"emscripten_resize_heap": _emscripten_resize_heap,
"emscripten_set_canvas_element_size": _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size,
"emscripten_set_current_thread_status": _emscripten_set_current_thread_status,
"emscripten_set_thread_name": _emscripten_set_thread_name,
"emscripten_syscall": _emscripten_syscall,
"emscripten_webgl_create_context": _emscripten_webgl_create_context,
"environ_get": _environ_get,
"environ_sizes_get": _environ_sizes_get,
"exit": _exit,
"fd_close": _fd_close,
"fd_read": _fd_read,
"fd_seek": _fd_seek,
"fd_write": _fd_write,
"getTempRet0": _getTempRet0,
"gettimeofday": _gettimeofday,
"gmtime": _gmtime,
"initPthreadsJS": initPthreadsJS,
"invoke_ii": invoke_ii,
"invoke_iii": invoke_iii,
"invoke_iiii": invoke_iiii,
"invoke_iiiii": invoke_iiiii,
"invoke_iiiiii": invoke_iiiiii,
"invoke_v": invoke_v,
"invoke_vi": invoke_vi,
"invoke_vii": invoke_vii,
"invoke_viii": invoke_viii,
"invoke_viiii": invoke_viiii,
"invoke_viiiii": invoke_viiiii,
"invoke_viiiiii": invoke_viiiiii,
"invoke_viiiiiiiii": invoke_viiiiiiiii,
"memory": wasmMemory,
"mktime": _mktime,
"pthread_cleanup_pop": _pthread_cleanup_pop,
"pthread_cleanup_push": _pthread_cleanup_push,
"pthread_create": _pthread_create,
"pthread_self": _pthread_self,
"saveSetjmp": _saveSetjmp,
"setTempRet0": _setTempRet0,
"strftime_l": _strftime_l,
"sysconf": _sysconf,
"system": _system,
"table": wasmTable,
"testSetjmp": _testSetjmp,
"time": _time,
"times": _times
var asm = createWasm();
var real____wasm_call_ctors = asm["__wasm_call_ctors"];
5 years ago
asm["__wasm_call_ctors"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real____wasm_call_ctors.apply(null, arguments);
var real__runX2T = asm["runX2T"];
5 years ago
asm["runX2T"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__runX2T.apply(null, arguments);
var real__malloc = asm["malloc"];
5 years ago
asm["malloc"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__malloc.apply(null, arguments);
var real__free = asm["free"];
5 years ago
asm["free"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__free.apply(null, arguments);
var real__main = asm["main"];
5 years ago
asm["main"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__main.apply(null, arguments);
var real__fflush = asm["fflush"];
5 years ago
asm["fflush"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__fflush.apply(null, arguments);
var real__realloc = asm["realloc"];
5 years ago
asm["realloc"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__realloc.apply(null, arguments);
var real___ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv = asm["_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv"];
5 years ago
asm["_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real___ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv.apply(null, arguments);
var real____errno_location = asm["__errno_location"];
5 years ago
asm["__errno_location"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real____errno_location.apply(null, arguments);
var real__ntohs = asm["ntohs"];
5 years ago
asm["ntohs"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__ntohs.apply(null, arguments);
var real__htonl = asm["htonl"];
5 years ago
asm["htonl"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__htonl.apply(null, arguments);
var real__htons = asm["htons"];
5 years ago
asm["htons"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__htons.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_get_global_libc = asm["emscripten_get_global_libc"];
asm["emscripten_get_global_libc"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_get_global_libc.apply(null, arguments);
var real____em_js__initPthreadsJS = asm["__em_js__initPthreadsJS"];
5 years ago
asm["__em_js__initPthreadsJS"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real____em_js__initPthreadsJS.apply(null, arguments);
var real____emscripten_pthread_data_constructor = asm["__emscripten_pthread_data_constructor"];
5 years ago
asm["__emscripten_pthread_data_constructor"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real____emscripten_pthread_data_constructor.apply(null, arguments);
var real___get_tzname = asm["_get_tzname"];
5 years ago
asm["_get_tzname"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real___get_tzname.apply(null, arguments);
var real___get_daylight = asm["_get_daylight"];
5 years ago
asm["_get_daylight"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real___get_daylight.apply(null, arguments);
var real___get_timezone = asm["_get_timezone"];
5 years ago
asm["_get_timezone"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real___get_timezone.apply(null, arguments);
var real__setThrew = asm["setThrew"];
5 years ago
asm["setThrew"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__setThrew.apply(null, arguments);
var real__memalign = asm["memalign"];
5 years ago
asm["memalign"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__memalign.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_builtin_free = asm["emscripten_builtin_free"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_builtin_free"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_builtin_free.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_builtin_memalign = asm["emscripten_builtin_memalign"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_builtin_memalign"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_builtin_memalign.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_main_browser_thread_id = asm["emscripten_main_browser_thread_id"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_main_browser_thread_id"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_main_browser_thread_id.apply(null, arguments);
var real____pthread_tsd_run_dtors = asm["__pthread_tsd_run_dtors"];
5 years ago
asm["__pthread_tsd_run_dtors"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real____pthread_tsd_run_dtors.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls = asm["emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls = asm["emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls.apply(null, arguments);
var real__usleep = asm["usleep"];
5 years ago
