2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
], function (
var APP = window.APP = {
editable: false,
mobile: function () {
if (window.matchMedia) { return !window.matchMedia('(any-pointer:fine)').matches; }
else { return $('body').width() <= 600; }
isMac: navigator.platform === "MacIntel",
allowFolderUpload: File.prototype.hasOwnProperty("webkitRelativePath"),
var stringify = function (obj) {
return JSONSortify(obj);
var ROOT = "root";
var ROOT_NAME = Messages.fm_rootName;
var SEARCH = "search";
var SEARCH_NAME = Messages.fm_searchName;
var TRASH = "trash";
var TRASH_NAME = Messages.fm_trashName;
var FILES_DATA = Constants.storageKey;
var FILES_DATA_NAME = Messages.fm_filesDataName;
var TEMPLATE = "template";
var TEMPLATE_NAME = Messages.fm_templateName;
var RECENT = "recent";
var RECENT_NAME = Messages.fm_recentPadsName;
var OWNED = "owned";
var OWNED_NAME = Messages.fm_ownedPadsName;
var TAGS = "tags";
var TAGS_NAME = Messages.fm_tagsName;
var SHARED_FOLDER = 'sf';
var SHARED_FOLDER_NAME = Messages.fm_sharedFolderName;
// Icons
var faFolder = 'cptools-folder';
var faFolderOpen = 'cptools-folder-open';
var faSharedFolder = 'cptools-shared-folder';
var faSharedFolderOpen = 'cptools-shared-folder-open';
var faExpandAll = 'fa-plus-square-o';
var faCollapseAll = 'fa-minus-square-o';
var faShared = 'fa-shhare-alt';
var faReadOnly = 'fa-eye';
var faOpenInCode = 'cptools-code';
var faRename = 'fa-pencil';
var faColor = 'cptools-palette';
var faTrash = 'fa-trash';
var faDelete = 'fa-eraser';
2019-11-27 12:14:33 +00:00
var faProperties = 'fa-info-circle';
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var faTags = 'fa-hashtag';
var faUploadFiles = 'cptools-file-upload';
var faUploadFolder = 'cptools-folder-upload';
var faEmpty = 'fa-trash-o';
var faRestore = 'fa-repeat';
var faShowParent = 'fa-location-arrow';
var faDownload = 'fa-download';
var $folderIcon = $('<span>', {
"class": faFolder + " cptools cp-app-drive-icon-folder cp-app-drive-content-icon"
//var $folderIcon = $('<img>', {src: "/customize/images/icons/folder.svg", "class": "folder icon"});
var $folderEmptyIcon = $folderIcon.clone();
var $folderOpenedIcon = $('<span>', {"class": faFolderOpen + " cptools cp-app-drive-icon-folder"});
//var $folderOpenedIcon = $('<img>', {src: "/customize/images/icons/folderOpen.svg", "class": "folder icon"});
var $folderOpenedEmptyIcon = $folderOpenedIcon.clone();
var $sharedFolderIcon = $('<span>', {"class": faSharedFolder + " cptools cp-app-drive-icon-folder"});
var $sharedFolderOpenedIcon = $('<span>', {"class": faSharedFolderOpen + " cptools cp-app-drive-icon-folder"});
//var $upIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-arrow-circle-up"});
var $unsortedIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-files-o"});
var $templateIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "cptools cptools-template"});
var $recentIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-clock-o"});
var $trashIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa " + faTrash});
var $trashEmptyIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-trash-o"});
//var $collapseIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-minus-square-o cp-app-drive-icon-expcol"});
var $expandIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-plus-square-o cp-app-drive-icon-expcol"});
var $emptyTrashIcon = $('<button>', {"class": "fa fa-ban"});
var $listIcon = $('<button>', {"class": "fa fa-list"});
var $gridIcon = $('<button>', {"class": "fa fa-th-large"});
var $sortAscIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-angle-up sortasc"});
var $sortDescIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-angle-down sortdesc"});
var $closeIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-window-close"});
//var $backupIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-life-ring"});
var $searchIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-search cp-app-drive-tree-search-icon"});
var $addIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-plus"});
var $renamedIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-flag"});
var $readonlyIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa " + faReadOnly});
var $ownedIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-id-card-o"});
var $sharedIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa " + faShared});
var $ownerIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-id-card"});
var $tagsIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa " + faTags});
var $passwordIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-lock"});
var $expirableIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-clock-o"});
var $separator = $('<div>', {"class": "dropdown-divider"});
var LS_VIEWMODE = "app-drive-viewMode";
var LS_SEARCHCURSOR = "app-drive-searchCursor";
var FOLDER_CONTENT_ID = "cp-app-drive-content-folder";
var config = {};
var DEBUG = config.DEBUG = false;
var debug = config.debug = DEBUG ? function () {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
} : function () { return; };
var logError = config.logError = function () {
console.error.apply(console, arguments);
var log = config.log = UI.log;
var localStore = window.cryptpadStore;
APP.store = {};
var makeLS = function (teamId) {
var suffix = teamId ? ('-' + teamId) : '';
var LS_LAST = "app-drive-lastOpened" + suffix;
var LS_OPENED = "app-drive-openedFolders" + suffix;
var LS = {};
LS.getLastOpenedFolder = function () {
var path;
try {
path = APP.store[LS_LAST] ? JSON.parse(APP.store[LS_LAST]) : [ROOT];
} catch (e) {
path = [ROOT];
return path;
LS.setLastOpenedFolder = function (path) {
if (path[0] === SEARCH) { return; }
APP.store[LS_LAST] = JSON.stringify(path);
localStore.put(LS_LAST, JSON.stringify(path));
LS.wasFolderOpened = function (path) {
var stored = JSON.parse(APP.store[LS_OPENED] || '[]');
return stored.indexOf(JSON.stringify(path)) !== -1;
LS.setFolderOpened = function (path, opened) {
var s = JSON.stringify(path);
var stored = JSON.parse(APP.store[LS_OPENED] || '[]');
if (opened && stored.indexOf(s) === -1) {
if (!opened) {
var idx = stored.indexOf(s);
if (idx !== -1) {
stored.splice(idx, 1);
APP.store[LS_OPENED] = JSON.stringify(stored);
localStore.put(LS_OPENED, JSON.stringify(stored));
LS.removeFoldersOpened = function (parentPath) {
var stored = JSON.parse(APP.store[LS_OPENED] || '[]');
var s = JSON.stringify(parentPath).slice(0, -1);
for (var i = stored.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
if (stored[i].indexOf(s) === 0) {
stored.splice(i, 1);
APP.store[LS_OPENED] = JSON.stringify(stored);
localStore.put(LS_OPENED, JSON.stringify(stored));
LS.renameFoldersOpened = function (parentPath, newName) {
var stored = JSON.parse(APP.store[LS_OPENED] || '[]');
var s = JSON.stringify(parentPath).slice(0, -1);
var newParentPath = parentPath.slice();
newParentPath[newParentPath.length - 1] = newName;
var sNew = JSON.stringify(newParentPath).slice(0, -1);
for (var i = 0 ; i < stored.length ; i++) {
if (stored[i].indexOf(s) === 0) {
stored[i] = stored[i].replace(s, sNew);
APP.store[LS_OPENED] = JSON.stringify(stored);
localStore.put(LS_OPENED, JSON.stringify(stored));
LS.moveFoldersOpened = function (previousPath, newPath) {
var stored = JSON.parse(APP.store[LS_OPENED] || '[]');
var s = JSON.stringify(previousPath).slice(0, -1);
var sNew = JSON.stringify(newPath).slice(0, -1);
if (s === sNew ) { return; } // move to itself
if (sNew.indexOf(s) === 0) { return; } // move to subfolder
sNew = JSON.stringify(newPath.concat(previousPath[previousPath.length - 1])).slice(0, -1);
for (var i = 0 ; i < stored.length ; i++) {
if (stored[i].indexOf(s) === 0) {
stored[i] = stored[i].replace(s, sNew);
APP.store[LS_OPENED] = JSON.stringify(stored);
localStore.put(LS_OPENED, JSON.stringify(stored));
return LS;
var getViewModeClass = function () {
var mode = APP.store[LS_VIEWMODE];
if (mode === 'list') { return 'cp-app-drive-content-list'; }
return 'cp-app-drive-content-grid';
var getViewMode = function () {
return APP.store[LS_VIEWMODE] || 'grid';
var setViewMode = function (mode) {
if (typeof(mode) !== "string") {
logError("Incorrect view mode: ", mode);
APP.store[LS_VIEWMODE] = mode;
localStore.put(LS_VIEWMODE, mode);
var setSearchCursor = function () {
var $input = $('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input');
APP.store[LS_SEARCHCURSOR] = $input[0].selectionStart;
localStore.put(LS_SEARCHCURSOR, $input[0].selectionStart);
var getSearchCursor = function () {
return APP.store[LS_SEARCHCURSOR] || 0;
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
// Handle disconnect/reconnect
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var setEditable = function (state) {
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
if (APP.closed || !APP.$content || !$.contains(document.documentElement, APP.$content[0])) { return; }
APP.editable = !APP.readOnly && state;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (!state) {
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
$('[draggable="true"]').attr('draggable', false);
else {
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
$('[draggable="false"]').attr('draggable', true);
var copyObjectValue = function (objRef, objToCopy) {
for (var k in objRef) { delete objRef[k]; }
$.extend(true, objRef, objToCopy);
APP.selectedFiles = [];
var isElementSelected = function ($element) {
var elementId = $element.data("path").slice(-1)[0];
return APP.selectedFiles.indexOf(elementId) !== -1;
var selectElement = function ($element) {
var elementId = $element.data("path").slice(-1)[0];
if (APP.selectedFiles.indexOf(elementId) === -1) {
var unselectElement = function ($element) {
var elementId = $element.data("path").slice(-1)[0];
var index = APP.selectedFiles.indexOf(elementId);
if (index !== -1) {
APP.selectedFiles.splice(index, 1);
var findSelectedElements = function () {
return $(".cp-app-drive-element-selected");
var createContextMenu = function () {
var menu = h('div.cp-contextmenu.dropdown.cp-unselectable', [
h('ul.dropdown-menu', {
'role': 'menu',
'aria-labelledby': 'dropdownMenu',
'style': 'display:block;position:static;margin-bottom:5px;'
}, [
h('span.cp-app-drive-context-noAction.dropdown-item.disabled', Messages.fc_noAction || "No action possible"),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-open.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faFolderOpen,
}, Messages.fc_open)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-openro.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faReadOnly,
}, Messages.fc_open_ro)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-openincode.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faOpenInCode,
}, Messages.fc_openInCode)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-expandall.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faExpandAll,
}, Messages.fc_expandAll)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-collapseall.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faCollapseAll,
}, Messages.fc_collapseAll)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-openparent.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faShowParent,
}, Messages.fm_openParent)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-share.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': 'fa-shhare-alt',
}, Messages.shareButton)),
2019-09-18 14:02:58 +00:00
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-savelocal.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': 'fa-cloud-upload',
}, Messages.pad_mediatagImport)), // Save in your CryptDrive
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-download.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faDownload,
}, Messages.download_mt_button)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-newfolder.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faFolder,
}, Messages.fc_newfolder)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-newsharedfolder.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faSharedFolder,
}, Messages.fc_newsharedfolder)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-uploadfiles.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faUploadFiles,
}, Messages.uploadButton)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-uploadfolder.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faUploadFolder,
}, Messages.uploadFolderButton)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-newdoc.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': AppConfig.applicationsIcon.pad,
'data-type': 'pad'
}, Messages.button_newpad)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-newdoc.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': AppConfig.applicationsIcon.code,
'data-type': 'code'
}, Messages.button_newcode)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-newdoc.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': AppConfig.applicationsIcon.slide,
'data-type': 'slide'
}, Messages.button_newslide)),
h('li.dropdown-submenu', [
h('a.cp-app-drive-context-newdocmenu.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': "fa-plus",
}, Messages.fm_morePads),
h("ul.dropdown-menu", [
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-newdoc.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': AppConfig.applicationsIcon.sheet,
'data-type': 'sheet'
}, Messages.button_newsheet)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-newdoc.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': AppConfig.applicationsIcon.whiteboard,
'data-type': 'whiteboard'
}, Messages.button_newwhiteboard)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-newdoc.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': AppConfig.applicationsIcon.kanban,
'data-type': 'kanban'
}, Messages.button_newkanban)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-newdoc.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': AppConfig.applicationsIcon.poll,
'data-type': 'poll'
}, Messages.button_newpoll)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-empty.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faEmpty,
}, Messages.fc_empty)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-restore.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faRestore,
}, Messages.fc_restore)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-rename.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faRename,
}, Messages.fc_rename)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-color.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faColor,
}, Messages.fc_color)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-hashtag.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faTags,
}, Messages.fc_hashtag)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-delete.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faTrash,
}, Messages.fc_delete)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-deleteowned.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faDelete,
}, Messages.fc_delete_owned)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-remove.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faDelete,
}, Messages.fc_remove)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-removesf.dropdown-item.cp-app-drive-context-editable', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faDelete,
}, Messages.fc_remove_sharedfolder)),
h('li', h('a.cp-app-drive-context-properties.dropdown-item', {
'tabindex': '-1',
'data-icon': faProperties,
}, Messages.fc_prop)),
// add icons to the contextmenu options
$(menu).find("li a.dropdown-item").each(function (i, el) {
var $icon = $("<span>");
if ($(el).attr('data-icon')) {
var font = $(el).attr('data-icon').indexOf('cptools') === 0 ? 'cptools' : 'fa';
} else {
// add events handlers for the contextmenu submenus
$(menu).find(".dropdown-submenu").each(function (i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
var $a = $el.children().filter("a");
var $sub = $el.find(".dropdown-menu").first();
var left, bottomOffset;
var timeoutId;
var showSubmenu = function () {
left = $el.offset().left + $el.outerWidth() + $sub.outerWidth() > $(window).width();
