2019-09-27 10:05:08 +00:00
(function () {
var factory = function (Util, Cred, nThen) {
nThen = nThen; // XXX
var Invite = {};
2019-12-13 23:38:05 +00:00
* password (for scrypt)
* message (personal note)
* link hash
* bytes64 (scrypt output)
* preview_hash
* components corresponding to www/common/invitation.js
* preview_hash => components
* channel
* cryptKey
* b64_bytes
* curvePrivate => curvePublic
* edSeed => edPrivate => edPublic
2019-09-27 10:05:08 +00:00
2019-12-13 23:38:05 +00:00
* creator
* generate a random signKey (prevent writes to preview channel)
* encrypt and upload the preview content
* via CryptGet
* owned by:
* the ephemeral edPublic
* the invite creator
* create a roster entry for the invitation
* with encrypted notes for the creator
* redeemer
* get the preview content
* redeem the invite
* add yourself to the roster
* add the team to your proxy-manager
2019-09-27 10:05:08 +00:00
Invite.deriveKeys = function (seed, passwd, cb) {
cb = cb; // XXX
// TODO validate has cb
// TODO onceAsync the cb
// TODO cb with err if !(seed && passwd)
Cred.deriveFromPassphrase(seed, passwd, BYTES_REQUIRED, function (bytes) {
var dispense = Cred.dispenser(bytes);
dispense = dispense; // XXX
// edPriv => edPub
// curvePriv => curvePub
// channel
// cryptKey
Invite.createSeed = function () {
// XXX
// return a seed
Invite.create = function (cb) {
cb = cb; // XXX
// TODO validate has cb
// TODO onceAsync the cb
// TODO cb with err if !(seed && passwd)
// required
// password
// validateKey
// creatorEdPublic
// for owner
// ephemeral
// signingKey
// for owner to write invitation
// derived
// edPriv
// edPublic
// for invitee ownership
// curvePriv
// curvePub
// for acceptance OR
// authenticated decline message via mailbox
// channel
// for owned deletion
// for team pinning
// cryptKey
// for protecting channel content
return Invite;
if (typeof(module) !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = factory(
} else if ((typeof(define) !== 'undefined' && define !== null) && (define.amd !== null)) {
], function (Util, Cred, nThen) {
return factory(Util, nThen);