asm["usleep"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__usleep.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id = asm["emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread = asm["emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7 = asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js = asm["emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_ = asm["emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_.apply(null, arguments);
var real__proxy_main = asm["proxy_main"];
5 years ago
asm["proxy_main"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__proxy_main.apply(null, arguments);
var real__emscripten_tls_init = asm["emscripten_tls_init"];
5 years ago
asm["emscripten_tls_init"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real__emscripten_tls_init.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_ii = asm["dynCall_ii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_ii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_ii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iii = asm["dynCall_iii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiii = asm["dynCall_iiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_v = asm["dynCall_v"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_v"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_v.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vi = asm["dynCall_vi"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_vi"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_vi.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vii = asm["dynCall_vii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_vii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_vii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viii = asm["dynCall_viii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiii = asm["dynCall_viiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viiiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_stackSave = asm["stackSave"];
5 years ago
asm["stackSave"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_stackSave.apply(null, arguments);
var real_stackAlloc = asm["stackAlloc"];
5 years ago
asm["stackAlloc"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_stackAlloc.apply(null, arguments);
var real_stackRestore = asm["stackRestore"];
5 years ago
asm["stackRestore"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_stackRestore.apply(null, arguments);
var real___growWasmMemory = asm["__growWasmMemory"];
5 years ago
asm["__growWasmMemory"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real___growWasmMemory.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viijii = asm["dynCall_viijii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viijii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viijii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_dii = asm["dynCall_dii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_dii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_dii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_did = asm["dynCall_did"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_did"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_did.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_di = asm["dynCall_di"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_di"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_di.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_ji = asm["dynCall_ji"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_ji"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_ji.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vij = asm["dynCall_vij"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_vij"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_vij.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_jii = asm["dynCall_jii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_jii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_jii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiiiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiiiiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iidddddi = asm["dynCall_iidddddi"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iidddddi"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iidddddi.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiddii = asm["dynCall_viiiddii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viiiddii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viiiddii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viij = asm["dynCall_viij"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viij"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viij.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viji = asm["dynCall_viji"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viji"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viji.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_jij = asm["dynCall_jij"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_jij"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_jij.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiijii = asm["dynCall_iiiijii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiijii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiijii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiij = asm["dynCall_viiij"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viiij"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viiij.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viiiiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiji = asm["dynCall_iiiji"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiji"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiji.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_i = asm["dynCall_i"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_i"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_i.