bottomOffset = $el.offset().top + $el.outerHeight() + $sub.outerHeight() - $(window).height();
$sub.css("left", left ? "0%": "100%");
$sub.css("transform", "translate("
+ (left ? "-100%" : "0")
+ "," + (bottomOffset > 0 ? -(bottomOffset - $el.outerHeight()) : 0) + "px)");
var hideSubmenu = function () {
var mouseOutSubmenu = function () {
// don't hide immediately the submenu
timeoutId = setTimeout(hideSubmenu, 100);
// Add submenu expand icon
// Show / hide submenu
$el.hover(function () {
}, function () {
// handle click event
$el.click(function (e) {
var targetItem = $(e.target).closest(".dropdown-item")[0]; // don't close contextmenu if open submenu
var elTarget = $el.children(".dropdown-item")[0];
if (targetItem === elTarget) { e.stopPropagation(); }
if ($el.children().filter(".dropdown-menu:visible").length !== 0) {
else {
return $(menu);
var create = function (common, driveConfig) { //proxy, folders) {
var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel();
var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
var user = metadataMgr.getUserData();
// Initialization
Util.extend(APP, driveConfig.APP);
var proxy = driveConfig.proxy;
var folders = driveConfig.folders;
var files = proxy.drive;
var history = driveConfig.history || {};
2019-09-18 14:32:14 +00:00
var edPublic = driveConfig.edPublic || priv.edPublic;
2019-10-10 11:56:12 +00:00
config.editKey = driveConfig.editKey;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
APP.origin = priv.origin;
APP.hideDuplicateOwned = Util.find(priv, ['settings', 'drive', 'hideDuplicate']);
2019-09-18 11:30:24 +00:00
APP.closed = false;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
2019-11-12 16:18:22 +00:00
var $readOnly = $(h('div#cp-app-drive-edition-state.cp-app-drive-content-info-box', Messages.readonly));
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var updateObject = driveConfig.updateObject;
var updateSharedFolders = driveConfig.updateSharedFolders;
// manager
config.loggedIn = APP.loggedIn;
config.sframeChan = sframeChan;
var manager = ProxyManager.createInner(files, sframeChan, edPublic, config);
2019-09-13 14:55:48 +00:00
var LS = makeLS(APP.team);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
Object.keys(folders).forEach(function (id) {
var f = folders[id];
2019-10-07 12:35:11 +00:00
var sfData = files.sharedFolders[id] || {};
2019-10-14 10:01:44 +00:00
var href = manager.user.userObject.getHref(sfData);
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href);
2019-10-07 12:35:11 +00:00
var secret = Hash.getSecrets('drive', parsed.hash, sfData.password);
2019-10-10 10:35:01 +00:00
manager.addProxy(id, {proxy: f}, null, secret.keys.secondaryKey);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// UI containers
var $tree = APP.$tree = $("#cp-app-drive-tree");
var $content = APP.$content = $("#cp-app-drive-content");
var $appContainer = $(".cp-app-drive-container");
var $driveToolbar = $("#cp-app-drive-toolbar");
var $contextMenu = createContextMenu().appendTo($appContainer);
var $contentContextMenu = $("#cp-app-drive-context-content");
var $defaultContextMenu = $("#cp-app-drive-context-default");
var $trashTreeContextMenu = $("#cp-app-drive-context-trashtree");
var $trashContextMenu = $("#cp-app-drive-context-trash");
/* add a "change username" button */
if (!APP.readOnly) {
APP.$displayName.text(user.name || Messages.anonymous);
var currentPath = APP.currentPath = LS.getLastOpenedFolder();
if (APP.newSharedFolder) {
var newSFPaths = manager.findFile(APP.newSharedFolder);
if (newSFPaths.length) {
currentPath = newSFPaths[0];
// Categories dislayed in the menu
var displayedCategories = [ROOT, TRASH, SEARCH, RECENT];
// PCS enabled: display owned pads
2020-02-10 10:17:01 +00:00
//if (AppConfig.displayCreationScreen) { displayedCategories.push(OWNED); }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// Templates enabled: display template category
if (AppConfig.enableTemplates) { displayedCategories.push(TEMPLATE); }
// Tags used: display Tags category
if (Object.keys(manager.getTagsList()).length) { displayedCategories.push(TAGS); }
var virtualCategories = [SEARCH, RECENT, OWNED, TAGS];
if (!APP.loggedIn) {
if (APP.newSharedFolder) {
displayedCategories = [SHARED_FOLDER];
currentPath = [SHARED_FOLDER, ROOT];
} else {
displayedCategories = [FILES_DATA];
currentPath = [FILES_DATA];
if (Object.keys(files.root).length && !proxy.anonymousAlert) {
var msg = common.fixLinks($('<div>').html(Messages.fm_alert_anonymous));
proxy.anonymousAlert = true;
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
APP.editable = !APP.readOnly;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var appStatus = {
isReady: true,
_onReady: [],
onReady: function (handler) {
if (appStatus.isReady) {
ready: function (state) {
appStatus.isReady = state;
if (state) {
appStatus._onReady.forEach(function (h) {
appStatus._onReady = [];
var findDataHolder = function ($el) {
return $el.is('.cp-app-drive-element-row') ? $el : $el.closest('.cp-app-drive-element-row');
// Selection
var sel = {};
var removeSelected = function (keepObj) {
APP.selectedFiles = [];
var $container = $driveToolbar.find('#cp-app-drive-toolbar-contextbuttons');
if (!$container.length) { return; }
if (!keepObj) {
delete sel.startSelected;
delete sel.endSelected;
delete sel.oldSelection;
sel.refresh = 50;
sel.$selectBox = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-content-select-box'}).appendTo($content);
var checkSelected = function () {
if (!sel.down) { return; }
var pos = sel.pos;
var l = $content[0].querySelectorAll('.cp-app-drive-element:not(.cp-app-drive-element-selected):not(.cp-app-drive-element-header)');
var p, el;
var offset = getViewMode() === "grid" ? 10 : 0;
for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
el = l[i];
p = $(el).position();
p.top += offset + $content.scrollTop();
p.left += offset;
p.bottom = p.top + $(el).outerHeight();
p.right = p.left + $(el).outerWidth();
if (p.right < pos.left || p.left > pos.right
|| p.top > pos.bottom || p.bottom < pos.top) {
} else {
$content.on('mousedown', function (e) {
if (currentPath[0] === SEARCH) { return; }
if (e.which !== 1) { return; }
sel.down = true;
if (!e.ctrlKey) { removeSelected(); }
var rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
sel.startX = e.clientX - rect.left;
sel.startY = e.clientY - rect.top + $content.scrollTop();
left: sel.startX + 'px',
top: sel.startY + 'px',
width: '0px',
height: '0px'
if (sel.move) { return; }
sel.move = function (ev) {
var rectMove = ev.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(),
offX = ev.clientX - rectMove.left,
offY = ev.clientY - rectMove.top + $content.scrollTop();
var left = sel.startX,
top = sel.startY;
var width = offX - sel.startX;
if (width < 0) {
left = Math.max(0, offX);
var diffX = left-offX;
width = Math.abs(width) - diffX;
var height = offY - sel.startY;
if (height < 0) {
top = Math.max(0, offY);
var diffY = top-offY;
height = Math.abs(height) - diffY;
width: width + 'px',
left: left + 'px',
height: height + 'px',
top: top + 'px'
sel.pos = {
top: top,
left: left,
bottom: top + height,
right: left + width
var diffT = sel.update ? +new Date() - sel.update : sel.refresh;
if (diffT < sel.refresh) {
if (!sel.to) {
sel.to = window.setTimeout(function () {
sel.update = +new Date();
sel.to = undefined;
}, (sel.refresh - diffT));
sel.update = +new Date();
2019-09-17 09:33:09 +00:00
var onWindowMouseUp = function (e) {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (!sel.down) { return; }
if (e.which !== 1) { return; }
sel.down = false;
$content.off('mousemove', sel.move);
delete sel.move;
.each(function (idx, element) {
2019-09-17 09:33:09 +00:00
var getSelectedPaths = function ($element) {
var paths = [];
if (!$element || $element.length === 0) { return paths; }
if (findSelectedElements().length > 1) {
var $selected = findSelectedElements();
$selected.each(function (idx, elmt) {
var ePath = $(elmt).data('path');
if (ePath) {
path: ePath,
element: $(elmt)
if (!paths.length) {
var path = $element.data('path');
if (!path) { return false; }
path: path,
element: $element
return paths;
var removeInput = function (cancel) {
if (!cancel && $('.cp-app-drive-element-row > input').length === 1) {
var $input = $('.cp-app-drive-element-row > input');
manager.rename($input.data('path'), $input.val(), APP.refresh);
$('.cp-app-drive-element-row > input').remove();
$('.cp-app-drive-element-row > span:hidden').removeAttr('style');
var getFileNameExtension = function (name) {
var matched = /\.[^\. ]+$/.exec(name);
if (matched && matched.length) { return matched[matched.length -1]; }
return '';
// Replace a file/folder name by an input to change its value
var displayRenameInput = function ($element, path) {
// NOTE: setTimeout(f, 0) otherwise the "rename" button in the toolbar is not working
window.setTimeout(function () {
if (!APP.editable) { return; }
if (!path || path.length < 2) {
logError("Renaming a top level element (root, trash or filesData) is forbidden.");
var $name = $element.find('.cp-app-drive-element-name');
if (!$name.length) {
$name = $element.find('> .cp-app-drive-element');
var isFolder = $element.is(".cp-app-drive-element-folder:not(.cp-app-drive-element-sharedf)");
var el = manager.find(path);
var name = manager.isFile(el) ? manager.getTitle(el) : path[path.length - 1];
if (manager.isSharedFolder(el)) {
name = manager.getSharedFolderData(el).title;
var $input = $('<input>', {
placeholder: name,
value: name
}).data('path', path);
// Stop propagation on keydown to avoid issues with arrow keys
$input.on('keydown', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); });
$input.on('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
var newName = $input.val();
if (JSON.stringify(path) === JSON.stringify(currentPath)) {
manager.rename(path, $input.val(), function () {
if (isFolder) {
LS.renameFoldersOpened(path, newName);
path[path.length - 1] = newName;
else {
manager.rename(path, $input.val(), function () {
if (isFolder) {
LS.renameFoldersOpened(path, newName);
$element.data("path", $element.data("path").slice(0, -1).concat(newName));
if (e.which === 27) {
}).on('keypress', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); });
var extension = getFileNameExtension(name);
var input = $input[0];
input.selectionStart = 0;
input.selectionEnd = name.length - extension.length;
// We don't want to open the file/folder when clicking on the input
$input.on('click dblclick', function (e) {
// Remove the browser ability to drag text from the input to avoid
// triggering our drag/drop event handlers
$input.on('dragstart dragleave drag drop', function (e) {
// Make the parent element non-draggable when selecting text in the field
// since it would remove the input
$input.on('mousedown', function (e) {
$input.parents('.cp-app-drive-element-row').attr("draggable", false);
$input.on('mouseup', function (e) {
$input.parents('.cp-app-drive-element-row').attr("draggable", true);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// Arrow keys to modify the selection
2019-09-17 09:33:09 +00:00
var onWindowKeydown = function (e) {
2019-10-04 15:31:12 +00:00
if (!$content.is(':visible')) { return; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var $searchBar = $tree.find('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input');
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.nodeName === 'INPUT') { return; }
if ($searchBar.is(':focus') && $searchBar.val()) { return; }
var $elements = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element:not(.cp-app-drive-element-header)');
var ev = {};
if (e.ctrlKey) { ev.ctrlKey = true; }
if (e.shiftKey) { ev.shiftKey = true; }
// Enter
if (e.which === 13) {
var $allSelected = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element.cp-app-drive-element-selected');
if ($allSelected.length === 1) {
// Open the folder or the file
// If more than one, open only the files
var $select = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element-file.cp-app-drive-element-selected');
$select.each(function (idx, el) {
// Ctrl+A select all
if (e.which === 65 && (e.ctrlKey || (e.metaKey && APP.isMac))) {
.each(function (idx, element) {
2019-09-17 09:33:09 +00:00
// F2: rename selected element
if (e.which === 113) {
var paths = getSelectedPaths(findSelectedElements().first());
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
displayRenameInput(paths[0].element, paths[0].path);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// [Left, Up, Right, Down]
if ([37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(e.which) === -1) { return; }
var click = function (el) {
if (!el) { return; }
APP.onElementClick(ev, $(el));
var $selection = findSelectedElements();
if ($selection.length === 0) { return void click($elements.first()[0]); }
var lastIndex = typeof sel.endSelected === "number" ? sel.endSelected :
typeof sel.startSelected === "number" ? sel.startSelected :
var length = $elements.length;
if (length === 0) { return; }
// List mode
if (getViewMode() === "list") {
if (e.which === 40) { click($elements.get(Math.min(lastIndex+1, length -1))); }
if (e.which === 38) { click($elements.get(Math.max(lastIndex-1, 0))); }
// Icon mode
// Get the vertical and horizontal position of lastIndex
// Filter all the elements to get those in the same line/column
var pos = $($elements.get(0)).position();
var $line = $elements.filter(function (idx, el) {
return $(el).position().top === pos.top;
var cols = $line.length;
var lines = Math.ceil(length/cols);
var lastPos = {
l : Math.floor(lastIndex/cols),
c : lastIndex - Math.floor(lastIndex/cols)*cols
if (e.which === 37) {
if (lastPos.c === 0) { return; }
click($elements.get(Math.max(lastIndex-1, 0)));
if (e.which === 38) {
if (lastPos.l === 0) { return; }
click($elements.get(Math.max(lastIndex-cols, 0)));
if (e.which === 39) {
if (lastPos.c === cols-1) { return; }
click($elements.get(Math.min(lastIndex+1, length-1)));
if (e.which === 40) {
if (lastPos.l === lines-1) { return; }
click($elements.get(Math.min(lastIndex+cols, length-1)));
var compareDays = function (date1, date2) {
var day1 = Date.UTC(date1.getFullYear(), date1.getMonth(), date1.getDate());
var day2 = Date.UTC(date2.getFullYear(), date2.getMonth(), date2.getDate());
var ms = Math.abs(day1-day2);
return Math.floor(ms/1000/60/60/24);
var getDate = function (sDate) {
if (!sDate) { return ''; }
var ret = sDate.toString();
try {
var date = new Date(sDate);
var today = new Date();
var diff = compareDays(date, today);
if (diff === 0) {
ret = date.toLocaleTimeString();
} else {
ret = date.toLocaleDateString();
} catch (e) {
console.error("Unable to format that string to a date with .toLocaleString", sDate, e);
return ret;
2020-01-27 17:09:35 +00:00
var openFile = function (el, isRo) {
var data = manager.getFileData(el);
if (!data || (!data.href && !data.roHref)) {
return void logError("Missing data for the file", el, data);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
2020-01-28 10:31:03 +00:00
var href = isRo ? data.roHref : (data.href || data.roHref);
var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
var useUnsafe = Util.find(priv, ['settings', 'security', 'unsafeLinks']);
2020-02-10 09:46:20 +00:00
if (useUnsafe !== false) { // true of undefined: use unsafe links
2020-01-28 10:31:03 +00:00
return void window.open(APP.origin + href);
// Get hidden hash
2020-01-27 17:09:35 +00:00
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href);
var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, data.password);
2020-02-06 12:58:27 +00:00
var opts = {};
if (isRo) { opts.view = true; }
var hash = Hash.getHiddenHashFromKeys(parsed.type, secret, opts);
2020-01-27 17:09:35 +00:00
var hiddenHref = Hash.hashToHref(hash, parsed.type);
window.open(APP.origin + hiddenHref);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var refresh = APP.refresh = function () {
var pickFolderColor = function ($element, currentColor, cb) {
var colors = ["", "#f23c38", "#ff0073", "#da0eba", "#9d00ac", "#6c19b3", "#4a42b1", "#3d8af0", "#30a0f1", "#1fb9d1", "#009686", "#45b354", "#84c750", "#c6e144", "#faf147", "#fbc423", "#fc9819", "#fd5227", "#775549", "#9c9c9c", "#607a89"];
