require . config ( { paths : { 'json.sortify' : '/bower_components/json.sortify/dist/JSON.sortify' } } ) ;
define ( [
'/api/config?cb=' + Math . random ( ) . toString ( 16 ) . substring ( 2 ) ,
'/bower_components/chainpad-listmap/chainpad-listmap.js' ,
'/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js' ,
'/bower_components/textpatcher/TextPatcher.amd.js' ,
'/customize/messages.js?app=file' ,
'json.sortify' ,
'/common/cryptpad-common.js' ,
'/file/fileObject.js' ,
'/common/toolbar.js' ,
] , function ( Config , Listmap , Crypto , TextPatcher , Messages , JSONSortify , Cryptpad , FO , Toolbar ) {
var module = window . MODULE = { } ;
var $ = window . jQuery ;
var saveAs = window . saveAs ;
var $iframe = $ ( '#pad-iframe' ) . contents ( ) ;
var ifrw = $ ( '#pad-iframe' ) [ 0 ] . contentWindow ;
Cryptpad . addLoadingScreen ( ) ;
var onConnectError = function ( info ) {
Cryptpad . errorLoadingScreen ( Messages . websocketError ) ;
} ;
var APP = window . APP = {
$bar : $iframe . find ( '#toolbar' ) ,
editable : false ,
Cryptpad : Cryptpad
} ;
var ROOT = "root" ;
var ROOT _NAME = Messages . fm _rootName ;
var UNSORTED = "unsorted" ;
var UNSORTED _NAME = Messages . fm _unsortedName ;
var FILES _DATA = Cryptpad . storageKey ;
var FILES _DATA _NAME = Messages . fm _filesDataName ;
var TEMPLATE = "template" ;
var TEMPLATE _NAME = Messages . fm _templateName ;
var TRASH = "trash" ;
var TRASH _NAME = Messages . fm _trashName ;
var LOCALSTORAGE _LAST = "cryptpad-file-lastOpened" ;
var LOCALSTORAGE _OPENED = "cryptpad-file-openedFolders" ;
var LOCALSTORAGE _VIEWMODE = "cryptpad-file-viewMode" ;
var FOLDER _CONTENT _ID = "folderContent" ;
var NEW _FOLDER _NAME = Messages . fm _newFolder ;
var config = { } ;
config . storageKey = FILES _DATA ;
var DEBUG = config . DEBUG = true ;
var debug = config . debug = DEBUG ? function ( ) {
console . log . apply ( console , arguments ) ;
} : function ( ) { return ; } ;
var logError = config . logError = function ( ) {
console . error . apply ( console , arguments ) ;
} ;
var log = config . log = Cryptpad . log ;
var getLastOpenedFolder = function ( ) {
var path ;
try {
path = localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _LAST ] ? JSON . parse ( localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _LAST ] ) : [ UNSORTED ] ;
} catch ( e ) {
path = [ UNSORTED ] ;
return path ;
} ;
var setLastOpenedFolder = function ( path ) {
localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _LAST ] = JSON . stringify ( path ) ;
} ;
var initLocalStorage = function ( ) {
try {
var store = JSON . parse ( localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _OPENED ] ) ;
if ( ! $ . isArray ( store ) ) {
localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _OPENED ] = '[]' ;
} catch ( e ) {
localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _OPENED ] = '[]' ;
} ;
var wasFolderOpened = function ( path ) {
var store = JSON . parse ( localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _OPENED ] ) ;
return store . indexOf ( JSON . stringify ( path ) ) !== - 1 ;
} ;
var setFolderOpened = function ( path , opened ) {
var s = JSON . stringify ( path ) ;
var store = JSON . parse ( localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _OPENED ] ) ;
if ( opened && store . indexOf ( s ) === - 1 ) {
store . push ( s ) ;
if ( ! opened ) {
var idx = store . indexOf ( s ) ;
if ( idx !== - 1 ) {
store . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _OPENED ] = JSON . stringify ( store ) ;
} ;
var getViewModeClass = function ( ) {
var mode = localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _VIEWMODE ] ;
if ( mode === 'list' ) { return 'list' ; }
return 'grid' ;
} ;
var getViewMode = function ( ) {
return localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _VIEWMODE ] || 'grid' ;
} ;
var setViewMode = function ( mode ) {
if ( typeof ( mode ) !== "string" ) {
logError ( "Incorrect view mode: " , mode ) ;
return ;
localStorage [ LOCALSTORAGE _VIEWMODE ] = mode ;
} ;
var now = function ( ) {
return new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
} ;
var setEditable = function ( state ) {
APP . editable = state ;
if ( state ) { $iframe . find ( '[draggable="true"]' ) . attr ( 'draggable' , false ) ; }
else { $iframe . find ( '[draggable="false"]' ) . attr ( 'draggable' , true ) ; }
} ;
var keyPressed = [ ] ;
var pressKey = function ( key , state ) {
if ( state ) {
if ( keyPressed . indexOf ( key ) === - 1 ) {
keyPressed . push ( key ) ;
return ;
var idx = keyPressed . indexOf ( key ) ;
if ( idx !== - 1 ) {
keyPressed . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
} ;
var init = function ( files ) {
var filesOp = FO . init ( files , config ) ;
filesOp . fixFiles ( ) ;
var error = filesOp . error ;
var getLastName = function ( cb ) {
Cryptpad . getAttribute ( 'username' , function ( err , userName ) {
cb ( err , userName || '' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var setName = APP . setName = function ( newName ) {
if ( typeof ( newName ) !== 'string' ) { return ; }
var myUserNameTemp = Cryptpad . fixHTML ( newName . trim ( ) ) ;
if ( myUserNameTemp . length > 32 ) {
myUserNameTemp = myUserNameTemp . substr ( 0 , 32 ) ;
var myUserName = myUserNameTemp ;
Cryptpad . setAttribute ( 'username' , myUserName , function ( err , data ) {
if ( err ) {
logError ( "Couldn't set username" , err ) ;
return ;
APP . userName . lastName = myUserName ;
var $button = APP . $userNameButton ;
var $span = $ ( '<div>' ) . append ( $button . find ( 'span' ) . clone ( ) ) . html ( ) ;
$button . html ( $span + myUserName ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var $userBlock = APP . $bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . username ) ;
// Store the object sent for the "change username" button so that we can update the field value correctly
var userNameButtonObject = APP . userName = { } ;
/* add a "change username" button */
getLastName ( function ( err , lastName ) {
userNameButtonObject . lastName = lastName ;
var $username = APP . $userNameButton = Cryptpad . createButton ( 'username' , false , userNameButtonObject , setName ) . hide ( ) ;
$userBlock . append ( $username ) ;
$username . append ( lastName ) ;
$username . show ( ) ;
} ) ;
var currentPath = module . currentPath = getLastOpenedFolder ( ) ;
var lastSelectTime ;
var selectedElement ;
var $tree = $iframe . find ( "#tree" ) ;
var $content = $iframe . find ( "#content" ) ;
var $contextMenu = $iframe . find ( "#contextMenu" ) ;
var $contentContextMenu = $iframe . find ( "#contentContextMenu" ) ;
var $trashTreeContextMenu = $iframe . find ( "#trashTreeContextMenu" ) ;
var $trashContextMenu = $iframe . find ( "#trashContextMenu" ) ;
// Icons
var $folderIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-folder folder" , style : "color:#FEDE8B;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;" } ) ;
var $folderEmptyIcon = $folderIcon . clone ( ) ;
var $folderOpenedIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-folder-open folder" , style : "color:#FEDE8B;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;" } ) ;
var $folderOpenedEmptyIcon = $folderOpenedIcon . clone ( ) ;
var $fileIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-file-text-o file" } ) ;
