define ( [
'jquery' ,
'/api/config' ,
'/assert/assertions.js' ,
'/common/hyperscript.js' ,
'/customize/messages.js' ,
'/common/dom-ready.js' ,
'/bower_components/nthen/index.js' ,
'/common/sframe-common-outer.js' ,
'/customize/login.js' ,
'/common/common-hash.js' ,
'/common/common-util.js' ,
'/common/pinpad.js' ,
'/common/outer/network-config.js' ,
'/customize/pages.js' ,
'/checkup/checkup-tools.js' ,
'/bower_components/tweetnacl/nacl-fast.min.js' ,
'css!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css' ,
'less!/checkup/app-checkup.less' ,
] , function ( $ , ApiConfig , Assertions , h , Messages , DomReady ,
nThen , SFCommonO , Login , Hash , Util , Pinpad ,
NetConfig , Pages , Tools ) {
var Assert = Assertions ( ) ;
var trimSlashes = function ( s ) {
if ( typeof ( s ) !== 'string' ) { return s ; }
return s . replace ( /\/+$/ , '' ) ;
} ;
var assert = function ( f , msg ) {
Assert ( f , msg || h ( 'span.advisory-text.cp-danger' ) ) ;
} ;
var code = function ( content ) {
return h ( 'code' , content ) ;
} ;
var CONFIG _PATH = function ( ) {
return code ( 'cryptpad/config/config.js' ) ;
} ;
var API _CONFIG _LINK = function ( ) {
return h ( 'a' , {
href : '/api/config' ,
target : '_blank' ,
} , '/api/config' ) ;
} ;
var RESTART _WARNING = function ( ) {
return h ( 'span' , [
'Changes to ' ,
' will require a server restart in order for ' ,
' to be updated.' ,
] ) ;
} ;
var link = function ( href , text ) {
return h ( 'a' , {
href : href ,
rel : 'noopener noreferrer' ,
target : '_blank' ,
} , text ) ;
} ;
var setWarningClass = function ( msg ) {
$ ( msg ) . removeClass ( 'cp-danger' ) . addClass ( 'cp-warning' ) ;
} ;
var cacheBuster = Tools . cacheBuster ;
var trimmedSafe = trimSlashes ( ApiConfig . httpSafeOrigin ) ;
var trimmedUnsafe = trimSlashes ( ApiConfig . httpUnsafeOrigin ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"CryptPad's sandbox requires that both " ,
code ( 'httpUnsafeOrigin' ) ,
' and ' ,
code ( 'httpSafeOrigin' ) ,
" be configured in " ,
'. ' ,
] ) ) ;
//console.error(trimmedSafe, trimmedUnsafe);
cb ( Boolean ( trimmedSafe && trimmedUnsafe ) ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
code ( 'httpUnsafeOrigin' ) ,
' and ' ,
code ( 'httpSafeOrigin' ) ,
' are equivalent. ' ,
"In order for CryptPad's security features to be as effective as intended they must be different. " ,
"See " ,
'. ' ,
] ) ) ;
return void cb ( trimmedSafe !== trimmedUnsafe ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
code ( 'httpUnsafeOrigin' ) ,
' and ' ,
code ( 'httpSafeOrigin' ) ,
' must not contain trailing slashes. This can be configured in ' ,
'. ' ,
] ) ) ;
cb ( trimmedSafe === ApiConfig . httpSafeOrigin && trimmedUnsafe === ApiConfig . httpUnsafeOrigin ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( "span" , [
"It appears that you are trying to load this page via an origin other than its main domain (" ,
code ( ApiConfig . httpUnsafeOrigin ) ,
"). See the " ,
code ( 'httpUnsafeOrigin' ) ,
" option in " ,
" which is exposed via " ,
'.' ,
] ) ) ;
var origin = window . location . origin ;
return void cb ( ApiConfig . httpUnsafeOrigin === origin ) ;
} ) ;
var checkAvailability = function ( url , cb ) {
$ . ajax ( {
url : cacheBuster ( url ) ,
data : { } ,
complete : function ( xhr ) {
cb ( xhr . status === 200 ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
} ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"The main domain (configured via " ,
code ( 'httpUnsafeOrigin' ) ,
' as ' ,
ApiConfig . httpUnsafeOrigin ,
' in ' ,
' and exposed via ' ,
') could not be reached.' ,
] ) ) ;
checkAvailability ( trimmedUnsafe , cb ) ;
} ) ;
// Try loading an iframe on the safe domain
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"Your browser was not able to load an iframe using the origin specified as " ,
code ( "httpSafeOrigin" ) ,
" (" ,
ApiConfig . httpSafeOrigin ,
") in " ,
". This can be caused by an invalid " ,
code ( 'httpUnsafeDomain' ) ,
', invalid CSP configuration in your reverse proxy, invalid SSL certificates, and many other factors. ' ,
'More information about your particular error may be found in your browser console. ' ,
] ) ) ;
var to ;
nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
DomReady . onReady ( waitFor ( ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
to = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
console . error ( 'TIMEOUT loading iframe on the safe domain' ) ;
cb ( false ) ;
} , 5000 ) ;
SFCommonO . initIframe ( waitFor ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( ) {
// Iframe is loaded
clearTimeout ( to ) ;
console . log ( "removing sandbox iframe" ) ;
$ ( 'iframe#sbox-iframe' ) . remove ( ) ;
cb ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var shared _websocket ;
// Test Websocket