var colorsElements = [];
var currentElement = null;
colors.forEach(function (color, i) {
var element = h("span.cp-app-drive-color-picker-color", [
h("span.cptools.cp-app-drive-icon-folder.cp-app-drive-content-icon" + (i === 0 ? ".cptools-folder-no-color" : ".cptools-folder")),
$(element).css("color", colors[i]);
if (colors[i] === currentColor) {
currentElement = element;
$(element).on("click", function () {
currentElement = element;
var content = h("div.cp-app-drive-color-picker", colorsElements);
var getFolderColor = function (path) {
if (path.length === 0) { return; }
return manager.getFolderData(path).color || "";
var setFolderColor = function ($element, path, color) {
if ($element.length === 0) { return; }
$element.find(".cp-app-drive-icon-folder").css("color", color);
path: path,
key: "color",
value: color
}, function () {});
var filterContextMenu = function (type, paths) {
if (!paths || paths.length === 0) { logError('no paths'); }
var show = [];
var filter;
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
var editable = true;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (type === "content") {
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
if (APP.$content.data('readOnlyFolder')) { editable = false; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// Return true in filter to hide
filter = function ($el, className) {
if (className === 'newfolder') { return; }
if (className === 'newsharedfolder') {
// Hide the new shared folder menu if we're already in a shared folder
return manager.isInSharedFolder(currentPath) || APP.disableSF;
if (className === 'uploadfiles') { return; }
if (className === 'uploadfolder') { return !APP.allowFolderUpload; }
if (className === 'newdoc') {
return AppConfig.availablePadTypes.indexOf($el.attr('data-type')) === -1;
} else {
// In case of multiple selection, we must hide the option if at least one element
// is not compatible
var containsFolder = false;
var hide = [];
2019-09-18 14:15:45 +00:00
if (!APP.team) {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
paths.forEach(function (p) {
var path = p.path;
var $element = p.element;
2019-11-08 11:42:06 +00:00
if (APP.$content.data('readOnlyFolder') &&
manager.isSubpath(path, currentPath)) { editable = false; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (!$element.closest("#cp-app-drive-tree").length) {
if (path.length === 1) {
// Can't rename, share, delete, or change the color of root elements
2019-09-18 14:02:58 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (!$element.is('.cp-app-drive-element-owned')) {
if ($element.is('.cp-app-drive-element-notrash')) {
// We can't delete elements in virtual categories
} else {
// We can only open parent in virtual categories
if (!$element.is('.cp-border-color-file')) {
2019-10-07 13:00:26 +00:00
if ($element.is('.cp-border-color-sheet')) {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if ($element.is('.cp-app-drive-element-file')) {
// No folder in files
if ($element.is('.cp-app-drive-element-readonly')) {
hide.push('open'); // Remove open 'edit' mode
} else if ($element.is('.cp-app-drive-element-noreadonly')) {
hide.push('openro'); // Remove open 'view' mode
2020-02-10 13:43:22 +00:00
var metadata = manager.getFileData(manager.find(path));
if (!metadata || !Util.isPlainTextFile(metadata.fileType, metadata.title)) {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
} else if ($element.is('.cp-app-drive-element-sharedf')) {
if (containsFolder) {
// More than 1 folder selected: cannot create a new subfolder
containsFolder = true;
} else { // it's a folder
if (containsFolder) {
// More than 1 folder selected: cannot create a new subfolder
containsFolder = true;
2020-02-10 13:54:35 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// If we're in the trash, hide restore and properties for non-root elements
if (type === "trash" && path && path.length > 4) {
// If we're not in the trash nor in a shared folder, hide "remove"
if (!manager.isInSharedFolder(path)
&& !$element.is('.cp-app-drive-element-sharedf')) {
} else if (type === "tree") {
// Don't hide the deleteowned link if the element is a shared folder and
// it is owned
if (manager.isInSharedFolder(path) ||
!$element.is('.cp-app-drive-element-owned')) {
} else {
// This is a shared folder and it is owned
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
if ($element.closest('[data-ro]').length) {
editable = false;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (paths.length > 1) {
2019-09-18 14:02:58 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
hide.push('openincode'); // can't because of race condition
if (containsFolder && paths.length > 1) {
// Cannot open multiple folders
filter = function ($el, className) {
if (hide.indexOf(className) !== -1) { return true; }
switch(type) {
case 'content':
show = ['newfolder', 'newsharedfolder', 'uploadfiles', 'uploadfolder', 'newdoc'];
case 'tree':
2019-09-18 14:02:58 +00:00
show = ['open', 'openro', 'openincode', 'expandall', 'collapseall',
'color', 'download', 'share', 'savelocal', 'rename', 'delete',
'deleteowned', 'removesf', 'properties', 'hashtag'];
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
case 'default':
show = ['open', 'openro', 'share', 'openparent', 'delete', 'deleteowned', 'properties', 'hashtag'];
case 'trashtree': {
show = ['empty'];
case 'trash': {
show = ['remove', 'restore', 'properties'];
var filtered = [];
show.forEach(function (className) {
var $el = $contextMenu.find('.cp-app-drive-context-' + className);
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
if ((!APP.editable || !editable) && $el.is('.cp-app-drive-context-editable')) { return; }
2019-11-08 11:42:06 +00:00
if ((!APP.editable || !editable) && $el.is('.cp-app-drive-context-editable')) { return; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (filter($el, className)) { return; }
filtered.push('.cp-app-drive-context-' + className);
return filtered;
var updateContextButton = function () {
if (manager.isPathIn(currentPath, [TRASH])) {
} else {
var $li = findSelectedElements();
if ($li.length === 0) {
$li = findDataHolder($tree.find('.cp-app-drive-element-active'));
var $button = $driveToolbar.find('#cp-app-drive-toolbar-context-mobile');
if ($button.length) { // mobile
if ($li.length !== 1
|| !$._data($li[0], 'events').contextmenu
|| $._data($li[0], 'events').contextmenu.length === 0) {
background: '#000'
window.setTimeout(function () {
background: ''
}, 500);
// Non mobile
var $container = $driveToolbar.find('#cp-app-drive-toolbar-contextbuttons');
if (!$container.length) { return; }
var $element = $li.length === 1 ? $li : $($li[0]);
var paths = getSelectedPaths($element);
var menuType = $element.data('context');
if (!menuType) { return; }
//var actions = [];
var toShow = filterContextMenu(menuType, paths);
var $actions = $contextMenu.find('a');
$contextMenu.data('paths', paths);
$actions = $actions.filter(function (i, el) {
return toShow.some(function (className) { return $(el).is(className); });
$actions.each(function (i, el) {
var $a = $('<button>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element'});
if ($(el).attr('data-icon')) {
var font = $(el).attr('data-icon').indexOf('cptools') === 0 ? 'cptools' : 'fa';
$a.attr('title', $(el).text());
} else {
$a.click(function() { $(el).click(); });
var scrollTo = function ($element) {
// Current scroll position
var st = $content.scrollTop();
// Block height
var h = $content.height();
// Current top position of the element relative to the scroll position
var pos = Math.round($element.offset().top - $content.position().top);
// Element height
var eh = $element.outerHeight();
// New scroll value
var v = st + pos + eh - h;
// If the element is completely visile, don't change the scroll position
if (pos+eh <= h && pos >= 0) { return; }
// Add the "selected" class to the "li" corresponding to the clicked element
var onElementClick = APP.onElementClick = function (e, $element) {
// If "Ctrl" is pressed, do not remove the current selection
$element = findDataHolder($element);
// If we're selecting a new element with the left click, hide the menu
if (e) { APP.hideMenu(); }
// Remove the selection if we don't hold ctrl key or if we are right-clicking
if (!e || !e.ctrlKey) {
removeSelected(e && e.shiftKey);
if (!$element.length) {
// Add the selected class to the clicked / right-clicked element
// Remove the class if it already has it
// If ctrlKey, add to the selection
// If shiftKey, select a range of elements
var $elements = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element:not(.cp-app-drive-element-header)');
var $selection = $elements.filter('.cp-app-drive-element-selected');
if (typeof sel.startSelected !== "number" || !e || (e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey)) {
sel.startSelected = $elements.index($element[0]);
sel.oldSelection = [];
$selection.each(function (idx, el) {
delete sel.endSelected;
if (e && e.shiftKey) {
var end = $elements.index($element[0]);
sel.endSelected = end;
var $el;
sel.oldSelection.forEach(function (el) {
if (!isElementSelected($(el))) {
for (var i = Math.min(sel.startSelected, sel.endSelected);
i <= Math.max(sel.startSelected, sel.endSelected);
i++) {
$el = $($elements.get(i));
if (!isElementSelected($el)) {
} else {
if (!isElementSelected($element)) {
} else {
// show / hide dropdown separators
var hideSeparators = function ($menu) {
var showSep = false;
var $lastVisibleSep = null;
$menu.children().each(function (i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
if ($el.is(".dropdown-divider")) {
$el.css("display", showSep ? "list-item" : "none");
if (showSep) { $lastVisibleSep = $el; }
showSep = false;
else if ($el.is("li") && $el.css("display") !== "none") {
showSep = true;
if (!showSep && $lastVisibleSep) { $lastVisibleSep.css("display", "none"); } // remove last divider if no options after
// prepare and display contextmenu
var displayMenu = function (e) {
var $menu = $contextMenu;
// show / hide submenus
$menu.find(".dropdown-submenu").each(function (i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
$el.children(".dropdown-menu").css("display", "none");
$el.find("li").each(function (i, li) {
if ($(li).css("display") !== "none") {
$el.css("display", "block");
// show / hide separators
$menu.find(".dropdown-menu").each(function (i, menu) {
// show contextmenu at cursor position
$menu.css({ display: "block" });
if (APP.mobile()) {
top: ($("#cp-app-drive-toolbar-context-mobile").offset().top + 32) + 'px',
right: '0px',
left: ''
var h = $menu.outerHeight();
var w = $menu.outerWidth();
var wH = window.innerHeight;
var wW = window.innerWidth;
if (h > wH) {
top: '0px',
bottom: ''
} else if (e.pageY + h <= wH) {
top: e.pageY+'px',
bottom: ''
} else {
bottom: '0px',
top: ''
if(w > wW) {
left: '0px',
right: ''
} else if (e.pageX + w <= wW) {
left: e.pageX+'px',
right: ''
} else {
left: '',
right: '0px',
// Open the selected context menu on the closest "li" element
var openContextMenu = function (type) {
return function (e) {
var paths;
if (type === 'content') {
paths = [{path: $(e.target).closest('#' + FOLDER_CONTENT_ID).data('path')}];
if (!paths) { return; }
} else {
var $element = findDataHolder($(e.target));
// if clicked from tree
var fromTree = $element.closest("#cp-app-drive-tree").length;
if (fromTree) {
// if clicked on non selected element
if (!isElementSelected($element)) {
if (type === 'trash' && !$element.data('path')) { return; }
if (!$element.length) {
logError("Unable to locate the .element tag", e.target);
return false;
if (!isElementSelected($element)) {
paths = getSelectedPaths($element);
$contextMenu.attr('data-menu-type', type);
filterContextMenu(type, paths);
$(".cp-app-drive-context-noAction").toggle($contextMenu.find('li:visible').length === 0);
$contextMenu.data('paths', paths);
return false;
var getElementName = function (path) {
var file = manager.find(path);
if (!file) { return; }
if (manager.isSharedFolder(file)) {
return manager.getSharedFolderData(file).title;
return manager.getTitle(file);
// moveElements is able to move several paths to a new location
var moveElements = function (paths, newPath, copy, cb) {
if (!APP.editable) { return; }
// Cancel drag&drop from TRASH to TRASH
if (manager.isPathIn(newPath, [TRASH]) && paths.length && paths[0][0] === TRASH) {
var newCb = function () {
paths.forEach(function (path) {
LS.moveFoldersOpened(path, newPath);
if (paths.some(function (p) { return manager.comparePath(newPath, p); })) { return void cb(); }
manager.move(paths, newPath, newCb, copy);
// Delete paths from the drive and/or shared folders (without moving them to the trash)
var deletePaths = function (paths, pathsList) {
pathsList = pathsList || [];
if (paths) {
paths.forEach(function (p) { pathsList.push(p.path); });
var hasOwned = pathsList.some(function (p) {
// NOTE: Owned pads in shared folders won't be removed from the server
// so we don't have to check, we can use the default message
if (manager.isInSharedFolder(p)) { return false; }
var el = manager.find(p);
var data = manager.isSharedFolder(el) ? manager.getSharedFolderData(el)
: manager.getFileData(el);
return data.owners && data.owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1;
var msg = Messages._getKey("fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog", [pathsList.length]);
if (pathsList.length === 1) {
msg = hasOwned ? Messages.fm_deleteOwnedPad : Messages.fm_removePermanentlyDialog;
} else if (hasOwned) {
msg = msg + '<br><em>' + Messages.fm_removePermanentlyNote + '</em>';
UI.confirm(msg, function(res) {
if (!res) { return; }
manager.delete(pathsList, function () {
}, null, true);
// Drag & drop
// The data transferred is a stringified JSON containing the path of the dragged element
var onDrag = function (ev, path) {
var paths = [];
var $element = findDataHolder($(ev.target));
if ($element.hasClass('cp-app-drive-element-selected')) {
var $selected = findSelectedElements();
$selected.each(function (idx, elmt) {
var ePath = $(elmt).data('path');
if (ePath) {
var val = manager.find(ePath);
if (!val) { return; } // Error? A ".selected" element is not in the object
path: ePath,
value: {
name: getElementName(ePath),
el: val
} else {
var val = manager.find(path);
if (!val) { return; } // The element is not in the object
paths = [{
path: path,
value: {
name: getElementName(path),
el: val
var data = {
'path': paths
ev.dataTransfer.setData("text", stringify(data));
var findDropPath = function (target) {
var $target = $(target);
var $el;
if ($target.is(".cp-app-drive-path-element")) {
$el = $target;
else {
$el = findDataHolder($target);
var newPath = $el.data('path');
var dropEl = newPath && manager.find(newPath);
if (newPath && manager.isSharedFolder(dropEl)) {
} else if ((!newPath || manager.isFile(dropEl))
&& $target.parents('#cp-app-drive-content')) {
newPath = currentPath;
return newPath;
var onFileDrop = APP.onFileDrop = function (file, e) {
var ev = {
target: e.target,
path: findDropPath(e.target)
APP.FM.onFileDrop(file, ev);
var onDrop = function (ev) {
var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text");
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
var newPath = findDropPath(ev.target);
if (!newPath) { return; }
var sfId = manager.isInSharedFolder(newPath);
if (sfId && folders[sfId] && folders[sfId].readOnly) {
return void UI.warn(Messages.fm_forbidden);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// Don't use the normal drop handler for file upload
var fileDrop = ev.dataTransfer.files;
if (fileDrop.length) { return void onFileDrop(fileDrop, ev); }
var oldPaths = JSON.parse(data).path;
if (!oldPaths) { return; }
// A moved element should be removed from its previous location
var movedPaths = [];
var sharedF = false;
oldPaths.forEach(function (p) {
if (!sharedF && manager.isInSharedFolder(p.path)) {
sharedF = true;
if (sharedF && manager.isPathIn(newPath, [TRASH])) {
return void deletePaths(null, movedPaths);
var copy = false;
if (manager.isPathIn(newPath, [TRASH])) {
// Filter the selection to remove shared folders.