var $upIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-arrow-circle-up" } ) ;
var $unsortedIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-files-o" } ) ;
var $templateIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-cubes" } ) ;
var $trashIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-trash" } ) ;
var $trashEmptyIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-trash-o" } ) ;
var $collapseIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-minus-square-o expcol" } ) ;
var $expandIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-plus-square-o expcol" } ) ;
var $listIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-list" } ) ;
var $gridIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-th" } ) ;
var $sortAscIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-angle-up" } ) ;
var $sortDescIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-angle-down" } ) ;
var $closeIcon = $ ( '<span>' , { "class" : "fa fa-window-close" } ) ;
if ( ! APP . readOnly ) {
setEditable ( true ) ;
var appStatus = {
isReady : true ,
_onReady : [ ] ,
onReady : function ( handler ) {
if ( appStatus . isReady ) {
handler ( ) ;
return ;
appStatus . _onReady . push ( handler ) ;
} ,
ready : function ( state ) {
appStatus . isReady = state ;
if ( state ) {
appStatus . _onReady . forEach ( function ( h ) {
h ( ) ;
} ) ;
appStatus . _onReady = [ ] ;
} ;
var ownFileManager = function ( ) {
return localStorage . FS _hash === APP . hash ;
} ;
var removeSelected = function ( ) {
$iframe . find ( '.selected' ) . removeClass ( "selected" ) ;
} ;
var removeInput = function ( ) {
$iframe . find ( 'li > span:hidden' ) . show ( ) ;
$iframe . find ( 'li > input' ) . remove ( ) ;
} ;
var compareDays = function ( date1 , date2 ) {
var day1 = Date . UTC ( date1 . getFullYear ( ) , date1 . getMonth ( ) , date1 . getDate ( ) ) ;
var day2 = Date . UTC ( date2 . getFullYear ( ) , date2 . getMonth ( ) , date2 . getDate ( ) ) ;
var ms = Math . abs ( day1 - day2 ) ;
return Math . floor ( ms / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 ) ;
} ;
var getDate = function ( sDate ) {
var ret = sDate . toString ( ) ;
try {
var date = new Date ( sDate ) ;
var today = new Date ( ) ;
var diff = compareDays ( date , today ) ;
if ( diff === 0 ) {
ret = date . toLocaleTimeString ( ) ;
} else {
ret = date . toLocaleDateString ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
error ( "Unable to format that string to a date with .toLocaleString" , sDate , e ) ;
return ret ;
} ;
var openFile = function ( fileEl ) {
window . open ( fileEl ) ;
} ;
var refresh = function ( ) {
module . displayDirectory ( currentPath ) ;
} ;
// Replace a file/folder name by an input to change its value
var displayRenameInput = function ( $element , path ) {
if ( ! APP . editable ) { debug ( "Read-only mode" ) ; return ; }
if ( ! path || path . length < 2 ) {
logError ( "Renaming a top level element (root, trash or filesData) is forbidden." ) ;
return ;
removeInput ( ) ;
removeSelected ( ) ;
$element . hide ( ) ;
var name = path [ path . length - 1 ] ;
var $input = $ ( '<input>' , {
placeholder : name ,
value : name
} ) ;
$input . on ( 'keyup' , function ( e ) {
if ( e . which === 13 ) {
filesOp . renameElement ( path , $input . val ( ) , function ( ) {
refresh ( ) ;
} ) ;
removeInput ( ) ;
} ) ;
$element . after ( $input ) ;
$input . focus ( ) ;
$input . select ( ) ;
// We don't want to open the file/folder when clicking on the input
$input . on ( 'click dblclick' , function ( e ) {
removeSelected ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Remove the browser ability to drag text from the input to avoid
// triggering our drag/drop event handlers
$input . on ( 'dragstart dragleave drag drop' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Make the parent element non-draggable when selecting text in the field
// since it would remove the input
$input . on ( 'mousedown' , function ( ) {
$input . parents ( 'li' ) . attr ( "draggable" , false ) ;
} ) ;
$input . on ( 'mouseup' , function ( ) {
$input . parents ( 'li' ) . attr ( "draggable" , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// Add the "selected" class to the "li" corresponding to the clicked element
var onElementClick = function ( $element , path ) {
// If "Ctrl" is pressed, do not remove the current selection
if ( keyPressed . indexOf ( 17 ) === - 1 ) {
removeSelected ( ) ;
if ( ! $element . is ( 'li' ) ) {
$element = $element . closest ( 'li' ) ;
if ( ! $element . length ) {
log ( Messages . fm _selectError ) ;
return ;
if ( ! $element . hasClass ( "selected" ) ) {
$element . addClass ( "selected" ) ;
lastSelectTime = now ( ) ;
} else {
$element . removeClass ( "selected" ) ;
} ;
// Open the selected context menu on the closest "li" element
var openContextMenu = function ( e , $menu ) {
module . hideMenu ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
var path = $ ( e . target ) . closest ( 'li' ) . data ( 'path' ) ;
if ( ! path ) { return ; }
if ( ! APP . editable ) {
$menu . find ( 'a.editable' ) . parent ( 'li' ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( ! ownFileManager ( ) ) {
$menu . find ( 'a.own' ) . parent ( 'li' ) . hide ( ) ;
$menu . css ( {
display : "block" ,
left : e . pageX ,
top : e . pageY
} ) ;
if ( $menu . find ( 'li:visible' ) . length === 0 ) {
debug ( "No visible element in the context menu. Abort." ) ;
$menu . hide ( ) ;
return true ;
// $element should be the <span class="element">, find it if it's not the case
var $element = $ ( e . target ) . closest ( 'li' ) . children ( 'span.element' ) ;
onElementClick ( $element ) ;
if ( ! $element . length ) {
logError ( "Unable to locate the .element tag" , e . target ) ;
$menu . hide ( ) ;
log ( Messages . fm _contextMenuError ) ;
return ;
$menu . find ( 'a' ) . data ( 'path' , path ) ;
$menu . find ( 'a' ) . data ( 'element' , $element ) ;
return false ;
} ;
var openDirectoryContextMenu = function ( e ) {
var $element = $ ( e . target ) . closest ( 'li' ) ;
$contextMenu . find ( 'li' ) . show ( ) ;
if ( $element . find ( '.file-element' ) . length ) {
$contextMenu . find ( 'a.newfolder' ) . parent ( 'li' ) . hide ( ) ;
openContextMenu ( e , $contextMenu ) ;
return false ;
} ;
var openTrashTreeContextMenu = function ( e ) {
openContextMenu ( e , $trashTreeContextMenu ) ;
return false ;
} ;
var openTrashContextMenu = function ( e ) {
var path = $ ( e . target ) . closest ( 'li' ) . data ( 'path' ) ;
if ( ! path ) { return ; }
$trashContextMenu . find ( 'li' ) . show ( ) ;
if ( path . length > 4 ) {
$trashContextMenu . find ( 'a.restore' ) . parent ( 'li' ) . hide ( ) ;
$trashContextMenu . find ( '' ) . parent ( 'li' ) . hide ( ) ;
openContextMenu ( e , $trashContextMenu ) ;
return false ;
} ;
var openContentContextMenu = function ( e ) {
module . hideMenu ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
var path = $ ( e . target ) . closest ( '#' + FOLDER _CONTENT _ID ) . data ( 'path' ) ;
if ( ! path ) { return ; }
var $menu = $contentContextMenu ;
removeSelected ( ) ;
if ( ! APP . editable ) {
$menu . find ( 'a.editable' ) . parent ( 'li' ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( ! ownFileManager ( ) ) {
$menu . find ( 'a.own' ) . parent ( 'li' ) . hide ( ) ;
$menu . css ( {
display : "block" ,
