], function ($, FileCrypto, Thumb, UI, UIElements, Util, h, Messages) {
var Nacl = window.nacl;
var module = {};
var blobToArrayBuffer = function (blob, cb) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function () {
cb(void 0, this.result);
module.uploadFile = function (common, data, cb) {
var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel();
sframeChan.query('Q_UPLOAD_FILE', data, cb);
module.create = function (common, config) {
var File = {};
var origin = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData().origin;
var queue = File.queue = {
queue: [],
inProgress: false
var uid = function () {
return 'cp-fileupload-element-' + String(Math.random()).substring(2);
var $table = File.$table = $('<table>', { id: 'cp-fileupload-table' });
var $thead = $('<tr>').appendTo($table);
var createTableContainer = function ($body) {
File.$container = $('<div>', { id: 'cp-fileupload' }).append($table).appendTo($body);
return File.$container;
var getData = function (file, href) {
var data = {};
data.name = file.metadata.name;
data.url = href;
data.password = file.password;
if (file.metadata.type.slice(0,6) === 'image/') {
data.mediatag = true;
return data;
var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel();
var onError = $.noop,
onComplete = $.noop,
updateProgress = $.noop,
onPending = $.noop;
sframeChan.on('EV_FILE_UPLOAD_STATE', function (data) {
if (data.error) {
return void onError(data.error);
if (data.complete && data.href) {
return void onComplete(data.href);
if (typeof data.progress !== "undefined") {
return void updateProgress(data.progress);
sframeChan.on('Q_CANCEL_PENDING_FILE_UPLOAD', function (data, cb) {
var upload = function (file) {
var blob = file.blob; // This is not a blob but an array buffer
var u8 = new Uint8Array(blob);
var metadata = file.metadata;
var id = file.id;
var dropEvent = file.dropEvent;
delete file.dropEvent;
if (dropEvent && dropEvent.path) { file.path = dropEvent.path; }
if (queue.inProgress) { return; }
queue.inProgress = true;
var $row = $table.find('tr[id="'+id+'"]');
var $pv = $row.find('.cp-fileupload-table-progress-value');
var $pb = $row.find('.cp-fileupload-table-progress-container');
var $pc = $row.find('.cp-fileupload-table-progress');
var $link = $row.find('.cp-fileupload-table-link');
updateProgress = function (progressValue) {
$pv.text(Math.round(progressValue*100)/100 + '%');
width: (progressValue/100)*$pc.width()+'px'
onComplete = function (href) {
var mdMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
var origin = mdMgr.getPrivateData().origin;
$link.prepend($('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-external-link'}));
$link.attr('href', href)
.click(function (e) {
window.open(origin + $link.attr('href'), '_blank');
var title = metadata.name;
UI.log(Messages._getKey('upload_success', [title]));
if (config.onUploaded) {
var data = getData(file, href);
config.onUploaded(dropEvent, data);
queue.inProgress = false;
onError = function (e) {
queue.inProgress = false;
if (e === 'TOO_LARGE') {
return void UI.alert(Messages.upload_tooLarge);
if (e === 'NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE') {
return void UI.alert(Messages.upload_notEnoughSpace);
return void UI.alert(Messages.upload_serverError);
onPending = function (cb) {
UI.confirm(Messages.upload_uploadPending, cb);
file.noStore = config.noStore;
try {
file.blob = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(u8);
common.uploadFile(file, function () {
console.log('Upload started...');
} catch (e) {
var prettySize = function (bytes) {
var kB = Util.bytesToKilobytes(bytes);
if (kB < 1024) { return kB + Messages.KB; }
var mB = Util.bytesToMegabytes(bytes);
return mB + Messages.MB;
queue.next = function () {
if (queue.queue.length === 0) {
queue.to = window.setTimeout(function () {
if (config.keepTable) { return; }
}, 3000);
if (queue.inProgress) { return; }
// setTimeout to fix a firefox error 'NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE'
window.setTimeout(function () { File.$container.show(); });
var file = queue.queue.shift();
queue.push = function (obj) {
var id = uid();
obj.id = id;
// setTimeout to fix a firefox error 'NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE'
window.setTimeout(function () { $table.show(); });
var estimate = FileCrypto.computeEncryptedSize(obj.blob.byteLength, obj.metadata);
var $progressBar = $('<div>', {'class':'cp-fileupload-table-progress-container'});
var $progressValue = $('<span>', {'class':'cp-fileupload-table-progress-value'}).text(Messages.upload_pending);
var $tr = $('<tr>', {id: id}).appendTo($table);
var $cancel = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-fileupload-table-cancel-button fa fa-times'}).click(function () {
queue.queue = queue.queue.filter(function (el) { return el.id !== id; });
var $link = $('<a>', {
'class': 'cp-fileupload-table-link',
'rel': 'noopener noreferrer'
$('<td>', {'class': 'cp-fileupload-table-progress'}).append($progressBar).append($progressValue).appendTo($tr);