// Shared folders can't be moved to the trash!
var filteredPaths = movedPaths.filter(function (p) {
var el = manager.find(p);
return !manager.isSharedFolder(el);
if (!filteredPaths.length) {
// We only have shared folder, delete them
return void deletePaths(null, movedPaths);
movedPaths = filteredPaths;
} else if (ev.ctrlKey || (ev.metaKey && APP.isMac)) {
copy = true;
if (movedPaths && movedPaths.length) {
moveElements(movedPaths, newPath, copy, refresh);
var addDragAndDropHandlers = function ($element, path, isFolder, droppable) {
if (!APP.editable) { return; }
// "dragenter" is fired for an element and all its children
// "dragleave" may be fired when entering a child
// --> we use pointer-events: none in CSS, but we still need a counter to avoid some issues
// --> We store the number of enter/leave and the element entered and we remove the
// highlighting only when we have left everything
var counter = 0;
$element.on('dragstart', function (e) {
counter = 0;
onDrag(e.originalEvent, path);
$element.on('mousedown', function (e) {
// Add drop handlers if we are not in the trash and if the element is a folder
if (!droppable || !isFolder) { return; }
$element.on('dragover', function (e) {
$element.on('drop', function (e) {
$element.on('dragenter', function (e) {
$element.on('dragleave', function (e) {
if (counter <= 0) {
counter = 0;
addDragAndDropHandlers($content, null, true, true);
$tree.on('drop dragover', function (e) {
$driveToolbar.on('drop dragover', function (e) {
// In list mode, display metadata from the filesData object
var _addOwnership = function ($span, $state, data) {
if (data.owners && data.owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1) {
var $owned = $ownedIcon.clone().appendTo($state);
$owned.attr('title', Messages.fm_padIsOwned);
} else if (data.owners && data.owners.length) {
var $owner = $ownerIcon.clone().appendTo($state);
$owner.attr('title', Messages.fm_padIsOwnedOther);
var thumbsUrls = {};
var addFileData = function (element, $element) {
if (!manager.isFile(element)) { return; }
var data = manager.getFileData(element);
2019-10-25 15:40:31 +00:00
if (!Object.keys(data).length) {
return true;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var href = data.href || data.roHref;
if (!data) { return void logError("No data for the file", element); }
var hrefData = Hash.parsePadUrl(href);
if (hrefData.type) {
var $state = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-state'});
if (hrefData.hashData && hrefData.hashData.mode === 'view') {
var $ro = $readonlyIcon.clone().appendTo($state);
$ro.attr('title', Messages.readonly);
if (data.filename && data.filename !== data.title) {
var $renamed = $renamedIcon.clone().appendTo($state);
$renamed.attr('title', Messages._getKey('fm_renamedPad', [data.title]));
if (hrefData.hashData && hrefData.hashData.password) {
var $password = $passwordIcon.clone().appendTo($state);
$password.attr('title', Messages.fm_passwordProtected || '');
if (data.expire) {
var $expire = $expirableIcon.clone().appendTo($state);
$expire.attr('title', Messages._getKey('fm_expirablePad', [new Date(data.expire).toLocaleString()]));
_addOwnership($element, $state, data);
var name = manager.getTitle(element);
// The element with the class '.name' is underlined when the 'li' is hovered
var $name = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-name'}).text(name);
2019-11-08 14:43:31 +00:00
if (getViewMode() === 'grid') {
$element.attr('title', name);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// display the thumbnail
// if the thumbnail has already been displayed once, do not reload it, keep the same url
if (thumbsUrls[element]) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = thumbsUrls[element];
$(img).addClass('cp-app-drive-element-grid cp-app-drive-element-thumbnail');
$(img).attr("draggable", false);
else {
common.displayThumbnail(href || data.roHref, data.channel, data.password, $element, function ($thumb) {
// Called only if the thumbnail exists
// Remove the .hide() added by displayThumnail() because it hides the icon in list mode too
$thumb.addClass('cp-app-drive-element-grid cp-app-drive-element-thumbnail');
$thumb.attr("draggable", false);
thumbsUrls[element] = $thumb[0].src;
var type = Messages.type[hrefData.type] || hrefData.type;
var $type = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-type cp-app-drive-element-list'
var $adate = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-atime cp-app-drive-element-list'
var $cdate = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-ctime cp-app-drive-element-list'
var addFolderData = function (element, key, $span) {
if (!element || !manager.isFolder(element)) { return; }
// The element with the class '.name' is underlined when the 'li' is hovered
var $state = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-state'});
2019-11-08 11:42:06 +00:00
var $ro;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (manager.isSharedFolder(element)) {
var data = manager.getSharedFolderData(element);
key = data && data.title ? data.title : key;
element = manager.folders[element].proxy[manager.user.userObject.ROOT];
_addOwnership($span, $state, data);
2019-10-22 10:04:30 +00:00
var hrefData = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href || data.roHref);
if (hrefData.hashData && hrefData.hashData.password) {
var $password = $passwordIcon.clone().appendTo($state);
$password.attr('title', Messages.fm_passwordProtected || '');
2019-11-08 11:04:30 +00:00
if (hrefData.hashData && hrefData.hashData.mode === 'view') {
2019-11-08 11:42:06 +00:00
$ro = $readonlyIcon.clone().appendTo($state);
2019-11-08 11:04:30 +00:00
$ro.attr('title', Messages.readonly);
2019-10-22 10:04:30 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var $shared = $sharedIcon.clone().appendTo($state);
$shared.attr('title', Messages.fm_canBeShared);
2019-11-08 11:04:30 +00:00
} else if ($content.data('readOnlyFolder') || APP.readOnly) {
2019-11-08 11:42:06 +00:00
$ro = $readonlyIcon.clone().appendTo($state);
2019-11-08 11:04:30 +00:00
$ro.attr('title', Messages.readonly);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var sf = manager.hasSubfolder(element);
var files = manager.hasFile(element);
var $name = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-name'}).text(key);
var $subfolders = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-folders cp-app-drive-element-list'
var $files = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-files cp-app-drive-element-list'
2019-11-12 15:00:20 +00:00
if (getViewMode() === 'grid') {
$span.attr('title', key);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// This is duplicated in cryptpad-common, it should be unified
var getFileIcon = function (id) {
var data = manager.getFileData(id);
return UI.getFileIcon(data);
var getIcon = UI.getIcon;
2020-02-10 14:10:36 +00:00
var createShareButton = function (id, $container) {
var $shareBlock = $('<button>', {
'class': 'cp-toolbar-share-button',
title: Messages.shareButton
var data = manager.getSharedFolderData(id);
var parsed = (data.href && data.href.indexOf('#') !== -1) ? Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href) : {};
var roParsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.roHref) || {};
if (!parsed.hash && !roParsed.hash) { return void console.error("Invalid href: "+(data.href || data.roHref)); }
var friends = common.getFriends();
var ro = folders[id] && folders[id].version >= 2;
var modal = UIElements.createShareModal({
teamId: APP.team,
origin: APP.origin,
pathname: "/drive/",
friends: friends,
title: data.title,
password: data.password,
sharedFolder: true,
common: common,
hashes: {
editHash: parsed.hash,
viewHash: ro && roParsed.hash,
// If we're a viewer and this is an old shared folder (no read-only mode), we
// can't share the read-only URL and we don't have access to the edit one.
// We should hide the share button.
if (!modal) { return; }
$shareBlock.click(function () {
return $shareBlock;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// Create the "li" element corresponding to the file/folder located in "path"
var createElement = function (path, elPath, root, isFolder) {
// Forbid drag&drop inside the trash
var isTrash = path[0] === TRASH;
var newPath = path.slice();
var key;
var element;
if (isTrash && Array.isArray(elPath)) {
key = elPath[0];
elPath.forEach(function (k) { newPath.push(k); });
element = manager.find(newPath);
} else {
key = elPath;
element = root[key];
var isSharedFolder = manager.isSharedFolder(element);
var $icon = !isFolder ? getFileIcon(element) : undefined;
var ro = manager.isReadOnlyFile(element);
// ro undefined means it's an old hash which doesn't support read-only
var roClass = typeof(ro) === 'undefined' ?' cp-app-drive-element-noreadonly' :
ro ? ' cp-app-drive-element-readonly' : '';
var liClass = 'cp-app-drive-element-file cp-app-drive-element' + roClass;
if (isSharedFolder) {
liClass = 'cp-app-drive-element-folder cp-app-drive-element';
$icon = $sharedFolderIcon.clone();
$icon.css("color", getFolderColor(path.concat(elPath)));
} else if (isFolder) {
liClass = 'cp-app-drive-element-folder cp-app-drive-element';
$icon = manager.isFolderEmpty(root[key]) ? $folderEmptyIcon.clone() : $folderIcon.clone();
$icon.css("color", getFolderColor(path.concat(elPath)));
var $element = $('<li>', {
draggable: true,
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-row'
$element.data('path', newPath);
if (isElementSelected($element)) {
$element.prepend($icon).dblclick(function () {
if (isFolder) {
if (isTrash) { return; }
2019-10-25 15:40:31 +00:00
var invalid;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (isFolder) {
2019-10-25 15:40:31 +00:00
invalid = addFolderData(element, key, $element);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
} else {
2019-10-25 15:40:31 +00:00
invalid = addFileData(element, $element);
if (invalid) {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
var droppable = !isTrash && !APP.$content.data('readOnlyFolder');
addDragAndDropHandlers($element, newPath, isFolder, droppable);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
$element.click(function(e) {
onElementClick(e, $element);
if (!isTrash) {
$element.data('context', 'tree');
} else {
$element.data('context', 'trash');
var isNewFolder = APP.newFolder && manager.comparePath(newPath, APP.newFolder);
if (isNewFolder) {
appStatus.onReady(function () {
window.setTimeout(function () { displayRenameInput($element, newPath); }, 0);
delete APP.newFolder;
2020-02-10 14:10:36 +00:00
if (isSharedFolder && APP.convertedFolder === element) {
setTimeout(function () {
var $fakeButton = createShareButton(element, $('<div>'));
if (!$fakeButton) { return; }
}, 100);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
return $element;
// Display the full path in the title when displaying a directory from the trash
var getTrashTitle = function (path) {
if (!path[0] || path[0] !== TRASH) { return; }
var title = TRASH_NAME;
for (var i=1; i<path.length; i++) {
if (i === 3 && path[i] === 'element') {}
else if (i === 2 && parseInt(path[i]) === path[i]) {
if (path[i] !== 0) {
title += " [" + path[i] + "]";
} else {
title += " / " + path[i];
return title;
}; */
var getPrettyName = function (name) {
var pName;
switch (name) {
case ROOT: pName = ROOT_NAME; break;
case TRASH: pName = TRASH_NAME; break;
case TEMPLATE: pName = TEMPLATE_NAME; break;
case FILES_DATA: pName = FILES_DATA_NAME; break;
case SEARCH: pName = SEARCH_NAME; break;
case RECENT: pName = RECENT_NAME; break;
case OWNED: pName = OWNED_NAME; break;
case TAGS: pName = TAGS_NAME; break;
default: pName = name;
return pName;
var drivePathOverflowing = function () {
var $container = $(".cp-app-drive-path");
if ($container.length) {
$container.css("overflow", "hidden");
var overflown = $container[0].scrollWidth > $container[0].clientWidth;
$container.css("overflow", "");
return overflown;
var collapseDrivePath = function () {
var $container = $(".cp-app-drive-path-inner");
var $spanCollapse = $(".cp-app-drive-path-collapse");
$spanCollapse.css("display", "none");
var $pathElements = $container.find(".cp-app-drive-path-element");
$pathElements.not($spanCollapse).css("display", "");
var oneFolder = currentPath.length > 1 + (currentPath[0] === SHARED_FOLDER);
if (oneFolder && drivePathOverflowing()) {
var collapseLevel = 0;
var removeOverflowElement = function () {
if (drivePathOverflowing()) {
if ($pathElements.length <= 3) {
return false;
if ($($pathElements.get(-2)).is(".cp-app-drive-path-separator")) {
$($pathElements.get(-2)).css("display", "none");
$pathElements = $pathElements.not($pathElements.get(-2));
$($pathElements.get(-2)).css("display", "none");
$pathElements = $pathElements.not($pathElements.get(-2));
return true;
$spanCollapse.css("display", "");
var tipPath = currentPath.slice(0, collapseLevel);
tipPath[0] = getPrettyName(tipPath[0]);
$spanCollapse.attr("title", tipPath.join(" / "));
$spanCollapse[0].onclick = function () {
APP.displayDirectory(LS.getLastOpenedFolder().slice(0, collapseLevel));
window.addEventListener("resize", collapseDrivePath);
var treeResizeObserver = new MutationObserver(collapseDrivePath);
treeResizeObserver.observe($("#cp-app-drive-tree")[0], {"attributes": true});
var toolbarButtonAdditionObserver = new MutationObserver(collapseDrivePath);
$(function () { toolbarButtonAdditionObserver.observe($("#cp-app-drive-toolbar")[0], {"childList": true, "subtree": true}); });
// Create the title block with the "parent folder" button
var createTitle = function ($container, path, noStyle) {
if (!path || path.length === 0) { return; }
var isTrash = manager.isPathIn(path, [TRASH]);
if (APP.mobile() && !noStyle) { // noStyle means title in search result
return $container;
var isVirtual = virtualCategories.indexOf(path[0]) !== -1;
var el = isVirtual ? undefined : manager.find(path);
path = path[0] === SEARCH ? path.slice(0,1) : path;
var $inner = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-path-inner'});
var skipNext = false; // When encountering a shared folder, skip a key in the path
path.forEach(function (p, idx) {
if (skipNext) { skipNext = false; return; }
if (isTrash && [2,3].indexOf(idx) !== -1) { return; }
var name = p;
var currentEl = isVirtual ? undefined : manager.find(path.slice(0, idx+1));
if (p === SHARED_FOLDER || (currentEl && manager.isSharedFolder(currentEl))) {
name = manager.getSharedFolderData(currentEl || APP.newSharedFolder).title;
skipNext = true;
var $span = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-path-element'});
if (idx < path.length - 1) {
if (!noStyle) {
$span.click(function () {
var sliceEnd = idx + 1;
if (isTrash && idx === 1) { sliceEnd = 4; } // Make sure we don't show the index or 'element' and 'path'
APP.displayDirectory(path.slice(0, sliceEnd));
} else if (idx > 0 && manager.isFile(el)) {
name = getElementName(path);
$span.data("path", path.slice(0, idx + 1));
addDragAndDropHandlers($span, path.slice(0, idx), true, true);
if (idx === 0) { name = p === SHARED_FOLDER ? name : getPrettyName(p); }
else {
var $span2 = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-path-element cp-app-drive-path-separator'
}).text(' / ');
var $spanCollapse = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-path-element cp-app-drive-path-collapse'
}).text(' ... ');
var createInfoBox = function (path) {
2019-11-12 16:18:22 +00:00
if (APP.readOnly || $content.data('readOnlyFolder')) { return; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var $box = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-content-info-box'});
var msg;
switch (path[0]) {
case ROOT:
msg = Messages.fm_info_root;
msg = Messages.fm_info_template;
case TRASH:
msg = Messages.fm_info_trash;
msg = Messages.fm_info_allFiles;
case RECENT:
msg = Messages.fm_info_recent;
case OWNED:
msg = Messages.fm_info_owned;
case TAGS:
msg = undefined;
if (history.isHistoryMode && history.sfId) {
// Shared folder history: always display the warning
var sfName = (manager.getSharedFolderData(history.sfId) || {}).title || Messages.fm_sharedFolderName;
msg = Messages._getKey('fm_info_sharedFolderHistory', [sfName]);
return $(common.fixLinks($box.html(msg)));
if (!APP.loggedIn) {
msg = APP.newSharedFolder ? Messages.fm_info_sharedFolder : Messages.fm_info_anonymous;
return $(common.fixLinks($box.html(msg)));
if (!msg || APP.store['hide-info-' + path[0]] === '1') {
} else {
var $close = $closeIcon.clone().css({
'cursor': 'pointer',
'margin-left': '10px',
title: Messages.fm_closeInfoBox
}).on('click', function () {
APP.store['hide-info-' + path[0]] = '1';
localStore.put('hide-info-' + path[0], '1');
return $box;
// Create the button allowing the user to switch from list to icons modes
var createViewModeButton = function ($container) {
var $listButton = $listIcon.clone();
var $gridButton = $gridIcon.clone();
$listButton.click(function () {
$('#' + FOLDER_CONTENT_ID).removeClass('cp-app-drive-content-grid');
$('#' + FOLDER_CONTENT_ID).addClass('cp-app-drive-content-list');
$gridButton.click(function () {
$('#' + FOLDER_CONTENT_ID).addClass('cp-app-drive-content-grid');
$('#' + FOLDER_CONTENT_ID).removeClass('cp-app-drive-content-list');
if (getViewMode() === 'list') {
} else {
$listButton.attr('title', Messages.fm_viewListButton);
$gridButton.attr('title', Messages.fm_viewGridButton);
var createEmptyTrashButton = function ($container) {
var $button = $emptyTrashIcon.clone();
$button.attr('title', Messages.fc_empty);
$button.click(function () {
UI.confirm(Messages.fm_emptyTrashDialog, function(res) {
if (!res) { return; }
// Get the upload options
var addSharedFolderModal = function (cb) {
var createHelper = function (href, text) {
var q = h('a.fa.fa-question-circle', {
style: 'text-decoration: none !important;',
title: text,
href: APP.origin + href,
target: "_blank",
'data-tippy-placement': "right"
return q;
// Ask for name, password and owner
var content = h('div', [
h('h4', Messages.sharedFolders_create),
h('label', {for: 'cp-app-drive-sf-name'}, Messages.sharedFolders_create_name),
h('input#cp-app-drive-sf-name', {type: 'text', placeholder: Messages.fm_newFolder}),
h('label', {for: 'cp-app-drive-sf-password'}, Messages.sharedFolders_create_password),
UI.passwordInput({id: 'cp-app-drive-sf-password'}),
h('span', {
style: 'display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:space-between'
}, [
UI.createCheckbox('cp-app-drive-sf-owned', Messages.sharedFolders_create_owned, true),
createHelper('/faq.html#keywords-owned', Messages.creation_owned1) // TODO
$(content).find('#cp-app-drive-sf-name').keydown(function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
UI.confirm(content, function (yes) {
if (!yes) { return void cb(); }
// Get the values
var newName = $(content).find('#cp-app-drive-sf-name').val();
var password = $(content).find('#cp-app-drive-sf-password').val() || undefined;
var owned = $(content).find('#cp-app-drive-sf-owned').is(':checked');
name: newName,
password: password,
owned: owned
var getNewPadTypes = function () {
var arr = [];
AppConfig.availablePadTypes.forEach(function (type) {
if (type === 'drive') { return; }
2019-10-01 08:32:37 +00:00
if (type === 'teams') { return; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (type === 'contacts') { return; }
if (type === 'todo') { return; }
if (type === 'file') { return; }
if (!APP.loggedIn && AppConfig.registeredOnlyTypes &&
AppConfig.registeredOnlyTypes.indexOf(type) !== -1) {
return arr;
var showUploadFilesModal = function () {
var $input = $('<input>', {
'type': 'file',
'style': 'display: none;',
'multiple': 'multiple'
}).on('change', function (e) {
var files = Util.slice(e.target.files);
files.forEach(function (file) {
var ev = {
target: $content[0],
path: findDropPath($content[0])
APP.FM.handleFile(file, ev);
// create the folder structure before to upload files from folder
var uploadFolder = function (fileList) {
var currentFolder = currentPath;
// create an array of all the files relative path
var files = Array.prototype.map.call(fileList, function (file) {
return {
file: file,
path: file.webkitRelativePath.split("/"),
// if folder name already exist in drive, rename it
var uploadedFolderName = files[0].path[0];
var availableName = manager.user.userObject.getAvailableName(manager.find(currentFolder), uploadedFolderName);
// ask for folder name and files options, then upload all the files!
