Our [developer guide](https://docs.cryptpad.fr/en/dev_guide/setup.html) provides instructions for setting up a local instance without HTTPS or our more advanced security features.
Configuring CryptPad for production requires a little more work, but the process is described in our [admin installation guide](https://docs.cryptpad.fr/en/admin_guide/installation.html). From there you can find more information about customization and maintenance.
See [Cryptpad-Docker](https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad-docker) repository for details on how to get up-and-running with Cryptpad in Docker. This repository is maintained by the community and not officially supported.
CryptPad is actively developed by a team at [XWiki SAS](https://www.xwiki.com), a company that has been building Open-Source software since 2004 with contributors from around the world. Between 2015 and 2019 it was funded by a research grant from the French state through [BPI France](https://www.bpifrance.fr/). In the years since we have been funded by [NLnet PET](https://nlnet.nl/PET/), [NGI TRUST](https://www.ngi.eu/ngi-projects/ngi-trust/), [NGI DAPSI](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/), subscribers of CryptPad.fr, and donations to our [Open-Collective campaign](https://opencollective.com/cryptpad).
If you have any questions or comments, or if you're interested in contributing to Cryptpad, come say hi in our [Matrix channel](https://app.element.io/#/room/#cryptpad:matrix.xwiki.com).