$('<td>', {'class': 'cp-fileupload-table-cancel'}).append($cancel).appendTo($tr);
// Get the upload options
var fileUploadModal = function (file, cb) {
var extIdx = file.name.lastIndexOf('.');
var name = extIdx !== -1 ? file.name.slice(0,extIdx) : file.name;
var ext = extIdx !== -1 ? file.name.slice(extIdx) : "";
var createHelper = function (href, text) {
var q = h('a.fa.fa-question-circle', {
style: 'text-decoration: none !important;',
title: text,
href: origin + href,
target: "_blank",
'data-tippy-placement': "right"
return q;
var privateData = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData();
var autoStore = Util.find(privateData, ['settings', 'general', 'autostore']) || 0;
var manualStore = autoStore === 1 ? undefined :
UI.createCheckbox('cp-upload-store', Messages.autostore_forceSave, true, {
input: { disabled: true }
// Ask for name, password and owner
var content = h('div', [
h('h4', Messages.upload_modal_title),
UIElements.setHTML(h('label', {for: 'cp-upload-name'}),
Messages._getKey('upload_modal_filename', [ext])),
h('input#cp-upload-name', {type: 'text', placeholder: name}),
h('label', {for: 'cp-upload-password'}, Messages.creation_passwordValue),
UI.passwordInput({id: 'cp-upload-password'}),
h('span', {
style: 'display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:space-between'
}, [
UI.createCheckbox('cp-upload-owned', Messages.upload_modal_owner, true),
createHelper('/faq.html#keywords-owned', Messages.creation_owned1)
$(content).find('#cp-upload-owned').on('change', function () {
var val = $(content).find('#cp-upload-owned').is(':checked');
if (val) {
$(content).find('#cp-upload-store').prop('checked', true).prop('disabled', true);
} else {
$(content).find('#cp-upload-store').prop('disabled', false);
UI.confirm(content, function (yes) {
if (!yes) { return void cb(); }
// Get the values
var newName = $(content).find('#cp-upload-name').val();
var password = $(content).find('#cp-upload-password').val() || undefined;
var owned = $(content).find('#cp-upload-owned').is(':checked');
var forceSave = owned || $(content).find('#cp-upload-store').is(':checked');
// Add extension to the name if needed
if (!newName || !newName.trim()) { newName = file.name; }
var newExtIdx = newName.lastIndexOf('.');
var newExt = newExtIdx !== -1 ? newName.slice(newExtIdx) : "";
if (newExt !== ext) { newName += ext; }
name: newName,
password: password,
owned: owned,
forceSave: forceSave
var handleFileState = {
queue: [],
inProgress: false
var handleFile = File.handleFile = function (file, e) {
if (handleFileState.inProgress) { return void handleFileState.queue.push([file, e]); }
handleFileState.inProgress = true;
var thumb;
var file_arraybuffer;
var name = file.name;
var password;
var owned = true;
var forceSave;
var finish = function (abort) {
if (!abort) {
var metadata = {
name: name,
type: file.type,
if (thumb) { metadata.thumbnail = thumb; }
blob: file_arraybuffer,
metadata: metadata,
password: password,
owned: owned,
forceSave: forceSave,
dropEvent: e
handleFileState.inProgress = false;
if (handleFileState.queue.length) {
var next = handleFileState.queue.shift();
handleFile(next[0], next[1]);
var getName = function () {
// If "noStore", it means we don't want to store this file in our drive (avatar)
// In this case, we don't want a password or a filename, and we own the file
if (config.noStore) { return void finish(); }
// Otherwise, ask for password, name and ownership
fileUploadModal(file, function (obj) {
if (!obj) { return void finish(true); }
name = obj.name;
password = obj.password;
owned = obj.owned;
forceSave = obj.forceSave;
blobToArrayBuffer(file, function (e, buffer) {
if (e) { console.error(e); }
file_arraybuffer = buffer;
if (!Thumb.isSupportedType(file.type)) { return getName(); }
// make a resized thumbnail from the image..
Thumb.fromBlob(file, function (e, thumb64) {
if (e) { console.error(e); }
if (!thumb64) { return getName(); }
thumb = thumb64;
var onFileDrop = File.onFileDrop = function (file, e) {
if (!common.isLoggedIn()) {
return UI.alert(common.Messages.upload_mustLogin);
Array.prototype.slice.call(file).forEach(function (d) {
handleFile(d, e);
var createAreaHandlers = File.createDropArea = function ($area, $hoverArea) {
var counter = 0;
if (!$hoverArea) { $hoverArea = $area; }
if (!$area) { return; }
.on('dragenter', function (e) {
.on('dragleave', function (e) {
if (counter <= 0) {
.on('drag dragstart dragend dragover drop dragenter dragleave', function (e) {
.on('drop', function (e) {
var dropped = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
counter = 0;
onFileDrop(dropped, e);
var createCkeditorDropHandler = function () {
var editor = config.ckeditor;
editor.document.on('drop', function (ev) {
var dropped = ev.data.$.dataTransfer.files;
if (!dropped || !dropped.length) { return; }
onFileDrop(dropped, ev);
var createUploader = function ($area, $hover, $body) {
if (!config.noHandlers) {
if (config.ckeditor) {
} else {
createAreaHandlers($area, null);
createUploader(config.dropArea, config.hoverArea, config.body);
return File;
return module;