var evWSError = Util . mkEvent ( true ) ;
assert ( function ( _cb , msg ) {
var timeoutErr = 'Could not connect to the websocket server within 5 seconds.' ;
var cb = Util . once ( Util . both ( _cb , function ( status ) {
if ( status === true ) { return ; }
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span#websocket' , [
status || 'Unknown websocket error' ,
] ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
var ws = new WebSocket ( NetConfig . getWebsocketURL ( ) ) ;
shared _websocket = ws ;
var to = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
console . error ( 'Websocket TIMEOUT' ) ;
evWSError . fire ( ) ;
cb ( timeoutErr ) ;
} , 5000 ) ;
ws . onopen = function ( ) {
clearTimeout ( to ) ;
cb ( true ) ;
} ;
ws . onerror = function ( err ) {
clearTimeout ( to ) ;
console . error ( '[Websocket error]' , err ) ;
evWSError . fire ( ) ;
cb ( 'Unable to connect to the websocket server. More information may be available in your browser console ([Websocket error]).' ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
// Test login block
var shared _realtime ;
assert ( function ( _cb , msg ) {
var websocketErr = "No WebSocket available" ;
var cb = Util . once ( Util . both ( _cb , function ( status ) {
if ( status === true ) { return ; }
if ( status === websocketErr ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
websocketErr ,
' See ' ,
h ( 'a' , {
href : '#websocket' ,
} , 'the related websocket error' ) ,
] ) ) ;
return ;
// else
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"Unable to create, retrieve, or remove encrypted credentials from the server. " ,
"This is most commonly caused by a mismatch between the value of the " ,
code ( 'blockPath' ) ,
' value configured in ' ,
" and the corresponding settings in your reverse proxy's configuration file," ,
" but it can also be explained by a websocket error. " ,
] ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
// time out after 30 seconds
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
cb ( 'TIMEOUT' ) ;
} , 30000 ) ;
var bytes = new Uint8Array ( Login . requiredBytes ) ;
var opt = Login . allocateBytes ( bytes ) ;
var blockUrl = Login . Block . getBlockUrl ( opt . blockKeys ) ;
var blockRequest = Login . Block . serialize ( "{}" , opt . blockKeys ) ;
var removeRequest = Login . Block . remove ( opt . blockKeys ) ;
console . warn ( 'Testing block URL (%s). One 404 is normal.' , blockUrl ) ;
var userHash = '/2/drive/edit/000000000000000000000000' ;
var secret = Hash . getSecrets ( 'drive' , userHash ) ;
opt . keys = secret . keys ;
opt . channelHex = secret . channel ;
var RT , rpc , exists , restricted ;
nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
Util . fetch ( blockUrl , waitFor ( function ( err ) {
if ( err ) { return ; } // No block found
exists = true ;
} ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
// If WebSockets aren't working, don't wait forever here
evWSError . reg ( function ( ) {
waitFor . abort ( ) ;
cb ( websocketErr ) ;
} ) ;
// Create proxy
Login . loadUserObject ( opt , waitFor ( function ( err , rt ) {
if ( err ) {
waitFor . abort ( ) ;
console . error ( "Can't create new channel. This may also be a websocket issue." ) ;
return void cb ( false ) ;
shared _realtime = RT = rt ;
var proxy = rt . proxy ;
proxy . edPublic = opt . edPublic ;
proxy . edPrivate = opt . edPrivate ;
proxy . curvePublic = opt . curvePublic ;
proxy . curvePrivate = opt . curvePrivate ;
rt . realtime . onSettle ( waitFor ( ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
// Init RPC
Pinpad . create ( RT . network , RT . proxy , waitFor ( function ( e , _rpc ) {
if ( e ) {
waitFor . abort ( ) ;
console . error ( "Can't initialize RPC" , e ) ; // INVALID_KEYS
return void cb ( false ) ;
rpc = _rpc ;
} ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
// Write block
if ( exists ) { return ; }
rpc . writeLoginBlock ( blockRequest , waitFor ( function ( e ) {
// we should tolerate restricted registration
// and proceed to clean up after any data we've created
if ( e === 'E_RESTRICTED' ) {
restricted = true ;
return void cb ( true ) ;
if ( e ) {
waitFor . abort ( ) ;
console . error ( "Can't write login block" , e ) ;
return void cb ( false ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
if ( restricted ) { return ; }
// Read block
Util . fetch ( blockUrl , waitFor ( function ( e ) {
if ( e ) {
waitFor . abort ( ) ;
console . error ( "Can't read login block" , e ) ;
return void cb ( false ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
// Remove block
rpc . removeLoginBlock ( removeRequest , waitFor ( function ( e ) {
if ( restricted ) { return ; } // an ENOENT is expected in the case of restricted registration, but we call this anyway to clean up any mess from previous tests.
