2019-03-27 16:52:08 +00:00
define ( [
'jquery' ,
'/api/config' ,
'/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js' ,
'/common/toolbar3.js' ,
'/bower_components/nthen/index.js' ,
'/common/sframe-common.js' ,
'/common/hyperscript.js' ,
'/customize/messages.js' ,
'/common/common-interface.js' ,
'/common/common-util.js' ,
2019-06-27 15:08:12 +00:00
'/common/common-hash.js' ,
'/support/ui.js' ,
2019-03-27 16:52:08 +00:00
'css!/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' ,
'css!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css' ,
'less!/admin/app-admin.less' ,
] , function (
$ ,
ApiConfig ,
Crypto ,
Toolbar ,
nThen ,
SFCommon ,
h ,
Messages ,
UI ,
2019-06-27 15:08:12 +00:00
Util ,
Hash ,
2019-03-27 16:52:08 +00:00
var APP = { } ;
var common ;
var sFrameChan ;
var categories = {
'general' : [
'cp-admin-flush-cache' ,
] ,
'stats' : [
'cp-admin-active-sessions' ,
'cp-admin-active-pads' ,
'cp-admin-registered' ,
'cp-admin-disk-usage' ,
2019-06-27 15:08:12 +00:00
] ,
'support' : [
'cp-admin-support-list' ,
2019-03-27 16:52:08 +00:00
} ;
var create = { } ;
var makeBlock = function ( key , addButton ) {
// Convert to camlCase for translation keys
var safeKey = key . replace ( /-([a-z])/g , function ( g ) { return g [ 1 ] . toUpperCase ( ) ; } ) ;
var $div = $ ( '<div>' , { 'class' : 'cp-admin-' + key + ' cp-sidebarlayout-element' } ) ;
$ ( '<label>' ) . text ( Messages [ 'admin_' + safeKey + 'Title' ] || key ) . appendTo ( $div ) ;
$ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'cp-sidebarlayout-description' } )
. text ( Messages [ 'admin_' + safeKey + 'Hint' ] || 'Coming soon...' ) . appendTo ( $div ) ;
if ( addButton ) {
$ ( '<button>' , {
'class' : 'btn btn-primary'
} ) . text ( Messages [ 'admin_' + safeKey + 'Button' ] || safeKey ) . appendTo ( $div ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
create [ 'update-limit' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'update-limit' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key , true ) ;
$div . find ( 'button' ) . click ( function ( ) {
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_UPDATE_LIMIT' , null , function ( e , res ) {
if ( e || ( res && res . error ) ) { return void console . error ( e || res . error ) ; }
UI . alert ( Messages . admin _updateLimitDone || 'done' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
create [ 'flush-cache' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'flush-cache' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key , true ) ;
var called = false ;
$div . find ( 'button' ) . click ( function ( ) {
if ( called ) { return ; }
called = true ;
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_ADMIN_RPC' , {
cmd : 'FLUSH_CACHE' ,
} , function ( e , data ) {
called = false ;
UI . alert ( data ? Messages . admin _flushCacheDone || 'done' : 'error' + e ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
create [ 'active-sessions' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'active-sessions' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key ) ;
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_ADMIN_RPC' , {
} , function ( e , data ) {
var total = data [ 0 ] ;
var ips = data [ 1 ] ;
$div . append ( h ( 'pre' , total + ' (' + ips + ')' ) ) ;
} ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
create [ 'active-pads' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'active-pads' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key ) ;
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_ADMIN_RPC' , {
cmd : 'ACTIVE_PADS' ,
} , function ( e , data ) {
console . log ( e , data ) ;
$div . append ( h ( 'pre' , String ( data ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
create [ 'registered' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'registered' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key ) ;
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_ADMIN_RPC' , {
} , function ( e , data ) {
console . log ( e , data ) ;
$div . append ( h ( 'pre' , String ( data ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
create [ 'disk-usage' ] = function ( ) {
var key = 'disk-usage' ;
var $div = makeBlock ( key , true ) ;
var called = false ;
$div . find ( 'button' ) . click ( function ( ) {
$div . find ( 'button' ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( called ) { return ; }
called = true ;