left : e . pageX ,
top : e . pageY
} ) ;
if ( $menu . find ( 'li:visible' ) . length === 0 ) {
debug ( "No visible element in the context menu. Abort." ) ;
$menu . hide ( ) ;
return true ;
$menu . find ( 'a' ) . data ( 'path' , path ) ;
return false ;
} ;
// filesOp.moveElements is able to move several paths to a new location, including
// the Trash or the "Unsorted files" folder
var moveElements = function ( paths , newPath , force , cb ) {
if ( ! APP . editable ) { debug ( "Read-only mode" ) ; return ; }
var andThen = function ( ) {
filesOp . moveElements ( paths , newPath , cb ) ;
} ;
// "force" is currently unused but may be configurable by user
if ( newPath [ 0 ] !== TRASH || force ) {
andThen ( ) ;
return ;
var msg = Messages . _getKey ( 'fm_removeSeveralDialog' , [ paths . length ] ) ;
if ( paths . length === 1 ) {
var path = paths [ 0 ] ;
var name = path [ 0 ] === UNSORTED ? filesOp . getTitle ( filesOp . findElement ( files , path ) ) : path [ path . length - 1 ] ;
msg = Messages . _getKey ( 'fm_removeDialog' , [ name ] ) ;
Cryptpad . confirm ( msg , function ( res ) {
if ( ! res ) { return ; }
andThen ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// Drag & drop:
// The data transferred is a stringified JSON containing the path of the dragged element
var onDrag = function ( ev , path ) {
var paths = [ ] ;
var $element = $ ( ev . target ) . closest ( 'li' ) ;
if ( $element . hasClass ( 'selected' ) ) {
var $selected = $iframe . find ( '.selected' ) ;
$selected . each ( function ( idx , elmt ) {
if ( $ ( elmt ) . data ( 'path' ) ) {
paths . push ( $ ( elmt ) . data ( 'path' ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
removeSelected ( ) ;
$element . addClass ( 'selected' ) ;
paths = [ path ] ;
var data = {
'path' : paths
} ;
ev . dataTransfer . setData ( "text" , JSON . stringify ( data ) ) ;
} ;
var onDrop = function ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
$iframe . find ( '.droppable' ) . removeClass ( 'droppable' ) ;
var data = ev . dataTransfer . getData ( "text" ) ;
var oldPaths = JSON . parse ( data ) . path ;
var newPath = $ ( ev . target ) . data ( 'path' ) || $ ( ev . target ) . parent ( 'li' ) . data ( 'path' ) ;
if ( ! oldPaths || ! oldPaths . length || ! newPath ) { return ; }
moveElements ( oldPaths , newPath , null , refresh ) ;
} ;
var addDragAndDropHandlers = function ( $element , path , isFolder , droppable ) {
if ( ! APP . editable ) { debug ( "Read-only mode" ) ; return ; }
// "dragenter" is fired for an element and all its children
// "dragleave" may be fired when entering a child
// --> we use pointer-events: none in CSS, but we still need a counter to avoid some issues
// --> We store the number of enter/leave and the element entered and we remove the
// highlighting only when we have left everything
var counter = 0 ;
$element . on ( 'dragstart' , function ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
counter = 0 ;
onDrag ( e . originalEvent , path ) ;
} ) ;
// Add drop handlers if we are not in the trash and if the element is a folder
if ( ! droppable || ! isFolder ) { return ; }
$element . on ( 'dragover' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ;
$element . on ( 'drop' , function ( e ) {
onDrop ( e . originalEvent ) ;
} ) ;
$element . on ( 'dragenter' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
counter ++ ;
$element . addClass ( 'droppable' ) ;
} ) ;
$element . on ( 'dragleave' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
counter -- ;
if ( counter <= 0 ) {
counter = 0 ;
$element . removeClass ( 'droppable' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// In list mode, display metadata from the filesData object
var addFileData = function ( element , key , $span , displayTitle ) {
if ( ! filesOp . isFile ( element ) ) { return ; }
// The element with the class '.name' is underlined when the 'li' is hovered
var $name = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'name' , title : key } ) . text ( key ) ;
$span . html ( '' ) ;
$span . append ( $name ) ;
if ( ! filesOp . getFileData ( element ) ) {
return ;
var hrefData = Cryptpad . parsePadUrl ( element ) ;
var data = filesOp . getFileData ( element ) ;
var type = Messages . type [ hrefData . type ] || hrefData . type ;
var $title = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'title listElement' , title : data . title } ) . text ( data . title ) ;
var $type = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'type listElement' , title : type } ) . text ( type ) ;
var $adate = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'atime listElement' , title : getDate ( data . atime ) } ) . text ( getDate ( data . atime ) ) ;
var $cdate = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'ctime listElement' , title : getDate ( data . ctime ) } ) . text ( getDate ( data . ctime ) ) ;
if ( displayTitle ) {
$span . append ( $title ) ;
$span . append ( $type ) . append ( $adate ) . append ( $cdate ) ;
} ;
var addFolderData = function ( element , key , $span ) {
if ( ! element || ! filesOp . isFolder ( element ) ) { return ; }
$span . html ( '' ) ;
// The element with the class '.name' is underlined when the 'li' is hovered
var sf = filesOp . hasSubfolder ( element ) ;
var files = filesOp . hasFile ( element ) ;
var $name = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'name' , title : key } ) . text ( key ) ;
var $subfolders = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'folders listElement' , title : sf } ) . text ( sf ) ;
var $files = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'files listElement' , title : files } ) . text ( files ) ;
$span . append ( $name ) . append ( $subfolders ) . append ( $files ) ;
} ;
// Create the "li" element corresponding to the file/folder located in "path"
var createElement = function ( path , elPath , root , isFolder ) {
// Forbid drag&drop inside the trash
var isTrash = path [ 0 ] === TRASH ;
var newPath = path . slice ( ) ;
var key ;
if ( isTrash && $ . isArray ( elPath ) ) {
key = elPath [ 0 ] ;
elPath . forEach ( function ( k ) { newPath . push ( k ) ; } ) ;
} else {
key = elPath ;
newPath . push ( key ) ;
var element = filesOp . findElement ( files , newPath ) ;
var $icon = $fileIcon . clone ( ) ;
var spanClass = 'file-element element' ;
var liClass = 'file-item' ;
if ( isFolder ) {
spanClass = 'folder-element element' ;
liClass = 'folder-item' ;
$icon = filesOp . isFolderEmpty ( root [ key ] ) ? $folderEmptyIcon . clone ( ) : $folderIcon . clone ( ) ;
var $name = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : spanClass } ) . text ( key ) ;
if ( isFolder ) {
addFolderData ( element , key , $name ) ;
} else {
addFileData ( element , key , $name , true ) ;
var $element = $ ( '<li>' , {
draggable : true
} ) . append ( $icon ) . append ( $name ) . dblclick ( function ( ) {
if ( isFolder ) {
module . displayDirectory ( newPath ) ;
return ;
if ( isTrash ) { return ; }
openFile ( root [ key ] ) ;
} ) ;
$element . addClass ( liClass ) ;
$element . data ( 'path' , newPath ) ;
addDragAndDropHandlers ( $element , newPath , isFolder , ! isTrash ) ;
$element . click ( function ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
onElementClick ( $element , newPath ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! isTrash ) {
