2020-01-24 17:43:11 +00:00
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
const Core = require ( "./core" ) ;
const BatchRead = require ( "../batch-read" ) ;
const Pins = require ( "../pins" ) ;
const Pinning = module . exports ;
const Nacl = require ( "tweetnacl/nacl-fast" ) ;
const Util = require ( "../common-util" ) ;
const nThen = require ( "nthen" ) ;
2020-01-24 18:06:46 +00:00
const Saferphore = require ( "saferphore" ) ;
const Pinned = require ( '../../scripts/pinned' ) ;
2020-01-24 17:43:11 +00:00
//const escapeKeyCharacters = Util.escapeKeyCharacters;
const unescapeKeyCharacters = Util . unescapeKeyCharacters ;
var sumChannelSizes = function ( sizes ) {
return Object . keys ( sizes ) . map ( function ( id ) { return sizes [ id ] ; } )
. filter ( function ( x ) {
// only allow positive numbers
return ! ( typeof ( x ) !== 'number' || x <= 0 ) ;
} )
. reduce ( function ( a , b ) { return a + b ; } , 0 ) ;
} ;
2020-02-10 16:21:04 +00:00
// FIXME it's possible for this to respond before the server has had a chance
2020-01-24 17:43:11 +00:00
// to fetch the limits. Maybe we should respond with an error...
// or wait until we actually know the limits before responding
var getLimit = Pinning . getLimit = function ( Env , publicKey , cb ) {
var unescapedKey = unescapeKeyCharacters ( publicKey ) ;
var limit = Env . limits [ unescapedKey ] ;
var defaultLimit = typeof ( Env . defaultStorageLimit ) === 'number' ?
Env . defaultStorageLimit : Core . DEFAULT _LIMIT ;
var toSend = limit && typeof ( limit . limit ) === "number" ?
[ limit . limit , limit . plan , limit . note ] : [ defaultLimit , '' , '' ] ;
cb ( void 0 , toSend ) ;
} ;
var addPinned = function (
Env ,
publicKey /*:string*/ ,
channelList /*Array<string>*/ ,
cb /*:()=>void*/ )
Env . evPinnedPadsReady . reg ( ( ) => {
channelList . forEach ( ( c ) => {
const x = Env . pinnedPads [ c ] = Env . pinnedPads [ c ] || { } ;
x [ publicKey ] = 1 ;
} ) ;
cb ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var removePinned = function (
Env ,
publicKey /*:string*/ ,
channelList /*Array<string>*/ ,
cb /*:()=>void*/ )
Env . evPinnedPadsReady . reg ( ( ) => {
channelList . forEach ( ( c ) => {
const x = Env . pinnedPads [ c ] ;
if ( ! x ) { return ; }
delete x [ publicKey ] ;
} ) ;
cb ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var getMultipleFileSize = function ( Env , channels , cb ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( channels ) ) { return cb ( 'INVALID_PIN_LIST' ) ; }
if ( typeof ( Env . msgStore . getChannelSize ) !== 'function' ) {
var i = channels . length ;
var counts = { } ;
var done = function ( ) {
i -- ;
if ( i === 0 ) { return cb ( void 0 , counts ) ; }
} ;
channels . forEach ( function ( channel ) {
Pinning . getFileSize ( Env , channel , function ( e , size ) {
if ( e ) {
// most likely error here is that a file no longer exists
// but a user still has it in their drive, and wants to know
// its size. We should find a way to inform them of this in
// the future. For now we can just tell them it has no size.
//WARN('getFileSize', e);
counts [ channel ] = 0 ;
return done ( ) ;
counts [ channel ] = size ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
const batchUserPins = BatchRead ( "LOAD_USER_PINS" ) ;
var loadUserPins = function ( Env , publicKey , cb ) {
var session = Core . getSession ( Env . Sessions , publicKey ) ;
if ( session . channels ) {
return cb ( session . channels ) ;
batchUserPins ( publicKey , cb , function ( done ) {
var ref = { } ;
var lineHandler = Pins . createLineHandler ( ref , function ( label , data ) {
Env . Log . error ( label , {
log : publicKey ,
data : data ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
// if channels aren't in memory. load them from disk
Env . pinStore . getMessages ( publicKey , lineHandler , function ( ) {
// no more messages
// only put this into the cache if it completes
session . channels = ref . pins ;
done ( ref . pins ) ; // FIXME no error handling?