sFrameChan . query ( 'Q_ADMIN_RPC' , {
cmd : 'DISK_USAGE' ,
} , function ( e , data ) {
console . log ( e , data ) ;
if ( e ) { return void console . error ( e ) ; }
var obj = data [ 0 ] ;
Object . keys ( obj ) . forEach ( function ( key ) {
var val = obj [ key ] ;
var unit = Util . magnitudeOfBytes ( val ) ;
if ( unit === 'GB' ) {
obj [ key ] = Util . bytesToGigabytes ( val ) + ' GB' ;
} else if ( unit === 'MB' ) {
obj [ key ] = Util . bytesToMegabytes ( val ) + ' MB' ;
} else {
obj [ key ] = Util . bytesToKilobytes ( val ) + ' KB' ;
} ) ;
$div . append ( h ( 'ul' , Object . keys ( obj ) . map ( function ( k ) {
return h ( 'li' , [
h ( 'strong' , k === 'total' ? k : '/' + k ) ,
' : ' ,
obj [ k ]
] ) ;
} ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
2019-06-27 15:08:12 +00:00
var supportKey = ApiConfig . supportMailbox ;
create [ 'support-list' ] = function ( ) {
if ( ! supportKey || ! APP . privateKey ) { return ; }
var $div = makeBlock ( 'support-list' ) ;
$div . addClass ( 'cp-support-container' ) ;
var hashesById = { } ;
// Register to the "support" mailbox
common . mailbox . subscribe ( [ 'supportadmin' ] , {
onMessage : function ( data ) {
/ *
Get ID of the ticket
If we already have a div for this ID
Push the message to the end of the ticket
If it ' s a new ticket ID
Make a new div for this ID
* /
var msg = data . content . msg ;
var hash = data . content . hash ;
var content = msg . content ;
var id = content . id ;
var $ticket = $div . find ( '.cp-support-list-ticket[data-id="' + id + '"]' ) ;
hashesById [ id ] = hashesById [ id ] || [ ] ;
if ( hashesById [ id ] . indexOf ( hash ) === - 1 ) {
hashesById [ id ] . push ( data ) ;
if ( msg . type === 'CLOSE' ) {
// A ticket has been closed by the admins...
if ( ! $ticket . length ) { return ; }
$ticket . addClass ( 'cp-support-list-closed' ) ;
$ticket . append ( Support . makeCloseMessage ( common , content , hash ) ) ;
return ;
if ( msg . type !== 'TICKET' ) { return ; }
if ( ! $ticket . length ) {
$ticket = Support . makeTicket ( $div , common , content , function ( ) {
var error = false ;
hashesById [ id ] . forEach ( function ( d ) {
common . mailbox . dismiss ( d , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
error = true ;
console . error ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! error ) { $ticket . remove ( ) ; }
} ) ;
$ticket . append ( Support . makeMessage ( common , content , hash , true ) ) ;
} ) ;
return $div ;
} ;
var checkAdminKey = function ( priv ) {
if ( ! supportKey ) { return ; }
return Hash . checkBoxKeyPair ( priv , supportKey ) ;
} ;
create [ 'support-init' ] = function ( ) {
var $div = makeBlock ( 'support-init' ) ;
if ( ! supportKey ) {
$div . append ( h ( 'p' , Messages . admin _supportInitHelp || "Your server is not configured to have a support mailbox. If you want a support mailbox to receive messages from your users, you should ask your server administrator to run the script located in './scripts/generate-admin-keys.js', store the public key in the 'config.js' file, and send you the private key." ) ) ; // XXX
return $div ;
if ( ! APP . privateKey || ! checkAdminKey ( APP . privateKey ) ) {
$div . append ( h ( 'p' , Messages . admin _supportInitPrivate || "Your CryptPad instance is configured to use a support mailbox but your account doesn't have the correct private key to access it. Please use the following form to add or update the private key to your account" ) ) ; // XXX
var error = h ( 'div.cp-admin-support-error' ) ;
var input = h ( 'input.cp-admin-add-private-key' ) ;
var button = h ( 'button.btn.btn-primary' , Messages . admin _supportAddKey || 'add key' ) ; // XXX
if ( APP . privateKey && ! checkAdminKey ( APP . privateKey ) ) {
$ ( error ) . text ( Messages . admin _supportAddError || 'invalid' ) ; // XXX
$div . append ( h ( 'div' , [
error ,
input ,
] ) ) ;
$ ( button ) . click ( function ( ) {
var key = $ ( input ) . val ( ) ;
if ( ! checkAdminKey ( key ) ) {
$ ( input ) . val ( '' ) ;
return void $ ( error ) . text ( Messages . admin _supportAddError || 'invalid' ) ; // XXX
sFrameChan . query ( "Q_ADMIN_MAILBOX" , key , function ( ) {
console . log ( key ) ;
console . log ( arguments ) ;
APP . privateKey = key ;
console . log ( 'ok' ) ;
$ ( '.cp-admin-support-init' ) . hide ( ) ;
APP . $rightside . append ( create [ 'support-list' ] ( ) ) ; // TODO: check?