$element . contextmenu ( openDirectoryContextMenu ) ;
} else {
$element . contextmenu ( openTrashContextMenu ) ;
var isNewFolder = module . newFolder && filesOp . comparePath ( newPath , module . newFolder ) ;
if ( isNewFolder ) {
appStatus . onReady ( function ( ) {
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { displayRenameInput ( $name , newPath ) ; } , 0 ) ;
} ) ;
delete module . newFolder ;
return $element ;
} ;
// Display the full path in the title when displaying a directory from the trash
var getTrashTitle = function ( path ) {
if ( ! path [ 0 ] || path [ 0 ] !== TRASH ) { return ; }
var title = TRASH _NAME ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < path . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( i === 3 && path [ i ] === 'element' ) { }
else if ( i === 2 && parseInt ( path [ i ] ) === path [ i ] ) {
if ( path [ i ] !== 0 ) {
title += " [" + path [ i ] + "]" ;
} else {
title += " / " + path [ i ] ;
return title ;
} ;
// Create the title block with the "parent folder" button
var createTitle = function ( path ) {
var isTrash = path [ 0 ] === TRASH ;
// Create title and "Up" icon
var name = path [ path . length - 1 ] ;
if ( name === ROOT && path . length === 1 ) { name = ROOT _NAME ; }
else if ( name === TRASH && path . length === 1 ) { name = TRASH _NAME ; }
else if ( name === UNSORTED && path . length === 1 ) { name = UNSORTED _NAME ; }
else if ( name === TEMPLATE && path . length === 1 ) { name = TEMPLATE _NAME ; }
else if ( name === FILES _DATA && path . length === 1 ) { name = FILES _DATA _NAME ; }
else if ( filesOp . isPathInTrash ( path ) ) { name = getTrashTitle ( path ) ; }
var $title = $ ( '<h1>' ) . text ( name ) ;
if ( path . length > 1 ) {
var $parentFolder = $upIcon . clone ( ) . addClass ( "parentFolder" )
. click ( function ( ) {
var newPath = path . slice ( ) ;
newPath . pop ( ) ;
if ( isTrash && path . length === 4 ) {
// path = [TRASH, "{DirName}", 0, 'element']
// --> parent is TRASH
newPath = [ TRASH ] ;
module . displayDirectory ( newPath ) ;
} ) ;
$title . append ( $parentFolder ) ;
return $title ;
} ;
var createInfoBox = function ( path ) {
var $box = $ ( '<div>' , { 'class' : 'info-box' } ) ;
var msg ;
switch ( path [ 0 ] ) {
case 'root' :
msg = Messages . fm _info _root ;
break ;
case 'unsorted' :
msg = Messages . fm _info _unsorted ;
break ;
case 'trash' :
msg = Messages . fm _info _trash ;
break ;
case Cryptpad . storageKey :
msg = Messages . fm _info _allFiles ;
break ;
default :
msg = undefined ;
if ( ! msg || Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( 'hide-info-' + path [ 0 ] ) === '1' ) {
$box . hide ( ) ;
} else {
$box . text ( msg ) ;
var $close = $closeIcon . clone ( ) . css ( {
'cursor' : 'pointer' ,
'margin-left' : '10px' ,
title : Messages . fm _closeInfoBox
} ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
$box . hide ( ) ;
Cryptpad . setLSAttribute ( 'hide-info-' + path [ 0 ] , '1' ) ;
} ) ;
$box . prepend ( $close ) ;
return $box ;
} ;
// Create the button allowing the user to switch from list to icons modes
var createViewModeButton = function ( ) {
var $block = $ ( '<div>' , {
'class' : 'btn-group topButtonContainer changeViewModeContainer'
} ) ;
var $listButton = $ ( '<button>' , {
'class' : 'btn'
} ) . append ( $listIcon . clone ( ) ) ;
var $gridButton = $ ( '<button>' , {
'class' : 'btn'
} ) . append ( $gridIcon . clone ( ) ) ;
$listButton . click ( function ( ) {
$gridButton . removeClass ( 'active' ) ;
$listButton . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
setViewMode ( 'list' ) ;
$iframe . find ( '#' + FOLDER _CONTENT _ID ) . removeClass ( 'grid' ) ;
$iframe . find ( '#' + FOLDER _CONTENT _ID ) . addClass ( 'list' ) ;
} ) ;
$gridButton . click ( function ( ) {
$listButton . removeClass ( 'active' ) ;
$gridButton . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
setViewMode ( 'grid' ) ;
$iframe . find ( '#' + FOLDER _CONTENT _ID ) . addClass ( 'grid' ) ;
$iframe . find ( '#' + FOLDER _CONTENT _ID ) . removeClass ( 'list' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( getViewMode ( ) === 'list' ) {
$listButton . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
} else {
$gridButton . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
$block . append ( $listButton ) . append ( $gridButton ) ;
return $block ;
} ;
var createNewFolderButton = function ( ) {
var $block = $ ( '<div>' , {
'class' : 'btn-group topButtonContainer newFolderButtonContainer'
} ) ;
var $listButton = $ ( '<button>' , {
'class' : 'btn'
} ) . text ( Messages . fm _newFolderButton ) ;
$listButton . click ( function ( ) {
var onCreated = function ( info ) {
module . newFolder = info . newPath ;
refresh ( ) ;
} ;
filesOp . createNewFolder ( currentPath , null , onCreated ) ;
} ) ;
$block . append ( $listButton ) ;
return $block ;
} ;
var SORT _FOLDER _DESC = 'sortFoldersDesc' ;
var SORT _FILE _BY = 'sortFilesBy' ;
var SORT _FILE _DESC = 'sortFilesDesc' ;
var getSortFileDesc = function ( ) {
return Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _DESC ) === "true" ;
} ;
var getSortFolderDesc = function ( ) {
return Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FOLDER _DESC ) === "true" ;
} ;
var onSortByClick = function ( e ) {
var $span = $ ( this ) ;
var value ;
if ( $span . hasClass ( 'foldername' ) ) {
value = getSortFolderDesc ( ) ;
Cryptpad . setLSAttribute ( SORT _FOLDER _DESC , value ? false : true ) ;
refresh ( ) ;
return ;
value = Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _BY ) ;
var descValue = getSortFileDesc ( ) ;
if ( $span . hasClass ( 'filename' ) ) {
if ( value === '' ) {
descValue = descValue ? false : true ;
} else {
descValue = false ;
value = '' ;
} else {
var found = false ;
[ 'title' , 'type' , 'atime' , 'ctime' ] . forEach ( function ( c ) {
if ( ! found && $span . hasClass ( c ) ) {
found = true ;
if ( value === c ) { descValue = descValue ? false : true ; }
else {
// atime and ctime should be ordered in a desc order at the first click
descValue = c !== 'title' ;
value = c ;
} ) ;
Cryptpad . setLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _BY , value ) ;
Cryptpad . setLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _DESC , descValue ) ;
refresh ( ) ;
} ;
var addFolderSortIcon = function ( $list ) {
var $icon = $sortAscIcon . clone ( ) ;
if ( getSortFolderDesc ( ) ) {
$icon = $sortDescIcon . clone ( ) ;
if ( typeof ( Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FOLDER _DESC ) ) !== "undefined" ) {
$list . find ( '.foldername' ) . prepend ( $icon ) ;
} ;
var getFolderListHeader = function ( ) {
var $folderHeader = $ ( '<li>' , { 'class' : 'header listElement' } ) ;
var $fohElement = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'element' } ) . appendTo ( $folderHeader ) ;
var $name = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'name foldername' } ) . text ( Messages . fm _folderName ) . click ( onSortByClick ) ;
var $subfolders = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'folders listElement' } ) . text ( Messages . fm _numberOfFolders ) ;
var $files = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'files listElement' } ) . text ( Messages . fm _numberOfFiles ) ;
$fohElement . append ( $name ) . append ( $subfolders ) . append ( $files ) ;