if ( e ) {
waitFor . abort ( ) ;
console . error ( "Can't remove login block" , e ) ;
console . error ( blockRequest ) ;
return void cb ( false ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
rpc . removeOwnedChannel ( secret . channel , waitFor ( function ( e ) {
if ( e ) {
waitFor . abort ( ) ;
console . error ( "Can't remove channel" , e ) ;
return void cb ( false ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( ) {
cb ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var sheetURL = '/common/onlyoffice/v5/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/index.html' ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
msg . innerText = "Missing HTTP headers required for .xlsx export from sheets. " ;
var url = cacheBuster ( sheetURL ) ;
var expect = {
'cross-origin-resource-policy' : 'cross-origin' ,
'cross-origin-embedder-policy' : 'require-corp' ,
} ;
$ . ajax ( url , {
complete : function ( xhr ) {
cb ( ! Object . keys ( expect ) . some ( function ( k ) {
var response = xhr . getResponseHeader ( k ) ;
if ( response !== expect [ k ] ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
'A value of ' ,
code ( expect [ k ] ) ,
' was expected for the ' ,
code ( k ) ,
' HTTP header, but instead a value of "' ,
code ( response ) ,
'" was received.' ,
] ) ) ;
return true ; // returning true indicates that a value is incorrect
} ) ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
setWarningClass ( msg ) ;
var printMessage = function ( value ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"This instance hasn't opted out of participation in Google's " ,
code ( 'FLoC' ) ,
" targeted advertizing network. " ,
"This can be done by setting a " ,
code ( 'permissions-policy' ) ,
" HTTP header with a value of " ,
code ( '"interest-cohort=()"' ) ,
" in the configuration of its reverse proxy instead of the current value (" ,
code ( value ) ,
"). See the provided NGINX configuration file for an example. " ,
h ( 'p' , [
link ( "" , 'Learn more' ) ,
] ) ,
] ) ) ;
} ;
$ . ajax ( '/?' + ( + new Date ( ) ) , {
complete : function ( xhr ) {
var header = xhr . getResponseHeader ( 'permissions-policy' ) || '' ;
var rules = header . split ( ',' ) ;
if ( rules . includes ( 'interest-cohort=()' ) ) { return void cb ( true ) ; }
printMessage ( JSON . stringify ( header ) ) ;
cb ( header ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
code ( '/api/broadcast' ) ,
" could not be loaded. This can be caused by an outdated application server or an incorrectly configured reverse proxy. " ,
"Even if the most recent code has been downloaded it's possible the application server has not been restarted. " ,
"Your browser console may provide more details as to why this resource could not be loaded. " ,
] ) ) ;
$ . ajax ( cacheBuster ( '/api/broadcast' ) , {
dataType : 'text' ,
complete : function ( xhr ) {
cb ( xhr . status === 200 ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
var checkAPIHeaders = function ( url , msg , cb ) {
$ . ajax ( cacheBuster ( url ) , {
dataType : 'text' ,
complete : function ( xhr ) {
var allHeaders = xhr . getAllResponseHeaders ( ) ;
var headers = { } ;
var duplicated = allHeaders . split ( '\n' ) . some ( function ( header ) {
var duplicate ;
header . replace ( /([^:]+):(.*)/ , function ( all , type , value ) {
type = type . trim ( ) ;
if ( typeof ( headers [ type ] ) !== 'undefined' ) {
duplicate = true ;
headers [ type ] = value . trim ( ) ;
} ) ;
return duplicate ;
} ) ;
var expect = {
'cross-origin-resource-policy' : 'cross-origin' ,
'cross-origin-embedder-policy' : 'require-corp' ,
} ;
var incorrect = false ;
Object . keys ( expect ) . forEach ( function ( k ) {
var response = xhr . getResponseHeader ( k ) ;
var expected = expect [ k ] ;
if ( response !== expected ) {
incorrect = true ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'p' , [
'The ' ,
code ( k ) ,
' header for ' ,
code ( url ) ,
" is '" ,
code ( response ) ,
"' instead of '" ,
code ( expected ) ,
"' as expected." ,
] ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( duplicated || incorrect ) { console . debug ( allHeaders ) ; }
cb ( ! duplicated && ! incorrect ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
} ;
var INCORRECT _HEADER _TEXT = ' was served with duplicated or incorrect headers. Compare your reverse-proxy configuration against the provided example.' ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var url = '/api/config' ;
msg . innerText = url + INCORRECT _HEADER _TEXT ;
checkAPIHeaders ( url , msg , cb ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var url = '/api/broadcast' ;
msg . innerText = url + INCORRECT _HEADER _TEXT ;