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iidd = asm["dynCall_iidd"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iidd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iidd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iidddddd = asm["dynCall_iidddddd"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iidddddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iidddddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vidd = asm["dynCall_vidd"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_vidd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_vidd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vidddd = asm["dynCall_vidddd"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_vidddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_vidddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viidddd = asm["dynCall_viidddd"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viidddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viidddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viidddddd = asm["dynCall_viidddddd"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viidddddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viidddddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiddd = asm["dynCall_iiiiiddd"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiiiddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiiiddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viiiiddd = asm["dynCall_viiiiddd"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viiiiddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viiiiddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_diiii = asm["dynCall_diiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_diiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_diiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiidddd = asm["dynCall_iiidddd"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiidddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiidddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_viddddiii = asm["dynCall_viddddiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_viddddiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_viddddiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_vidddddd = asm["dynCall_vidddddd"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_vidddddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_vidddddd.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiiiiii = asm["dynCall_iiiiiiiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiiiiiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_jiji = asm["dynCall_jiji"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_jiji"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_jiji.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iidiiii = asm["dynCall_iidiiii"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iidiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iidiiii.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiij = asm["dynCall_iiiiij"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiiij"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiiij.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiid = asm["dynCall_iiiiid"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiiid"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiiid.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiijj = asm["dynCall_iiiiijj"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiiijj"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiiijj.apply(null, arguments);
var real_dynCall_iiiiiijj = asm["dynCall_iiiiiijj"];
5 years ago
asm["dynCall_iiiiiijj"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return real_dynCall_iiiiiijj.apply(null, arguments);
Module["asm"] = asm;
5 years ago
var ___wasm_call_ctors = Module["___wasm_call_ctors"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["__wasm_call_ctors"].apply(null, arguments);
var _runX2T = Module["_runX2T"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["runX2T"].apply(null, arguments);
var _malloc = Module["_malloc"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["malloc"].apply(null, arguments);
var _free = Module["_free"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["free"].apply(null, arguments);
var _main = Module["_main"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["main"].apply(null, arguments);
var _fflush = Module["_fflush"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["fflush"].apply(null, arguments);
var _realloc = Module["_realloc"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["realloc"].apply(null, arguments);
var __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv = Module["__ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv"].apply(null, arguments);
var ___errno_location = Module["___errno_location"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["__errno_location"].apply(null, arguments);
var _ntohs = Module["_ntohs"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["ntohs"].apply(null, arguments);
var _htonl = Module["_htonl"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["htonl"].apply(null, arguments);
var _htons = Module["_htons"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["htons"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_get_global_libc = Module["_emscripten_get_global_libc"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_get_global_libc"].apply(null, arguments);
var ___em_js__initPthreadsJS = Module["___em_js__initPthreadsJS"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["__em_js__initPthreadsJS"].apply(null, arguments);
var ___emscripten_pthread_data_constructor = Module["___emscripten_pthread_data_constructor"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["__emscripten_pthread_data_constructor"].apply(null, arguments);
var __get_tzname = Module["__get_tzname"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["_get_tzname"].apply(null, arguments);
var __get_daylight = Module["__get_daylight"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["_get_daylight"].apply(null, arguments);
var __get_timezone = Module["__get_timezone"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["_get_timezone"].apply(null, arguments);
var _setThrew = Module["_setThrew"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["setThrew"].apply(null, arguments);