addFolderSortIcon ( $fohElement ) ;
return $folderHeader ;
} ;
var addFileSortIcon = function ( $list ) {
var $icon = $sortAscIcon . clone ( ) ;
if ( getSortFileDesc ( ) ) {
$icon = $sortDescIcon . clone ( ) ;
var classSorted ;
if ( Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _BY ) === '' ) { classSorted = 'filename' ; }
else if ( Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _BY ) ) { classSorted = Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _BY ) ; }
if ( classSorted ) {
$list . find ( '.' + classSorted ) . prepend ( $icon ) ;
} ;
var getFileListHeader = function ( displayTitle ) {
var $fileHeader = $ ( '<li>' , { 'class' : 'file-header header listElement' } ) ;
var $fihElement = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'element' } ) . appendTo ( $fileHeader ) ;
var $fhName = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'name filename' } ) . text ( Messages . fm _fileName ) . click ( onSortByClick ) ;
var $fhTitle = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'title ' } ) . text ( Messages . fm _title ) . click ( onSortByClick ) ;
var $fhType = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'type' } ) . text ( Messages . table _type ) . click ( onSortByClick ) ;
var $fhAdate = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'atime' } ) . text ( Messages . fm _lastAccess ) . click ( onSortByClick ) ;
var $fhCdate = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'ctime' } ) . text ( Messages . fm _creation ) . click ( onSortByClick ) ;
$fihElement . append ( $fhName ) ;
if ( displayTitle ) {
$fihElement . append ( $fhTitle ) ;
$fihElement . append ( $fhType ) . append ( $fhAdate ) . append ( $fhCdate ) ;
addFileSortIcon ( $fihElement ) ;
return $fileHeader ;
} ;
var allFilesSorted = function ( ) {
return filesOp . getUnsortedFiles ( ) . length === 0 ;
} ;
var sortElements = function ( folder , path , oldkeys , prop , asc , useHref , useData ) {
var root = filesOp . findElement ( files , path ) ;
var test = folder ? filesOp . isFolder : filesOp . isFile ;
var keys ;
if ( ! useData ) {
keys = oldkeys . filter ( function ( e ) {
return useHref ? test ( e ) : test ( root [ e ] ) ;
} ) ;
} else { keys = oldkeys . slice ( ) ; }
if ( keys . length < 2 ) { return keys ; }
var mult = asc ? 1 : - 1 ;
var getProp = function ( el , prop ) {
if ( prop ) {
var element = useHref || useData ? el : root [ el ] ;
var e = useData ? element : filesOp . getFileData ( element ) ;
if ( prop === 'type' ) {
var hrefData = Cryptpad . parsePadUrl ( e . href ) ;
return hrefData . type ;
if ( prop === 'atime' || prop === 'ctime' ) {
return new Date ( e [ prop ] ) ;
return e . title . toLowerCase ( ) ;
return useData ? el . title . toLowerCase ( ) : el . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ;
keys . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
if ( getProp ( a , prop ) < getProp ( b , prop ) ) { return mult * - 1 ; }
if ( getProp ( a , prop ) > getProp ( b , prop ) ) { return mult * 1 ; }
return 0 ;
} ) ;
return keys ;
} ;
var sortTrashElements = function ( folder , oldkeys , prop , asc ) {
var root = files [ TRASH ] ;
var test = folder ? filesOp . isFolder : filesOp . isFile ;
var keys = oldkeys . filter ( function ( e ) {
return test ( e . element ) ;
} ) ;
if ( keys . length < 2 ) { return keys ; }
var mult = asc ? 1 : - 1 ;
var getProp = function ( el , prop ) {
if ( prop && ! folder ) {
var element = el . element ;
var e = filesOp . getFileData ( element ) ;
if ( prop === 'atime' || prop === 'ctime' ) {
return new Date ( e [ prop ] ) ;
return e . title . toLowerCase ( ) ;
return el . name . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ;
keys . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
if ( getProp ( a , prop ) < getProp ( b , prop ) ) { return mult * - 1 ; }
if ( getProp ( a , prop ) > getProp ( b , prop ) ) { return mult * 1 ; }
return 0 ;
} ) ;
return keys ;
} ;
// Unsorted element are represented by "href" in an array: they don't have a filename
// and they don't hav a hierarchical structure (folder/subfolders)
var displayHrefArray = function ( $container , rootName ) {
var unsorted = files [ rootName ] ;
if ( rootName === UNSORTED && allFilesSorted ( ) ) { return ; }
var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader ( false ) ;
$container . append ( $fileHeader ) ;
var keys = unsorted ;
var sortBy = Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _BY ) ;
sortBy = sortBy === "" ? sortBy = 'title' : sortBy ;
var sortedFiles = sortElements ( false , [ rootName ] , keys , sortBy , ! getSortFileDesc ( ) , true ) ;
sortedFiles . forEach ( function ( href ) {
var file = filesOp . getFileData ( href ) ;
if ( ! file ) {
debug ( "Unsorted or template returns an element not present in filesData: " , href ) ;
return ;
var idx = files [ rootName ] . indexOf ( href ) ;
var $icon = $fileIcon . clone ( ) ;
var $name = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'file-element element' } ) ;
addFileData ( href , file . title , $name , false ) ;
var $element = $ ( '<li>' , {
draggable : true
} ) . append ( $icon ) . append ( $name ) . dblclick ( function ( ) {
openFile ( href ) ;
} ) ;
var path = [ rootName , idx ] ;
$element . data ( 'path' , path ) ;
$element . click ( function ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
onElementClick ( $element , path ) ;
} ) ;
addDragAndDropHandlers ( $element , path , false , false ) ;
$container . append ( $element ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var displayAllFiles = function ( $container ) {
var allfiles = files [ FILES _DATA ] ;
if ( allfiles . length === 0 ) { return ; }
var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader ( false ) ;
$container . append ( $fileHeader ) ;
var keys = allfiles ;
var sortedFiles = sortElements ( false , [ FILES _DATA ] , keys , Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _BY ) , ! getSortFileDesc ( ) , false , true ) ;
sortedFiles . forEach ( function ( file ) {
var $icon = $fileIcon . clone ( ) ;
var $name = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'file-element element' } ) ;
addFileData ( file . href , file . title , $name , false ) ;
var $element = $ ( '<li>' ) . append ( $icon ) . append ( $name ) . dblclick ( function ( ) {
openFile ( file . href ) ;
} ) ;
$element . click ( function ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
onElementClick ( $element ) ;
} ) ;
$container . append ( $element ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var displayTrashRoot = function ( $list , $folderHeader , $fileHeader ) {
var filesList = [ ] ;
var root = files [ TRASH ] ;
// Elements in the trash are JS arrays (several elements can have the same name)
[ true , false ] . forEach ( function ( folder ) {
var testElement = filesOp . isFile ;
if ( ! folder ) {
testElement = filesOp . isFolder ;
Object . keys ( root ) . forEach ( function ( key ) {
if ( ! $ . isArray ( root [ key ] ) ) {
logError ( "Trash element has a wrong type" , root [ key ] ) ;
return ;
root [ key ] . forEach ( function ( el , idx ) {
if ( testElement ( el . element ) ) { return ; }
var spath = [ key , idx , 'element' ] ;
filesList . push ( {
element : el . element ,
spath : spath ,
name : key