APP.FM.showFolderUploadModal(availableName, function (folderUploadOptions) {
if (!folderUploadOptions) { return; }
// verfify folder name is possible, and update files path
availableName = manager.user.userObject.getAvailableName(manager.find(currentFolder), folderUploadOptions.folderName);
if (uploadedFolderName !== availableName) {
files.forEach(function (file) {
file.path[0] = availableName;
// uploadSteps is an array of objects {folders: [], files: []}, containing all the folders and files to create safely
// at the index i + 1, the files and folders are children of the folders at the index i
var maxSteps = files.reduce(function (max, file) { return Math.max(max, file.path.length); }, 0);
var uploadSteps = [];
for (var i = 0 ; i < maxSteps ; i++) {
uploadSteps[i] = {
folders: [],
files: [],
files.forEach(function (file) {
// add steps to create subfolders containing file
for (var depth = 0 ; depth < file.path.length - 1 ; depth++) {
var subfolderStr = file.path.slice(0, depth + 1).join("/");
if (uploadSteps[depth].folders.indexOf(subfolderStr) === -1) {
// add step to upload file (one step later than the step of its direct parent folder)
uploadSteps[file.path.length - 1].files.push(file);
// add folders, then add files when theirs folders have been created
// wait for the folders to be created to go to the next step (don't wait for the files)
var stepByStep = function (uploadSteps, i) {
if (i >= uploadSteps.length) { return; }
nThen(function (waitFor) {
// add folders
uploadSteps[i].folders.forEach(function (folder) {
var folderPath = folder.split("/");
var parentFolder = currentFolder.concat(folderPath.slice(0, -1));
var folderName = folderPath.slice(-1);
manager.addFolder(parentFolder, folderName, waitFor(refresh));
// upload files
uploadSteps[i].files.forEach(function (file) {
var ev = {
target: $content[0],
path: currentFolder.concat(file.path.slice(0, -1)),
APP.FM.handleFile(file.file, ev, folderUploadOptions);
}).nThen(function () {
stepByStep(uploadSteps, i + 1);
stepByStep(uploadSteps, 0);
var showUploadFolderModal = function () {
var $input = $('<input>', {
'type': 'file',
'style': 'display: none;',
'multiple': 'multiple',
'webkitdirectory': true,
}).on('change', function (e) {
var addNewPadHandlers = function ($block, isInRoot) {
// Handlers
if (isInRoot) {
var onCreated = function (err, info) {
if (err) {
if (err === E_OVER_LIMIT) {
return void UI.alert(Messages.pinLimitDrive, null, true);
return void UI.alert(Messages.fm_error_cantPin);
APP.newFolder = info.newPath;
$block.find('a.cp-app-drive-new-folder, li.cp-app-drive-new-folder')
.click(function () {
manager.addFolder(currentPath, null, onCreated);
if (!APP.disableSF && !manager.isInSharedFolder(currentPath)) {
$block.find('a.cp-app-drive-new-shared-folder, li.cp-app-drive-new-shared-folder')
.click(function () {
addSharedFolderModal(function (obj) {
if (!obj) { return; }
manager.addSharedFolder(currentPath, obj, refresh);
$block.find('a.cp-app-drive-new-fileupload, li.cp-app-drive-new-fileupload').click(showUploadFilesModal);
$block.find('a.cp-app-drive-new-folderupload, li.cp-app-drive-new-folderupload').click(showUploadFolderModal);
$block.find('a.cp-app-drive-new-doc, li.cp-app-drive-new-doc')
.click(function () {
var type = $(this).attr('data-type') || 'pad';
var path = manager.isPathIn(currentPath, [TRASH]) ? '' : currentPath;
2019-09-12 15:54:50 +00:00
nThen(function (waitFor) {
common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.newPadPathKey, path, waitFor());
common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.newPadTeamKey, APP.team, waitFor());
}).nThen(function () {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
common.openURL('/' + type + '/');
var createNewButton = function (isInRoot, $container) {
if (!APP.editable) { return; }
if (!APP.loggedIn) { return; } // Anonymous users can use the + menu in the toolbar
if (!manager.isPathIn(currentPath, [ROOT, 'hrefArray'])) { return; }
// Create dropdown
var options = [];
if (isInRoot) {
tag: 'a',
attributes: {'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-folder'},
content: $('<div>').append($folderIcon.clone()).html() + Messages.fm_folder
if (!APP.disableSF && !manager.isInSharedFolder(currentPath)) {
tag: 'a',
attributes: {'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-shared-folder'},
content: $('<div>').append($sharedFolderIcon.clone()).html() + Messages.fm_sharedFolder
options.push({tag: 'hr'});
tag: 'a',
attributes: {'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-fileupload'},
content: $('<div>').append(getIcon('fileupload')).html() + Messages.uploadButton
if (APP.allowFolderUpload) {
tag: 'a',
attributes: {'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-folderupload'},
content: $('<div>').append(getIcon('folderupload')).html() + Messages.uploadFolderButton
options.push({tag: 'hr'});
getNewPadTypes().forEach(function (type) {
var attributes = {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-doc',
'data-type': type,
'href': '#'
tag: 'a',
attributes: attributes,
content: $('<div>').append(getIcon(type)).html() + Messages.type[type]
var $plusIcon = $('<div>').append($('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-plus'}));
var dropdownConfig = {
text: $plusIcon.html() + '<span>'+Messages.fm_newButton+'</span>',
options: options,
common: common
var $block = UIElements.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
// Custom style:
addNewPadHandlers($block, isInRoot);
var SORT_FOLDER_DESC = 'sortFoldersDesc';
var SORT_FILE_BY = 'sortFilesBy';
var SORT_FILE_DESC = 'sortFilesDesc';
var getSortFileDesc = function () {
return APP.store[SORT_FILE_DESC]+"" === "true";
var getSortFolderDesc = function () {
return APP.store[SORT_FOLDER_DESC]+"" === "true";
var onSortByClick = function () {
var $span = $(this);
var value;
if ($span.hasClass('cp-app-drive-sort-foldername')) {
value = getSortFolderDesc();
APP.store[SORT_FOLDER_DESC] = value ? false : true;
localStore.put(SORT_FOLDER_DESC, value ? false : true);
value = APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY];
var descValue = getSortFileDesc();
if ($span.hasClass('cp-app-drive-sort-filename')) {
if (value === '') {
descValue = descValue ? false : true;
} else {
descValue = false;
value = '';
} else {
['cp-app-drive-element-title', 'cp-app-drive-element-type',
'cp-app-drive-element-atime', 'cp-app-drive-element-ctime'].some(function (c) {
if ($span.hasClass(c)) {
var nValue = c.replace(/cp-app-drive-element-/, '');
if (value === nValue) { descValue = descValue ? false : true; }
else {
// atime and ctime should be ordered in a desc order at the first click
value = nValue;
descValue = value !== 'title';
return true;
APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY] = value;
APP.store[SORT_FILE_DESC] = descValue;
localStore.put(SORT_FILE_BY, value);
localStore.put(SORT_FILE_DESC, descValue);
var addFolderSortIcon = function ($list) {
var $icon = $sortAscIcon.clone();
if (getSortFolderDesc()) {
$icon = $sortDescIcon.clone();
if (typeof(APP.store[SORT_FOLDER_DESC]) !== "undefined") {
var getFolderListHeader = function () {
var $fohElement = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-header cp-app-drive-element-list'
//var $fohElement = $('<span>', {'class': 'element'}).appendTo($folderHeader);
var $fhIcon = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-content-icon'});
var $name = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-name cp-app-drive-sort-foldername ' +
var $state = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-state'});
var $subfolders = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-folders cp-app-drive-element-list'
var $files = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-files cp-app-drive-element-list'
return $fohElement;
var addFileSortIcon = function ($list) {
var $icon = $sortAscIcon.clone();
if (getSortFileDesc()) {
$icon = $sortDescIcon.clone();
var classSorted;
if (APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY] === '') { classSorted = 'cp-app-drive-sort-filename'; }
else if (APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY]) { classSorted = 'cp-app-drive-element-' + APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY]; }
if (classSorted) {
$list.find('.' + classSorted).addClass('cp-app-drive-sort-active').prepend($icon);
var getFileListHeader = function () {
var $fihElement = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-header cp-app-drive-element-list'
//var $fihElement = $('<span>', {'class': 'element'}).appendTo($fileHeader);
var $fhIcon = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-content-icon'});
var $fhName = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-name cp-app-drive-sort-filename ' +
var $fhState = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-state'});
var $fhType = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-type cp-app-drive-sort-clickable'
var $fhAdate = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-atime cp-app-drive-sort-clickable'
var $fhCdate = $('<span>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-ctime cp-app-drive-sort-clickable'
// If displayTitle is false, it means the "name" is the title, so do not display the "name" header
return $fihElement;
var sortElements = function (folder, path, oldkeys, prop, asc, useId) {
var root = path && manager.find(path);
if (path[0] === SHARED_FOLDER) {
path = path.slice(1);
root = Util.find(folders[APP.newSharedFolder], path);
var test = folder ? manager.isFolder : manager.isFile;
var keys = oldkeys.filter(function (e) {
return useId ? test(e) : (path && test(root[e]));
if (keys.length < 2) { return keys; }
var mult = asc ? 1 : -1;
var getProp = function (el, prop) {
if (folder && root[el] && manager.isSharedFolder(root[el])) {
var title = manager.getSharedFolderData(root[el]).title || el;
return title.toLowerCase();
} else if (folder) {
return el.toLowerCase();
var id = useId ? el : root[el];
var data = manager.getFileData(id);
if (!data) { return ''; }
if (prop === 'type') {
var hrefData = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href || data.roHref);
return hrefData.type;
if (prop === 'atime' || prop === 'ctime') {
return new Date(data[prop]);
return (manager.getTitle(id) || "").toLowerCase();
keys.sort(function(a, b) {
if (getProp(a, prop) < getProp(b, prop)) { return mult * -1; }
if (getProp(a, prop) > getProp(b, prop)) { return mult * 1; }
return 0;
return keys;
var sortTrashElements = function (folder, oldkeys, prop, asc) {
var test = folder ? manager.isFolder : manager.isFile;
var keys = oldkeys.filter(function (e) {
return test(e.element);
if (keys.length < 2) { return keys; }
var mult = asc ? 1 : -1;
var getProp = function (el, prop) {
if (prop && !folder) {
var element = el.element;
var e = manager.getFileData(element);
if (!e) {
e = {
href : el,
title : Messages.fm_noname,
atime : 0,
ctime : 0
if (prop === 'type') {
var hrefData = Hash.parsePadUrl(e.href || e.roHref);
return hrefData.type;
if (prop === 'atime' || prop === 'ctime') {
return new Date(e[prop]);
return (el.name || "").toLowerCase();
keys.sort(function(a, b) {
if (getProp(a, prop) < getProp(b, prop)) { return mult * -1; }
if (getProp(a, prop) > getProp(b, prop)) { return mult * 1; }
return 0;
return keys;
// Create the ghost icon to add pads/folders
var createNewPadIcons = function ($block, isInRoot) {
var $container = $('<div>');
if (isInRoot) {
// Folder
var $element1 = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-folder cp-app-drive-element-row ' +
$element1.append($('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-name' })
// Shared Folder
if (!APP.disableSF && !manager.isInSharedFolder(currentPath)) {
var $element3 = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-shared-folder cp-app-drive-element-row ' +
$element3.append($('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-name' })
// Upload file
var $elementFileUpload = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-fileupload cp-app-drive-element-row ' +
$elementFileUpload.append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-name'})
// Upload folder
if (APP.allowFolderUpload) {
var $elementFolderUpload = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-folderupload cp-app-drive-element-row ' +
$elementFolderUpload.append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-name'})
// Pads
getNewPadTypes().forEach(function (type) {
var $element = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-doc cp-app-drive-element-row ' +
$element.append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-name'})
$element.attr('data-type', type);
$container.find('.cp-app-drive-element-row').click(function () {
return $container;
var createGhostIcon = function ($list) {
2019-10-28 13:05:08 +00:00
if (APP.$content.data('readOnlyFolder') || !APP.editable) { return; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var isInRoot = currentPath[0] === ROOT;
var $element = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-row cp-app-drive-element-grid cp-app-drive-new-ghost'
$element.append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-name'})
$element.click(function () {
var $modal = UIElements.createModal({
id: 'cp-app-drive-new-ghost-dialog',
$body: $('body')
var $title = $('<h3>').text(Messages.fm_newFile);
var $description = $('<p>').text(Messages.fm_newButtonTitle);
var $content = createNewPadIcons($modal, isInRoot);
window.setTimeout(function () { $modal.show(); });
addNewPadHandlers($modal, isInRoot);
// Drive content toolbar
var createToolbar = function () {
var $toolbar = $driveToolbar;
$('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-leftside'}).appendTo($toolbar);
$('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-path cp-unselectable'}).appendTo($toolbar);
$('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-filler'}).appendTo($toolbar);
var $rightside = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-rightside'})
if (APP.histConfig && (APP.loggedIn || !APP.newSharedFolder)) {
var $hist = common.createButton('history', true, {histConfig: APP.histConfig});
if (APP.$burnThisDrive) {
return $toolbar;
// Unsorted element are represented by "href" in an array: they don't have a filename
// and they don't hav a hierarchical structure (folder/subfolders)
var displayHrefArray = function ($container, rootName, draggable) {
var unsorted = files[rootName];
if (unsorted.length) {
var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader(false);
var keys = unsorted;
var sortBy = APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY];