var _memalign = Module["_memalign"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["memalign"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_builtin_free = Module["_emscripten_builtin_free"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_builtin_free"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_builtin_memalign = Module["_emscripten_builtin_memalign"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_builtin_memalign"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_main_browser_thread_id = Module["_emscripten_main_browser_thread_id"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_main_browser_thread_id"].apply(null, arguments);
var ___pthread_tsd_run_dtors = Module["___pthread_tsd_run_dtors"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["__pthread_tsd_run_dtors"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls = Module["_emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls = Module["_emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls"].apply(null, arguments);
var _usleep = Module["_usleep"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["usleep"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id = Module["_emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread = Module["_emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_async_run_in_main_thread"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_0"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_1"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_xprintf_varargs"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_3"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_5"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_6"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7 = Module["_emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_7"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js = Module["_emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_ = Module["_emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_async_queue_on_thread_"].apply(null, arguments);
var _proxy_main = Module["_proxy_main"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["proxy_main"].apply(null, arguments);
var _emscripten_tls_init = Module["_emscripten_tls_init"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["emscripten_tls_init"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_ii = Module["dynCall_ii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_ii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iii = Module["dynCall_iii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiii = Module["dynCall_iiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_v = Module["dynCall_v"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_v"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_vi = Module["dynCall_vi"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vi"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_vii = Module["dynCall_vii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viii = Module["dynCall_viii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viiii = Module["dynCall_viiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viiiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var stackSave = Module["stackSave"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["stackSave"].apply(null, arguments);
var stackAlloc = Module["stackAlloc"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["stackAlloc"].apply(null, arguments);
var stackRestore = Module["stackRestore"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["stackRestore"].apply(null, arguments);
var __growWasmMemory = Module["__growWasmMemory"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["__growWasmMemory"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viijii = Module["dynCall_viijii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viijii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_dii = Module["dynCall_dii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_dii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_did = Module["dynCall_did"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_did"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_di = Module["dynCall_di"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_di"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_ji = Module["dynCall_ji"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_ji"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_vij = Module["dynCall_vij"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vij"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_jii = Module["dynCall_jii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_jii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iidddddi = Module["dynCall_iidddddi"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iidddddi"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viiiddii = Module["dynCall_viiiddii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiddii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viij = Module["dynCall_viij"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viij"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viji = Module["dynCall_viji"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viji"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_jij = Module["dynCall_jij"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_jij"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiijii = Module["dynCall_iiiijii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiijii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viiij = Module["dynCall_viiij"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiij"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viiiiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiji = Module["dynCall_iiiji"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiji"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_i = Module["dynCall_i"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_i"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viiiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiiiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iidd = Module["dynCall_iidd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iidd"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iidddddd = Module["dynCall_iidddddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iidddddd"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_vidd = Module["dynCall_vidd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vidd"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_vidddd = Module["dynCall_vidddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vidddd"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viidddd = Module["dynCall_viidddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viidddd"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viidddddd = Module["dynCall_viidddddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viidddddd"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiiiddd = Module["dynCall_iiiiiddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiddd"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viiiiddd = Module["dynCall_viiiiddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viiiiddd"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_diiii = Module["dynCall_diiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_diiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiidddd = Module["dynCall_iiidddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiidddd"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_viddddiii = Module["dynCall_viddddiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_viddddiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_vidddddd = Module["dynCall_vidddddd"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_vidddddd"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiiiiiiii = Module["dynCall_iiiiiiiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiiiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_jiji = Module["dynCall_jiji"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_jiji"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iidiiii = Module["dynCall_iidiiii"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iidiiii"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiiij = Module["dynCall_iiiiij"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiij"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiiid = Module["dynCall_iiiiid"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiid"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiiijj = Module["dynCall_iiiiijj"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiijj"].apply(null, arguments);
var dynCall_iiiiiijj = Module["dynCall_iiiiiijj"] = (function() {
assert(runtimeInitialized, "you need to wait for the runtime to be ready (e.g. wait for main() to be called)");
assert(!runtimeExited, "the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)");
return Module["asm"]["dynCall_iiiiiijj"].apply(null, arguments);
function invoke_viiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
dynCall_viiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_iii(index, a1, a2) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall_iii(index, a1, a2);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_iiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall_iiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_iiii(index, a1, a2, a3) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall_iiii(index, a1, a2, a3);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_vi(index, a1) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
dynCall_vi(index, a1);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_vii(index, a1, a2) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
dynCall_vii(index, a1, a2);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_ii(index, a1) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall_ii(index, a1);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_viii(index, a1, a2, a3) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
dynCall_viii(index, a1, a2, a3);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
function invoke_v(index) {
5 years ago
var sp = stackSave();
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_iiiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall_iiiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_viiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
dynCall_viiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_viiiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
dynCall_viiiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
function invoke_viiiiiiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
dynCall_viiiiiiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9);
} catch (e) {
if (e !== e + 0 && e !== "longjmp") throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
5 years ago
Module["asm"] = asm;
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "intArrayFromString")) Module["intArrayFromString"] = (function() {
abort("'intArrayFromString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "intArrayToString")) Module["intArrayToString"] = (function() {
abort("'intArrayToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
Module["ccall"] = ccall;
5 years ago
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "cwrap")) Module["cwrap"] = (function() {
abort("'cwrap' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "setValue")) Module["setValue"] = (function() {
abort("'setValue' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getValue")) Module["getValue"] = (function() {
abort("'getValue' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "allocate")) Module["allocate"] = (function() {
abort("'allocate' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getMemory")) Module["getMemory"] = (function() {
abort("'getMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "AsciiToString")) Module["AsciiToString"] = (function() {
abort("'AsciiToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stringToAscii")) Module["stringToAscii"] = (function() {
abort("'stringToAscii' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "UTF8ArrayToString")) Module["UTF8ArrayToString"] = (function() {
abort("'UTF8ArrayToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "UTF8ToString")) Module["UTF8ToString"] = (function() {
abort("'UTF8ToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stringToUTF8Array")) Module["stringToUTF8Array"] = (function() {