checkAPIHeaders ( url , msg , cb ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var email = ApiConfig . adminEmail ;
if ( typeof ( email ) === 'string' && email && email !== '' ) {
return void cb ( true ) ;
setWarningClass ( msg ) ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
'This instance does not provide a valid ' ,
code ( 'adminEmail' ) ,
' which can make it difficult to contact its adminstrator to report vulnerabilities or abusive content.' ,
" This can be configured on your instance's admin panel. Use the provided " ,
code ( "Flush cache'" ) ,
" button for this change to take effect for all users." ,
] ) ) ;
cb ( email ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var support = ApiConfig . supportMailbox ;
setWarningClass ( msg ) ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"This instance's encrypted support ticket functionality has not been enabled. This can make it difficult for its users to safely report issues that concern sensitive information. " ,
"This can be configured via the admin panel's " ,
code ( 'Support' ) ,
" tab." ,
] ) ) ;
cb ( support && typeof ( support ) === 'string' && support . length === 44 ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var adminKeys = ApiConfig . adminKeys ;
if ( Array . isArray ( adminKeys ) && adminKeys . length >= 1 && typeof ( adminKeys [ 0 ] ) === 'string' && adminKeys [ 0 ] . length === 44 ) {
return void cb ( true ) ;
setWarningClass ( msg ) ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"This instance has not been configured to support web administration. This can be enabled by adding a registered user's public signing key to the " ,
code ( 'adminKeys' ) ,
' array in ' ,
'. ' ,
] ) ) ;
cb ( false ) ;
} ) ;
var response = Util . response ( function ( err ) {
console . error ( 'SANDBOX_ERROR' , err ) ;
} ) ;
var sandboxIframe = h ( 'iframe' , {
class : 'sandbox-test' ,
src : cacheBuster ( trimmedSafe + '/checkup/sandbox/index.html' ) ,
} ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( sandboxIframe ) ;
var sandboxIframeReady = Util . mkEvent ( true ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
sandboxIframeReady . fire ( "TIMEOUT" ) ;
} , 10 * 1000 ) ;
var postMessage = function ( content , cb ) {
try {
var txid = Util . uid ( ) ;
content . txid = txid ;
response . expect ( txid , cb , 15000 ) ;
sandboxIframe . contentWindow . postMessage ( JSON . stringify ( content ) , '*' ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
console . error ( err ) ;
} ;
var deferredPostMessage = function ( content , _cb ) {
var cb = Util . once ( Util . mkAsync ( _cb ) ) ;
nThen ( function ( w ) {
sandboxIframeReady . reg ( w ( function ( err ) {
if ( ! err ) { return ; }
w . abort ( ) ;
cb ( err ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( ) {
postMessage ( content , cb ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
window . addEventListener ( 'message' , function ( event ) {
try {
var msg = JSON . parse ( event . data ) ;
if ( msg . command === 'READY' ) { return void sandboxIframeReady . fire ( ) ; }
if ( msg . q === "READY" ) { return ; } // ignore messages from the usual sandboxed iframe
var txid = msg . txid ;
if ( ! txid ) { return console . log ( "no handler for " , txid ) ; }
response . handle ( txid , msg . content ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
console . error ( event ) ;
console . error ( err ) ;
} ) ;
var parseCSP = function ( CSP ) {
var CSP _headers = { } ;
CSP . split ( ";" )
. forEach ( function ( rule ) {
rule = ( rule || "" ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( ! rule ) { return ; }
var parts = rule . split ( /\s/ ) ;
var first = parts [ 0 ] ;
var rest = rule . slice ( first . length + 1 ) ;
CSP _headers [ first ] = rest ;
//"[%s] '%s'", first, rest);
} ) ;
return CSP _headers ;
} ;
var hasUnsafeEval = function ( CSP _headers ) {
return /unsafe\-eval/ . test ( CSP _headers [ 'script-src' ] ) ;
} ;
var hasUnsafeInline = function ( CSP _headers ) {
return /unsafe\-inline/ . test ( CSP _headers [ 'script-src' ] ) ;
} ;
var hasOnlyOfficeHeaders = function ( CSP _headers ) {
if ( ! hasUnsafeEval ( CSP _headers ) ) {
console . error ( "NO_UNSAFE_EVAL" ) ;
console . log ( CSP _headers ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! hasUnsafeInline ( CSP _headers ) ) {
console . error ( "NO_UNSAFE_INLINE" ) ;
return void false ;
return true ;
} ;
var CSP _WARNING = function ( url ) {
return h ( 'span' , [
code ( url ) ,
' does not have the required ' ,
code ( "'content-security-policy'" ) ,
' headers set. This is most often related to incorrectly configured sandbox domains or reverse proxies.' ,
] ) ;
} ;
assert ( function ( _cb , msg ) { // FIXME possibly superseded by more advanced CSP tests?