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var truthyKeys = function ( O ) {
return Object . keys ( O ) . filter ( function ( k ) {
return O [ k ] ;
} ) ;
} ;
var getChannelList = Pinning . getChannelList = function ( Env , publicKey , _cb ) {
var cb = Util . once ( Util . mkAsync ( _cb ) ) ;
loadUserPins ( Env , publicKey , function ( pins ) {
cb ( truthyKeys ( pins ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
const batchTotalSize = BatchRead ( "GET_TOTAL_SIZE" ) ;
Pinning . getTotalSize = function ( Env , publicKey , cb ) {
var unescapedKey = unescapeKeyCharacters ( publicKey ) ;
var limit = Env . limits [ unescapedKey ] ;
// Get a common key if multiple users share the same quota, otherwise take the public key
var batchKey = ( limit && Array . isArray ( limit . users ) ) ? limit . users . join ( '' ) : publicKey ;
batchTotalSize ( batchKey , cb , function ( done ) {
var channels = [ ] ;
var bytes = 0 ;
nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
// Get the channels list for our user account
Pinning . getChannelList ( Env , publicKey , waitFor ( function ( _channels ) {
if ( ! _channels ) {
waitFor . abort ( ) ;
return done ( 'INVALID_PIN_LIST' ) ;
Array . prototype . push . apply ( channels , _channels ) ;
} ) ) ;
// Get the channels list for users sharing our quota
if ( limit && Array . isArray ( limit . users ) && limit . users . length > 1 ) {
limit . users . forEach ( function ( key ) {
if ( key === unescapedKey ) { return ; } // Don't count ourselves twice
getChannelList ( Env , key , waitFor ( function ( _channels ) {
if ( ! _channels ) { return ; } // Broken user, don't count their quota
Array . prototype . push . apply ( channels , _channels ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( waitFor ) {
// Get size of the channels
var list = [ ] ; // Contains the channels already counted in the quota to avoid duplicates
channels . forEach ( function ( channel ) { // TODO semaphore?
if ( list . indexOf ( channel ) !== - 1 ) { return ; }
list . push ( channel ) ;
Pinning . getFileSize ( Env , channel , waitFor ( function ( e , size ) {
if ( ! e ) { bytes += size ; }
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( ) {
done ( void 0 , bytes ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
/ * U s e r s s h o u l d b e a b l e t o c l e a r t h e i r o w n p i n l o g w i t h a n a u t h e n t i c a t e d R P C
* /
Pinning . removePins = function ( Env , safeKey , cb ) {
if ( typeof ( Env . pinStore . removeChannel ) !== 'function' ) {
return void cb ( "E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED" ) ;
Env . pinStore . removeChannel ( safeKey , function ( err ) {
Env . Log . info ( 'DELETION_PIN_BY_OWNER_RPC' , {
safeKey : safeKey ,
status : err ? String ( err ) : 'SUCCESS' ,
} ) ;
2020-02-05 18:03:44 +00:00
if ( err ) { return void cb ( err ) ; }
cb ( void 0 , 'OK' ) ;
2020-01-24 17:43:11 +00:00
} ) ;
} ;
Pinning . trimPins = function ( Env , safeKey , cb ) {
} ;
var getFreeSpace = Pinning . getFreeSpace = function ( Env , publicKey , cb ) {
getLimit ( Env , publicKey , function ( e , limit ) {
if ( e ) { return void cb ( e ) ; }
Pinning . getTotalSize ( Env , publicKey , function ( e , size ) {
if ( typeof ( size ) === 'undefined' ) { return void cb ( e ) ; }
var rem = limit [ 0 ] - size ;
if ( typeof ( rem ) !== 'number' ) {
return void cb ( 'invalid_response' ) ;
cb ( void 0 , rem ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var hashChannelList = function ( A ) {
var uniques = [ ] ;
A . forEach ( function ( a ) {
if ( uniques . indexOf ( a ) === - 1 ) { uniques . push ( a ) ; }
} ) ;