sortBy = sortBy === "" ? sortBy = 'name' : sortBy;
var sortedFiles = sortElements(false, [rootName], keys, sortBy, !getSortFileDesc(), true);
sortedFiles.forEach(function (id) {
var file = manager.getFileData(id);
if (!file) {
//debug("Unsorted or template returns an element not present in filesData: ", href);
file = { title: Messages.fm_noname };
var idx = files[rootName].indexOf(id);
var $icon = getFileIcon(id);
var ro = manager.isReadOnlyFile(id);
// ro undefined mens it's an old hash which doesn't support read-only
var roClass = typeof(ro) === 'undefined' ? ' cp-app-drive-element-noreadonly' :
ro ? ' cp-app-drive-element-readonly' : '';
var $element = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element cp-app-drive-element-file cp-app-drive-element-row' + roClass,
draggable: draggable
var path = [rootName, idx];
$element.data('path', path);
if (isElementSelected($element)) {
$element.prepend($icon).dblclick(function () {
addFileData(id, $element);
$element.click(function(e) {
onElementClick(e, $element);
$element.data('context', 'default');
if (draggable) {
addDragAndDropHandlers($element, path, false, false);
var displayAllFiles = function ($container) {
if (AppConfig.disableAnonymousStore && !APP.loggedIn) {
var allfiles = files[FILES_DATA];
if (allfiles.length === 0) { return; }
var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader(false);
var keys = manager.getFiles([FILES_DATA]);
var sortedFiles = sortElements(false, [FILES_DATA], keys, APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY], !getSortFileDesc(), true);
sortedFiles.forEach(function (id) {
var $icon = getFileIcon(id);
var ro = manager.isReadOnlyFile(id);
// ro undefined maens it's an old hash which doesn't support read-only
var roClass = typeof(ro) === 'undefined' ? ' cp-app-drive-element-noreadonly' :
ro ? ' cp-app-drive-element-readonly' : '';
var $element = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element cp-app-drive-element-row' + roClass
$element.prepend($icon).dblclick(function () {
addFileData(id, $element);
$element.data('path', [FILES_DATA, id]);
$element.data('element', id);
$element.click(function(e) {
onElementClick(e, $element);
$element.data('context', 'default');
var displayTrashRoot = function ($list, $folderHeader, $fileHeader) {
var filesList = [];
var root = files[TRASH];
// Elements in the trash are JS arrays (several elements can have the same name)
Object.keys(root).forEach(function (key) {
if (!Array.isArray(root[key])) {
logError("Trash element has a wrong type", root[key]);
root[key].forEach(function (el, idx) {
if (!manager.isFile(el.element) && !manager.isFolder(el.element)) { return; }
var spath = [key, idx, 'element'];
element: el.element,
spath: spath,
name: key
var sortedFolders = sortTrashElements(true, filesList, null, !getSortFolderDesc());
var sortedFiles = sortTrashElements(false, filesList, APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY], !getSortFileDesc());
if (manager.hasSubfolder(root, true)) { $list.append($folderHeader); }
sortedFolders.forEach(function (f) {
var $element = createElement([TRASH], f.spath, root, true);
if (manager.hasFile(root, true)) { $list.append($fileHeader); }
sortedFiles.forEach(function (f) {
var $element = createElement([TRASH], f.spath, root, false);
var displaySearch = function ($list, value) {
var filesList = manager.search(value);
filesList.forEach(function (r) {
// if r.id === null, then it's a folder, not a file
r.paths.forEach(function (path) {
if (!r.inSharedFolder &&
APP.hideDuplicateOwned && manager.isDuplicateOwned(path)) { return; }
2020-01-06 16:05:29 +00:00
var href = r.data.href || r.data.roHref;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href);
var $table = $('<table>');
var $icon = $('<td>', {'rowspan': '3', 'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-icon'});
var $title = $('<td>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-col1 cp-app-drive-search-title'
if (manager.isPathIn(path, ['hrefArray'])) {
var $path = $('<td>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-col1 cp-app-drive-search-path'
createTitle($path, path, true);
var $typeName = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-label2'}).text(Messages.fm_type);
var $type = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-col2'});
var $atimeName = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-label2'});
var $atime = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-col2'});
var $ctimeName = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-label2'});
var $ctime = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-col2'});
var $openDir = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-opendir'});
if (r.id) {
$type.text(Messages.type[parsed.type] || parsed.type);
$title.click(function () {
2020-01-27 17:09:35 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
$atime.text(new Date(r.data.atime).toLocaleString());
$ctime.text(new Date(r.data.ctime).toLocaleString());
var parentPath = path.slice();
if (parentPath) {
$('<a>').text(Messages.fm_openParent).click(function (e) {
if (manager.isInTrashRoot(parentPath)) { parentPath = [TRASH]; }
else { parentPath.pop(); }
APP.selectedFiles = path.slice(-1);
$('<a>').text(Messages.fc_prop).click(function () {
APP.getProperties(r.id, function (e, $prop) {
if (e) { return void logError(e); }
UI.alert($prop[0], undefined, true);
else {
$('<a>').text(Messages.fc_open).click(function (e) {
// rows 1-3
$('<li>', {'class':'cp-app-drive-search-result'}).append($table).appendTo($list);
var displayRecent = function ($list) {
var filesList = manager.getRecentPads();
var limit = 20;
var now = new Date();
var last1 = new Date(now);
var last7 = new Date(now);
var last28 = new Date(now);
var header7, header28, headerOld;
var i = 0;
var channels = [];
$list.append(h('li.cp-app-drive-element-separator', h('span', Messages.drive_active1Day)));
filesList.some(function (arr) {
var id = arr[0];
var file = arr[1];
if (!file || !file.atime) { return; }
if (file.atime <= last28 && i >= limit) {
return true;
var paths = manager.findFile(id);
if (!paths.length) { return; }
var path = paths[0];
if (manager.isPathIn(path, [TRASH])) { return; }
if (channels.indexOf(file.channel) !== -1) { return; }
if (!header7 && file.atime < last1) {
$list.append(h('li.cp-app-drive-element-separator', h('span', Messages.drive_active7Days)));
header7 = true;
if (!header28 && file.atime < last7) {
$list.append(h('li.cp-app-drive-element-separator', h('span', Messages.drive_active28Days)));
header28 = true;
if (!headerOld && file.atime < last28) {
$list.append(h('li.cp-app-drive-element-separator', h('span', Messages.drive_activeOld)));
headerOld = true;
// Display the pad
var $icon = getFileIcon(id);
var ro = manager.isReadOnlyFile(id);
// ro undefined means it's an old hash which doesn't support read-only
var roClass = typeof(ro) === 'undefined' ? ' cp-app-drive-element-noreadonly' :
ro ? ' cp-app-drive-element-readonly' : '';
var $element = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element cp-app-drive-element-notrash cp-app-drive-element-file cp-app-drive-element-row' + roClass,
$element.prepend($icon).dblclick(function () {
addFileData(id, $element);
$element.data('path', path);
$element.click(function(e) {
onElementClick(e, $element);
$element.data('context', 'default');
/*if (draggable) {
addDragAndDropHandlers($element, path, false, false);
// Owned pads category
var displayOwned = function ($container) {
var list = manager.getOwnedPads();
if (list.length === 0) { return; }
var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader(false);
var sortedFiles = sortElements(false, false, list, APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY], !getSortFileDesc(), true);
sortedFiles.forEach(function (id) {
var paths = manager.findFile(id);
if (!paths.length) { return; }
var path = paths[0];
var $icon = getFileIcon(id);
var ro = manager.isReadOnlyFile(id);
// ro undefined maens it's an old hash which doesn't support read-only
var roClass = typeof(ro) === 'undefined' ? ' cp-app-drive-element-noreadonly' :
ro ? ' cp-app-drive-element-readonly' : '';
var $element = $('<li>', {
'class': 'cp-app-drive-element cp-app-drive-element-notrash ' +
'cp-app-drive-element-file cp-app-drive-element-row' + roClass
$element.prepend($icon).dblclick(function () {
addFileData(id, $element);
$element.data('path', path);
$element.data('element', id);
$element.click(function(e) {
onElementClick(e, $element);
$element.data('context', 'default');
// Tags category
var displayTags = function ($container) {
var list = manager.getTagsList();
if (Object.keys(list).length === 0) { return; }
var sortedTags = Object.keys(list);
sortedTags.sort(function (a, b) {
return list[b] - list[a];
var lines = [
h('tr', [
h('th', Messages.fm_tags_name),
h('th', Messages.fm_tags_used)
sortedTags.forEach(function (tag) {
var tagLink = h('a', { href: '#' }, '#' + tag);
$(tagLink).click(function () {
if (displayedCategories.indexOf(SEARCH) !== -1) {
APP.Search.$input.val('#' + tag).keyup();
lines.push(h('tr', [
h('td', tagLink),
h('td.cp-app-drive-tags-used', list[tag])
$(h('li.cp-app-drive-tags-list', h('table', lines))).appendTo($container);
// Display a shared folder for anon users (read-only)
var displaySharedFolder = function ($list) {
if (currentPath.length === 1) {
var fId = APP.newSharedFolder;
var data = folders[fId];
var $folderHeader = getFolderListHeader();
var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader(true);
var path = currentPath.slice(1);
var root = Util.find(data, path);
2020-02-10 13:43:22 +00:00
var realPath = [ROOT, SHARED_FOLDER].concat(path);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (manager.hasSubfolder(root)) { $list.append($folderHeader); }
// display sub directories
var keys = Object.keys(root);
2020-02-10 13:43:22 +00:00
var sortedFolders = sortElements(true, realPath, keys, null, !getSortFolderDesc());
var sortedFiles = sortElements(false, realPath, keys, APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY], !getSortFileDesc());
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
sortedFolders.forEach(function (key) {
if (manager.isFile(root[key])) { return; }
2020-02-10 13:43:22 +00:00
var $element = createElement(realPath, key, root, true);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (manager.hasFile(root)) { $list.append($fileHeader); }
// display files
sortedFiles.forEach(function (key) {
if (manager.isFolder(root[key])) { return; }
2020-02-10 13:43:22 +00:00
var $element = createElement(realPath, key, root, false);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (!$element) { return; }
// Display the selected directory into the content part (rightside)
// NOTE: Elements in the trash are not using the same storage structure as the others
var _displayDirectory = function (path, force) {
2019-09-17 09:57:30 +00:00
if (APP.closed || (APP.$content && !$.contains(document.documentElement, APP.$content[0]))) { return; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (!APP.editable) { debug("Read-only mode"); }
if (!appStatus.isReady && !force) { return; }
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
// Fix path obvious issues
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (!path || path.length === 0) {
// Only Trash and Root are available in not-owned files manager
if (!path || displayedCategories.indexOf(path[0]) === -1) {
if (!APP.loggedIn && APP.newSharedFolder) {
} else {
path = [ROOT];
2019-09-23 15:25:21 +00:00
if (APP.loggedIn && path[0] === FILES_DATA) {
path = [ROOT];
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
// Get path data
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
currentPath = path;
var s = $content.scrollTop() || 0;
sel.$selectBox = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-content-select-box'})
var isInRoot = manager.isPathIn(path, [ROOT]);
var inTrash = manager.isPathIn(path, [TRASH]);
var isTrashRoot = manager.comparePath(path, [TRASH]);
var isTemplate = manager.comparePath(path, [TEMPLATE]);
var isAllFiles = manager.comparePath(path, [FILES_DATA]);
var isVirtual = virtualCategories.indexOf(path[0]) !== -1;
var isSearch = path[0] === SEARCH;
var isTags = path[0] === TAGS;
var isSharedFolder = path[0] === SHARED_FOLDER && APP.newSharedFolder;
if (isSharedFolder && path.length < 2) {
path = [SHARED_FOLDER, 'root'];
currentPath = path;
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
// Make sure the path is valid
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var root = isVirtual ? undefined : manager.find(path);
if (manager.isSharedFolder(root)) {
root = manager.find(path);
if (!root) { return; }
if (!isVirtual && typeof(root) === "undefined") {
debug("Unable to locate the selected directory: ", path);
2019-10-01 09:46:52 +00:00
if (path.length === 1 && path[0] === ROOT) {
// Somehow we can't display ROOT. We should abort now because we'll
// end up in an infinite loop
return void UI.warn(Messages.fm_error_cantPin); // Internal server error, please reload...
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var parentPath = path.slice();
_displayDirectory(parentPath, true);
if (!isSearch) { delete APP.Search.oldLocation; }
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
// Display the tree and build the content
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (displayedCategories.indexOf(SEARCH) !== -1 && $tree.find('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input').length) {
// in history mode we want to focus the version number input
if (!history.isHistoryMode && !APP.mobile()) {
var st = $tree.scrollTop() || 0;
$tree.find('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input')[0].selectionStart = getSearchCursor();
$tree.find('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input')[0].selectionEnd = getSearchCursor();
var $toolbar = createToolbar(path);
var $info = createInfoBox(path);
var $dirContent = $('<div>', {id: FOLDER_CONTENT_ID});
$dirContent.data('path', path);
if (!isSearch && !isTags) {
var mode = getViewMode();
if (mode) {
if (inTrash) {
var $list = $('<ul>').appendTo($dirContent);
var sfId = manager.isInSharedFolder(currentPath);
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
var readOnlyFolder = false;
if (APP.readOnly) {
// Read-only drive (team?)
2019-11-12 16:18:22 +00:00
2019-11-12 16:59:50 +00:00
} else if (sfId && folders[sfId] && folders[sfId].readOnly) {
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
// If readonly shared folder...