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var sortedFolders = sortTrashElements ( true , filesList , null , ! getSortFolderDesc ( ) ) ;
var sortedFiles = sortTrashElements ( false , filesList , Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _BY ) , ! getSortFileDesc ( ) ) ;
if ( filesOp . hasSubfolder ( root , true ) ) { $list . append ( $folderHeader ) ; }
sortedFolders . forEach ( function ( f ) {
var $element = createElement ( [ TRASH ] , f . spath , root , true ) ;
$list . append ( $element ) ;
} ) ;
if ( filesOp . hasFile ( root , true ) ) { $list . append ( $fileHeader ) ; }
sortedFiles . forEach ( function ( f ) {
var $element = createElement ( [ TRASH ] , f . spath , root , false ) ;
$list . append ( $element ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// Display the selected directory into the content part (rightside)
// NOTE: Elements in the trash are not using the same storage structure as the others
var displayDirectory = module . displayDirectory = function ( path , force ) {
if ( ! appStatus . isReady && ! force ) { return ; }
appStatus . ready ( false ) ;
currentPath = path ;
$content . html ( "" ) ;
if ( ! path || path . length === 0 ) {
path = [ ROOT ] ;
var isTrashRoot = filesOp . comparePath ( path , [ TRASH ] ) ;
var isUnsorted = filesOp . comparePath ( path , [ UNSORTED ] ) ;
var isTemplate = filesOp . comparePath ( path , [ TEMPLATE ] ) ;
var isAllFiles = filesOp . comparePath ( path , [ FILES _DATA ] ) ;
var root = filesOp . findElement ( files , path ) ;
if ( typeof ( root ) === "undefined" ) {
log ( Messages . fm _unknownFolderError ) ;
debug ( "Unable to locate the selected directory: " , path ) ;
var parentPath = path . slice ( ) ;
parentPath . pop ( ) ;
displayDirectory ( parentPath , true ) ;
return ;
module . resetTree ( ) ;
setLastOpenedFolder ( path ) ;
var $title = createTitle ( path ) ;
var $info = createInfoBox ( path ) ;
var $dirContent = $ ( '<div>' , { id : FOLDER _CONTENT _ID } ) ;
$dirContent . data ( 'path' , path ) ;
var mode = getViewMode ( ) ;
if ( mode ) {
$dirContent . addClass ( getViewModeClass ( ) ) ;
var $list = $ ( '<ul>' ) . appendTo ( $dirContent ) ;
/ * i f ( i s U n s o r t e d ) {
displayUnsorted ( $list ) ;
$content . append ( $title ) . append ( $dirContent ) ;
return ;
} * /
var $modeButton = createViewModeButton ( ) . appendTo ( $title ) ;
var $folderHeader = getFolderListHeader ( ) ;
var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader ( true ) ;
if ( isUnsorted || isTemplate ) {
displayHrefArray ( $list , path [ 0 ] ) ;
} else if ( isAllFiles ) {
displayAllFiles ( $list ) ;
} else if ( isTrashRoot ) {
displayTrashRoot ( $list , $folderHeader , $fileHeader ) ;
} else {
$dirContent . contextmenu ( openContentContextMenu ) ;
var $newFolderButton = createNewFolderButton ( ) . appendTo ( $title ) ;
if ( filesOp . hasSubfolder ( root ) ) { $list . append ( $folderHeader ) ; }
// display sub directories
var keys = Object . keys ( root ) ;
var sortedFolders = sortElements ( true , path , keys , null , ! getSortFolderDesc ( ) ) ;
var sortedFiles = sortElements ( false , path , keys , Cryptpad . getLSAttribute ( SORT _FILE _BY ) , ! getSortFileDesc ( ) ) ;
sortedFolders . forEach ( function ( key ) {
if ( filesOp . isFile ( root [ key ] ) ) { return ; }
var $element = createElement ( path , key , root , true ) ;
$element . appendTo ( $list ) ;
} ) ;
if ( filesOp . hasFile ( root ) ) { $list . append ( $fileHeader ) ; }
// display files
sortedFiles . forEach ( function ( key ) {
if ( filesOp . isFolder ( root [ key ] ) ) { return ; }
var $element = createElement ( path , key , root , false ) ;
$element . appendTo ( $list ) ;
} ) ;
$content . append ( $title ) . append ( $info ) . append ( $dirContent ) ;
appStatus . ready ( true ) ;
} ;
var refreshFilesData = function ( ) {
$content . find ( 'li' ) . each ( function ( i , e ) {
var $el = $ ( e ) ;
if ( $el . data ( 'path' ) ) {
var path = $el . data ( 'path' ) ;
var element = filesOp . findElement ( files , path ) ;
if ( ! filesOp . isFile ( element ) ) { return ; }
var data = filesOp . getFileData ( element ) ;
$el . find ( '.title' ) . attr ( 'title' , data . title ) . text ( data . title ) ;
$el . find ( '.atime' ) . attr ( 'title' , getDate ( data . atime ) ) . text ( getDate ( data . atime ) ) ;
$el . find ( '.ctime' ) . attr ( 'title' , getDate ( data . ctime ) ) . text ( getDate ( data . ctime ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var createTreeElement = function ( name , $icon , path , draggable , droppable , collapsable , active ) {
var $name = $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'folder-element element' } ) . text ( name )
. click ( function ( ) {
module . displayDirectory ( path ) ;
} ) ;
var $collapse ;
if ( collapsable ) {
$collapse = $expandIcon . clone ( ) ;
var $element = $ ( '<li>' ) . append ( $collapse ) . append ( $icon ) . append ( $name ) ;
if ( draggable ) { $element . attr ( 'draggable' , true ) ; }
if ( collapsable ) {
$element . addClass ( 'collapsed' ) ;
$collapse . click ( function ( ) {
if ( $element . hasClass ( 'collapsed' ) ) {
// It is closed, open it
$element . removeClass ( 'collapsed' ) ;
setFolderOpened ( path , true ) ;
$collapse . removeClass ( 'fa-plus-square-o' ) ;
$collapse . addClass ( 'fa-minus-square-o' ) ;
} else {
// Collapse the folder
$element . addClass ( 'collapsed' ) ;
setFolderOpened ( path , false ) ;
$collapse . removeClass ( 'fa-minus-square-o' ) ;
$collapse . addClass ( 'fa-plus-square-o' ) ;
// Change the current opened folder if it was collapsed
if ( filesOp . isSubpath ( currentPath , path ) ) {
displayDirectory ( path ) ;
} ) ;
if ( wasFolderOpened ( path ) ||
( filesOp . isSubpath ( currentPath , path ) && path . length < currentPath . length ) ) {
$collapse . click ( ) ;
$element . data ( 'path' , path ) ;
addDragAndDropHandlers ( $element , path , true , droppable ) ;
if ( active ) { $name . addClass ( 'active' ) ; }
return $element ;
} ;
var createTree = function ( $container , path ) {
var root = filesOp . findElement ( files , path ) ;
// don't try to display what doesn't exist
if ( ! root ) { return ; }
// Display the root element in the tree
var displayingRoot = filesOp . comparePath ( [ ROOT ] , path ) ;
if ( displayingRoot ) {
var isRootOpened = filesOp . comparePath ( [ ROOT ] , currentPath ) ;
var $rootIcon = filesOp . isFolderEmpty ( files [ ROOT ] ) ?
( isRootOpened ? $folderOpenedEmptyIcon : $folderEmptyIcon ) :
( isRootOpened ? $folderOpenedIcon : $folderIcon ) ;
var $rootElement = createTreeElement ( ROOT _NAME , $rootIcon . clone ( ) , [ ROOT ] , false , true , false , isRootOpened ) ;
$rootElement . addClass ( 'root' ) ;
var $root = $ ( '<ul>' ) . append ( $rootElement ) . appendTo ( $container ) ;
$container = $rootElement ;
} else if ( filesOp . isFolderEmpty ( root ) ) { return ; }
// Display root content
var $list = $ ( '<ul>' ) . appendTo ( $container ) ;
Object . keys ( root ) . forEach ( function ( key ) {
// Do not display files in the menu
if ( filesOp . isFile ( root [ key ] ) ) { return ; }
var newPath = path . slice ( ) ;
newPath . push ( key ) ;
var isCurrentFolder = filesOp . comparePath ( newPath , currentPath ) ;
var isEmpty = filesOp . isFolderEmpty ( root [ key ] ) ;
var subfolder = filesOp . hasSubfolder ( root [ key ] ) ;
var $icon = isEmpty ?