uniques . sort ( ) ;
var hash = Nacl . util . encodeBase64 ( Nacl . hash ( Nacl
. util . decodeUTF8 ( JSON . stringify ( uniques ) ) ) ) ;
return hash ;
} ;
var getHash = Pinning . getHash = function ( Env , publicKey , cb ) {
getChannelList ( Env , publicKey , function ( channels ) {
cb ( void 0 , hashChannelList ( channels ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Pinning . pinChannel = function ( Env , publicKey , channels , cb ) {
if ( ! channels && channels . filter ) {
return void cb ( 'INVALID_PIN_LIST' ) ;
// get channel list ensures your session has a cached channel list
getChannelList ( Env , publicKey , function ( pinned ) {
var session = Core . getSession ( Env . Sessions , publicKey ) ;
// only pin channels which are not already pinned
var toStore = channels . filter ( function ( channel ) {
return pinned . indexOf ( channel ) === - 1 ;
} ) ;
if ( toStore . length === 0 ) {
return void getHash ( Env , publicKey , cb ) ;
getMultipleFileSize ( Env , toStore , function ( e , sizes ) {
if ( typeof ( sizes ) === 'undefined' ) { return void cb ( e ) ; }
var pinSize = sumChannelSizes ( sizes ) ;
getFreeSpace ( Env , publicKey , function ( e , free ) {
if ( typeof ( free ) === 'undefined' ) {
Env . WARN ( 'getFreeSpace' , e ) ;
return void cb ( e ) ;
if ( pinSize > free ) { return void cb ( 'E_OVER_LIMIT' ) ; }
Env . pinStore . message ( publicKey , JSON . stringify ( [ 'PIN' , toStore , + new Date ( ) ] ) ,
function ( e ) {
if ( e ) { return void cb ( e ) ; }
toStore . forEach ( function ( channel ) {
session . channels [ channel ] = true ;
} ) ;
addPinned ( Env , publicKey , toStore , ( ) => { } ) ;
getHash ( Env , publicKey , cb ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Pinning . unpinChannel = function ( Env , publicKey , channels , cb ) {
if ( ! channels && channels . filter ) {
// expected array
return void cb ( 'INVALID_PIN_LIST' ) ;
getChannelList ( Env , publicKey , function ( pinned ) {
var session = Core . getSession ( Env . Sessions , publicKey ) ;
// only unpin channels which are pinned
var toStore = channels . filter ( function ( channel ) {
return pinned . indexOf ( channel ) !== - 1 ;
} ) ;
if ( toStore . length === 0 ) {
return void getHash ( Env , publicKey , cb ) ;
Env . pinStore . message ( publicKey , JSON . stringify ( [ 'UNPIN' , toStore , + new Date ( ) ] ) ,
function ( e ) {
if ( e ) { return void cb ( e ) ; }
toStore . forEach ( function ( channel ) {
delete session . channels [ channel ] ;
} ) ;
removePinned ( Env , publicKey , toStore , ( ) => { } ) ;
getHash ( Env , publicKey , cb ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Pinning . resetUserPins = function ( Env , publicKey , channelList , cb ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( channelList ) ) { return void cb ( 'INVALID_PIN_LIST' ) ; }
var session = Core . getSession ( Env . Sessions , publicKey ) ;
if ( ! channelList . length ) {
return void getHash ( Env , publicKey , function ( e , hash ) {
if ( e ) { return cb ( e ) ; }
cb ( void 0 , hash ) ;
} ) ;
var pins = { } ;
getMultipleFileSize ( Env , channelList , function ( e , sizes ) {
if ( typeof ( sizes ) === 'undefined' ) { return void cb ( e ) ; }
var pinSize = sumChannelSizes ( sizes ) ;
getLimit ( Env , publicKey , function ( e , limit ) {
if ( e ) {
Env . WARN ( '[RESET_ERR]' , e ) ;
return void cb ( e ) ;
/ * w e w a n t t o l e t p e o p l e p i n , e v e n i f t h e y a r e o v e r t h e i r l i m i t ,
but they should only be able to do this once .
This prevents data loss in the case that someone registers , but
does not have enough free space to pin their migrated data .