var url = '/sheet/inner.html' ;
var cb = Util . once ( Util . mkAsync ( _cb ) ) ;
msg . appendChild ( CSP _WARNING ( url ) ) ;
deferredPostMessage ( {
command : 'GET_HEADER' ,
content : {
url : url ,
header : 'content-security-policy' ,
} ,
} , function ( content ) {
var CSP _headers = parseCSP ( content ) ;
cb ( hasOnlyOfficeHeaders ( CSP _headers ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) { // FIXME possibly superseded by more advanced CSP tests?
var url = '/common/onlyoffice/v5/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/index.html' ;
msg . appendChild ( CSP _WARNING ( url ) ) ;
deferredPostMessage ( {
command : 'GET_HEADER' ,
content : {
url : url ,
header : 'content-security-policy' ,
} ,
} , function ( content ) {
var CSP _headers = parseCSP ( content ) ;
cb ( hasOnlyOfficeHeaders ( CSP _headers ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ *
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var url = '/sheet/inner.html' ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
code ( url ) ,
' does not have the required ' ,
code ( "'cross-origin-opener-policy'" ) ,
' headers set.' ,
] ) ) ;
deferredPostMessage ( {
command : 'GET_HEADER' ,
content : {
url : url ,
header : 'cross-origin-opener-policy' ,
} ,
} , function ( content ) {
cb ( content === 'same-origin' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
* /
var safariGripe = function ( ) {
return h ( 'p.cp-notice-other' , 'This is expected because Safari and platforms that use its engine lack commonly supported functionality.' ) ;
} ;
var browserIssue = function ( ) {
return h ( 'p.cp-notice-other' , 'This test checks for the presence of features in your browser and is not necessarily caused by server misconfiguration.' ) ;
} ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
cb = Util . once ( cb ) ;
setWarningClass ( msg ) ;
var notice = h ( 'span' , [
h ( 'p' , 'It appears that some features required for Office file format conversion are not present.' ) ,
Tools . isSafari ( ) ? safariGripe ( ) : undefined ,
browserIssue ( ) ,
] ) ;
msg . appendChild ( notice ) ;
var expected = [
'Atomics' ,
'SharedArrayBuffer' ,
'WebAssembly' ,
[ 'WebAssembly' , 'Memory' ] ,
[ 'WebAssembly' , 'instantiate' ] ,
[ 'WebAssembly' , 'instantiateStreaming' ] ,
[ 'Buffer' , 'from' ] ,
'SharedWorker' ,
'worker' ,
'crossOriginIsolated' ,
] ;
var responses = { } ;
nThen ( function ( w ) {
deferredPostMessage ( {
command : 'CHECK_JS_APIS' ,
content : {
globals : expected ,
} ,
} , w ( function ( response ) {
Util . extend ( responses , response ) ;
} ) ) ;
deferredPostMessage ( {
command : 'FANCY_API_CHECKS' ,
content : {
} ,
} , w ( function ( response ) {
Util . extend ( responses , response ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( ) {
if ( ! responses . Atomics || ! responses . WebAssembly ) {
return void cb ( responses ) ;
if ( responses . SharedArrayBuffer || responses . SharedArrayBufferFallback ) {
return cb ( true ) ;
return void cb ( response ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var isHTTPS = function ( host ) {
return /^https:\/\// . test ( host ) ;
} ;
var isOnion = function ( host ) {
return /\.onion$/ . test ( host ) ;
} ;
var isLocalhost = function ( host ) {
return /^http:\/\/localhost/ . test ( host ) ;
} ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
// provide an exception for development instances
if ( isLocalhost ( trimmedUnsafe ) && isLocalhost ( window . location . href ) ) { return void cb ( true ) ; }
// if both the main and sandbox domains are onion addresses
// then the HTTPS requirement is unnecessary
if ( isOnion ( trimmedUnsafe ) && isOnion ( trimmedSafe ) ) { return void cb ( true ) ; }
// otherwise expect that both inner and outer domains use HTTPS
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"Both " ,
code ( 'httpUnsafeOrigin' ) ,
' and ' ,
code ( 'httpSafeOrigin' ) ,
' should be accessed via HTTPS for production use. ' ,
"This can be configured via " ,
'. ' ,
] ) ) ;
cb ( isHTTPS ( trimmedUnsafe ) && isHTTPS ( trimmedSafe ) ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) { // FIXME this test has been superceded, but the descriptive text is still useful
// check that the sandbox domain is included in connect-src
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"This instance's " ,