( isCurrentFolder ? $folderOpenedEmptyIcon : $folderEmptyIcon ) :
( isCurrentFolder ? $folderOpenedIcon : $folderIcon ) ;
var $element = createTreeElement ( key , $icon . clone ( ) , newPath , true , true , subfolder , isCurrentFolder ) ;
$element . appendTo ( $list ) ;
$element . contextmenu ( openDirectoryContextMenu ) ;
createTree ( $element , newPath ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var createUnsorted = function ( $container , path ) {
var $icon = $unsortedIcon . clone ( ) ;
var isOpened = filesOp . comparePath ( path , currentPath ) ;
var $unsortedElement = createTreeElement ( UNSORTED _NAME , $icon , [ UNSORTED ] , false , true , false , isOpened ) ;
$unsortedElement . addClass ( 'root' ) ;
var $unsortedList = $ ( '<ul>' , { id : 'unsortedTree' } ) . append ( $unsortedElement ) ;
$container . append ( $unsortedList ) ;
} ;
var createTemplate = function ( $container , path ) {
var $icon = $templateIcon . clone ( ) ;
var isOpened = filesOp . comparePath ( path , currentPath ) ;
var $element = createTreeElement ( TEMPLATE _NAME , $icon , [ TEMPLATE ] , false , true , false , isOpened ) ;
$element . addClass ( 'root' ) ;
var $list = $ ( '<ul>' , { id : 'templateTree' } ) . append ( $element ) ;
$container . append ( $list ) ;
} ;
var createAllFiles = function ( $container , path ) {
var $icon = $unsortedIcon . clone ( ) ;
var isOpened = filesOp . comparePath ( path , currentPath ) ;
var $allfilesElement = createTreeElement ( FILES _DATA _NAME , $icon , [ FILES _DATA ] , false , false , false , isOpened ) ;
$allfilesElement . addClass ( 'root' ) ;
var $allfilesList = $ ( '<ul>' , { id : 'allfilesTree' } ) . append ( $allfilesElement ) ;
$container . append ( $allfilesList ) ;
} ;
var createTrash = function ( $container , path ) {
var $icon = filesOp . isFolderEmpty ( files [ TRASH ] ) ? $trashEmptyIcon . clone ( ) : $trashIcon . clone ( ) ;
var isOpened = filesOp . comparePath ( path , currentPath ) ;
var $trash = $ ( '<span>' , {
'class' : 'tree-trash element'
} ) . text ( TRASH _NAME ) . prepend ( $icon )
. click ( function ( ) {
module . displayDirectory ( path ) ;
} ) ;
var $trashElement = $ ( '<li>' ) . append ( $trash ) ;
$trashElement . addClass ( 'root' ) ;
$trashElement . data ( 'path' , [ TRASH ] ) ;
addDragAndDropHandlers ( $trashElement , path , true , true ) ;
$trashElement . contextmenu ( openTrashTreeContextMenu ) ;
if ( isOpened ) { $trash . addClass ( 'active' ) ; }
var $trashList = $ ( '<ul>' , { id : 'trashTree' } ) . append ( $trashElement ) ;
$container . append ( $trashList ) ;
} ;
var resetTree = module . resetTree = function ( ) {
$tree . html ( '' ) ;
createTree ( $tree , [ ROOT ] ) ;
createUnsorted ( $tree , [ UNSORTED ] ) ;
createTemplate ( $tree , [ TEMPLATE ] ) ;
createAllFiles ( $tree , [ FILES _DATA ] ) ;
createTrash ( $tree , [ TRASH ] ) ;
} ;
var hideMenu = module . hideMenu = function ( ) {
$contextMenu . hide ( ) ;
$trashTreeContextMenu . hide ( ) ;
$trashContextMenu . hide ( ) ;
$contentContextMenu . hide ( ) ;
} ;
var stringifyPath = function ( path ) {
if ( ! $ . isArray ( path ) ) { return ; }
var rootName = function ( s ) {
var prettyName ;
switch ( s ) {
case ROOT :
prettyName = ROOT _NAME ;
break ;
prettyName = UNSORTED _NAME ;
break ;
case FILES _DATA :
prettyName = FILES _DATA _NAME ;
break ;
case TRASH :
prettyName = TRASH _NAME ;
break ;
default :
prettyName = s ;
return prettyName ;
} ;
var $div = $ ( '<div>' ) ;
var i = 0 ;
var space = 10 ;
path . forEach ( function ( s ) {
if ( i === 0 ) { s = rootName ( s ) ; }
$div . append ( $ ( '<span>' , { 'style' : 'margin: 0 0 0 ' + i * space + 'px;' } ) . text ( s ) ) ;
$div . append ( $ ( '<br>' ) ) ;
i ++ ;
} ) ;
return $div . html ( ) ;
} ;
$contextMenu . on ( "click" , "a" , function ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
var path = $ ( this ) . data ( 'path' ) ;
var $element = $ ( this ) . data ( 'element' ) ;
if ( ! $element || ! path || path . length < 2 ) {
log ( Messages . fm _forbidden ) ;
debug ( "Directory context menu on a forbidden or unexisting element. " , $element , path ) ;
return ;
if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( "rename" ) ) {
displayRenameInput ( $element , path ) ;
else if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( "delete" ) ) {
moveElements ( [ path ] , [ TRASH ] , false , refresh ) ;
else if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'open' ) ) {
$element . dblclick ( ) ;
else if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'newfolder' ) ) {
var onCreated = function ( info ) {
module . newFolder = info . newPath ;
module . displayDirectory ( path ) ;
} ;
filesOp . createNewFolder ( path , null , onCreated ) ;
module . hideMenu ( ) ;
} ) ;
$contentContextMenu . on ( 'click' , 'a' , function ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
var path = $ ( this ) . data ( 'path' ) ;
if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( "newfolder" ) ) {
var onCreated = function ( info ) {
module . newFolder = info . newPath ;
refresh ( ) ;
} ;
filesOp . createNewFolder ( path , null , onCreated ) ;
else if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( "newdoc" ) ) {
var type = $ ( this ) . data ( 'type' ) || 'pad' ;
$ ( this ) . attr ( 'href' , '/' + type + '/#?path=' + encodeURIComponent ( path ) ) ;
module . hideMenu ( ) ;
} ) ;
$trashTreeContextMenu . on ( 'click' , 'a' , function ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
var path = $ ( this ) . data ( 'path' ) ;
var $element = $ ( this ) . data ( 'element' ) ;
if ( ! $element || ! filesOp . comparePath ( path , [ TRASH ] ) ) {
log ( Messages . fm _forbidden ) ;
debug ( "Trash tree context menu on a forbidden or unexisting element. " , $element , path ) ;
return ;
if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( "empty" ) ) {
Cryptpad . confirm ( Messages . fm _emptyTrashDialog , function ( res ) {
if ( ! res ) { return ; }
filesOp . emptyTrash ( refresh ) ;
} ) ;
module . hideMenu ( ) ;
} ) ;
$trashContextMenu . on ( 'click' , 'a' , function ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
var path = $ ( this ) . data ( 'path' ) ;
var $element = $ ( this ) . data ( 'element' ) ;
if ( ! $element || ! path || path . length < 2 ) {
log ( Messages . fm _forbidden ) ;
debug ( "Trash context menu on a forbidden or unexisting element. " , $element , path ) ;
return ;
var name = path [ path . length - 1 ] ;
if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( "remove" ) ) {
if ( path . length === 4 ) { name = path [ 1 ] ; }
Cryptpad . confirm ( Messages . _getKey ( "fm_removePermanentlyDialog" , [ name ] ) , function ( res ) {
if ( ! res ) { return ; }
filesOp . removeFromTrash ( path , refresh ) ;
} ) ;
else if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( "restore" ) ) {
if ( path . length === 4 ) { name = path [ 1 ] ; }
Cryptpad . confirm ( Messages . _getKey ( "fm_restoreDialog" , [ name ] ) , function ( res ) {
if ( ! res ) { return ; }
filesOp . restoreTrash ( path , refresh ) ;
} ) ;
else if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( "properties" ) ) {
if ( path . length !== 4 ) { return ; }
var element = filesOp . getTrashElementData ( path ) ;
var sPath = stringifyPath ( element . path ) ;
Cryptpad . alert ( '<strong>' + Messages . fm _originalPath + "</strong>:<br>" + sPath ) ;
module . hideMenu ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( ifrw ) . on ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
if ( e . which !== 1 ) { return ; }
removeSelected ( e ) ;
removeInput ( e ) ;
module . hideMenu ( e ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( ifrw ) . on ( 'drag drop' , function ( e ) {