} ) ;
} ) ;
return $div ;
return ;
} ;
2019-03-27 16:52:08 +00:00
var hideCategories = function ( ) {
APP . $rightside . find ( '> div' ) . hide ( ) ;
} ;
var showCategories = function ( cat ) {
hideCategories ( ) ;
cat . forEach ( function ( c ) {
APP . $rightside . find ( '.' + c ) . show ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var createLeftside = function ( ) {
var $categories = $ ( '<div>' , { 'class' : 'cp-sidebarlayout-categories' } )
. appendTo ( APP . $leftside ) ;
var metadataMgr = common . getMetadataMgr ( ) ;
var privateData = metadataMgr . getPrivateData ( ) ;
var active = privateData . category || 'general' ;
common . setHash ( active ) ;
Object . keys ( categories ) . forEach ( function ( key ) {
var $category = $ ( '<div>' , { 'class' : 'cp-sidebarlayout-category' } ) . appendTo ( $categories ) ;
if ( key === 'general' ) { $category . append ( $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'fa fa-user-o' } ) ) ; }
if ( key === 'stats' ) { $category . append ( $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'fa fa-hdd-o' } ) ) ; }
2019-06-27 15:08:12 +00:00
if ( key === 'support' ) { $category . append ( $ ( '<span>' , { 'class' : 'fa fa-life-ring' } ) ) ; }
2019-03-27 16:52:08 +00:00
if ( key === active ) {
$category . addClass ( 'cp-leftside-active' ) ;
$category . click ( function ( ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( categories [ key ] ) && categories [ key ] . onClick ) {
categories [ key ] . onClick ( ) ;
return ;
active = key ;
common . setHash ( key ) ;
$categories . find ( '.cp-leftside-active' ) . removeClass ( 'cp-leftside-active' ) ;
$category . addClass ( 'cp-leftside-active' ) ;
showCategories ( categories [ key ] ) ;
} ) ;
$category . append ( Messages [ 'admin_cat_' + key ] || key ) ;
} ) ;
showCategories ( categories [ active ] ) ;
} ;
var createToolbar = function ( ) {
2019-06-03 09:58:49 +00:00
var displayed = [ 'useradmin' , 'newpad' , 'limit' , 'pageTitle' , 'notifications' ] ;
2019-03-27 16:52:08 +00:00
var configTb = {
displayed : displayed ,
sfCommon : common ,
$container : APP . $toolbar ,
pageTitle : Messages . adminPage || 'Admin' ,
metadataMgr : common . getMetadataMgr ( ) ,
} ;
APP . toolbar = Toolbar . create ( configTb ) ;
APP . toolbar . $rightside . hide ( ) ;
} ;
nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
$ ( waitFor ( UI . addLoadingScreen ) ) ;
SFCommon . create ( waitFor ( function ( c ) { APP . common = common = c ; } ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
APP . $container = $ ( '#cp-sidebarlayout-container' ) ;
APP . $toolbar = $ ( '#cp-toolbar' ) ;
APP . $leftside = $ ( '<div>' , { id : 'cp-sidebarlayout-leftside' } ) . appendTo ( APP . $container ) ;
APP . $rightside = $ ( '<div>' , { id : 'cp-sidebarlayout-rightside' } ) . appendTo ( APP . $container ) ;
sFrameChan = common . getSframeChannel ( ) ;
sFrameChan . onReady ( waitFor ( ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( /*waitFor*/ ) {
createToolbar ( ) ;
var metadataMgr = common . getMetadataMgr ( ) ;
var privateData = metadataMgr . getPrivateData ( ) ;
common . setTabTitle ( Messages . adminPage || 'Administration' ) ;
if ( ! privateData . edPublic || ! ApiConfig . adminKeys || ! Array . isArray ( ApiConfig . adminKeys )
|| ApiConfig . adminKeys . indexOf ( privateData . edPublic ) === - 1 ) {
return void UI . errorLoadingScreen ( Messages . admin _authError || '403 Forbidden' ) ;
2019-06-27 15:08:12 +00:00
APP . privateKey = privateData . supportPrivateKey ;
2019-03-27 16:52:08 +00:00
APP . origin = privateData . origin ;
APP . readOnly = privateData . readOnly ;
// Content
var $rightside = APP . $rightside ;
var addItem = function ( cssClass ) {
var item = cssClass . slice ( 9 ) ; // remove 'cp-settings-'
if ( typeof ( create [ item ] ) === "function" ) {
$rightside . append ( create [ item ] ( ) ) ;
} ;
for ( var cat in categories ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( categories [ cat ] ) ) { continue ; }
categories [ cat ] . forEach ( addItem ) ;
createLeftside ( ) ;
UI . removeLoadingScreen ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;