abort("'stringToUTF8Array' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stringToUTF8")) Module["stringToUTF8"] = (function() {
abort("'stringToUTF8' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "lengthBytesUTF8")) Module["lengthBytesUTF8"] = (function() {
abort("'lengthBytesUTF8' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "UTF16ToString")) Module["UTF16ToString"] = (function() {
abort("'UTF16ToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stringToUTF16")) Module["stringToUTF16"] = (function() {
abort("'stringToUTF16' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "lengthBytesUTF16")) Module["lengthBytesUTF16"] = (function() {
abort("'lengthBytesUTF16' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "UTF32ToString")) Module["UTF32ToString"] = (function() {
abort("'UTF32ToString' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stringToUTF32")) Module["stringToUTF32"] = (function() {
abort("'stringToUTF32' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "lengthBytesUTF32")) Module["lengthBytesUTF32"] = (function() {
abort("'lengthBytesUTF32' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "allocateUTF8")) Module["allocateUTF8"] = (function() {
abort("'allocateUTF8' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stackTrace")) Module["stackTrace"] = (function() {
abort("'stackTrace' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addOnPreRun")) Module["addOnPreRun"] = (function() {
abort("'addOnPreRun' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addOnInit")) Module["addOnInit"] = (function() {
abort("'addOnInit' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addOnPreMain")) Module["addOnPreMain"] = (function() {
abort("'addOnPreMain' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addOnExit")) Module["addOnExit"] = (function() {
abort("'addOnExit' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addOnPostRun")) Module["addOnPostRun"] = (function() {
abort("'addOnPostRun' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "writeStringToMemory")) Module["writeStringToMemory"] = (function() {
abort("'writeStringToMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "writeArrayToMemory")) Module["writeArrayToMemory"] = (function() {
abort("'writeArrayToMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "writeAsciiToMemory")) Module["writeAsciiToMemory"] = (function() {
abort("'writeAsciiToMemory' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addRunDependency")) Module["addRunDependency"] = (function() {
abort("'addRunDependency' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "removeRunDependency")) Module["removeRunDependency"] = (function() {
abort("'removeRunDependency' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "ENV")) Module["ENV"] = (function() {
abort("'ENV' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS")) Module["FS"] = (function() {
abort("'FS' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createFolder")) Module["FS_createFolder"] = (function() {
abort("'FS_createFolder' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createPath")) Module["FS_createPath"] = (function() {
abort("'FS_createPath' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createDataFile")) Module["FS_createDataFile"] = (function() {
abort("'FS_createDataFile' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createPreloadedFile")) Module["FS_createPreloadedFile"] = (function() {
abort("'FS_createPreloadedFile' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createLazyFile")) Module["FS_createLazyFile"] = (function() {
abort("'FS_createLazyFile' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createLink")) Module["FS_createLink"] = (function() {
abort("'FS_createLink' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_createDevice")) Module["FS_createDevice"] = (function() {
abort("'FS_createDevice' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "FS_unlink")) Module["FS_unlink"] = (function() {
abort("'FS_unlink' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "GL")) Module["GL"] = (function() {
abort("'GL' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "dynamicAlloc")) Module["dynamicAlloc"] = (function() {
abort("'dynamicAlloc' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "loadDynamicLibrary")) Module["loadDynamicLibrary"] = (function() {
abort("'loadDynamicLibrary' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "loadWebAssemblyModule")) Module["loadWebAssemblyModule"] = (function() {
abort("'loadWebAssemblyModule' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getLEB")) Module["getLEB"] = (function() {
abort("'getLEB' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getFunctionTables")) Module["getFunctionTables"] = (function() {
abort("'getFunctionTables' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "alignFunctionTables")) Module["alignFunctionTables"] = (function() {
abort("'alignFunctionTables' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "registerFunctions")) Module["registerFunctions"] = (function() {
abort("'registerFunctions' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "addFunction")) Module["addFunction"] = (function() {
abort("'addFunction' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "removeFunction")) Module["removeFunction"] = (function() {
abort("'removeFunction' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getFuncWrapper")) Module["getFuncWrapper"] = (function() {
abort("'getFuncWrapper' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "prettyPrint")) Module["prettyPrint"] = (function() {
abort("'prettyPrint' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "makeBigInt")) Module["makeBigInt"] = (function() {
abort("'makeBigInt' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "dynCall")) Module["dynCall"] = (function() {
abort("'dynCall' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getCompilerSetting")) Module["getCompilerSetting"] = (function() {
abort("'getCompilerSetting' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stackSave")) Module["stackSave"] = (function() {
abort("'stackSave' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stackRestore")) Module["stackRestore"] = (function() {