removeInput ( e ) ;
module . hideMenu ( e ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( ifrw ) . on ( 'mouseup drop' , function ( e ) {
$iframe . find ( '.droppable' ) . removeClass ( 'droppable' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( ifrw ) . on ( 'keydown' , function ( e ) {
pressKey ( e . which , true ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( ifrw ) . on ( 'keyup' , function ( e ) {
pressKey ( e . which , false ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( ifrw ) . on ( 'keydown' , function ( e ) {
// "Del"
if ( e . which === 46 ) {
var $selected = $iframe . find ( '.selected' ) ;
if ( ! $selected . length ) { return ; }
var paths = [ ] ;
$selected . each ( function ( idx , elmt ) {
if ( ! $ ( elmt ) . data ( 'path' ) ) { return ; }
paths . push ( $ ( elmt ) . data ( 'path' ) ) ;
} ) ;
// If we are in the trash or if we are holding the "shift" key, delete permanently,
// else move to trash
if ( filesOp . isPathInTrash ( currentPath ) || e . shiftKey ) {
var todo = filesOp . removeFromTrash ;
if ( ! filesOp . isPathInTrash ( currentPath ) ) {
// If we are not in the trash, we just have to remove the key from root/unsorted
todo = filesOp . deletePathPermanently ;
// If we are already in the trash, delete the elements permanently
var msg = Messages . _getKey ( "fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog" , [ paths . length ] ) ;
if ( paths . length === 1 ) {
var path = paths [ 0 ] ;
var element = filesOp . findElement ( files , path ) ;
var name = filesOp . isInTrashRoot ( path ) ? path [ 1 ] : ( filesOp . isPathInHrefArray ( path ) ? filesOp . getTitle ( element ) : path [ path . length - 1 ] ) ;
msg = Messages . _getKey ( "fm_removePermanentlyDialog" , [ name ] ) ;
Cryptpad . confirm ( msg , function ( res ) {
if ( ! res ) { return ; }
paths . forEach ( function ( p ) {
todo ( p ) ;
} ) ;
refresh ( ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
moveElements ( paths , [ TRASH ] , false , refresh ) ;
} ) ;
var onRefresh = {
refresh : function ( ) {
if ( onRefresh . to ) {
window . clearTimeout ( onRefresh . to ) ;
onRefresh . to = window . setTimeout ( refresh , 500 ) ;
} ;
files . on ( 'change' , [ ] , function ( o , n , p ) {
var path = arguments [ 2 ] ;
if ( ( filesOp . isPathInUnsorted ( currentPath ) && filesOp . isPathInUnsorted ( path ) ) ||
( filesOp . isPathInTemplate ( currentPath ) && filesOp . isPathInTemplate ( path ) ) ||
( path . length >= currentPath . length && filesOp . isSubpath ( path , currentPath ) ) ||
( filesOp . isPathInTrash ( currentPath ) && filesOp . isPathInTrash ( path ) ) ) {
// Reload after a few ms to make sure all the change events have been received
onRefresh . refresh ( ) ;
} else if ( path . length && path [ 0 ] === FILES _DATA ) {
if ( filesOp . isPathInHrefArray ( currentPath ) ) {
onRefresh . refresh ( ) ;
} else {
refreshFilesData ( ) ;
module . resetTree ( ) ;
return false ;
} ) . on ( 'remove' , [ ] , function ( o , p ) {
var path = arguments [ 1 ] ;
if ( ( filesOp . isPathInUnsorted ( currentPath ) && filesOp . isPathInUnsorted ( path ) ) ||
( filesOp . isPathInTemplate ( currentPath ) && filesOp . isPathInTemplate ( path ) ) ||
( path . length >= currentPath . length && filesOp . isSubpath ( path , currentPath ) ) ||
( filesOp . isPathInTrash ( currentPath ) && filesOp . isPathInTrash ( path ) ) ) {
// Reload after a few to make sure all the change events have been received
onRefresh . to = window . setTimeout ( refresh , 500 ) ;
module . resetTree ( ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
refresh ( ) ;
} ;
// don't initialize until the store is ready.
Cryptpad . ready ( function ( ) {
var storeObj = Cryptpad . getStore ( ) . getProxy && Cryptpad . getStore ( ) . getProxy ( ) . proxy ? Cryptpad . getStore ( ) . getProxy ( ) : undefined ;
Cryptpad . styleAlerts ( ) ;
if ( window . location . hash && window . location . hash === "#iframe" ) {
$iframe . find ( 'body' ) . addClass ( 'iframe' ) ;
window . location . hash = "" ;
APP . homePageIframe = true ;
var hash = Cryptpad . getUserHash ( ) || window . location . hash . slice ( 1 ) || localStorage . FS _hash ;
var secret = Cryptpad . getSecrets ( hash ) ;
var readOnly = APP . readOnly = secret . keys && ! secret . keys . editKeyStr ;
var listmapConfig = module . config = {
data : { } ,
websocketURL : Cryptpad . getWebsocketURL ( ) ,
channel : secret . channel ,
readOnly : readOnly ,
validateKey : secret . keys . validateKey || undefined ,
crypto : Crypto . createEncryptor ( secret . keys ) ,
logging : false ,
logLevel : 1 ,
} ;
var proxy ;
if ( storeObj ) { proxy = storeObj . proxy ; }
else {
var rt = window . rt = module . rt = Listmap . create ( listmapConfig ) ;
proxy = rt . proxy ;
var onCreate = function ( info ) {
var realtime = module . realtime = info . realtime ;
var editHash = APP . editHash = ! readOnly ? Cryptpad . getEditHashFromKeys ( info . channel , secret . keys ) : undefined ;
var viewHash = APP . viewHash = Cryptpad . getViewHashFromKeys ( info . channel , secret . keys ) ;
APP . hash = readOnly ? viewHash : editHash ;
if ( ! readOnly && ! localStorage . FS _hash && ! Cryptpad . getUserHash ( ) && ! window . location . hash ) {
localStorage . FS _hash = editHash ;
module . patchText = TextPatcher . create ( {
realtime : realtime ,
logging : true ,
} ) ;
var userList = APP . userList = info . userList ;
var config = {
readOnly : readOnly ,
ifrw : window ,
common : Cryptpad ,
hideShare : true
} ;
var toolbar = info . realtime . toolbar = Toolbar . create ( APP . $bar , info . myID , info . realtime , info . getLag , userList , config ) ;
var $bar = APP . $bar ;
var $rightside = $bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . rightside ) ;
var $userBlock = $bar . find ( '.' + Toolbar . constants . username ) ;
if ( APP . homePageIframe ) {
var $linkToMain = $bar . find ( '.cryptpad-link a' ) ;
$linkToMain . attr ( 'href' , '#' ) ;
$linkToMain . attr ( 'title' , '' ) ;
$linkToMain . css ( 'cursor' , 'default' ) ;
$linkToMain . off ( 'click' ) ;
if ( ! readOnly ) {
var $backupButton = Cryptpad . createButton ( '' , true ) ;
$backupButton . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var url = window . location . origin + window . location . pathname + '#' + editHash ;
//TODO change text & transalte
Cryptpad . alert ( "Backup URL for this pad. It is highly recommended that you do not share it with other people.<br>Anybody with that URL can remove all the files in your file manager.<br>" + url ) ;
} ) ;
$userBlock . append ( $backupButton ) ;
} ;
var onReady = function ( ) {
module . files = proxy ;
if ( JSON . stringify ( proxy ) === '{}' ) {
var store = Cryptpad . getStore ( true ) ;
store . get ( Cryptpad . storageKey , function ( err , s ) {
proxy [ FILES _DATA ] = s ;
initLocalStorage ( ) ;
init ( proxy ) ;
APP . userList . onChange ( ) ;
Cryptpad . removeLoadingScreen ( ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
initLocalStorage ( ) ;
init ( proxy ) ;
APP . userList . onChange ( ) ;
Cryptpad . removeLoadingScreen ( ) ;
} ;
var onDisconnect = function ( info ) {
setEditable ( false ) ;
console . error ( 'err' ) ;
Cryptpad . alert ( Messages . common _connectionLost ) ;
} ;
if ( storeObj ) {
onCreate ( storeObj . info ) ;
onReady ( ) ;
} else {
proxy . on ( 'create' , function ( info ) {
onCreate ( info ) ;
} ) . on ( 'ready' , function ( ) {
onReady ( ) ;
} ) ;
proxy . on ( 'disconnect' , function ( ) {
onDisconnect ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
Cryptpad . onError ( function ( info ) {
if ( info ) {
onConnectError ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;