code ( "Content-Security-Policy" ) ,
" headers do not include the sandboxed domain (" ,
code ( trimmedSafe ) ,
") in " ,
code ( "connect-src" ) ,
". This can cause problems with fonts when printing office documents." ,
" This is probably due to an incorrectly configured reverse proxy." ,
" See the provided NGINX configuration file for an example of how to set this header correctly." ,
] ) ) ;
Tools . common _xhr ( '/' , function ( xhr ) {
var CSP = parseCSP ( xhr . getResponseHeader ( 'content-security-policy' ) ) ;
var connect = ( CSP && CSP [ 'connect-src' ] ) || "" ;
if ( connect . includes ( trimmedSafe ) ) {
return void cb ( true ) ;
cb ( CSP ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
code ( '/api/config' ) ,
" returned an HTTP status code other than " ,
code ( '200' ) ,
' when accessed from the sandbox domain.' ,
] ) ) ;
deferredPostMessage ( {
command : 'CHECK_HTTP_STATUS' ,
content : {
url : cacheBuster ( '/api/config' ) ,
} ,
} , function ( content ) {
cb ( content === 200 || content ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ *
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
'all headers' ,
] ) ) ;
Tools . common _xhr ( '/' , function ( xhr ) {
var all _headers = xhr . getAllResponseHeaders ( ) . split ( /\r|\n/ ) . filter ( Boolean ) ;
cb ( all _headers ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
* /
var validateCSP = function ( raw , msg , expected ) {
var CSP = parseCSP ( raw ) ;
var checkRule = function ( attr , rules ) {
var v = CSP [ attr ] ;
// return `true` if you fail this test...
if ( typeof ( v ) !== 'string' || ! v ) { return true ; }
var l = rules . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < l ; i ++ ) {
if ( typeof ( rules [ i ] ) !== 'undefined' && ! v . includes ( rules [ i ] ) ) { return true ; }
v = v . replace ( rules [ i ] , '' ) ;
return v . trim ( ) ;
} ;
if ( Object . keys ( expected ) . some ( function ( dir ) {
var result = checkRule ( dir , expected [ dir ] ) ;
if ( result ) {
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'p' , [
'A value of ' ,
code ( '"' + expected [ dir ] . filter ( Boolean ) . join ( ' ' ) + '"' ) ,
' was expected for the ' ,
code ( dir ) ,
' directive.' ,
] ) ) ;
console . log ( 'BAD_HEADER:' , {
rule : dir ,
expected : expected [ dir ] ,
result : result ,
} ) ;
return result ;
} ) ) {
return parseCSP ( raw ) ;
return true ;
} ;
assert ( function ( _cb , msg ) {
var url = '/sheet/inner.html' ;
var cb = Util . once ( Util . mkAsync ( _cb ) ) ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
code ( trimmedUnsafe + url ) ,
' was served with incorrect ' ,
code ( 'Content-Security-Policy' ) ,
' headers.' ,
] ) ) ;
deferredPostMessage ( {
command : 'GET_HEADER' ,
content : {
url : url ,
header : 'content-security-policy' ,
} ,
} , function ( raw ) {
var $outer = trimmedUnsafe ;
var $sandbox = trimmedSafe ;
var result = validateCSP ( raw , msg , {
'default-src' : [ "'none'" ] ,
'style-src' : [ "'unsafe-inline'" , "'self'" , $outer ] ,
'font-src' : [ "'self'" , 'data:' , $outer ] ,
'child-src' : [ $outer ] , //["'self'", 'blob:', $outer, $sandbox],
'frame-src' : [ "'self'" , 'blob:' , /*$outer, */ $sandbox ] ,
'script-src' : [ "'self'" , 'resource:' , $outer ,
"'unsafe-eval'" ,
"'unsafe-inline'" ,
] ,
'connect-src' : [
"'self'" ,
'blob:' ,
$outer ,
$sandbox ,
/https:\/\// . test ( $outer ) ? $outer . replace ( 'https://' , 'wss://' ) : 'ws:' ,
// XXX https://$files_domain
// XXX wss://$api_domain
] ,
'img-src' : [ "'self'" , 'data:' , 'blob:' , $outer ] ,
'media-src' : [ 'blob:' ] ,
//'frame-ancestors': ['*'], // XXX IFF you want to support remote embedding
'worker-src' : [ "'self'" ] , // , $outer, $sandbox],
} ) ;
cb ( result ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var header = 'content-security-policy' ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
code ( trimmedUnsafe + '/' ) ,
' was served with incorrect ' ,
code ( 'Content-Security-Policy' ) ,
' headers.' ,
] ) ) ;
Tools . common _xhr ( '/' , function ( xhr ) {
var raw = xhr . getResponseHeader ( header ) ;
var $outer = trimmedUnsafe ;
var $sandbox = trimmedSafe ;
var result = validateCSP ( raw , msg , {
'default-src' : [ "'none'" ] ,
'style-src' : [ "'unsafe-inline'" , "'self'" , $outer ] ,
'font-src' : [ "'self'" , 'data:' , $outer ] ,