abort("'stackRestore' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "stackAlloc")) Module["stackAlloc"] = (function() {
abort("'stackAlloc' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
Module["establishStackSpace"] = establishStackSpace;
5 years ago
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "print")) Module["print"] = (function() {
abort("'print' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "printErr")) Module["printErr"] = (function() {
abort("'printErr' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "getTempRet0")) Module["getTempRet0"] = (function() {
abort("'getTempRet0' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "setTempRet0")) Module["setTempRet0"] = (function() {
abort("'setTempRet0' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "callMain")) Module["callMain"] = (function() {
abort("'callMain' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "abort")) Module["abort"] = (function() {
abort("'abort' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "Pointer_stringify")) Module["Pointer_stringify"] = (function() {
abort("'Pointer_stringify' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "warnOnce")) Module["warnOnce"] = (function() {
abort("'warnOnce' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
Module["writeStackCookie"] = writeStackCookie;
Module["checkStackCookie"] = checkStackCookie;
Module["abortStackOverflow"] = abortStackOverflow;
Module["PThread"] = PThread;
Module["ExitStatus"] = ExitStatus;
Module["tempDoublePtr"] = tempDoublePtr;
Module["wasmMemory"] = wasmMemory;
Module["_pthread_self"] = _pthread_self;
Module["ExitStatus"] = ExitStatus;
Module["tempDoublePtr"] = tempDoublePtr;
5 years ago
Module["dynCall_ii"] = dynCall_ii;
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "ALLOC_NORMAL")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_NORMAL", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("'ALLOC_NORMAL' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "ALLOC_STACK")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_STACK", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("'ALLOC_STACK' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "ALLOC_DYNAMIC")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_DYNAMIC", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("'ALLOC_DYNAMIC' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "ALLOC_NONE")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "ALLOC_NONE", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("'ALLOC_NONE' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)");
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, "calledRun")) Object.defineProperty(Module, "calledRun", {
configurable: true,
get: (function() {
abort("'calledRun' was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ). Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1) can export this for you");
var calledRun;
function ExitStatus(status) {
5 years ago = "ExitStatus";
this.message = "Program terminated with exit(" + status + ")";
this.status = status;
var calledMain = false;
dependenciesFulfilled = function runCaller() {
5 years ago
if (!calledRun) run();
if (!calledRun) dependenciesFulfilled = runCaller;
function callMain(args) {
5 years ago
assert(runDependencies == 0, 'cannot call main when async dependencies remain! (listen on Module["onRuntimeInitialized"])');
assert(__ATPRERUN__.length == 0, "cannot call main when preRun functions remain to be called");
var entryFunction = Module["_main"];
args = args || [];
var argc = args.length + 1;
var argv = stackAlloc((argc + 1) * 4);
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(argv | 0, allocateUTF8OnStack(thisProgram));
for (var i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(((argv >> 2) + i) * 4 | 0, allocateUTF8OnStack(args[i - 1]));
GROWABLE_HEAP_STORE_I32(((argv >> 2) + argc) * 4 | 0, 0);
try {
var ret = entryFunction(argc, argv);
exit(ret, true);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ExitStatus) {
} else if (e == "SimulateInfiniteLoop") {
noExitRuntime = true;
} else {
var toLog = e;
if (e && typeof e === "object" && e.stack) {
toLog = [ e, e.stack ];
err("exception thrown: " + toLog);
quit_(1, e);
} finally {
calledMain = true;
function run(args) {
5 years ago
args = args || arguments_;
if (runDependencies > 0) {
if (runDependencies > 0) return;
function doRun() {
if (calledRun) return;
calledRun = true;
if (ABORT) return;
if (Module["onRuntimeInitialized"]) Module["onRuntimeInitialized"]();
if (shouldRunNow) callMain(args);
if (Module["setStatus"]) {
setTimeout((function() {
setTimeout((function() {
}), 1);
}), 1);
} else {
5 years ago
Module["run"] = run;
function checkUnflushedContent() {
5 years ago
var print = out;
var printErr = err;
var has = false;
out = err = (function(x) {
has = true;
try {
var flush = Module["_fflush"];
if (flush) flush(0);
[ "stdout", "stderr" ].forEach((function(name) {
var info = FS.analyzePath("/dev/" + name);
if (!info) return;
var stream = info.object;
var rdev = stream.rdev;
var tty = TTY.ttys[rdev];
if (tty && tty.output && tty.output.length) {
has = true;
5 years ago
} catch (e) {}
out = print;
err = printErr;
if (has) {
warnOnce("stdio streams had content in them that was not flushed. you should set EXIT_RUNTIME to 1 (see the FAQ), or make sure to emit a newline when you printf etc.");
function exit(status, implicit) {
5 years ago
if (implicit && noExitRuntime && status === 0) {
if (noExitRuntime) {
if (!implicit) {
err("program exited (with status: " + status + "), but EXIT_RUNTIME is not set, so halting execution but not exiting the runtime or preventing further async execution (build with EXIT_RUNTIME=1, if you want a true shutdown)");
} else {
ABORT = true;
EXITSTATUS = status;
if (Module["onExit"]) Module["onExit"](status);
quit_(status, new ExitStatus(status));
5 years ago
if (Module["preInit"]) {
if (typeof Module["preInit"] == "function") Module["preInit"] = [ Module["preInit"] ];
while (Module["preInit"].length > 0) {
var shouldRunNow = true;
5 years ago
if (Module["noInitialRun"]) shouldRunNow = false;
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) noExitRuntime = true;