2016-04-07 16:48:01 +00:00
/*global: WebSocket */
define(() => {
'use strict';
const MAX_LAG_BEFORE_PING = 15000;
const PING_CYCLE = 5000;
2016-04-14 12:46:42 +00:00
const REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 30000;
2016-04-07 16:48:01 +00:00
const now = () => new Date().getTime();
const networkSendTo = (ctx, peerId, content) => {
const seq = ctx.seq++;
ctx.ws.send(JSON.stringify([seq, 'MSG', peerId, content]));
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
ctx.requests[seq] = { reject: rej, resolve: res, time: now() };
const channelBcast = (ctx, chanId, content) => {
const chan = ctx.channels[chanId];
if (!chan) { throw new Error("no such channel " + chanId); }
const seq = ctx.seq++;
ctx.ws.send(JSON.stringify([seq, 'MSG', chanId, content]));
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
ctx.requests[seq] = { reject: rej, resolve: res, time: now() };
const channelLeave = (ctx, chanId, reason) => {
const chan = ctx.channels[chanId];
if (!chan) { throw new Error("no such channel " + chanId); }
delete ctx.channels[chanId];
ctx.ws.send(JSON.stringify([ctx.seq++, 'LEAVE', chanId, reason]));
const makeEventHandlers = (ctx, mappings) => {
return (name, handler) => {
const handlers = mappings[name];
if (!handlers) { throw new Error("no such event " + name); }
const mkChannel = (ctx, id) => {
const internal = {
onMessage: [],
onJoin: [],
onLeave: [],
members: [],
jSeq: ctx.seq++
const chan = {
_: internal,
id: id,
members: internal.members,
bcast: (msg) => channelBcast(ctx, chan.id, msg),
leave: (reason) => channelLeave(ctx, chan.id, reason),
on: makeEventHandlers(ctx, { message:
internal.onMessage, join: internal.onJoin, leave: internal.onLeave })
ctx.requests[internal.jSeq] = chan;
ctx.ws.send(JSON.stringify([internal.jSeq, 'JOIN', id]));
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
chan._.resolve = res;
chan._.reject = rej;
const mkNetwork = (ctx) => {
const network = {
webChannels: ctx.channels,
getLag: () => (ctx.lag),
sendto: (peerId, content) => (networkSendTo(ctx, peerId, content)),
join: (chanId) => (mkChannel(ctx, chanId)),
on: makeEventHandlers(ctx, { message: ctx.onMessage, disconnect: ctx.onDisconnect })
network.__defineGetter__("webChannels", () => {
return Object.keys(ctx.channels).map((k) => (ctx.channels[k]));
return network;
const onMessage = (ctx, evt) => {
let msg;
try { msg = JSON.parse(evt.data); } catch (e) { console.log(e.stack); return; }
if (msg[0] !== 0) {
const req = ctx.requests[msg[0]];
if (!req) {
console.log("error: " + JSON.stringify(msg));
delete ctx.requests[msg[0]];
if (msg[1] === 'ACK') {
if (req.ping) { // ACK of a PING
ctx.lag = now() - Number(req.ping);
} else if (msg[1] === 'JACK') {
if (req._) {
// Channel join request...
if (!msg[2]) { throw new Error("wrong type of ACK for channel join"); }
req.id = msg[2];
ctx.channels[req.id] = req;
} else if (msg[1] === 'ERROR') {
req.reject({ type: msg[2], message: msg[3] });
} else {
req.reject({ type: 'UNKNOWN', message: JSON.stringify(msg) });
if (msg[2] === 'IDENT') {
ctx.uid = msg[3];
setInterval(() => {
if (now() - ctx.timeOfLastMessage < MAX_LAG_BEFORE_PING) { return; }
let seq = ctx.seq++;
let currentDate = now();
ctx.requests[seq] = {time: now(), ping: currentDate};
ctx.ws.send(JSON.stringify([seq, 'PING', currentDate]));
if (now() - ctx.timeOfLastMessage > MAX_LAG_BEFORE_DISCONNECT) {
} else if (!ctx.uid) {
// extranious message, waiting for an ident.
if (msg[2] === 'PING') {
2016-04-14 10:24:17 +00:00
msg[2] = 'PONG';
2016-04-07 16:48:01 +00:00
if (msg[2] === 'MSG') {
let handlers;
if (msg[3] === ctx.uid) {
handlers = ctx.onMessage;
} else {
const chan = ctx.channels[msg[3]];
if (!chan) {
console.log("message to non-existant chan " + JSON.stringify(msg));
handlers = chan._.onMessage;
handlers.forEach((h) => {
2016-04-12 14:47:30 +00:00
try { h(msg[4], msg[1]); } catch (e) { console.error(e); }
2016-04-07 16:48:01 +00:00
if (msg[2] === 'LEAVE') {
const chan = ctx.channels[msg[3]];
if (!chan) {
console.log("leaving non-existant chan " + JSON.stringify(msg));
chan._.onLeave.forEach((h) => {
try { h(msg[1], msg[4]); } catch (e) { console.log(e.stack); }
if (msg[2] === 'JOIN') {
const chan = ctx.channels[msg[3]];
if (!chan) {
console.log("ERROR: join to non-existant chan " + JSON.stringify(msg));
// have we yet fully joined the chan?
const synced = (chan._.members.indexOf(ctx.uid) !== -1);
if (!synced && msg[1] === ctx.uid) {
// sync the channel join event
chan.myID = ctx.uid;
if (synced) {
chan._.onJoin.forEach((h) => {
try { h(msg[1]); } catch (e) { console.log(e.stack); }
const connect = (websocketURL) => {
let ctx = {
ws: new WebSocket(websocketURL),
seq: 1,
lag: 0,
uid: null,
network: null,
channels: {},
onMessage: [],
onDisconnect: [],
requests: {}
setInterval(() => {
for (let id in ctx.requests) {
const req = ctx.requests[id];
if (now() - req.time > REQUEST_TIMEOUT) {
delete ctx.requests[id];
2016-04-14 12:46:42 +00:00
if(typeof req.reject === "function") { req.reject({ type: 'TIMEOUT', message: 'waited ' + now() - req.time + 'ms' }); }
2016-04-07 16:48:01 +00:00
}, 5000);
ctx.network = mkNetwork(ctx);
ctx.ws.onmessage = (msg) => (onMessage(ctx, msg));
ctx.ws.onclose = (evt) => {
ctx.onDisconnect.forEach((h) => {
try { h(evt.reason); } catch (e) { console.log(e.stack); }
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ctx.ws.onopen = () => resolve(ctx.network);
return { connect: connect };