2019-11-12 16:18:22 +00:00
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
readOnlyFolder = true;
$content.data('readOnlyFolder', readOnlyFolder);
// NewButton can be undefined if we're in read only mode
if (!readOnlyFolder) {
createNewButton(isInRoot, $toolbar.find('.cp-app-drive-toolbar-leftside'));
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (sfId) {
createShareButton(sfId, $toolbar.find('.cp-app-drive-toolbar-leftside'));
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
createTitle($toolbar.find('.cp-app-drive-path'), path);
if (APP.mobile()) {
var $context = $('<button>', {
id: 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-context-mobile'
$context.append($('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-caret-down'}));
$context.click(function (e) {
var $li = findSelectedElements();
if ($li.length !== 1) {
$li = findDataHolder($tree.find('.cp-app-drive-element-active'));
// Close if already opened
if ($('.cp-contextmenu:visible').length) {
// Open the menu
} else {
var $contextButtons = $('<span>', {'id' : 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-contextbuttons'});
var $folderHeader = getFolderListHeader();
var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader(true);
if (isTemplate) {
displayHrefArray($list, path[0], true);
} else if (isAllFiles) {
} else if (isTrashRoot) {
displayTrashRoot($list, $folderHeader, $fileHeader);
} else if (isSearch) {
displaySearch($list, path[1]);
} else if (path[0] === RECENT) {
} else if (path[0] === OWNED) {
} else if (isTags) {
} else if (isSharedFolder) {
} else {
if (manager.hasSubfolder(root)) { $list.append($folderHeader); }
// display sub directories
var keys = Object.keys(root);
var sortedFolders = sortElements(true, path, keys, null, !getSortFolderDesc());
var sortedFiles = sortElements(false, path, keys, APP.store[SORT_FILE_BY], !getSortFileDesc());
sortedFolders.forEach(function (key) {
if (manager.isFile(root[key])) { return; }
var $element = createElement(path, key, root, true);
if (manager.hasFile(root)) { $list.append($fileHeader); }
// display files
sortedFiles.forEach(function (key) {
if (manager.isFolder(root[key])) { return; }
var p = path.slice();
if (APP.hideDuplicateOwned && manager.isDuplicateOwned(p)) { return; }
var $element = createElement(path, key, root, false);
if (!$element) { return; }
if (!inTrash) { createGhostIcon($list); }
/*var $truncated = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-truncated'}).text('...');
$content.find('.cp-app-drive-element').each(function (idx, el) {
var $name = $(el).find('.cp-app-drive-element-name');
if ($name.length === 0) { return; }
if ($name[0].scrollHeight > $name[0].clientHeight) {
var $tr = $truncated.clone();
$tr.attr('title', $name.text());
2019-09-26 13:01:34 +00:00
// If the selected element is not visible, scroll to make it visible, otherwise scroll to
// the previous scroll position
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var $sel = findSelectedElements();
if ($sel.length) {
2019-09-26 13:01:34 +00:00
var _top = $sel[0].getBoundingClientRect().top;
var _topContent = $content[0].getBoundingClientRect().top;
if ((_topContent + s + $content.height() - 20) < _top) {
} else {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
} else {
2020-02-10 14:10:36 +00:00
delete APP.convertedFolder;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var displayDirectory = APP.displayDirectory = function (path, force) {
2019-09-17 09:57:30 +00:00
if (APP.closed || (APP.$content && !$.contains(document.documentElement, APP.$content[0]))) { return; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (history.isHistoryMode) {
return void _displayDirectory(path, force);
if (!manager.comparePath(currentPath, path)) {
updateObject(sframeChan, proxy, function () {
copyObjectValue(files, proxy.drive);
updateSharedFolders(sframeChan, manager, files, folders, function () {
_displayDirectory(path, force);
var createTreeElement = function (name, $icon, path, draggable, droppable, collapsable, active, isSharedFolder) {
var $name = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element' }).text(name);
$icon.css("color", isSharedFolder ? getFolderColor(path.slice(0, -1)) : getFolderColor(path));
var $collapse;
if (collapsable) {
$collapse = $expandIcon.clone();
var $elementRow = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-row'}).append($collapse).append($icon).append($name).click(function (e) {
var $element = $('<li>').append($elementRow);
if (draggable) { $elementRow.attr('draggable', true); }
if (collapsable) {
$collapse.click(function(e) {
if ($element.hasClass('cp-app-drive-element-collapsed')) {
// It is closed, open it
LS.setFolderOpened(path, true);
} else {
// Collapse the folder
LS.setFolderOpened(path, false);
// Change the current opened folder if it was collapsed
if (manager.isSubpath(currentPath, path)) {
if (LS.wasFolderOpened(path) ||
(manager.isSubpath(currentPath, path) && path.length < currentPath.length)) {
var dataPath = isSharedFolder ? path.slice(0, -1) : path;
$elementRow.data('path', dataPath);
addDragAndDropHandlers($elementRow, dataPath, true, droppable);
if (active) {
$elementRow.addClass('cp-app-drive-element-active cp-leftside-active');
return $element;
var createTree = function ($container, path) {
var root = manager.find(path);
// don't try to display what doesn't exist
if (!root) { return; }
// Display the root element in the tree
var displayingRoot = manager.comparePath([ROOT], path);
if (displayingRoot) {
var isRootOpened = manager.comparePath([ROOT], currentPath);
var $rootIcon = manager.isFolderEmpty(files[ROOT]) ?
(isRootOpened ? $folderOpenedEmptyIcon : $folderEmptyIcon) :
(isRootOpened ? $folderOpenedIcon : $folderIcon);
var $rootElement = createTreeElement(ROOT_NAME, $rootIcon.clone(), [ROOT], false, true, true, isRootOpened);
if (!manager.hasSubfolder(root)) {
$rootElement.find('.cp-app-drive-icon-expcol').css('visibility', 'hidden');
$('<ul>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-tree-docs'})
$container = $rootElement;
} else if (manager.isFolderEmpty(root)) { return; }
// Display root content
var $list = $('<ul>').appendTo($container);
var keys = Object.keys(root).sort(function (a, b) {
var newA = manager.isSharedFolder(root[a]) ?
manager.getSharedFolderData(root[a]).title : a;
var newB = manager.isSharedFolder(root[b]) ?
manager.getSharedFolderData(root[b]).title : b;
return newA < newB ? -1 :
(newA === newB ? 0 : 1);
keys.forEach(function (key) {
// Do not display files in the menu
if (!manager.isFolder(root[key])) { return; }
var newPath = path.slice();
var isSharedFolder = manager.isSharedFolder(root[key]);
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
var sfId = manager.isInSharedFolder(newPath) || (isSharedFolder && root[key]);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var $icon, isCurrentFolder, subfolder;
if (isSharedFolder) {
var fId = root[key];
// Fix path
isCurrentFolder = manager.comparePath(newPath, currentPath);
// Subfolders?
var newRoot = manager.folders[fId].proxy[manager.user.userObject.ROOT];
subfolder = manager.hasSubfolder(newRoot);
// Fix name
key = manager.getSharedFolderData(fId).title;
// Fix icon
$icon = isCurrentFolder ? $sharedFolderOpenedIcon : $sharedFolderIcon;
} else {
var isEmpty = manager.isFolderEmpty(root[key]);
subfolder = manager.hasSubfolder(root[key]);
isCurrentFolder = manager.comparePath(newPath, currentPath);
$icon = isEmpty ?
(isCurrentFolder ? $folderOpenedEmptyIcon : $folderEmptyIcon) :
(isCurrentFolder ? $folderOpenedIcon : $folderIcon);
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
var f = folders[sfId];
var editable = !(f && f.readOnly);
var $element = createTreeElement(key, $icon.clone(), newPath, true, editable,
subfolder, isCurrentFolder, isSharedFolder);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (isSharedFolder) {
2019-10-14 14:02:21 +00:00
if (sfId && !editable) {
$element.attr('data-ro', true);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
createTree($element, newPath);
var createTrash = function ($container, path) {
var $icon = manager.isFolderEmpty(files[TRASH]) ? $trashEmptyIcon.clone() : $trashIcon.clone();
var isOpened = manager.comparePath(path, currentPath);
var $trashElement = createTreeElement(TRASH_NAME, $icon, [TRASH], false, true, false, isOpened);
var $trashList = $('<ul>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-tree-category' })
var search = APP.Search = {};
var createSearch = function ($container) {
var isInSearch = currentPath[0] === SEARCH;
var $div = $('<div>', {'id': 'cp-app-drive-tree-search', 'class': 'cp-unselectable'});
var $input = APP.Search.$input = $('<input>', {
id: 'cp-app-drive-tree-search-input',
type: 'text',
draggable: false,
tabindex: 1,
placeholder: Messages.fm_searchPlaceholder
}).keyup(function (e) {
if (search.to) { window.clearTimeout(search.to); }
if ([37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(e.which) !== -1) {
if (!$input.val()) {
} else {
var isInSearchTmp = currentPath[0] === SEARCH;
if ($input.val().trim() === "") {
if (search.oldLocation && search.oldLocation.length) { displayDirectory(search.oldLocation); }
if (e.which === 13) {
if (!isInSearchTmp) { search.oldLocation = currentPath.slice(); }
var newLocation = [SEARCH, $input.val()];
if (!manager.comparePath(newLocation, currentPath.slice())) { displayDirectory(newLocation); }
if (e.which === 27) {
if (search.oldLocation && search.oldLocation.length) { displayDirectory(search.oldLocation); }
else { displayDirectory([ROOT]); }
if ($input.val()) {
if (!$input.hasClass('cp-app-drive-search-active')) {
} else {
if (APP.mobile()) { return; }
search.to = window.setTimeout(function () {
if (!isInSearchTmp) { search.oldLocation = currentPath.slice(); }
var newLocation = [SEARCH, $input.val()];
if (!manager.comparePath(newLocation, currentPath.slice())) { displayDirectory(newLocation); }
}, 500);
var cancel = h('span.fa.fa-times.cp-app-drive-search-cancel', {title:Messages.cancel});
cancel.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (search.oldLocation && search.oldLocation.length) { displayDirectory(search.oldLocation); }
if (isInSearch) {
$input.val(currentPath[1] || '');
if ($input.val()) { $input.addClass('cp-app-drive-search-active'); }
var categories = {};
categories[FILES_DATA] = {
$icon: $unsortedIcon
categories[TEMPLATE] = {
droppable: true,
$icon: $templateIcon
categories[RECENT] = {
$icon: $recentIcon
categories[OWNED] = {
$icon: $ownedIcon
categories[TAGS] = {
name: TAGS_NAME,
$icon: $tagsIcon
var createCategory = function ($container, cat) {
var options = categories[cat];
var $icon = options.$icon.clone();
var isOpened = manager.comparePath([cat], currentPath);
var $element = createTreeElement(options.name, $icon, [cat], options.draggable, options.droppable, false, isOpened);
var $list = $('<ul>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-tree-category' }).append($element);
APP.resetTree = function () {
var $categories = $tree.find('.cp-app-drive-tree-categories-container');
var s = $categories.scrollTop() || 0;
if (displayedCategories.indexOf(SEARCH) !== -1) { createSearch($tree); }
var $div = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-tree-categories-container'})
if (displayedCategories.indexOf(TAGS) !== -1) { createCategory($div, TAGS); }
if (displayedCategories.indexOf(RECENT) !== -1) { createCategory($div, RECENT); }
if (displayedCategories.indexOf(OWNED) !== -1) { createCategory($div, OWNED); }
if (displayedCategories.indexOf(ROOT) !== -1) { createTree($div, [ROOT]); }
if (displayedCategories.indexOf(TEMPLATE) !== -1) { createCategory($div, TEMPLATE); }
if (displayedCategories.indexOf(FILES_DATA) !== -1) { createCategory($div, FILES_DATA); }
if (displayedCategories.indexOf(TRASH) !== -1) { createTrash($div, [TRASH]); }
$categories = $tree.find('.cp-app-drive-tree-categories-container');
APP.hideMenu = function (e) {
if (!e || !$(e.target).parents('.cp-dropdown')) {
var stringifyPath = function (path) {
if (!Array.isArray(path)) { return; }
var $div = $('<div>');
var i = 0;
var space = 10;
path.forEach(function (s) {
if (i === 0) { s = getPrettyName(s); }
$div.append($('<span>', {'style': 'margin: 0 0 0 ' + i * space + 'px;'}).text(s));
return $div.html();
// Disable middle click in the context menu to avoid opening /drive/inner.html# in new tabs
2019-09-17 09:33:09 +00:00
var onWindowClick = function (e) {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (!e.target || !$(e.target).parents('.cp-dropdown-content').length) { return; }
if (e.which !== 1) {
return false;
2019-09-17 09:33:09 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var getProperties = APP.getProperties = function (el, cb) {
if (!manager.isFile(el) && !manager.isSharedFolder(el)) {
return void cb('NOT_FILE');
//var ro = manager.isReadOnlyFile(el);
var base = APP.origin;
var data;
if (manager.isSharedFolder(el)) {
data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(manager.getSharedFolderData(el)));
} else {
data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(manager.getFileData(el)));
if (!data || !(data.href || data.roHref)) { return void cb('INVALID_FILE'); }
if (data.href) {
data.href = base + data.href;
if (data.roHref) {
data.roHref = base + data.roHref;
2019-09-27 14:00:58 +00:00
if (currentPath[0] === TEMPLATE) {
data.isTemplate = true;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (manager.isSharedFolder(el)) {
2019-10-25 14:36:00 +00:00
var ro = folders[el] && folders[el].version >= 2;
if (!ro) { delete data.roHref; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
//data.noPassword = true;
2019-10-21 13:22:59 +00:00
//data.noEditPassword = true;
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
data.noExpiration = true;
// this is here to allow users to check the channel id of a shared folder
// we should remove it at some point
data.sharedFolder = true;
2019-10-28 14:18:33 +00:00
if ((manager.isFile(el) && data.roHref) || manager.isSharedFolder(el)) { // Only for pads!