'child-src' : [ $outer ] , //["'self'", 'blob:', $outer, $sandbox],
'frame-src' : [ "'self'" , 'blob:' , /*$outer,*/ $sandbox ] ,
'script-src' : [ "'self'" , 'resource:' , $outer ] ,
'connect-src' : [
"'self'" ,
'blob:' ,
$outer ,
$sandbox ,
/https:\/\// . test ( $outer ) ? $outer . replace ( 'https://' , 'wss://' ) : 'ws:' ,
<< << << < HEAD
=== === =
// XXX https://$files_domain
// XXX wss://$api_domain
>>> >>> > soon
] ,
'img-src' : [ "'self'" , 'data:' , 'blob:' , $outer ] ,
'media-src' : [ 'blob:' ] ,
//'frame-ancestors': ['*'], // XXX IFF you want to support remote embedding
'worker-src' : [ "'self'" ] , //, $outer, $sandbox],
} ) ;
cb ( result ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var header = 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
'Assets must be served with an ' ,
code ( header ) ,
' header with a value of ' ,
code ( "'*'" ) ,
' if you wish to support embedding of encrypted media on third party websites.' ,
] ) ) ;
Tools . common _xhr ( '/' , function ( xhr ) {
var raw = xhr . getResponseHeader ( header ) ;
cb ( raw === "*" || raw ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var header = 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy' ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"Assets must be served with a " ,
code ( header ) ,
' value of ' ,
code ( 'require-corp' ) ,
" to enable browser features required for client-side document conversion." ,
] ) ) ;
Tools . common _xhr ( '/' , function ( xhr ) {
var raw = xhr . getResponseHeader ( header ) ;
cb ( raw === 'require-corp' || raw ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var header = 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy' ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"Assets must be served with a " ,
code ( header ) ,
' value of ' ,
code ( 'cross-origin' ) ,
" to enable browser features required for client-side document conversion." ,
] ) ) ;
Tools . common _xhr ( '/' , function ( xhr ) {
var raw = xhr . getResponseHeader ( header ) ;
cb ( raw === 'cross-origin' || raw ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var header = 'X-Content-Type-Options' ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
"Assets should be served with an " ,
code ( header ) ,
' header with a value of ' ,
code ( 'nosniff' ) ,
'.' ,
] ) ) ;
Tools . common _xhr ( '/' , function ( xhr ) {
var raw = xhr . getResponseHeader ( header ) ;
cb ( raw === 'nosniff' || raw ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var header = 'Cache-Control' ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
'Assets requested without a version parameter should be served with a ' ,
code ( 'no-cache' ) ,
' value for the ' ,
code ( "Cache-Control" ) ,
' header.' ,
] ) ) ;
// Cache-Control should be 'no-cache' unless the URL includes ver=
Tools . common _xhr ( '/' , function ( xhr ) {
var raw = xhr . getResponseHeader ( header ) ;
cb ( raw === 'no-cache' || raw ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
var header = 'Cache-Control' ;
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , [
'Assets requested with a version parameter should be served with a long-lived ' ,
code ( 'Cache-Control' ) ,
' header.' ,
] ) ) ;
// Cache-Control should be 'max-age=<number>' if the URL includes 'ver='
Tools . common _xhr ( '/customize/messages.js?ver=' + ( + new Date ( ) ) , function ( xhr ) {
var raw = xhr . getResponseHeader ( header ) ;
cb ( /max\-age=\d+$/ . test ( raw ) || raw ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ *
assert ( function ( cb , msg ) {
setWarningClass ( msg ) ;
$ . ajax ( cacheBuster ( '/' ) , {
dataType : 'text' ,
complete : function ( xhr ) {
var serverToken = xhr . getResponseHeader ( 'server' ) ;
if ( serverToken === null ) { return void cb ( true ) ; }
var lowered = ( serverToken || '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
var family ;
[ 'Apache' , 'Caddy' , 'NGINX' ] . some ( function ( pattern ) {
if ( lowered . indexOf ( pattern . toLowerCase ( ) ) !== - 1 ) {
family = pattern ;
return true ;
} ) ;
var text = [
"This instance is set to respond with an HTTP " ,
code ( "server" ) ,
" header. This information can make it easier for attackers to find and exploit known vulnerabilities. " ,
] ;
if ( family === 'NGINX' ) { // FIXME incorrect instructions for HTTP2. needs a recompile?
