], function ($, ApiConfig, h, Hash, Util, Messages) {
var showError = function (form, msg) {
if (!msg) {
return void $(form).find('.cp-support-form-error').text('').hide();
var send = function (common, id, type, data, dest) {
var supportKey = ApiConfig.supportMailbox;
var supportChannel = Hash.getChannelIdFromKey(supportKey);
var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
var user = metadataMgr.getUserData();
var privateData = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
data = data || {};
data.sender = {
name: user.name,
channel: privateData.support,
curvePublic: user.curvePublic,
edPublic: privateData.edPublic
data.id = id;
data.time = +new Date();
// Send the message to the admin mailbox and to the user mailbox
common.mailbox.sendTo(type, data, {
channel: supportChannel,
curvePublic: supportKey
common.mailbox.sendTo(type, data, {
channel: dest.channel,
curvePublic: dest.curvePublic
var sendForm = function (common, id, form, dest) {
var $title = $(form).find('.cp-support-form-title');
var $content = $(form).find('.cp-support-form-msg');
var title = $title.val();
if (!title) {
return void showError(form, Messages.support_formTitleError || 'title error'); // XXX
var content = $content.val();
if (!content) {
return void showError(form, Messages.support_formContentError || 'content error'); // XXX
// Success: hide any error
showError(form, null);
send(common, id, 'TICKET', {
title: title,
message: content,
}, dest);
return true;
var makeForm = function (cb, title) {
var button;
if (typeof(cb) === "function") {
button = h('button.btn.btn-primary.cp-support-list-send', Messages.support_send || 'Send'); // XXX
var cancel = title ? h('button.btn.btn-secondary', Messages.cancel) : undefined;
var content = [
h('label' + (title ? '.cp-hidden' : ''), Messages.support_formTitle || 'title...'), // XXX
h('input.cp-support-form-title' + (title ? '.cp-hidden' : ''), {
placeholder: Messages.support_formTitlePlaceholder || 'title here...', // XXX
value: title || ''
cb ? undefined : h('br'),
h('label', Messages.support_formMessage || 'content...'), // XXX
h('textarea.cp-support-form-msg', {
placeholder: Messages.support_formMessagePlaceholder || 'describe your problem here...' // XXX
var form = h('div.cp-support-form-container', content);
$(cancel).click(function () {
return form;
var makeTicket = function ($div, common, content, onHide) {
var ticketTitle = content.id + ' - ' + content.title;
var answer = h('button.btn.btn-primary.cp-support-answer', Messages.support_answer || 'Answer'); // XXX
var close = h('button.btn.btn-danger.cp-support-close', Messages.support_close || 'Close'); // XXX
var hide = h('button.btn.btn-danger.cp-support-hide', Messages.support_remove || 'Remove'); // XXX
var actions = h('div.cp-support-list-actions', [
var $ticket = $(h('div.cp-support-list-ticket', {
'data-id': content.id
}, [
h('h2', ticketTitle),
$(close).click(function () {
send(common, content.id, 'CLOSE', {}, content.sender);
$(hide).click(function () {
if (typeof(onHide) !== "function") { return; }
$(answer).click(function () {
var form = makeForm(function () {
var sent = sendForm(common, content.id, form, content.sender);
if (sent) {
}, content.title);
return $ticket;
var makeMessage = function (common, content, hash, isAdmin) {
var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
var privateData = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
// Check content.sender to see if it comes from us or from an admin
// XXX admins should send their personal public key?
var fromMe = content.sender && content.sender.edPublic === privateData.edPublic;
var userData = h('div.cp-support-showdata', [
Messages.support_showData || 'Show/hide data', // XXX
h('pre.cp-support-message-data', JSON.stringify(content.sender, 0, 2))
$(userData).click(function () {
return h('div.cp-support-list-message', {
'data-hash': hash
}, [
h('div.cp-support-message-from' + (fromMe ? '.cp-support-fromme' : ''),
//Messages._getKey('support_from', [content.sender.name, new Date(content.time)])), // XXX
[h('b', 'From: '), content.sender.name, h('span.cp-support-message-time', content.time ? new Date(content.time).toLocaleString() : '')]),
h('pre.cp-support-message-content', content.message),
isAdmin ? userData : undefined,
var makeCloseMessage = function (common, content, hash) {
var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
var privateData = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
var fromMe = content.sender && content.sender.edPublic === privateData.edPublic;
return h('div.cp-support-list-message', {
'data-hash': hash
}, [
h('div.cp-support-message-from' + (fromMe ? '.cp-support-fromme' : ''),
//Messages._getKey('support_from', [content.sender.name, new Date(content.time)])), // XXX
[h('b', 'From: '), content.sender.name, h('span.cp-support-message-time', content.time ? new Date(content.time).toLocaleString() : '')]),
h('pre.cp-support-message-content', Messages.support_closed || 'Ticket closed...') // XXX
return {
sendForm: sendForm,
makeForm: makeForm,
makeTicket: makeTicket,
makeMessage: makeMessage,
makeCloseMessage: makeCloseMessage