They will not be able to pin additional pads until they upgrade
or delete enough files to go back under their limit . * /
if ( pinSize > limit [ 0 ] && session . hasPinned ) { return void ( cb ( 'E_OVER_LIMIT' ) ) ; }
Env . pinStore . message ( publicKey , JSON . stringify ( [ 'RESET' , channelList , + new Date ( ) ] ) ,
function ( e ) {
if ( e ) { return void cb ( e ) ; }
channelList . forEach ( function ( channel ) {
pins [ channel ] = true ;
} ) ;
var oldChannels ;
if ( session . channels && typeof ( session . channels ) === 'object' ) {
oldChannels = Object . keys ( session . channels ) ;
} else {
oldChannels = [ ] ;
removePinned ( Env , publicKey , oldChannels , ( ) => {
addPinned ( Env , publicKey , channelList , ( ) => { } ) ;
} ) ;
// update in-memory cache IFF the reset was allowed.
session . channels = pins ;
getHash ( Env , publicKey , function ( e , hash ) {
cb ( e , hash ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Pinning . getFileSize = function ( Env , channel , _cb ) {
var cb = Util . once ( Util . mkAsync ( _cb ) ) ;
if ( ! Core . isValidId ( channel ) ) { return void cb ( 'INVALID_CHAN' ) ; }
if ( channel . length === 32 ) {
if ( typeof ( Env . msgStore . getChannelSize ) !== 'function' ) {
return void Env . msgStore . getChannelSize ( channel , function ( e , size /*:number*/ ) {
if ( e ) {
if ( e . code === 'ENOENT' ) { return void cb ( void 0 , 0 ) ; }
return void cb ( e . code ) ;
cb ( void 0 , size ) ;
} ) ;
// 'channel' refers to a file, so you need another API
Env . blobStore . size ( channel , function ( e , size ) {
if ( typeof ( size ) === 'undefined' ) { return void cb ( e ) ; }
cb ( void 0 , size ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
2020-01-24 18:06:46 +00:00
/ * a c c e p t s a l i s t , a n d r e t u r n s a s u b l i s t o f c h a n n e l o r f i l e i d s w h i c h s e e m
to have been deleted from the server ( file size 0 )
we might consider that we should only say a file is gone if fs . stat returns
ENOENT , but for now it ' s simplest to just rely on getFileSize ...
* /
Pinning . getDeletedPads = function ( Env , channels , cb ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( channels ) ) { return cb ( 'INVALID_LIST' ) ; }
var L = channels . length ;
var sem = Saferphore . create ( 10 ) ;
var absentees = [ ] ;
var job = function ( channel , wait ) {
return function ( give ) {
Pinning . getFileSize ( Env , channel , wait ( give ( function ( e , size ) {
if ( e ) { return ; }
if ( size === 0 ) { absentees . push ( channel ) ; }
} ) ) ) ;
} ;
} ;
nThen ( function ( w ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < L ; i ++ ) {
sem . take ( job ( channels [ i ] , w ) ) ;
} ) . nThen ( function ( ) {
cb ( void 0 , absentees ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// inform that the
Pinning . loadChannelPins = function ( Env ) {
Pinned . load ( function ( err , data ) {
if ( err ) {
Env . Log . error ( "LOAD_CHANNEL_PINS" , err ) ;
// FIXME not sure what should be done here instead
Env . pinnedPads = { } ;
Env . evPinnedPadsReady . fire ( ) ;
return ;
Env . pinnedPads = data ;
Env . evPinnedPadsReady . fire ( ) ;
} , {
pinPath : Env . paths . pin ,
} ) ;
} ;
Pinning . isChannelPinned = function ( Env , channel , cb ) {
Env . evPinnedPadsReady . reg ( ( ) => {
2020-02-07 17:53:12 +00:00
if ( Env . pinnedPads [ channel ] && Object . keys ( Env . pinnedPads [ channel ] ) . length ) { // FIXME 'Object.keys' here is overkill. We only need to know that it isn't empty
2020-02-05 22:31:44 +00:00
cb ( void 0 , true ) ;
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} else {
2020-02-07 17:53:12 +00:00
delete Env . pinnedPads [ channel ] ;
2020-02-05 22:31:44 +00:00
cb ( void 0 , false ) ;
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} ) ;
} ;