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , text . concat ( [
"This can be addressed by setting " ,
code ( "server_tokens off" ) ,
" in your global NGINX config."
] ) ) ) ;
return void cb ( serverToken ) ;
// handle other
msg . appendChild ( h ( 'span' , text . concat ( [
"In this case, it appears that the host server is running " ,
code ( serverToken ) ,
" instead of " ,
code ( "NGINX" ) ,
" as recommended. As such, you may not benefit from the latest security enhancements that are tested and maintained by the CryptPad development team." ,
] ) ) ) ;
cb ( serverToken ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
* /
var row = function ( cells ) {
return h ( 'tr' , cells . map ( function ( cell ) {
return h ( 'td' , cell ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ;
var failureReport = function ( obj ) {
var printableValue = obj . output ;
try {
printableValue = JSON . stringify ( obj . output , null , ' ' ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
console . error ( err ) ;
return h ( 'div.error' , [
h ( 'h5' , obj . message ) ,
h ( 'div.table-container' ,
h ( 'table' , [
row ( [ "Failed test number" , obj . test + 1 ] ) ,
row ( [ "Returned value" , h ( 'pre' , code ( printableValue ) ) ] ) ,
] )
) ,
] ) ;
} ;
var completed = 0 ;
var $progress = $ ( '#cp-progress' ) ;
var versionStatement = function ( ) {
return h ( 'p.cp-notice-version' , [
"This instance is running " ,
h ( 'span.cp-app-checkup-version' , [
"CryptPad" ,
' ' ,
Pages . versionString ,
] ) ,
'.' ,
] ) ;
} ;
var browserStatement = function ( ) {
var name = Tools . guessBrowser ( ) ;
if ( ! name ) { return ; }
return h ( 'p.cp-notice-browser' , [
"You appear to be using a " ,
h ( 'span.cp-app-checkup-browser' , name ) ,
' browser on ' ,
h ( 'span.underline' , Tools . guessOS ( ) ) ,
' to view this page.' ,
] ) ;
} ;
Assert . run ( function ( state ) {
var errors = state . errors ;
var failed = errors . length ;
Messages . assert _numberOfTestsPassed = "{0} / {1} tests passed." ;
var statusClass = failed ? 'failure' : 'success' ;
var failedDetails = "Details found below" ;
var successDetails = "This checkup only tests the most common configuration issues. You may still experience errors or incorrect behaviour." ;
var details = h ( 'p.cp-notice-details' , failed ? failedDetails : successDetails ) ;
var summary = h ( 'div.summary.' + statusClass , [
versionStatement ( ) ,
browserStatement ( ) ,
h ( 'p' , Messages . _getKey ( 'assert_numberOfTestsPassed' , [
state . passed ,
state . total
] ) ) ,
details ,
] ) ;
var report = h ( '' , [
summary ,
h ( 'div.failures' , errors . map ( failureReport ) ) ,
] ) ;
$progress . remove ( ) ;
$ ( 'body' ) . prepend ( report ) ;
try {
console . log ( 'closing shared websocket' ) ;
shared _websocket . close ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) { console . error ( err ) ; }
try {
console . log ( 'closing shared realtime' ) ;
shared _realtime . network . disconnect ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) { console . error ( err ) ; }
} , function ( i , total ) {
console . log ( 'test ' + i + ' completed' ) ;
completed ++ ;
Messages . assert _numberOfTestsCompleted = "{0} / {1} tests completed." ;
$progress . html ( '' ) . append ( h ( '' , [
versionStatement ( ) ,
h ( 'p' , [
h ( 'i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-pulse' ) ,
h ( 'span' , Messages . _getKey ( 'assert_numberOfTestsCompleted' , [ completed , total ] ) )
] )
] ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;