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
sframeChan.query('Q_GET_PAD_METADATA', {
channel: data.channel
}, function (err, val) {
if (!err && !(val && val.error)) {
data.owners = val.owners;
data.expire = val.expire;
data.pending_owners = val.pending_owners;
UIElements.getProperties(common, data, cb);
UIElements.getProperties(common, data, cb);
if (!APP.loggedIn) {
.attr('data-icon', 'fa-eraser');
var deleteOwnedPaths = function (paths, pathsList) {
pathsList = pathsList || [];
if (paths) {
paths.forEach(function (p) { pathsList.push(p.path); });
var msgD = pathsList.length === 1 ? Messages.fm_deleteOwnedPad :
UI.confirm(msgD, function(res) {
if (!res) { return; }
manager.delete(pathsList, function () {
var downloadFolder = function (folderElement, folderName, sfId) {
var todo = function (data) {
data.folder = folderElement;
data.sharedFolderId = sfId;
data.name = Util.fixFileName(folderName);
data.folderName = Util.fixFileName(folderName) + '.zip';
APP.FM.downloadFolder(data, function (err, obj) {
console.log(err, obj);
uo: proxy,
sf: folders,
$contextMenu.on("click", "a", function(e) {
var paths = $contextMenu.data('paths');
var pathsList = [];
var type = $contextMenu.attr('data-menu-type');
var $this = $(this);
var el, data;
if (paths.length === 0) {
debug("Context menu on a forbidden or unexisting element. ", paths);
if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-rename")) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
displayRenameInput(paths[0].element, paths[0].path);
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-color")) {
var currentColor = getFolderColor(paths[0].path);
pickFolderColor(paths[0].element, currentColor, function (color) {
paths.forEach(function (p) {
setFolderColor(p.element, p.path, color);
else if($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-delete")) {
if (!APP.loggedIn) {
return void deletePaths(paths);
paths.forEach(function (p) { pathsList.push(p.path); });
moveElements(pathsList, [TRASH], false, refresh);
else if ($this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-deleteowned')) {
else if ($this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-open')) {
paths.forEach(function (p) {
var $element = p.element;
else if ($this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-openro')) {
paths.forEach(function (p) {
var el = manager.find(p.path);
if (paths[0].path[0] === SHARED_FOLDER && APP.newSharedFolder) {
el = manager.find(paths[0].path.slice(1), APP.newSharedFolder);
if (manager.isPathIn(p.path, [FILES_DATA])) {
2020-01-27 17:09:35 +00:00
el = p.path[1];
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
} else {
if (!el || manager.isFolder(el)) { return; }
2020-01-27 17:09:35 +00:00
openFile(el, true);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
else if ($this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-openincode')) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
var p = paths[0];
el = manager.find(p.path);
var metadata = manager.getFileData(el);
var simpleData = {
title: metadata.filename || metadata.title,
href: metadata.href,
password: metadata.password,
channel: metadata.channel,
nThen(function (waitFor) {
common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.newPadFileData, JSON.stringify(simpleData), waitFor());
common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.newPadPathKey, currentPath, waitFor());
2019-09-12 15:54:50 +00:00
common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.newPadTeamKey, APP.team, waitFor());
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
}).nThen(function () {
2020-02-10 13:43:22 +00:00
// We need to restore sessionStorage for the next time we want to create a pad from this tab
// NOTE: the 100ms timeout is to fix a race condition in firefox where sessionStorage
// would be deleted before the new tab was created
setTimeout(function () {
common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.newPadFileData, '', function () {});
common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.newPadPathKey, '', function () {});
common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.newPadTeamKey, '', function () {});
}, 100);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
else if ($this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-expandall') ||
$this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-collapseall')) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
var opened = $this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-expandall');
var openRecursive = function (path) {
LS.setFolderOpened(path, opened);
var folderContent = manager.find(path);
var subfolders = [];
for (var k in folderContent) {
if (manager.isFolder(folderContent[k])) {
if (manager.isSharedFolder(folderContent[k])) {
else {
subfolders.forEach(function (p) {
var subPath = path.concat(p);
else if ($this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-download')) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
var path = paths[0];
el = manager.find(path.path);
// folder
if (manager.isFolder(el)) {
// folder
var name, folderEl;
if (!manager.isSharedFolder(el)) {
name = path.path[path.path.length - 1];
folderEl = el;
downloadFolder(folderEl, name);
// shared folder
else {
data = manager.getSharedFolderData(el);
name = data.title;
folderEl = manager.find(path.path.concat("root"));
downloadFolder(folderEl, name, el);
// file
else if (manager.isFile(el)) {
// imported file
if (path.element.is(".cp-border-color-file")) {
data = manager.getFileData(el);
APP.FM.downloadFile(data, function (err, obj) {
console.log(err, obj);
// pad
else {
data = manager.getFileData(el);
APP.FM.downloadPad(data, function (err, obj) {
console.log(err, obj);
else if ($this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-share')) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
el = manager.find(paths[0].path);
var parsed, modal;
var friends = common.getFriends();
2019-10-14 15:37:54 +00:00
if (manager.isFolder(el) && !manager.isSharedFolder(el)) { // Folder
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
// if folder is inside SF
2020-02-10 11:01:00 +00:00
if (manager.isInSharedFolder(paths[0].path)) {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
return void UI.alert(Messages.convertFolderToSF_SFParent);
// if folder already contains SF
else if (manager.hasSubSharedFolder(el)) {
return void UI.alert(Messages.convertFolderToSF_SFChildren);
// if root
else if (paths[0].path.length <= 1) {
return void UI.warn(Messages.error);
// if folder does not contains SF
else {
var convertContent = h('div', [
h('p', Messages.convertFolderToSF_confirm),
h('label', {for: 'cp-upload-password'}, Messages.creation_passwordValue),
UI.passwordInput({id: 'cp-upload-password'}),
h('span', {
style: 'display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:space-between'
}, [
UI.createCheckbox('cp-upload-owned', Messages.sharedFolders_create_owned, true),
UI.createHelper(APP.origin + '/faq.html#keywords-owned', Messages.creation_owned1)
return void UI.confirm(convertContent, function(res) {
if (!res) { return; }
var password = $(convertContent).find('#cp-upload-password').val() || undefined;
var owned = Util.isChecked($(convertContent).find('#cp-upload-owned'));
2020-02-10 14:10:36 +00:00
manager.convertFolderToSharedFolder(paths[0].path, owned, password, function (err, obj) {
if (err || obj && obj.error) { return void console.error(err || obj.error); }
if (obj && obj.fId) { APP.convertedFolder = obj.fId; }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
2020-02-10 11:01:00 +00:00
2020-02-10 14:10:36 +00:00
} else { // File or shared folder
2019-10-14 15:37:54 +00:00
var sf = manager.isSharedFolder(el);
data = sf ? manager.getSharedFolderData(el) : manager.getFileData(el);
parsed = (data.href && data.href.indexOf('#') !== -1) ? Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href) : {};
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var roParsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.roHref);
var padType = parsed.type || roParsed.type;
2019-10-14 15:37:54 +00:00
var ro = !sf || (folders[el] && folders[el].version >= 2);
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
var padData = {
2019-09-13 14:55:48 +00:00
teamId: APP.team,
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
origin: APP.origin,
pathname: "/" + padType + "/",
friends: friends,
password: data.password,
hashes: {
editHash: parsed.hash,
2019-10-14 15:37:54 +00:00
viewHash: ro && roParsed.hash,
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
fileHash: parsed.hash
fileData: {
hash: parsed.hash,
password: data.password
isTemplate: paths[0].path[0] === 'template',
title: data.title,
2019-10-14 15:37:54 +00:00
sharedFolder: sf,
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
common: common
modal = padType === 'file' ? UIElements.createFileShareModal(padData)
: UIElements.createShareModal(padData);
2019-11-20 09:47:57 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
2019-09-18 14:02:58 +00:00
else if ($this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-savelocal')) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
el = manager.find(paths[0].path);
if (manager.isFile(el)) {
data = manager.getFileData(el);
} else if (manager.isSharedFolder(el)) {
data = manager.getSharedFolderData(el);
if (!data) { return; }
sframeChan.query('Q_STORE_IN_TEAM', {
href: data.href || data.rohref,
password: data.password,
path: paths[0].path[0] === 'template' ? ['template'] : undefined,
title: data.title || '',
teamId: -1
}, function (err) {
if (err) { return void console.error(err); }
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
else if ($this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-newfolder')) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
var onFolderCreated = function (err, info) {
if (err) { return void logError(err); }
APP.newFolder = info.newPath;
el = manager.find(paths[0].path);
if (manager.isSharedFolder(el)) {
manager.addFolder(paths[0].path, null, onFolderCreated);
else if ($this.hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-newsharedfolder')) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
addSharedFolderModal(function (obj) {
if (!obj) { return; }
manager.addSharedFolder(paths[0].path, obj, refresh);
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-uploadfiles")) {
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-uploadfolder")) {
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-newdoc")) {
var ntype = $this.data('type') || 'pad';
var path2 = manager.isPathIn(currentPath, [TRASH]) ? '' : currentPath;
2019-09-12 15:54:50 +00:00
nThen(function (waitFor) {
common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.newPadPathKey, path2, waitFor());
common.sessionStorage.put(Constants.newPadTeamKey, APP.team, waitFor());
}).nThen(function () {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
common.openURL('/' + ntype + '/');
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-properties")) {
if (type === 'trash') {
var pPath = paths[0].path;
if (paths.length !== 1 || pPath.length !== 4) { return; }
var element = manager.find(pPath.slice(0,3)); // element containing the oldpath
var sPath = stringifyPath(element.path);
UI.alert('<strong>' + Messages.fm_originalPath + "</strong>:<br>" + sPath, undefined, true);
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
el = manager.find(paths[0].path);
if (paths[0].path[0] === SHARED_FOLDER && APP.newSharedFolder) {
el = manager.find(paths[0].path.slice(1), APP.newSharedFolder);
getProperties(el, function (e, $prop) {
if (e) { return void logError(e); }
2019-12-03 10:11:52 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-hashtag")) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
el = manager.find(paths[0].path);
data = manager.getFileData(el);
if (!data) { return void console.error("Expected to find a file"); }
var href = data.href || data.roHref;
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-empty")) {
if (paths.length !== 1 || !paths[0].element
|| !manager.comparePath(paths[0].path, [TRASH])) {
UI.confirm(Messages.fm_emptyTrashDialog, function(res) {
if (!res) { return; }
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-remove")) {
return void deletePaths(paths);
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-removesf")) {
return void deletePaths(paths);
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-restore")) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
var restorePath = paths[0].path;
var restoreName = paths[0].path[paths[0].path.length - 1];
if (restorePath.length === 4) {
var rEl = manager.find(restorePath);
if (manager.isFile(rEl)) {
restoreName = manager.getTitle(rEl);
} else {
restoreName = restorePath[1];
UI.confirm(Messages._getKey("fm_restoreDialog", [restoreName]), function(res) {
if (!res) { return; }
manager.restore(restorePath, refresh);
else if ($this.hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-openparent")) {
if (paths.length !== 1) { return; }
var parentPath = paths[0].path.slice();
if (manager.isInTrashRoot(parentPath)) { parentPath = [TRASH]; }
else { parentPath.pop(); }
APP.selectedFiles = paths[0].path.slice(-1);
// Chrome considers the double-click means "select all" in the window
$content.on('mousedown', function (e) {
$appContainer.on('mouseup', function (e) {
if (e.which !== 1) { return ; }
if ($(e.target).is(".dropdown-submenu a, .dropdown-submenu a span")) { return; } // if we click on dropdown-submenu, don't close menu
$appContainer.on('click', function (e) {
if (e.which !== 1) { return ; }
$appContainer.on('drag drop', function (e) {
$appContainer.on('mouseup drop', function () {
$appContainer.on('keydown', function (e) {
// "Del"
if (e.which === 46) {
if (manager.isPathIn(currentPath, [FILES_DATA]) && APP.loggedIn) {
return; // We can't remove elements directly from filesData
var $selected = findSelectedElements();
if (!$selected.length) { return; }
var paths = [];
var isTrash = manager.isPathIn(currentPath, [TRASH]);
$selected.each(function (idx, elmt) {
if (!$(elmt).data('path')) { return; }
if (!paths.length) { return; }
// Remove shared folders from the selection (they can't be moved to the trash)
// unless the selection is only shared folders
var paths2 = paths.filter(function (p) {
var el = manager.find(p);
return !manager.isSharedFolder(el);
// If we are in the trash or anon pad or if we are holding the "shift" key,
// delete permanently
// Or if we are in a shared folder
// Or if the selection is only shared folders
if (!APP.loggedIn || isTrash || manager.isInSharedFolder(currentPath)
|| e.shiftKey || !paths2.length) {
deletePaths(null, paths);
// else move to trash
moveElements(paths2, [TRASH], false, refresh);
var isCharacterKey = function (e) {
return e.which === "undefined" /* IE */ ||
(e.which > 0 && e.which !== 13 && e.which !== 27 && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey);
$appContainer.on('keypress', function (e) {
var $searchBar = $tree.find('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input');
if ($searchBar.is(':focus')) { return; }
if (isCharacterKey(e)) {
$appContainer.contextmenu(function () {
return false;
var onRefresh = {
refresh: function() {
if (onRefresh.to) {
onRefresh.to = window.setTimeout(refresh, 500);
2019-09-17 09:57:30 +00:00
var onEvDriveChange = sframeChan.on('EV_DRIVE_CHANGE', function (data) {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (history.isHistoryMode) { return; }
var path = data.path.slice();
var originalPath = data.path.slice();
if (!APP.loggedIn && APP.newSharedFolder && data.id === APP.newSharedFolder) {
return void onRefresh.refresh();
// Fix the path if this is about a shared folder
if (data.id && manager.folders[data.id]) {
var uoPath = manager.getUserObjectPath(manager.folders[data.id].userObject);
if (uoPath) {
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(path, uoPath);
if (path[0] !== 'drive') { return false; }
path = path.slice(1);
if (originalPath[0] === 'drive') { originalPath = originalPath.slice(1); }
var cPath = currentPath.slice();
if (originalPath.length && originalPath[0] === FILES_DATA) {
} else if ((manager.isPathIn(cPath, ['hrefArray', TRASH]) && cPath[0] === path[0]) ||
(path.length >= cPath.length && manager.isSubpath(path, cPath))) {
// Reload after a few ms to make sure all the change events have been received
} else {
return false;
2019-09-17 09:57:30 +00:00
var onEvDriveRemove = sframeChan.on('EV_DRIVE_REMOVE', function (data) {
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (history.isHistoryMode) { return; }
var path = data.path.slice();
if (!APP.loggedIn && APP.newSharedFolder && data.id === APP.newSharedFolder) {
return void onRefresh.refresh();
// Fix the path if this is about a shared folder
if (data.id && manager.folders[data.id]) {
var uoPath = manager.getUserObjectPath(manager.folders[data.id].userObject);
if (uoPath) {
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(path, uoPath);
if (path[0] !== 'drive') { return false; }
path = path.slice(1);
var cPath = currentPath.slice();
if ((manager.isPathIn(cPath, ['hrefArray', TRASH]) && cPath[0] === path[0]) ||
(path.length >= cPath.length && manager.isSubpath(path, cPath))) {
// Reload after a few to make sure all the change events have been received
} else {
return false;
2019-09-17 09:57:30 +00:00
$(window).on('mouseup', onWindowMouseUp);
$(window).on('keydown', onWindowKeydown);
$(window).on('click', onWindowClick);
var removeWindowListeners = function () {
$(window).off('mouseup', onWindowMouseUp);
$(window).off('keydown', onWindowKeydown);
$(window).off('click', onWindowClick);
try {
} catch (e) {}
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
if (APP.histConfig) {
APP.histConfig.onOpen = function () {
// If we're in a shared folder history, store its id in memory
// so that we remember that this isn't the drive history if
// we browse through the drive
var sfId = manager.isInSharedFolder(currentPath);
if (!sfId) {
delete history.sfId;
delete APP.histConfig.sharedFolder;
history.sfId = sfId;
var data = manager.getSharedFolderData(sfId);
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href || data.roHref);
APP.histConfig.sharedFolder = {
hash: parsed.hash,
password: data.password
history.onEnterHistory = function (obj) {
if (history.sfId) {
if (!obj || typeof(obj) !== "object" || Object.keys(obj).length === 0) {
copyObjectValue(folders[history.sfId], obj);
history.sfId = false;
var ok = manager.isValidDrive(obj.drive);
if (!ok) { return; }
copyObjectValue(files, obj.drive);
appStatus.isReady = true;
history.onLeaveHistory = function () {
copyObjectValue(files, proxy.drive);
var fmConfig = {
2019-09-19 12:43:21 +00:00
teamId: APP.team,
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
noHandlers: true,
onUploaded: function () {
body: $('body')
APP.FM = common.createFileManager(fmConfig);
2019-10-21 13:22:59 +00:00
2019-09-12 15:54:50 +00:00
if (!APP.team) {
2019-09-11 16:01:48 +00:00
sframeChan.query('Q_DRIVE_GETDELETED', null, function (err, data) {
var ids = manager.findChannels(data);
var titles = [];
ids.forEach(function (id) {
var title = manager.getTitle(id);
var paths = manager.findFile(id);
manager.delete(paths, refresh);
if (!titles.length) { return; }
UI.log(Messages._getKey('fm_deletedPads', [titles.join(', ')]));
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
2019-09-11 16:01:48 +00:00
2019-10-21 13:22:59 +00:00
var deprecated = files.sharedFoldersTemp;
var nt = nThen;
var passwordModal = function (fId, data, cb) {
var content = [];
2019-10-21 15:13:46 +00:00
var folderName = '<b>'+ (data.lastTitle || Messages.fm_newFolder) +'</b>';
2019-10-21 13:22:59 +00:00
content.push(UI.setHTML(h('p'), Messages._getKey('drive_sfPassword', [folderName])));
var newPassword = UI.passwordInput({
id: 'cp-app-prop-change-password',
placeholder: Messages.settings_changePasswordNew,
style: 'flex: 1;'
var passwordOk = h('button', Messages.properties_changePasswordButton);
var changePass = h('span.cp-password-container', [
var div = h('div', content);
var locked = false;
$(passwordOk).click(function () {
if (locked) { return; }
var pw = $(newPassword).find('.cp-password-input').val();
locked = true;
$(passwordOk).html('').append(h('span.fa.fa-spinner.fa-spin', {style: 'margin-left: 0'}));
manager.restoreSharedFolder(fId, pw, function (err, obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) {
var wrong = h('div.alert.alert-danger', Messages.drive_sfPasswordError);
locked = false;
var buttons = [{
className: 'primary',
name: Messages.forgetButton,
onClick: function () {
2019-10-21 15:26:52 +00:00
manager.delete([['sharedFoldersTemp', fId]], function () { });
2019-10-21 13:22:59 +00:00
keys: []
}, {
className: 'cancel',
name: Messages.later,
onClick: function () {},
keys: [27]
return UI.dialog.customModal(div, {
buttons: buttons,
onClose: cb
2019-10-22 15:23:31 +00:00
if (typeof (deprecated) === "object" && APP.editable) {
2019-10-21 13:22:59 +00:00
Object.keys(deprecated).forEach(function (fId) {
2019-10-21 15:26:52 +00:00
var data = deprecated[fId];
var sfId = manager.user.userObject.getSFIdFromHref(data.href);
if (folders[fId] || sfId) { // This shared folder is already stored in the drive...
return void manager.delete([['sharedFoldersTemp', fId]], function () { });
2019-10-21 13:22:59 +00:00
nt = nt(function (waitFor) {
UI.openCustomModal(passwordModal(fId, data, waitFor()));
nt(function () {
2019-09-06 16:47:18 +00:00
return {
2019-09-17 09:33:09 +00:00
refresh: refresh,
close: function () {
2019-09-17 09:57:30 +00:00
APP.closed = true;
2019-09-17 09:33:09 +00:00
2019-09-06 16:47:18 +00:00
2019-09-04 14:00:16 +00:00
return {
create: create,
setEditable: setEditable,
logError: logError